p. 8


Dot news Exciting Races pendabld meantime the Unit 118 and Cococho forces hu led llio; o and general Government coming from local of force on Ni mity and politician life and tights. and the visionery eryn of warught buong banyak La:t Sunday Races The Big Fight ToThe Nicaraguan Tomorrow Races, morrow Night Situation.
What promises Raul Espinosa Abel made his genuinely snappy and interesting de at at Juan Franco Park last Everything is in readiness for The Nicaraguan revolutionary program of entertainment is the Sunday afternoon in an eight race the big fight at the Bull Ring affairs whether the Diaz fuetion Jockey Club race card fer program, since arriving from the tom vrrow night, when José Lom which is recognized by the United tomorrow afternoon at Juan Unitei States a few weeks ago. bardo the local tistic idol and States Goverament; or Sacasa Franco Park. There are He was matched agaiost Pierrot Spencer Gardner, one of and Frou Frou over seven tulongs best boys in his class, from the the TOMORROW which is recognized by the Mexican going to be olne races not even Government as well as some other elght! The program is made up but ran second, the race being States with a record sbowing won by Pierrot witb Frou Frou that be b: got the goods. As American countries; will ultimately of but seven races, three for win out, and what is likely to taking third place. Abel was for Lombardo, well, everyone native horses and four for inSunday January 9th, 1927 consequent upon either party winported thoroughbreds and, with badly outrun but he was apparent in Panama kaows woat b) pecks ning out have demanded the exception to the last race which ly Dot in foru, Tuis was the in a pair of mitts when he puts attention of all sections of the enters Celia at 126 lbs against feature race for the aftroon.
them on and slips under the Isthmus during the past as well as Marcela 124, Garzona Cueceba won the first race of the ropes: so not sed.
117, JUAN FRANCO TRACK the present week. Both the As. o. Rolando 111, Revoltosa lil, five furlongs for class dative horses, beating Mayara, Feno. wbit too soon, as lang had lecome poe siated and United Presses have Tigre 109 and Dixie 108, none of been furnishing interesting as will the events will feature more meco, Candlewood and Ch qal gun to get despondent fearlig as exciting from Loth fac than six entries.
who tinished in the o Nicaragua wbera each is The mutuals paid 73 on ca in the game had vanished fron the Istomus. But that was not the claiming to represent the beat is booked to take a 126 lbs and to the winner.
case, bwever, Sol. the most Meelab, in the third race of terest of their country, In the ron six furlongs against Linda States Gov. 123. nown 118 pro. Dolor, just furlongs for class Deimporte could not pu his hand on the ernment have sent naval forces to 117; while Fero and pud eromena, Harold, 88 90 in the mutuals the biggest has mider fair start, it is to the disturbed coutry, srd these Almi ante and Repulse will face rgot material, and now that he Races for Imported horses have been recently ordered the barrier to run five furlongs imp sum paid on a investment ho el thit he will keep the ball augnien ed to the strength of for the second race.
the afternoon, Chomb.
for tb fourues ps cruisers, des and for Native bred Ponies The third race will also be Gordo, Lucero, Coburg and Celia of the unaoly art of seli defence troyers and one submarine tender, over five farlongs and will bring bed in the oder nam Spencer Gurdur whom prowith a complement of 2, 300 men out Fap with top weight of With Dudoso scratched, Bəmincluding 500. moter I bought down hers as marines ba. Brave Lastie and Ocurrencia a reputed representativ, in his 126, Indian 113. Candlewoud 111, With Mexic AN AFTERNOON OF GOOD RACING ins orihe Mexiesin Mayara 105 Chiqui 104 and Zapa in the roa: thrace of five class, will enter the ring tou o: ran Government lending aid in arms 92 furlongs for class lapirud row nigat with quit. lot of to the Sacasa faction, Diaz Gov Mi z, Vittoria, Kitty Girl, berser. Brave Lissie wib contidence i, bimself: bis Rain or Shine ernment is now permitted to pure Belle Sauvage and Perkins up got a good start and support re, as well as the Istbchase Translate arm from the United are booked to foilow in a 6t furheld ber own to the bome stretch mian fans, will also be proud of States.
when Moore brought up Davieg a tighter with such a long competition: abd Araucana, at teir fie speed. got on clean record exchanging wallops While it is persistently printed Ocurencia, Capoul, Blandina, even terms wi the ader with the local idol. And which out by the United States Govert Lucero and Arlequin will next ADMISSION and suce eded in ating ber ever way the result of the enment that United States inter tak: the field to run five furlong wib ucbase.
