
SOS cos DRAFT OF ADDRESS 9751, Public Service Garage THOMAS LOMBARD, Prop.
Agent for the famous WILLYS KNIGHT AND OVERLAND CARS Duco Painting Repair. Accessories and Storage HAPPY NEW YEAR.
feelings of sits paid to this island NOTICE GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATESPERANZA LAUNDRY Eası 20th.
To be Presented to their Install Officers for the Royal Highnesses The Duke Ensuing Term And Duchess of York at Jamaica AI regular Summoned meeting eld at Court Pacitie At recent sitting of the le No. 9751, Grove Hall, gislative Council the Select ComLa Boca, on Monday night mittee presented the draft address January 3rd, 1927, the following which it is recommended should be Brothers were installed in their presented to their Royal Highness aspective offices for the term the Duke and Duchess of York on January to June 30 1927 the occasion of their visit to the Bros. Walters, Chief island in January: Ranger; Cyril Atberley. SubThe address is as follows: Chiel Ranger; Eastmond, Treasurer (re elected) Robt.
To their Royal Highoess, the Duke and Duchess of Atherley, Secretary (re elected. McCarthy, Senior Woodward; York, Corbio, Junior Woodward. May it please Your Highness: Sector Beadle; The people of Jamaica hereJ.
by tender to Your Royal HighSaunior Beadle.
At the of the ceremony ness a warm and hearty welthe brother paired to tbe come to this ancient and loyal Banquet Room and partook of colony.
the scial Advantag 8, where They desire to convey thro: various toasts were made.
ugh you the expression of The visit og Brethren were: their unswerving loyalty and Bros. Cliford Jarvis and J, devotion to Their Most GraPolack, C, Rs of Court Land cious The King and Queen, No. 8446; G, Marsball and recalling with gratDouglas, Coort Miserva No. 9384. Merritt, itude and appreciation the vi.
by His Smith, Small and Jerome Conway, Rs of.
934 Panama Street ascended Malisty, before he Throne, and in particular Court Mizpah N9298; Macauley the occasion Bayne and G, Alfred Rouget, PHONE: OLD ny formally opened the Inter.
when His Majes. Rs of Court Paradise No.
1667 Bal boa STABLES national Exhibition held in 9292 and Steer, Jamaica in the year 1891 as 0: Court Avantic No 9914 and the Representative of Her late aus oibers.
00 Sex XOCX06Skesks SSSSXS:20 SSSSSS KKSS seres Majesty Queen Victoria of Blessed Memory Installation They are also mindful of the visit paid by your Royal Highness the Duke of York At Life Law Benevolent Jamaics in the year 1913 to when as a sailor Prince, you Friendly Society moved among them and by WATCH BUYERS your gracious manner and In the presence of a fair sized kindly courtesy won the hearts gathering of enthusiastic mem.
of all His Majesty subjects bers the installation of the in the island.
offisers elected to guide the It is the fervent wisband destiny of the Life Law Benehope of all classes of the comvolent Friendly Society for the munity that the short stay January cember 1927 terms was carried through in all solem DON IMPORT WATCHES.
of Your Royal Highnesses here will be happy and enjoy nity at their meeting place, Foture Hope Lodge able. They are glad that you We can sell them to you wali be afforded and opportunStreet, last To. President, evening cheaper in many cases than ity of some of the you can obtain them with naturales which adorn Gitteus the installing the added advantage of NO this fair island, and they hope master, was at his usual bigb standard of efficiency and his RISK OF DISSATISFACthat you will be able to realize cbarges to the various ofticers as TION since you can see the how deep is the attachment of its people to the Royal House they took the oath were sublimely article before paying for it. and how ready they are at all impressive. He was ably as sisted Dependable Timepieces to times to serve the Empire by Bro. O. Headley. Chairman of the Arbitration Committee, suit every member of your faithfully.
bo performed the duties of family can be had at The Colonial Secretary has given notice that at the next meetAt the close of the ceremony FULLER ing of the Council he would move that the address should be apseveral sbort but interesting talks were given on th: good 122 Central Ave. proved.
and welfare of th: Society, the female mmb. rs get ng off to a good start in tbis direction for the New Year. few renditions Pan American England Warned by team of musicians from Professor Nibbs aggregation and Twenty Eight FilipiAgainst Copying copious dranght of SHOE REPAIR GO.
WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR famous brew brought an enjoyanos Mutinied London.
20 Central Ave.
ble and interesting evening to a December 18 Eogland must not copy American Next door Alcaldia industrial methods too closely is The Officers installed wertOn Colombia Placed the opinion of Sir Harold Bowden, Bro. Dödson, president free in Local Jail Shoes Repaired while bicycle magpate, who has elected) Bro.
