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PANAMA, SATURDAY JANUARY 15TH 1927 PRICE CENTS U. PANAMA LABOUR Dastardly Murder in West Indians at Cuba TREATY CONDITIONS District of San Miguel Regarded as Uutortu In South Afrien Debar Petition Government for Lands Man Stabbed to Death by Jealous To Embark in Fruit Growing in Husband in Early Morning Provinces of Camaguey and League of Nations Nativos From Certain Jobs.
from able sue of 000oca and the bitter Geneva, December 22. The United States Poia Treaty tn over the sigunture prers despatel froin Washing.
considered by Lnague Officials, in states that over in Sovih the light of what they have heard Africa dractie lax have been Oriente, Residents of the San Miguel district were greatly star. regari jog it, as unfortunate. passed to prevent the natives tled yesterday morning when it became known that a most There seems to be no doubt that The per the agreement on the part of Pana work wtich hitherto have been an who are domiciled in the Cuban Republic have presented a eneroneling ipon classes of dastardly murder was committed in the vicinity. Havana despatch states that West Indian farmers peirator of he foul deed is said to be one George Neblett a na to follow the United States indertaken by Europeans. Because largely signed petition to the Minister of the Treasury in a native of Barbados and the unfortunate victim Uriah Mor articles of the Lesers with three the Nationalist party, which ja that City in which they ask for certain concessions to enwar does onflict ovnan ponsible for hese laws, has given ris, Jamaican.
There has been the From scanty information gathered it appears that the est cubt in the minds of any the South African Labor party se able then to go in for the cultivation of tropical fruits od a veral berash act was committed in a fit of jealousypover Celestina member of the league that Par cause the white rade unions cannot large scale.
nama would do exactly what the see any other way of protect ng The Government of Cubı owns upwards of 1, 000 Neblett wife of the man Neblett who it is said had lived United Sates dictated in case of themselves from the ever advancing acres of land in Camaguey and Oriente which, the petitionaway from her husband for some time and had transferred international difficul ies arising native worker, both elements are ers say would be utilized by them in the growing of fruit.
her affections to the Morris man.
According, it not only is useless doing everything they can to retard The petitioners are specially interested in knowmg whether Neblett, it is state i, still cherished affections for his boer embarassing the billedesetiher the industri si program of the nati it is possible to acquire leased land after a numder of years countries when Un States.
better half and kept a vigil watch in the hope that she puts it on paper.
and what price and conditions the Government would place would some day change her mind and make up matters; It is said bere that the treaty In a survey of the labor move on the sale of the holdings.
this hope however seemed very remote and he gradually does not do the United Sater andrew. sectet Africa, Mic. Panama good. of The petition is, says the Havana Post, being caremorning at about o clo he went to the apartment of Mrs. and may do the last two consider. Union Congress, says in a recent is fully studied by the legal section of the Treasury Bepartmoral damage Neblett and knocked; sh. not knowing who it was, readily of The Labor Annual pu liment, which will render report on the request to the opened the door when it is ciaimed he rushed into the room nantshe bou. dd herself under Article thing When Panama signed the Cove hed in in Alberta, Canada. The the present and attacked Uriah Morris stabbing him over the heart, who xl to submit to arbitration any disruthlessly and sav. Government finance head.
it is said expired almost instantaneously. The body was pute with any member which any attempt by the natiposed to wortaken to the Santo Tomas Hospital.
BODY FOUND IN BANANA After committing the wight lead to a rupture and in no ker to assert himsely as a man and sa citizen. Notwithstanding this foul deed, Neblett then made good his escape and up to the case to resort to war until three asian FIELD.
opposition and the prejudice time of going to press it is said that the police had not months after an award.
Under Article XVI she not only kers are of white wo kers, the native worcaptured him.
Chinose Banana Grower in Paar Tree Grove aurees to support the Council in any union lines. According to Mr. du organizing on industrial measures to nid the victim of agres drews, other very drastic laws are Hold For Murder.
PANAMA CONSUL GENERAL to afford to pastage through her ten oder discussion but sion, but all necersary steps a but whether the proposals be Yesterday morning says The JAMAICA Mail of the IN ISLAND OF JAMAICA. ritory to the forces of way League forced through Parliament in the ruth inst news was received in Kingston that on Saturmere ber cooperating to protect the said victim.
of tree and other ep position of the aati: day the body of a woman whose name could not be people and a section obtained at the time, had been found in a banana planInterviewed And Expresses Views on New Further, under Article XX, she of the European population, relation in the Pear Tree Grove district of St. Catherine.
Continued on page Immigration Law.
mains to be seen.
It was clear tnat denth was due to shooting. The news report which reached the city also stated that an represetative of the Gleaner had a short interview SPARKLETS immature bunch of bananas had been discovered beside prcently with Sr. Francisco Maleck (Jr) the new Corsul the body, which gave colour to the belief that she had General of Panama in this City, on the question of the (BY WCK)
been shot after she had cut the fruit on the land of a new Immigration Law of that Republic, which places a Chinaman named Chin, an ex retail grocer and now a ban on West Incians, among others, from taking up resi gentle reader. have prepared a at convenient or inconvenient in For the past thirty months, will observe, that item take up fruit grower.
dence in Panama.
permanent Sunday morning four tervals during the course of the According to the report Chin was arrested in connecSeñor Maleck stated that tie Law was introduced not item Agenda which follow almost current week, and under that hend. tion with the woman death. She had evidently been shot from any racial feeling but in protection of the country and religiously. To it am bound und among other things, discuss with on Friday night, but henvy rains which fell on Saturday people pation of immigrants went it protected the Jamaicans who corumas laid down by that brill mics and mouse over what may marks in the banana field. The post mortem examination were de interested parties politics, econo iant studert law.
had become domiciled there from others coming in to oust Professor Roberteriamy tangende ultimately be the fate of my incor. performed on Sunday showed that burns on the woman them from their positions.
rigible friend. P and my clothing at the spot where the shot took effect: and this opens at There are a large number of Chinese and Japanese, the noctural cocoon, give praise to extricate moediaChurchman.