counter favours it is believed vention in Nicarague is purely a in wbat appears to be the feaClo Clo won the eixth event of th it a air of satisfaction Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. matter of protecting American, iar ture event of the afternoon.
that tive furlongs for class Cimported will b; In the sixth race there will be breathəd.
hors frou a fi la of six. cky Al ho tight enthusiasts have ser according to general Meelab, Clo Cio, Burla and Pierrol oa Cho Cto apparently not been given a char ce to keep sea timent contained in to take the start over fouled xi wb was ridden bs in DON MISS IT news received here, as well aestved forlogs.
bo poper form for a long time, Perkins, near the finisliox indica uons are that nothing is quarters is There is no indication Clo Clo was, bow ver, to disquali contg to prevent a rush for seats bing so and maintaining to large a naral smooth and Soappy borse racing but an ified as the Stowards decidd. at araguans At least from a not too lengthy prothat Pierrola was trving to keep at the popular Bull Ring tomorbis mount from forcing Clo (1) 1) be an interesting exchange of Magnetism And row night. is one news item popped in, in which gram.
Great Britain is said to bave to the rails.
The seventh and eighth reces 40 establish fact. The quis the science of using the arms is appruved the United States car furlongs for class natives tion now is: how mar (Continued from page 1)
agusu policy and supporting wia Dr. Wendehake and tanjongs for closesc Ima to ti ze the opportunity of wit country. for he was an English Negro and nnwelcomed cy in that all di lomncies many are going is known as lier dollar diplomaMEDICAL CLINIC. were won by Fap ad a game Al quin, respectivele among the English.
more or less dollar diplorary 7, 025 Front Street Colon special train from Colon will new betting tax of bio per over the fans from the Garvey contribution. If they can be organized for so fanci oported that forces bien la radinigus Negroes the world over can be organized. That is At the sam tine it hus ten OPPOSITE RR STATION on was Atlan id end indica PHONE 11 introduced at this meet in con tions it is expected that there ful and foolish a purpose as an attempt to go back to Africa Nistragna Ethat capital is now United States Managua, pliance with a recent Law passed is got og to be some crowd board they can be organized to advance and defend their econo breathing by the National the first time in SPARKLETS. Assembl.
ing tbat irain, caused some amount of diseatis Africa for the Africans could move them, they may be As a member of the Central laction Continued from page 1)
influenced by the more attainable proposition of To every American States Panama is not at present giving any officiel status is. That status will then be OFFICIAL PROGRAM. Quiet Moving of Ne man the fruits of his own labour.
Negroes the world over can be organized and should be situation, as it now has its hands commence to pay more attention pronouncement on the Nicaraguan easily, established, for we will (Continued from pige a mighty power for labour movements and all other move ful smoothing out complications to our owa business; to stop bela proceed in the minister car, with ments of the under dogs to emancipate themselves and created by the new iminigratioa boring (while not forgetting) how Law and discussing the new much we have done for some ot ber escort, aci ompanied by the staff in ISES THE QUESTION AS to others.
Panama United States treaty.
WHETHEC GARVEYITES ARE people; to do into ourselves in our Canal Zooe machines.
own little ways wbat we would like His departure will be made a PRECEDING THEIR LEADER 40. and then be will proceel to the the more advanced peoples to do President Palace where he will unto us; we will then be able to According to the New York Age Musicale At St. Paul observe other correctly that ell upon the President of the To morrow.
people, besides public. He will leave the minis. there is a migration of colored men ourselves, are for car at the boundary liat mea. Li eria, Africa. More than a dozzo and women from Nex Yor to classed as undesirables but that the change to merabers of their rooks are able to To morrow afternoon at o command some of the best things clock the Christmas Musical Pro. and conditions bera on account of the President coach in which he have gone in the pist three months wil continue to the Palace skin with them bonsehold goods Regular Assortment of gram wbich was rendered by the their stabilized and well recognized luncheon will be given a lothing and all seem o be wtli Oncir of St. Paul and the Panas progressive status.
12, 30 by the President in honor of apoli with money Taere is a Their Royal Highuesses.
that these wa Symphony Orchestra will be suspicion repeated in the Churcb.
The hours between two and fou emigrants are Garveyites wh) have silver offering will be taken been supplied with Panama Corporation will be alloted to private engage money and are SUCH AS at the door and it is expected ments. The Renown will soil from wally going to prepare a place for their leader who expects soon to be Balboa between four and six, that a large audience wiil assem TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAN, SALVE, ble to enjoy the music.
