
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 15, 1927 PAGE FIVE Interesting West GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply or enter the El Excelsior Jewelry bus Toe one are pot Sarthe Logroup of railways sea iden be cigars as at 400 must Weekly London Letter Mussolini Hopes. BY ANDREW BLACKMOORE)
Rome, Great llaers that will (Continued from page 2)
Foreign Office Documents cross the Atlantic at 40 knots, ment which we trust will be reaching New York from Cberblessed with ever increasing bourg in four days, from Italbappiness and eternal rewards There was published in LoD. la ports in five days, and for your family and yourself.
dou in the beginning of Decem. steaming from Italy to Buenos ber collection of Foreigo Airee to seven days, were desOrtce Documents which is of cribed recently by Signor MusTRINIDAD vital interest to every student of solini, the Italian Premier, in an world difairs. It gives in detail amplification of his recent statea history of the events of the six ment that his country intended Reciprocal Trade Beweeks proceding to the outbreak ot war in 1914, dina borild the fastest ligers in the tween Islands, it not only elaborates the case We intend to build two ships put forward in the official White of 35, 000 to 40, 000 ton each, he Paper issued in the early days said. There will be minimum LETTER WHICH TRINIDAD of the war, but it proves that of vibraiton. We expect to wake CHAMBER SENT TO GOVERNpublication to have been a sing. ja repolution in ocean travel. They will have one class onls.
MENT OF THAT COLONY It shows conclusively tbe earnest Their great speed lies in. Dew desire and the strenous efforts Italian inventioo. It is a secret, CIGARS FROM JAMAICA made by the British Foreign Min and consists of an arrangement Ister, Sir Edward Grey, io avert of power units. cannot explain The Trinidad Guardian of a che threatening calamity, and it it to you for am not an recent date states that at the outlines the steady, fateful de engineer.
velopment of the complex situa It can also be applied to meeting of the Chamber tion which ultimately left the Davies, and it will teab that Commerce of that colony early in December a letter was lead པའ མཎ British people no choice but to Dreadnaughts will be able to ota from the Jamaica Imperial the Entente Powers, Indeed, er guns of higher power than on the side Association on the subject of reciproc trade between the the one question upon which ever.
two colonies.
experts still express doubt is Committee of the Trinidad Dr. David Smith Chamber reported that it had not his atriudue towards Ger forms of passenger transport in too patient sent the Gyvernment of the Colony the following letter to the SNAKE BITE REMEDIES view Is sometimes NEW ADDRESS: No 135 CENTRAL AVE.
expressed that a more detinate Greater London, with the posSir. The Jamaica imperial Association has written to the Dr. Smith the Snakedeclaration regarding England sible exception of the railways, position and intentions would into body. The thiet Trinidad Chamber of Com: bite Specialist of Guabito, We wish to announce to our numerous custommerce asking it to interest Bocas del Toro, begs to bave done something to check Interests concerned ers, that our Jewelry Store has been moved from No.
itself in the matter of recipro offer his professional service he suicidal tendencies of the averse to a combine under com15 East 12th Strset to No. 135 Central Avenue (near Central Powers. The great reve: mon fund; indeed, the scheme mon management with a comcal preference between Jamaica and Trinidad. From correspon: to any patient. Wherever Street. where you will all find a large and select lation made in the book, however origin Uoderdence between the two bodies found, his snake bite reme stock of genuine Jewelry at the lowest prices in town.
is the character of the great man originated with the bebind the scenes, the late Sir Sirground my Chamber has learnt that the dies have never failed to Our Shop is also capable of making any kind of Eyre Crowe, permanent Assis Company.
London General Omnibus point which in the opinion of effect a speedy cure. The jewelry to order, and any repairs you may need. at tant Under Secretary of State come Should the bo des the Jam sira Imperial socia: Doctor also specializes in for Foreign. His views Board of Management to orvery reasonable prices.
materialis. there would be a tian. needs adjustment is that other complaints such as Urifr were definite first to whereas Trinidad obtains from There are also for sale, Tickets to join our Jewelry His minutes on the various des. bass affairs of the undertaking.
ganise the financial and busiJainaica a valuable preference nary Troubles, Chronic UiClub. Fee 00 per week, for 25 weeks. This instalpatches ad documents were and this would be subject to on petroleum producte, upon the cers and Obstinate Coughs.
even ment plan is the most economical and practical way only products that Trinidad Should you need his proand empbatic.
si soggle. in the wrobe. is not for superior authority which would might take from Jamaica, viz: fessional services, do not fail otheu possession of Serbia, but one watch the interests of the pubto obtain a real genuine jewel, with little effort. Don of and tobacco, Jamaica fail to pay us a visit soon.
to write or come to the DocCome and you will be between Germany, obtains no preference.
aiming pleased.
political dictatorsbip in Europe Hie This state of affairs has led tor personally when you can and the city itself. In aoy std ihe Powers who desire. scheme is accepted or not, the case, wbether the suggested the Association to represent to be cured. EL EXCELSIOR JEWELRY retain the Jamaica Government that it individual freedom. The toe Address: may be in the interest of cole bpolicy of the Eatente eerby co ordination of London street is Jamaica to stop the preference DR. DAVID SMITH could have no meaning, be point: ed out, if it did not sigolfy that grated on petroleum products from Trinidad unless some reSpecialist in a just quarrel England Shipbuilding Revival ciprocal advantage can be ob Guabito Bocas del Toro stand by her frfends. The courtained Io the circumstances age and insight of Sir Eyre Republic Panama CALL IN AT Crowe are shown in every line The recent improvement in my committee wishes to urge upon the Government the ad of bis in this new publication, British Shipbuilding is one of visability of which sbould have a world wide the most welcome signs of the considering the sale.