Lilliputian triend George, the naturally indicated that a muzzle loading gun had been used already domiciled in the Republic, and it was necessary the unknown power that kept my Things of of note in the Negro the owner of a breechloading gun.
by the party who fired the fatal shot. Chin is said to be to keep out any influx in the future.
life from being snuffed out during contributions to the local dailies They were grateful to Jamaica labourers as they the past night session of almost for the past week dropped tɔ two, It is known that on Friday the woman received realized that without their services the canal would not unbroken unconsciousness, and viz: George, my Lilliputian friend from a party in connection with a land deal.
have been built. Panama was expecting a lot from Agri break an eight hour fast. Here is in a letter to the Editor of the culture, and their aim was to seek to keep out those a true and correct copy of the H cited some little things who were entering the country to exploit it from other of the previous week and note help put the Panama Canet to LIKELY APPROPRIATIONS JAPANESE LINER Agenda: Read over parklets which, in his opinion, sources The question of colour did not come in For The Panama Canal omissions of words, lines, puis odian Employees Asen ANYO MARU coloured men had held positions of distinction in the tion marks as Lions of the King proper working The other by one one L.
Cablegraphic news from WashBoica sity of Editor of Republic rising even to the exalted position of President. butable to the chrlish attri. was a letter to the the trying to the ington published in the daily Star or myself; chastise Eitorial writer riter Herald yeuterday stat that Returns Large Number of GHIEF HEALTH ROTRAY CLUB sean Negro contributions to the of The West Iodian Seetion of the the Canal Zone appropriations Chinese Resident Here local English duily papers and for accusing West Indian attached to the Army Bill include OFFICER notes Visits Telephone Exenange Over one hundred Chinese resispecial Through the courtesy of submit, forcibly, for 30 minutes interest to a pessimist; for of maintenance and operation of to John Me Murray, general manager of the to an All Urges Annual Exam. for Panama lelephone Company mem by neighbours who failed to win the best interest of the coloured government on the Zoue.
concerned, as The Panama Canal for the next dents here who left months Pgo on to promoted well as Sportes are bent on serving fiscal year: also 670, 000 for canal leave to visit their houne in China sanitation and 1, 100 000 for Civil returned Tursday last on the Japo. Employees bers of the Panama Rotary Club nese steamship Anyo Maru. in visited the company plant and or other games of chance based on me, and taking it by and large, any part of the National Lottery eləment on the Isthmus of accordance with the provi ions et inspected thoroughly the technical and in Colonel P. Chamberlain, workings of the system which sup o clock form the lottery bich plays at 10 you can deprive any of us Sus addition to a previovs law which Chief Health Oficer of the Pana plies communication to bundreds in Canal issued a Circular on of private residences and business method of deciphering numbers Negro who lives in extreme pover.
had designated them undesirable oof entertainment our opinions Why should anyone, Carnival Activities being an scandalous for instance, blame pended aliens, they were detained at the Thursday stressing the importance placesie of me this tiborivors. little seen in dreams and takes of ty and poseessed of the immigration Station at Balbon to of annual physical examination for republic. The members of the Club the previous week. acaq the Philce inten From present indications it be admitted into the republie as earning a livelihood in a would appear there is to be no soon as their papers are foued to he pointed out can be obtained accuracy and apparent ease with Neshington Rhodes, published in Governor annual salary of Five have been suspended. The reason free, at Caoul dispensaries which the telephone operators weekly paper, edited by opinion that he considers his all the preliminary preparativos For wany years, he says, the received calls and made rapid Philadelphia Pa. SA, and Thousand Five Hundred Pounds for this is that during the debate Army and Navy have required connections.
apoul physical examigation of all furnished me by a stalwart and Sterling is entirely out of propor at present taking place oa the new The Road To the City Gior rs, and this practice has been East Indian Disappears overgrown American Negro frier dtion to his which is almost Onited States Panama treaty, found of decided value by reason of mine residing on the Canal arbitrarily all activities in connection thereof the fact that disease is The proprietors of the Eastern Zone. take special notes of fixed at the VG:1 how the wranglings Another light comedy drama entitled The Road To The City murable or when life can be great for one of their members, Ches: Light Stuff on its editorial page duuls are based o primarily on will be the new Play presented by with his friends, enemies money the unfair method of is faring Large Force For Lock the Orpbeus Musical and Drama ly p:olonged by proper regulation tanram Lachiram, who ppeared from the Bazar habits.
on and contemporary collaborators. distribution and secundarily on Overhaul tic Club of La Boca, the same Club Monday night, January 10th This practically puts me at 12 woman. The blame is which not long ago entertained and has not been seeu since. La o clock ante meridian me for Chinese for the introduction of ALL ROADS WILL LEAD r3 chiram is said to be 22 years old adjournment. The well knowa money. For the introduction of Al out 0 col pared workers will audiences at both ends of the THE POPULAR BIPODROME OF and arrived from India only a short item of Unfinished Business is women, well.
be needed to help in the periodical Isthmus with the snappy comedydrama The Path Across The JUAN FRANCO TO MORROW.
not included in the Agenda, as you (Continued on page 6)
Continued on page 6) at o clock, DOLOROSO on a well as basis.
eit ber proof re a despicasity of a Jamaican e best detected with will be in abey inee.
disap0 on the time ago.

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