
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY JANUARY 15, 1927 PAGE THREE SCM50 od 20 SKS Sesoie Found Guilty of Ac.
cepting a Bribe.
THE WORKMAN The Prosperity Tailors 25.
TbE wa 50 SSSSSSS a trip to Kempley Contra Crespo DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF CALIPORNIA AND HIS ASSISTANT Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica VALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes IN THE TOILS.
Avenue, Panama, de of publie interest invited PO Box 74, Panams All copy for publication must be RESULT OF MURDER CASE CLEANERS DYERS written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of San Diego, Cal. Dec. 16. DieYe Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicatrict Attorney Chester KemSix Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue pley and his chief assistant, Three 6Ce.
We do not undertake to return reGuy Selleck, were found guilty 009 jected correspondence.
by. jury to day of asking and PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 receiving a bribe to wisconduct a The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JONUIS murder trial, SATURDAY JANUARY 15, 1927, They were charged with accepting 40, 000 from William Johnson of Chicago, to miscon.
THE SEVENTY FIVE PER CENT duct the trial of Thomas Johnson and Hogh McGovern, NATIVE LABOR LAW charged with the murder of George McMahon. McMahon OF THE HIGHEST ORDER body bearing gunshot ar knite The new labor law of the Republic providing for the wounds was found on a highway compulsory employment of at least seventy five per cent of native labor by all business enterprises seems to be the Jobpson and McGoren were cause of no end of difficulties and protests by its enforce Work Done While You Wait acquitted at their mndr trial.
District Attorney ave bis ment in Colon and Panama. It goes without saying that assistant prosecuted the case.
Such a law could not be but provocative of resentment knife bearing the Chicago club through its manifest conflict with the regular course of was found plunged symbol of a It was business within the Republic: and viewing the numerous in McMahon body.
TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED bro Govern bad been bis com.
out that Johnson and instances of protest it is glaring y apparent that commercial interests are aroused to intense dissatisfaction.
panions all thres having come To all intents and purposes it is evident that the Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices to California from Chicago. No legislation is another of the unpopular brand that serves motive for slaying was develepd.
no other purpose than to stir up unpleasant discussion. We Ladies Garments carefully handled are sure, however, that this was not the intention of the Agnes Keller, a convict in San Quentin Penitentiary was the legislators. It can be readily seen that the primary object criocipal witness against the of the law is to ensure employment to the citizens of the attorreye. REID Manager She testified that country by which they may obtain livlihoods; and in this Kompley on his return from connection we are bound to agree that their fosesight is a to Chicago told her that 840 000 was ready BKSEXSXS sy for matter of national duty.
350 seks sellest payment to If the law, were practicable, and it is unfortunate from Govern were acquitted when Jobnson and McShe the native viewpoint that it isn there could and would testified that she acted as a not be raised a solitary voice in protest or opposition; but PRESIDENT go between for Sir William as it stands it is entirely unworkable. Several large business Jobosoiter and had paid 300 to of Chicago, the alleged concerns have already spoken out on the subject objecting WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR COOLIDGE to the application of the law as an impracticable measure.
They see the decay and failure of their interests involving Sees Prosperous 1927 tremendous financial loss and their arguments in regard to Kempley and his assistant an. Says Country is in Taey were released on bond of nounced that they would appeal.
their inability to procure the legal quota of native workers are sound and impressive.
Sound Condition 5, 000 each No hot irons or special combs required These concerns are all old and well established in this At the November election country, and through their operations no inconsiderable press despatch from Washing Kempley was defeated for an other tecm special prosecurevenue accrues to the Government. It is necessary, there.
SOLD IN DRUG STORES tondated December 28, appearfore, that the officials of the Government, from the Presiing in the New York Worl. tor was appointed by the State states that President Coolidge the case against the officials.
Attorney General to conduct dent down, turn their sage scrutiny upon the law with a feels the year 1926 has been view to introducing modifications that will bring the provisatisfactory to business from virsion of the law within working perspective. If law is to be tually every standpoint, and truly effective and its dignity upheld it must conform to draws near its end with prosperity Contemplates New public conscience and civic right. This is exactly what has still running at high tide, caused the howl of protest in business centres in the Capital s review of conditions, given Wharf and in Colon ort through a spokesman, careThat the string of protests is by no means unm ritei fully avoided a forecast of what At West End of Harbour may be expected in 1927, but it we have but to call attention to the attitude of Governor was obvicus that the President Arosemena of Colon who having thoroughly familiarized detects no sign of a slump The Gleaner understands that himself with the whole situation within his jurisdiction has AND Business for ned a a topic at the the United Fruit Compania expressed his opinion that the law in its present form is cabinet meeting this morning, with contemplating the building of a impracticable of application in connection with any and all Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Secretary of Labor Davis report new westen. wharf. It is ing increased opportunity for acown that for some of the business concerns on the Atlantic side. Governor Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages employment, particularly in New the company has been Arosemena stand cannot be considered unpatriotic or pro.
