
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAX. SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1927 ATLANTIC SIDE Housewives Improvement Association Attractions at the Theatres CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA STRAND PANAMA Today Saturday Jan, 15th, 1927 and Tomorrow Sunday January 16th Marion Davies in BEVERLEY OF GRAUSTARK Monday January 17th Jean Hersholt in THE OLD SOAK (COLON)
Saturday January 15th 1927 George Brien in THE MAN WHO CAME BACK Tomorrow Sunday January 16th Thomas Meighan in TIN GODS Monday January 17th Monte Blue in THE MAN UPSTAIRS. Through the Initiative of Mrs. Hamlett and Mre, Stanley, a number of the loading women at tbis end have got together and are forming among themselves an organization to be called the Housewives Improvement Association.
The aim of the Association, it 12 updorstood, is to work towards the general improvement of house keeping among its members. Sewing, cooking, care of children, household economy and everythlog else that comes within the scope of bousekeeping, will from time to time receive attention and plans will be worked out to make the Association of real benefit to the members, Some of the members up to The presentare Mesdames Browne, Peters, Cadogan, Smith, Lawson, Ogle. Spalding, Hamlett, Irons, Lewis, Rullocks, Wharton, Thomas, Stanles, Morrl.
son, Parnther, Skeete, Jones, Dixon, Henriques, Meetings are held at the ragidenep of Ms. Hamlett 5th St. and Broadway, every Monday and Wednesday evenings from to 30.
Mrs. Hutchinsons, wife of Elder Hatcbinson of the Seventh Day Adventist Church visited the Association on Monday evening the 10th Inst. aná delivered an interesting address encouraging those present to do everything possible to make the organization a success. PANAMA)
Saturday January 15th, 1927 Shirley Mason in MY HUSBAND WIFE Tomorrow Sunday January 16th Harry Langdon in TRAMP TRAMP TRAMP Monday January 17th Marie Prevost in HIS JAZZ BRIDE Tuesday January 18th Jack Hoxie in THE FIGHTING PEACEMAKER Wednesday January 19th Irene Rich in LADY WINDERMER FAN Thursday January 20th Claire Windsor in MONEY TALKS Friday January 21st Vera Reynolds in THE MILLION DOLLAR HANDICAP Saturday January 22nd Tom Mix in RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE. 7447 4774 11444444444444 Tuesday January 18th Shirley Mason in CURLYTOP Wednesday January 19th Aileen Pringle in THE WILDERNESS WOMAN Thursday January 20th Dougla McLean in HOLD THAT LION COLON Today Saturday Jan 15th, 1927 Lowell Sherman in SATAN IN SABLES Tomorrow Sunday January 16th Thomas Meighan in TIN GODS Monday January 17th Shirley Mason in CURLYTOP Tuesday January 18th Harry Carey in THE TEXAS TRAIL Wednesday January 19 ch Marie Prevost in BOBBED HAIR Thursday January 20th Monte Blue in THE MAN UPSTAIRS Friday January 21st Claire Windsor in MONEY TALKS Saturday January 22nd Vera Rynolds in THE MILLION DOLLAR HANDICAP Peggy Shaw in GOLD HEELS Tuesday January 18th Peggy Shaw in GOLD HEELS Wednesday January 19th Lewis Stone in OLD LOVES AND NEW Thursd y Juary 2)ch Jean Hersholt in THE OLD SOAK Friday Jansary 21st Shirley Mason in CURLYTOP Saturday January 22nd Harry Carey in THE TEXAS TRAIL By poe, Friday January 21st Monte Blue in THE MAN UPSTAIRS Saturday January 22nd Lew Cody in MONTE CARLO News Notes CANAL ZONE NOTES Lodge Installation LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE Oficers of are LUCA STRONA Wissed the sumptous repast await and Olga Flowe. inst. were made by Neely, one dresser One extra process Cristobal. bis address and dent and tion.
Weather Uncertain The St. Ann Catholic Friend y Society No. it stalled officers The wea ber on this side bas Olive Lodge Hall, 6th and Hud.
for the present term at the St.
been very uncertain ever since on Lane last Sunday evening the beginning of the new year, the 9:b. The leading officers The fact is, from all appear inducted were N, Peters, suces, the tail end of the wet President; Reid, Vice Presi.
weather with wbich the year ended has stretched over, dent; M, Switb, Secretary.
The rains are, for tbe most part, accompanied by bigb winds Rev. Cousins, pastor of which would indicate the tbe Colon Wesley Church will appaoach of storm, but do leave on Thursday the 20th pot last for any great Jength of instant for Kingston, Jamaica time, and sometimes to attend the anul Church interspersed with brigbt sud Synod, He will be absent for light.
about three wecks.
Sunday last was decidedly.
rainy day, jand looked more like The Alliance Literary and. day in the month of October Debating Society of Cristobal!
than January. All out door Silver Clubbuuse announces activities had to be suspend.
musical program to Iterary ed and Church services in tab take place on Tuesday night the ibe morning scantily 18th were in which many of the attended, but in the evening members will be presented.
things became more promising. During tbe course of the enter.
tainment odes submitted in competion by the various memFather Auvergne bers of the organization will te beard and the one adjudged as the most suitable for the society will be adoptsd.
