
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1927 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands. this last Balboa police JAMAICA New Order of Things ST. LUCIA At The Penitentiary Bishop Berkeley To Mishap at Prickly Pole THE BEER Retire in St. Ann.
ST. LUCIA MAN IS KILLED The Panama balt has been called in the RECORD OF GOOD EARLY MORNING FATALITY compulsory retirement of wardSERVICE ers of the General Penitentiary, Brewing Refrigerating Co.
The Claremont Correspodent says the Mail of the 28th ulto.
Faithful and Efficient Admin.
and the tilling of vacancies by writing to the MAIL says:men from the disbanded West Istration of Wir dward Mr. Geo. Small of Alexandria Todia Regiment.
left that district early Thursday is brewed from the best bound for Spanish Town of warders are individuals who Those wbo remain on the staft market, a distance over 50 miles, materials obtainable The Voice of St. Lucia of He drove his own cart which was bave satisfied the medical Oficer the 27th ult. states: The Right drawn by three mules. Azıriah that they are physically fit to Rev. Dr. Berkeley. Bisbop of Higgins and Janet Lawrence continue in the service and, foro ther that they haye not yet It is specially suited for this climate this Diocese, will be retiring accompanied bim as passengers reached the age limit, from the See of Barbados in and of course taking their is superior to all imported beers sold It is, however, koown that March 1927. His retirement Visions as well.
from Barbacos will render the many supernumeraries On Saturday evening they left been added to the staff of wardbave here and it sells to the public at See of the Windward Islands Spanish Town on their home: ers at the penitentiary to realso vacant. The Synod of ward journey and all went well ceive preliminary training for HALF the price.
Docese resolved in April ont il seven miles was reached the further enlargement of this that the time bad come to have a separate Bishop for the Wind Seven miles by the way. Is id section of the prison staff next ward Islds apart from Barba the dis rict of Prickly Pole a year after the Legislative Coun.
TRY OUR BEST BEER BREWED dos. The Church Councils of St, distance of about 12 miles south cil has provided ways and Vincent, Grenada and St. Lucia west of here. The mules by this means for the bringing of have all adopted departm nt scheme up time had become weary and this to the whereby the new Bisbop will be strength required under new refus to proceed up a siigh: Rector of the Cathedral Parisb.
Rrade which lay before them. condition in the institution.
The two passengers sligbed but The supernumerarics consist the. St Vincent. The as to who will be this did not belp matters for of ex soldiers.
Bishop under the new arrangemules continued to back in spite The SUPERIOR TO ALL formation of an armed ment will be decided by the of all efforts to swerve them Into guard at the penitentiary 18 Synod after the vacancy occurs tho proper course. The result beirg proceeded with. In the was that the cart, mules and meantime, armed in March Dext.
constables driver were hurled headlong do duty in the brickyard each 33 The Church Council of St. Lu.
over steep precipice restlting working day.
cla at a meeting on the 24th inst. eu Col Thewles, acting Di.
presented the following in the immediate death of the address to the Lord Bisbop unfortunate man.
rector of Prisons, did not sail Union, the Frovinces of Canada who has completed his visiteThis took place about o clock yesterday for England on leive as was anticipated.
WHITENS THE SKIN or the States of Australasia. But tion, and returned to Barbados this morning Fusion of itself would mean the by the Nova Scotia on Thure.
Dstrict Constable Donald of andibilation of indentity, the at day morning.
Prickly Pule was early on the Emigration to Cuba Creme Blanc Mirette sorption of individuality and the To the rigbt Reverned Alfr loss of local independence. Is it cene and took charge of the.
body. The Claremont worth wbile to surrender the st? Marvelous Cream The following is takel from The Public Revenue of Trinitather in Godwere also communicated with the Thursday Gazette.