London, Dee The foreshadoreleased from the Federal prison wed progress report is now issued The West Indian Americans who TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, by the Panami Corporation the SOUTH AFRICAN. have already gone we e mostly la SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
borers and unskilled mechanics Disastrous Fire 1, 500, 000 company floated in (Continued from page who have to work from day to day Details are given of prospecting World and copies of the Work for a living yet they were able to Santiago de Cuba their operations a passage which several properties ers Heraud tbe latter paper pub amounts to abjut 500 and 250 are reported and lished in Johannesburg and edited which has to be left with the Li 93 CENTRAL AVENUE encouraging is used Santiago de Cuba, Dec. 27 more than oice in the report, but by Clements Kadalie berian government upon entering Letters were found on accused the country, Panama City.
large fire which broke out in the he. e is in our opinion nothing at addressed to him by the Negro There has always been a mystery co nn ercial district of Santiago de this stage to indicate that the World, and also from ubn, ou the night of the 26th Corporation shares are worth even ai to wbat became of the nearly Clements Kada ie a king bim to 2, 000, 000 collected by the ember last, destrnyed a whole the present nominal market quota.
orgnize the black workers on the vatious organizations of the Gur(block including several Wation of 10s per share.
houses. The loss calculated at same lines as had been done in vey movement. Mr. Garvey has South Africa, Pussiges were read dec ared he is a poor man but there CHURCH SERVICES p. Church Schol two million dollars. Amongst the ia court from bob papers litera has always been a su picion that 7. 80 Choral Burperor Aediese important places totally destroyed Past Chief Rangers Courig ture which the judge describes a has funds deposited in a forcigo Mr. Ob mne Catechint were the large irunmonger store of most pernicious.
Firsi Sunday After Epiphany Sabater Co. Wilson WareSt, Matthlas Mission Members of the Panama Patt house. in Jaguey Street, Henry Chiet Rangers Court are asked It was suggested by the Crown AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCB LAS SABANAS that accused hd come to Nyasa Cloy Tobacco Warehouse, Al bear in mind that their first land from Biera with the object IN HIS ANNUAL. Anglican Catholie. Rev. NIGHTENGALE, me das Warehouse, containing fifty meeting for 1927 will take place spreading the doctrines St. Paul Church, Panama Priest in Charge.
thousand bags of sugar; also Sthe next Thursday the 14th instant dalie organ: wellknown buoking office of the a ibeir usual meeting place No p. Church Schol Continued from page His honour had some remark (Røv, Nightengale, Rootor. 30 pm Evensong Mr. Ric. Webster Line was totally destroy 45 Salidonis Road. Court to pass on the Governmint poli with a strong appeal for American a. Holy Communion Rector arde Catechist.
ed, besides several smaljer cales nerva Hall) City.
cy regarding missio work in ideals, declara in every truth. 10. 15 a. Matin Mr. Atwell, and gasoline deposits. The hea viest Everybody is requested to We need ideals that can be Catecbist.
insurance was with the Yorkshire tuin out on time.
You might have suppo b followed in daily life, at can be 10 30 a. Holy Eucbariet sermon, St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Insurance Co. of London.
said, that the mission to which translated into terms of home. The Rector It is a good message, we phrased, 12 noon Holy Baptism, Amerion Episoopal (Anglican Comyou addressed yoor pap re (the Seventh Day Adventist Mi sion) and shows that as far as business p. Musicale by Choir and orcher was recognized and encouraged bs shoes Meld in hand; he advances Mc.
Copiidge has the situa tra.
Holy Communion 30 am. The St. Simon Mission, Gamboa Why pay double price the local Government tios 30 Choral Evensong Sermon Rector.
for interior imported If that mission was allowed by no definite plan, but be lieves The Rector.
St. Barnabas Church, Emp te Holy Baptism 30 am, the Goverament here to rate ou in his ideals and says that Beer when you can Matins and Address, Church Matins Address li a. m, Mr.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso you might have thought that you throuzh this emancipation from Hunter, Lay Reader.
School and Evening Prayer will le buy a superior Beer should also be allowed to carry the thinks that are material we CANAL ZONE.
Church School pm.
beld at the above named Churches on.
broaden our dominion over the such as BALBOA for (Rov. A, NIGHTENGALE, Choral Evensong, sermon 30 at the usual hour by the Lay Read Accused was commended for things that are spiritual S, end Priest in Charge.
The Rector.
ers half the price.
deportation at the end of his period the reading of The President 81. Holy Communion and sermon MULCARE, Rector.
JT MULOARE Priest in Charge.
of imprisonment.
groes to Liberia Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products At April.
pay for The Workman Printery the word y results one Nyasaland. סופגש Message


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