
FAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 8, 1927 ஒய யயயயயயயய யம MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS tried make its self governing. To this end coodina.
Workman Stationery Store Spagina Por experts, and means JOB. PRINTING torie build ogs care was the WORKMAN PRINTERY Weekly London Letter indiviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii King George, Lost Dr. David Smith (BY ANDREW BLACKMOORE)
in Fog, Cets Home THE ATTENTION Late for Dinner SNAKE BITE REMEDIES The Imperial Conference, Dr. Smith the SnakeThis year Imperial Con OFLondon, Dec Dinner, even bite Specialist of Guabito, ference has been an unusually in Bucking bam Palace, is some Bocas del Toro, begs to businesr like affair Toe Pretimes delayed by the eccentricimiers have all got down to the Friendly Societies and Secret Orders ties of job, and Mr. Bald win bas bisted soup for Cogland famous pea offer his professional service to any patient. Wherever that the Conference is in a fair IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF Returning (by automobile from found, his snake bite remeway to reach tisfactory agree. day shooting visit at Chilton dies have never failed to ment on the subject of Dominion near Hungerford, Berkshire the status and the political relations bome of Sir John Ward and effect a speedy cure. The between the li govsrning parts bis wife formerly Miss Jorn Doctor also specializes in of the Empire, Spec fic details Whitela Reid of New. York, other complaints such as Urihave been thoroughly thrashed King George ran into a denso fognary Troubles, Chronic Uiout. Treaty making rights, bank on the Great West Rad.
cers and Obstinate Coughs.
The royal chauffeur Privy Council Appeale, extrato territorial jurisdiction and DipShould you need his pro detour, but found himselt lomatic representa:ion of tre londering hopelessly in the fessional services, do not fail Dominions have all been passed Suitable for Lodge Business murk, and bs riyal naster had to write or come to the Docin review and agreement reach to exercise patience wbile be tor personally when you can The position upheld that grouped bis way along be gas be cured.
th: Brisb Empire is indisso.
edge of the road.
Address: la zly one, and, with that fre lv AT THE The situation was no without o everyone of lits perils, for there are extreme. DR. DAVID SMITH parts enjoys ly dangerous anlighted stretcnes absolute autonomy on the Great West Road, and Guabito Bocas del Toro Specialist a trae balance has been sought there bad been several bad between what freedom permits smashes during the last foggy Republic Panama.
economic sphere complex tech agoragago. man piano co go agasalang araw arapan parano ang maar aas ang anumang traie period.
and what unity implies. Ia tbe Lic problems bave ben studied As it was, it made his Majesty somewbat late for dinner, WILKINSON for improvement in prodo of of Aucts within the Expire. The House of Lords Adopt Contractor Overseas Settlement Committee bas made a survey of the wide Ban on Divorce News and Builder field of migration problems, and considerable number of other Committees have also tendered LORD BURNHAM LAMENTS HE 13 House No. 20 valuable advice and reports on a LONDON SOLE REMAINING bost of imperial problems.
Of every description NEWSPAPER PROPRIETOR.
28th NOV. STREET, SAN MIGUEL The House of Parliament LABOUR WARS DEPLORE DONE WITH NEATNESS AND Box 411, Panama, R, Lord Weir Points to Bitain memorandan recently published on the condition of DESPATCH 2, 500. 000, Jobless and Urges Plans and Specifications Free the stonewk of the Houses of Truce to Save ladustry.
Parliament shows that tbese his.
bave suffered First Class Workmanship Lamentably from decay. This is Londoa Doc. 14. Mombers of due to two main causes. lo ih AT THE the House of Lords tonight, on Satisfaction Guaranteed first place sufficient the second reading of the bill to apparantly not taken in chos.
probibit publication of divorce ing the stone when court evidence, listenes t) the DAVID LEON, LL.
Houses were built; ani the poly remaining individual proatmospheric impurities of Loprietor of a daily newspaper in ABOGADO don bav played bavoc with all London Attorney at Law weak spots. In any case the Lord Burnbam, who owns The type of stone used, Anston mag nesian limestone, bas cerain Daily Telegraph, as his father did before bim, represented Office: 175 Central Avenue characteristic defects which himself as a sort of Crusoe make it opsuitable for such am.
stranded in a sea of syldications Telephone 1015 Panama bitious building and alrealy audience, the present private The Solicitor General bas ments have been, or are ready to nearly 200 tons of loosa fra British Broadcasting service is very absurdly tbat it would Box 1002 Ancon, Canal Zone to be taken over by Royal be a good thing if this bill bill De repaired or removed, aní Charter by a public body the brougbt proprietors of news. With Licenses to Practice before altimately a stile greater quantity tion. The supreme British Broadcasting Corporaeme authority over papers more in in contact the Courts of Panama and the employees, he be observed Unforton 80.
ely, no practicable the new state enterprise will be Canal Zone. There are no proprietors of bas yet been discovered the Postmaster General, and preventing decay: but for the him will be salaried left in pewe holy survival of the this country am a Governors. Certain restrictions work it is believed that which were imposed upon the repair newspaper proprietor and am Dentist Howell stone of the London tmssphere which AND the only one of my class, so far and yet not too hard for regarding the as know, in the whole metroelaborate carving involvod in in dissemination Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 area.