and lost no time in proceeding Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, dad is estimated at 715, 999. Anglican Church in St. Lucia we to the spot, collec ed statements It is notified for the informal That of Grerada at the most is wish to express the profound reAnd submitted same to His tion of lotending emegrants to sun tan, and other skin blemishes but 125, 000. Trinidad revenue gret with which we haye learnt Honour the Custos who ordered Cuba that the Cuban Immigration ther fore is nearly twelve times of your impendiok retirement burial, Law require all immigrants to SOLD IN DRUG STORES that of Grenada What would from the seas of Barbados and the that republic to be in possession be expected from a windward Islands. we take this of at least 30, lusion of Grenada with Trini opportunity of placing on record dad? The little colony would, our appreciatlon of your singuFor Free Trade in The stone was enacted in 1902 but of The Law containing this proviundoubledly become a ward of Larly faithful and et ticient adBritish West Indies boteo years has not been strictly deration in this connection is en me. From his knowledge of the beer, be absorbed into it, minstration of our Diocese.
enforced. This Government is the namber of labourers who the industry in other places, ie and like lose identity, all individuality, Without exaggeration we dow officially informed bowever got a bite from this amouat was sanguine of its success nothingness. We are not pre ship regime Anglicans Tobago sink into may say that during your Lordthat the Cuban Immgration auRESOLUTION THAT WILL BE PRE thorities propose to insist on a slone which practically mono reason to be disheartened.
Of tbls quantits, Tufton Hall Grenada, and therefore, saw 10 pared to accept such a position. the first tima been able to feel SENTED AT NEXT MEETING stricker adberence to the require polised the trade of the trial bave a bistory of our owo that they are something more ment in future, and intending im shipment of 1st August 1925 aWe hen we are not asbamed. ban an alien remont, severed OF ASSOCIATED CHAMBERS bave traditions of but place nigrants are therefore warned Rain Ted the way with 230 bun idea of Fusion that will be ches or one AN IMPORTANT PROPOSAL.
to bave at least 30 in their poss shipped, this coming in far ahead Vice. We cberish our the beart of their Chief Pasto. ession when they arrive in the of the other estates.
We are determined We are sensible that this result Waltham to calntain our position as a bas been achieved at the cost of IN At the next meeting of the rapublic.
Estate having made a big imAssociated Chambers of Comcolony. We cannot, therefore, extraordinary sell sacrifice by provement on it last shipment to fusion thougb pre your murve of the West Indies, a annual visitations, resolution will be proposed in came second with 165 bunches. GRENADA PAPER STATES THAT GRENADA by unceasing foreLAST NAMED COLONY HAS Mt. Stanbope and Crosby Hill equal favour of Free Trade between terms with Trinidad. thought and concern for the Estates followed with 19 bunches NOTHING TO GAIN. Tobago, St. Lucia and St. Vin welfare British possessions. In the Carof your flock, each, Boccage Estates following cent. Fusiɔn would spell ruin to ibbean Sea, says the Mat of the The Banana Industry with 15 bunches. The remaining MUST BE SEPARATE ENTITY. and We recall with special gratiGrenada to all its commercial tude your masterly adjustment.
18 came small boldladustrial forces and of our financial relations with As far as is known the resoings and from labourers.
would bring it into the same the other units of the Diocese; lation which will come from the FIRST CONSIGNMENT SENT It will be noticed that several Fusion with rinidad says the wosall factory level and parlous your bighly successful efforts Executire body of the Associated AWAY as the Grenada West Indian, Estates of this parish for inChambers for the purpose of securing a preliminary discussion tance, Blair, Nonpariel, Castle shortly be brought up for dis Islard of Tobago, we want toll to secure continuous renewal and practical thereon. The delegates from WAS NOT UP TO MARK Bill, Industry. Bonair, Mt. cussion in the Legislative Coun and complete freedom to live of sympathy English each colony will be asked to exklico monah and Phil. all. This is a question which bas oor own dute; to hoe our own societies, especially the Edgcumbe.
BPG press their views on the Tbe West Indian of recent Happine bave bot yet taken to been agitation the community Tow; to plough our own forrow: the and the Chiistian to work out our owa salvation Faith Society without which we Com of from the time it was first promo on lines best suited to our Ideas abould be in great straite; atd the industry, or, ontdate says: led upon the Legislature it was bave by Hi contributed merce of eacb of the comment yet anycolonies will be asked to otr temperament. To be The first shipment of bananas thing. Then, too, the peasant Bot absolutely and directly refused with Trinidad would be into touch with even the most to get fianal pronouncement on a a mat. under the new arrangement proprietors and labourers have been asleep as the benefits to jected It was only sbelved. to ruin Grenada.
ter which will be an important with the Swift Banana Company derived by the industry in the Govercor was asked to say sobvert our lodepedene, destre remote and bumblest fragments plank in the platform for com was ma made at Victoria, of our ecattered community.