WELL KNOWN PRIEST FROM THE WEST INDIES NOW IN COLON Tomorrow the Cristobal Red Sox baseball team will jouroey Paraiso Natives of St Lucia, Dominica, to to meet tbe Guadeloupe, and Martinique at Paraiso team. These are two ibis end bave been pleasantly strong teams and the game will surprised by the unexpected be well contested.
arrival of the Revd. Father Auvergne a well known Catbo The Rev, Wade will lic priest from those parts on be the preacaer at the Colon board the Macoris on Wesley Church tomorrow at New Year Eve 11 a. and 730 o. At The Revd. Father who is a sec o clock the Cantata The Holy ular priest is native of St. Nativity will be repeated by Lucia, and was ordained by the the choir. This is by special late Archbishop Flood of Port of request, acd a crowded bouse is Spain, Trinidad In March, 1904. expected. silver collection 18 He is an excellent preacher and the only admission asked.
speaks Englisb, French and Cre.
ole fluently. Since bis arrival bere be has addressed two St. The paving of West Broadway Lncian societies and was very between 3rd and 9th streets is impressive and instructive and progressing rapidly and will was intensely enjoyed by all who soon be completed.
beard bim. movement is said to be on Dr. Joseph Hamlett bas been foot to present a petition to His confined to bed with fever for Lordabip, the Rt. Revd. Juan the past few days, Be is steadily Maiztegui, Titular, Bishop of improving.
Tanls and Vicor Apostolic of Darien, who is due to arrive bere today, praying bim to cricket loving public tomorrow Sussex will entertain the the.
appavergne to work in this field sieben capitained ogn Joe Layne Father with between as bis knowledge of French and against the second eleved under Creole would be a great asset among the natives of St. Lucia Chris Brathwaite.
and the neighbouriog islands who form a large portion of the Dr. Arnulfo Arias membership of the Catholic Chorob in Colon. Such an appointment it lig Physician Surgeon FREE CONSULTATION from not having priests who are able to speak the mother tongue daily at the Pharmacy of these people, and an unusual 149 Central Ave. Phone 825. amount of Interest is centered around this matter.
HOURS: 30 TO 30 PM.
An Initiation and Installation La Boca Pars took place on Saturday night Jan, 8th at the Loyal Star of Chorrillo Lodge No. 635, of the The Installation Meeting of Improved Independent Order the La Boca Athenaeum which of Od fellows, London Unity at was held at the Clubhouse on the Loyal David Lodge Hall.
Tuesday evening last was well Street San Miguel, when Bro attended. The regular agenda Whittington was appointed approval of Secretary Sewell on to Victory. Following are Have way to the reading and Master to take the good ship report of the activities duris Installed for the the previous term which ed Ensuing Term.
on December 81.
The installation Corbin P; Whittingofficers for the current term too Sobers by Mr. Wesley and briet Stewart Secretary, Eleadore replies from the newly installed Asst. Sec y; Lowe Treasurer; officers. The present adminisJ. Brown 1, Consel G; tration is made up as follows: Shepphard Warden.
William Jump. President; Fumes from the Banquet Hall King, Vice President. Clifford wherea Sewell, Scretary: members, attracted all Jump, Asst. Šec y rated with flags and beautiful The place was tastefully decoG 8hor Chaplain and Mrs.
King Critie. Remarks of of tbe appreciation of the Society activities flowers. After patosuries, fadoo ont dresses were delivered by Roing made member and late of the Gittens, McKenzie and Aliance Literary Society of Corbin. The latter in the course Reynolds, one of appealed for the of the oldest members who continued love purity of served at least twice as Presi purpose that ſhad always Dalby. Chair existing between the man elect of the Local District Bro. Shockness, Toastmast of the Panama Canal West Indian er complimented the speakers Employees Association. Among and with bis usual witty the visitors was President Allusions kept things ablaze wbyle of the Panama Canal until the wee bours of the west Indian Employees Associa morning, when all jo oliy and sung. We are Doxology whicb brought the lo ace of the old Community function to close when all House wbicb was maintalued by retired to their respective home the Catholic Church and offered filled with ecstasy.
facilities for pleasant scial intercourse, in addition to religious activities. to. section of the commonlty and well entertained on that occasion.
molto One can rest assnred of being which had to be raised to give As usual, everybody is cordially to ibe new commissary better building is being erected, to vited.
which it is understood, will be better fitted out to offer advan It is unofficially learnt that tages for concerts and slage the new Commissary for Silplays.
ver employees will be completed and its doors thrown open The new officers for the Woorits thousands of customers during the early part of March map Life Problem Club are: Dext, and that community Mrs. Florence Smith, President; dance will be given in the build Miss Doris Evans, Vice Presi ing or thereabouts for the benedent; Miss Ethelyo Thomas, it of the employees day or so Sta oreeary (re elected. Miss before the opening: also that Unica Simmons, Asst. Secretary; additional salesmen, to number Mrs. Alice Monroe, Chaplain. about six, will be employed in Trey were installed in office on the new commissary. Whether Thursday evening last, or not these rumora are true, is is a fact that La Boca is going to have a modern commissary in Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ber wbich it le hoped that the presDard Ellis, at the Ancon Hospitalent inconveniences of the old on Monday evening last, was a one will be entirely eliminated. pound baby boy. Mr. Ellis is an old timer, clerk at the Mecbioical Division at Balbos, and Notice to Correspondents.
conducts an up to date commer.
Contributors and correspondents cial class in the Clubbouse here are asked to send in their contributions not later than Thursdays to Next Tuesday at the Athena: insure publication. This is impera.
eum will be Joelor Nigbt tive and must be adhered to.
It toasted much a large way This gives a delightful qualityimpossible to duplicate. greatly relieve dicheurved, would


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