80 that tbe polita Corporaares Gouble detail. bs HOUSE 912, LA BOCA CANAL ZONE.
the Sianolifte stone now being ion will be free to collect news Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages inime for general release. This at Darley Dale ta lead to interesting developments.
may as they are to be visited on proprietors, will fil on my un. Opposite the Restaurant)
hire. scheme of resto AL is therefore proposed, to At the moment the intention is Lord Burnbam continued that Office Hours: a. to p. twelve Summary of Contents: years and broadcast services at the the bill was really propaganda to to pm estimated to cost 1, 062, 850. In same bours as is now done by induce the world to believe that History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years)
actual money this is more than an the company, but if an uptoDAILY Britain was moral by covering is balt the original cos. but to date news service developed, Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, immoralities with silence. He did it seems natural to Tebu ld the Houses of Parliament och expect that PHONE 1941 BALBOA would cost will over released. So far is frems of not object, because be did not Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Important news should believe that Britain was more Specializes in all the branches 12 000. 000.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, or less moral than other coun.
of Dentistry controversial or propagandist material is concerned, it is to be Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual tries, and be thought it was only Mammoth fair that if the procadillos of the Air Liner rigorously excluded; and no Players FLOWERS advertisements are to be broadpoor were agreed.
Som. dtails of new cast, The Government, of cousse, Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and BY THE SILENCE OF THEIR Brilah airships now in course of reserves the right to take over OBSCURITY, Abogado. Attorney at Law construction were publisbed on Interesting he whole system in case of those of the rich should be OFFICE: No. 44. ST the occasion of the visit of th national emergency. It is a must covered by the silence of law. BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY Dominion Premiers to Cardir gton interesting experiment in GovPrice 50cts.
The morality or immorality of TELEPHONE No. 1377 on Novembar the sixteenth. One ernmental activity in a very both classes, be thougbt, was in of these is the RLOL which is povel field, and one capable of truth, on a par. The danger was Practicing before all the courts of being built for the lodia route great developments.
that Britain causes celebres She is desigred to carry one Secure yours now there will be a great rush the Republic since April 1914 hundred passengers and ten tons would still be extensively reof malls. She will bave rooms for Smokers fayoured on the for them, ported in American newspapers even if prohibited in Eaglish ones HENRY FORD LATEST dances and games, a lounge aos Underground.
smoking room, electric hits from Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN The immense increase in the The movement recently, initia ACHIEVEMENT deck to deck, a dining room to number of smokers, especially Panama ted in Britain for sort of indus.
seat fifty people at trial League of Nations to solve time, and among women, has led to a kitchens capable of proparing six complete change of custom so Britain serious economic proA Press despatch from St.
blems was heartily supported by Joba N. dated December course dinners. Her speed will far as the London Underground be 70 miles per hour at 000 railways are concerned. We have Lord Weir, himself one of the 8, says:feer, and she will have a general foremost manufac Purchase of an iron ore mide, cru si 18 speed of 63 miles per special compartments of trains always been used to seeing turers. He pointed his ad vice bs at Snow Pood Conception Bay hour with CALL IN AT painting a terrible picture range of 4, 000 in les singled out for smokers by the of the for, 20, 000 by Henry Ford, ber items of interest wb of British productivi Detroit automobile hwanufactar.
bave been published (we gather ap on windows and doors, Now Smoking being posted ty. Unemployment. he said was er was reported here today.
that some of the most interesting this is to be reversed. The nearly twice as as great as in the The mine, wbich has not been are being bept secret) are with non smokers are to be labelled!
worst pre war year. Two and a operat for several years, was ex regard to her size and engine Further, another ten per cent of halt million people were now on amined by experts last summer, It power. She is to b: a giant ar compartments are to be devoted poor law relief, yet nət even this is said diamond drill equiptment giantess 730 feet talenath, 130 to the smokers, leaving only material collapse was as bad as is been shipped from the United feet la diameter, and 141) ieet in thirty per cent of ger eral accom the moral collapse in industry States by the new owner in prewill The unfortunate unemployed peration for la resumption of modation to burn beavy gas oil toenescblic wbich does not indulge in the to that part of the pubwere being dazzled by Socialist wining in the year future.
one will develop about 600 horse tobacco habit. Ia this connection No. 93, Central Avenue promises of securing better power. This alrabip, we are told. few figures on the amount of things by legielation when every will be to the skies what the tobacco consumed in the Unit intelligent belng knew trialists of all classes to save Majestic liner is to the ocean economic law was stronger than industry, which gave them their ASSORTMENT OF Kingdom are instructive and parliamentary law. The trade living, Interesting. In 1910 there were unions 89, 974, 690 become forcing Such a meeting of peacemaBroadcasting houses for class warfare. kers, sald Lord Weir, migb: ed for consumption by the Da the first of January next. Briush public; in 1925 this bad Lord Weir urged the procla change the appalling fact that mation of a truce in industrial 100, 000 more workers produced after four years of work in increased to 133, 554, 704 lbs;1 SOUVENIRS, war, a moratorium during which from 12 to 20 percent, lees for wbieb two million license holders the increase last year being political claptrap should be used 4, 000 000 more people than twel.
have been secured as a regular about 6, 000, 000 ibe!
for an informal council of induve y ars ago.
said will have 10 STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History the There With meib under fise news are to be has been ia far dhe penalties, therefore, so bead alone. be spread Over to day two country which notice Siekly sta state The Workman BOOK STORE beight Her five that bb. of tobacco impie GOOD STATIONERY bad


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