St. be mercial union to be contined to Mark s, on Tuesday 9th inst. properly attended to. There is what benefits Grenada would our self consciousness, tobus We treasure as monuments The to the West Indian Colonies. Inge, specielly fitted with all among our people, and in all pro une esconds we suppose His Ex shower upon us jaat and being redderboleto bas cocodrimmed Norwegian, Steamer Kong however, a keen awakening now derive therefrom and what ad. of our sell respeet and reduce us would con fer upon to utter insignficance. It would you: Episcopate the promthe necessary arrangements for bability, in conveying fruit, arrived in tbenes 18 to 24 months the Banan cellency bas stud ed tbe ques. coming ridicale asd well maritand the extension and consoli.
you have Charges Against Vivian. bay at 30 m, under command Industry will be in full swing in tion thoroughly and carefully ed humilitation.
dation of Church life of whic Ph Ilips.
of Being the first steamer of such which has led the way on top the scheme, he will be prepared DAVID LEON, LL.
Capt. Frederick Gerner. This every part this little Parish whilst on vacation in England.
the Cnu ch at Dannery, affordtonnage to anchor in the bay the ing opportunities for regular Hists of the two Toe GLEANER understands that bere during the last 20 oid shipments from Grenada.
on submi. ting the estimates to worsbip and administration of the Attorney General has given years, its eutry into this port, receive the projet and state the ABOGADO the Sacraments is standing directions that the young man, and, especially its port lights as Having obtained particulars good which will accrue to GrenAttorney at Law proof Vivian Phillips, who was recently it went out at 40 pm. were of the diliveries made by the ada therefrom. And your Lordship bas committed to take his the quite an object lesson, and others parisbes, see that the Is it possible for the Governor crowned an bonourable Episcocoming session of the Home treat to many of the rising colony first output under the to convince the people of GrenaOffice: 175 Central Avenue pate by preparing the way for Circuit Court on a charge of generation, new contract bas barely exceed on this matter?
the Diocese to emerge into da At present Black il should be indicted on Telephone 1015 Panama. faller maturity by baving a two charges, namely:On the arrival of the boat and twenty (1, 120) bunebesed they are justly opposed to the there were idea of fusion. Federal (1) For sendior a letter to Mr already laden with the frolt not even balt the quantity ex jof the Windward Islands Union Box 1002 Ancon, Canal Zone Bishop of its own.
includ We assure you that we shall Trioidad Louis Augustus Hamilton de resting on the calm waters of pected according to contract. ing and miss your gedial presence and manding money with menaces; the sea, then in her best be This was somewhat disappoint prove more attractive. But this (With Licenses to Practice before simple, opafected intercourse baviour. as it to encourage the ing to Mr. Swift who himself can only be and agreed to and decid.
the Courts of Panama and the all classes. At the same with ed time we ask you to accept our Conference of (2) Altempting to shoot with Industry ready to deliver their was present at Victoria, and in a Canal Zone. con tetts. All went on well. By from the sincere congratulations on Islands spected the fruit, receiving even delegates intent to do grlevous bodily 15 everything was gone. those which came in at the last concerned. The identity and Episcopate 80 fraught with barm and the emporium was empty, moment. While he was aware are individuality of each island blessings and fruitful in good works.
It is understood that Mr. Four bundred and sixty one that this shipment must result could thus be maintained and Rent Receipt Books In Span Manly instructed by bunches (461) represent in great loog to his Company, preserved in a like manner Our prayers and good wishes Simpson, E, will defending roughly about 150 were yet sald be, It takes good as the identity and individual sh and English for sale at the will be with you in your retirethe prisoner delivered. An important consi deal more than this to disheart ty of the States of the American Workruan Printery (Continued on page 5)
We of which which we pour regular OD may position at and. later on the Chamber subject not and Vantages the the end the course first several canves Tobago, may upon by an


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