York and New England, ing some degree cf inconv. nieoco foreign as he is generally and widely known to be a loyal The coaniry is well provided in regard to the storage of guds son of the soil; but it is on account of his wide range of with capital skilled labor, and raw at ibe No. pler which bas business vision and his personal observation of the situaSummary of Contents: materials the spokesman said.
always been in a state of coction that he was prompted to give official utterance to the thinks Mr. Coolidge History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years)
generally are receiving views in which he has set forth the inapplicability of the 11.
It is understood that the new Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, law.
incomes and are willing to make pier will be used only by coastIt is generally and correctly claimed that the bulk of Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, expenditures that call for more wise Vesssels, while the N, pier production will be used exclusively by large commercial trade is foreign. The majority of local patrons Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Nobody cep tell when condi steamers. It seems that the comare foreigners who do not, as a rule, speak the Spanish Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual tions may change, the spokesmanpany luteads to carry out the language British and American, but while the natives con Players said recilling that at the close of intentions which it bad in 1928 when it applied to the Railway tribute a portion of patronage that is properly recognized, last year, there was an impression for that a business slump was just it must be conceded that the general up keep of business Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and a lease of nore land for the here comes from the American and British colonies whuse Interesting around the corner, but it didn purpose of phtting up a big whart appear, in the west end. That was during spending proclivities and capacities are tremendously the abministration of Major The President finds much Thomas, who greater than those of the natives. It is also incontrovertible refusep sanction Price 50cts.
satisfaction is the fact that manu. the required extension.
that, as a general rule, the natives are not yet efficently pre.
facturing is moving along at more pared for service to this overwhelming class of bu iness than the ordinary rate and the recently. was situated on the The boat bouse which uotit patrons; and it is quite probable that the time is remote railroads are receiving large pier has already been taken Secure yours now there will be a great rush when such preparation would become possible.
the Fundainentally, President believes, the couatry is extended to about 60 feet ont down, and the pier which had Another fact to be remembered is that the commer.
for them, na sound condition.
cialists and industrialists are, for the most part, foreigners into the sea bas also been removed.
who are better able to understand the language and cusCopies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama reporter of the Gleaner retoms of the help they have all along been employing. It is League Meeting cently, learnt that a short time known that in many of the stores there are employees of ago the manager of the Wherry foreign birth who have been serving in their respective wharf applied to the offices for ten, fifteen and even twenty years. Their jobs The Isthmian League of Fruit Company for additional order to relieve the have become settled assurances of livings, and upon the it really was. Of such imaginings is inspiration made. In British West Indians will bold a land in position that their permanence was assured they have made spiration hitched up to education or just plain knowledge 15th. The installation of officers that the application was turned meeting to night (Saturday) the congestion at this wharf, and families whom they have all along supported and main. is making men, communities, nations, business enterprises for the ensuing term will take down in the same manner as tained by their employment. Must these persons now be and all the great inventive, industrial and commercial mar place and the members will be that by the Company to the thrown out of employment and sent adrift on the current of vels of the twentieth century. New Port News Star. entertuined at the close of the Railway in 1923.
turbulent economics Must the relations between them.
ceremony, Tois action gives some cre selves and their employers whose interests they have so There are opportunities which come to men; if they be preseat.
All members are requested to dence to the report that the United Fruit Compally intende to faithfully served be now severed, and at that, to the palputilize a large portion of, not all, able detriment of the business concerns in the country If seize them they become the masters of their destinies.
the lands at their disposal in the What considerarion is there, after all, for the financial they fritter them away in senseless pleasure and dissipation, west end.
outlays in the businesses which will naturally, befaffected by they will be only driftwood along the beach of life, comNothing in respect to the matthe enforcement of the law? What consideration for the plaining about never having had a chance. STAR OF ZION.
ter has been disclosed by the local Why pay double price management, but it is further employer, and what for the employee. for inferior imported understood that the new pier will That talking fever, that some of us have when we do Beer when you can be put up on the site occupied by the old one.
Snapshots get a chance to speak in public, is a pain. And since we buy a superior Beer have begun to think of it, and take note we have noticed that those who do the most talking on these occasions are such as BALBOA for Rent Receipt Books In Span (FROM THE COLORED PRESS)
those who have accomplished the least in life. Remember, half the price. sh and English for sale at the No man ever suffered by imagining his job bigger than talk is cheap. ST. LOUIS ARGUS.
Workrian Printery STILL ON SALE West ladies Cricket History time past experience people gestion.
good to United


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