Alexander No hot irons or special combs required recently returned from a trip to Sanchez, vice president. Bro, you wait to Merica C, Austin, secretary (re elect. d)
Twen y sight Filipinos, mem do not write in an envious Sis. Irene Henry, assi, secretary SOLD IN DRUG STORES bers of the crew of the SS OLD SHOES MADE TO spirit Sir Harold declared (re elected) Bro. DDier, Colombia which arrived am filled witbadmiration for recording Secretary, Bro E, Balboa two weeks ago LOOK LIKE NEW much of of what saw. But no Nelson, treasurer (re elected)
placed in the Balboa jail im and the following as trustees, Englisbman can feel sure, when mediately after the ship landed FICE, Manager be looks at the conditions of Bro. Alexander Brown (rehere for having mutinied at American industry and the elected. Sis. Amelia Brooms EL GAITERO sea, it was and Sis. Mary King.
increasingly low standard of in99 telligence demanded of the majiTHE ONLY ELABORATED reportaia Judson of the good ship rity of its workers, that the prosmembers of the of that great sell supporles crew for violating the ship regula Marvelous Success in ting continent is solidly founded.
Guban Planters Prefer Spanish Cider with its tions their fellow countrymen walked out after he had refused to the treatment of It is as bad for pations as for Antillians To Jamaicans individuals to gain the whole repeal the sentence meted out to world own Carbonic Acid at the cost of their own the former, and left the passeng rs Gonorrhoea and Gleet to wait on tnemselves, strikIn the Jamaica GLEANER of the ers, however, decided to return to Relieves the most obstinate Sir Harold Bowdentia:s that if 30th December there appears the work on the third day, it is said, case in three days there were ever a decline in following: but was refused permission where prosperity in America democracy tbere might have gelther the Havana, Dec. 20 More than 30, it is alleged that they armer FOR SALE AT THE character Dor the stability to 000 Antillian labourers will be on themselves wen pons and weather the storm.
hand for cane cutting purposes and threatened passengers, They were PHARMACY The lack of a system of apwork arog speedily disarmed and locked opening of the coming zafra, accord URETIC AND REFRESHING and on arrival at Balboa were 149 Central Avenue, Panama prenticeship in America and the Trade Mark ing to a statement yesterday by Se.
turned over to the Police. The fact that unskilled labourers earn Phone 825 cretary of Agriculture Manuel Colombia took on a new crew at so much be believes will produce Delgado, after an interview with AND AT VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ, Cristobal and continued on her Dr. Rafael Sanchez Abilli, trip to New York. The accused THE NEW DRUG STORE There is already a deartb be president of the sugar commission VILLAVICIOSA men include waiters, pantrymen, says, of craftsmen and America 5th and Street, Colon So far, 21, 000 of these immigrants SPAIN scullerymen and some members of relles for its technical skill very have arrived, and with the entry of the Orchestra.
Phono 403 largely upon men who are tempfurther numbers authorized by ted from Britain by the promise presidential decree, the number ESTEBAN DURAN The men were arraingned in the of far bigber wages than they available will exceed 30, 000.
can get here The planters, ers, according to SOLE GENT Baloa District Court on the folHowever, Sir Harold urges General Delgado show preference louis Thursday, on information the adoption of Henry Ford for Antillians from For the Republic of Panama British filed by the Assistant District Why pay double price ruthless efficiency as a means possessions other than Jamaica.
Attorney of the Canal Zove. The for interior imported of recovering Britain industrial Jamaican labour, the planters say, defendants were represented by At Boer when you can Standlog.
is unsatisfactory authorislog the Vertientes Sugar Palma, Hatillo, Cupey, Santa Aoa. torney Carrington. On a state buy a superior Beer MORE ANTILLIANS to enter 1, 500 Antillans for Cen America, Alto Cedro and Oriente ment to the court that they were not such as BALBOA for Rent Receipt Books in SP2 The President upon the recom tral Vertientes and Agramonte: the and the Camaguey Sugar Co. to prepared to plead their case, trial was half the price. sh and English for sale at the mendation of the Agriculture Cuban Dominican Sugar Co to enter 500 Antillians for Central deferred for the 8th instant and bail fixed for each at 500.
Workman Printery Department has signed decrees enter 3, 000 Antillians for Centrals Estrella, Pilar and Camagüey.
Herald Only First Class Ones Need Apply Balboa close.
Contra Crespo at were reported reported that after he had discipla Electric Injection perity Boule The Cider Champagne upon with barmful results.


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