times so far as industry is cooquestion of granting a preference cerned. During October and on Jamaica tobacco and cigar, NOTICE November the toto toppage In the opinion of the com TO British Army Reductions ordered was about 500. 000. This mittee a considerable concession WATCH BUYERS is really a phenomina!
figure. It be granted with exceeds the tonnage out detriment to revenue because During recent years a good during the whole of the first the present bigb duty has bad deal bas been written and nine months of the year, and it the effect of lessening the imNo. 93, Central Avenue spoken on the subjects of dis is. roughly, double the tºonage portation of cigars to such an armament and partial disarma begun during what was regard extent that revenue from daty ment National and international ed non as the them is upon negligible ASSORTMENT OF quarter of coniereces of all kinds have last year, which ended a luxuries at present DONT IMPORT WATCHES.
printed out that the military the 30. It of September, 1925 burdens of the nations are is not suggested that the ships the reach of people with moderGOOD STATIONERY We can sell them to you alarmingly ate means. The Jamaica Imof great. recently ordered will all be European beguu immediately, or even early perial Association suggests that cheaper in many cases than countries are charged but the indication is the amount of the preference SOUVENIRS, attempticg to increase rather that a really substantial improveshould be that granted to Ja you can obtain them with than decrease the number of ment in the 100 dolls immiinaica by the British Govern the added advantage of NO their fighting men. This charge nent. How it will dement.
RISK OF DISSATISFACcannot be levelled against Great velop depends largely, of course am to express a hope that TION since you can see the Britain. The fighting strength apo the Government will give this article before paying for it.
of the British Army bas been of coal are available at prices upoa hon s000 adequate supplies The Church of God matter its Additional Church Services, most sympathetic reduced by more than one third which are commercially sound consideration as the adjustment Dependable Timepieces to The Regular Army, the Re from the shipbuiders point of of reciprocal relations between serves and the Territordals view most importahe West suit every member of your Seventh Day Adventist Church San Miguel romanen Stroot. House 25, number but 418, 900 alla tola, Sunday at a. Prayer Indian Colonies on an equitabie family can be had at meeting and Gospel meeting at 11 whereas before the war thes basis is peculiarly desirable at British Fat Stock.
numbered 648, 400. Thirty units STREET CALIDONIA ROAD and 30 Sunday School at pm FULLER the present time. near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting sixteen battalions Dim of field and Barrison artillers ALICK HAMLYN.
of the 122 Central Ave.
Tuesday at 15 m. Young People side The cattle shows recently beld Hon. Secretary, Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sab Meetin. Wednesday 30 and three regiments of cavalry buth Sebool; 16. General Wornbip nel meeting. Thursday at 30 Bigures were published on the country bave produced arople at various places throughout the abolished The Hon.
These bave The Colonial Secretary. 30 Spanish Clase; Open air meeting. Friday at 30 occasion of a debate in tbe evidence of the Port Spain. 30 Society, meeting Prayer Meeling, ment in British fat stock.
House of Lords. when Filty letter was written to the WILKINSON 30 3udice and Society moeting BRO, C, Pessoa. ir charge. plaints were made that y ars ago the butcher ox was Jamaica Imperial Association of attainment Class D. Vespers.
Contractor indicating what action bad been Red Tank, Copal Zoun. Sunday Schoº reduction of the fighting forces kept on till five or six years of Sunday evening 30 pm, Stere: Rp. Gospel meting on Thursday had been too great, whilst too age; today prime boet is turaed taken by the Committee, and Builder Lecture. The senor al public at 30 many men were used at Head out in between two and three cordially invited turn out in Sis. GRAY quarters. Meanwhile, the men years.
The development of this numbers.
New Providedor. Gospel Moe inge who are now joioing the colours early maturity has been most House No. 20 11. 30. and 7, 80 Sunday School sre of an exceptionally tine marked during the past few At 3p. Wednesdav at 30 Go. type and, on the other band, life years and at the Norwich show the 28th NOV. STREET, Seventh Day Adventist Church pel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayet in the British Army is probably two animals were spring calves more attractive than it has ever than thirty two months old. The SAN MIGUEL to say they were less Marvelous Success in Brd. STREET BROADWAY, COLON Bro. MeDONALD been before, or to poria. is ang heaviest beast in the Bireained the treatment of Box 411, Panama, R, Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbatbat 11. 30 a. sod 30 m; Sunday Gatun, Canal Zone, Gospel Meetings other Army in the world.
bam Sbow was a buge red and Gonorrhoea and Gleet School; 11. 15 a, General Worship wbite cross bred Herefore Bohool at pm. Wednesday 30 30 p, Young people meeting Shorthorn bullock, Harley Hero, Goepel Meeting. Priday at 30 no London Traffic which turned the scale Relieves the most obstinate Plans and Specifications Free e at 25 cwt. 30 Vespero Prayer Meeting 24. lbs. 13, 000 K«los. In the case in three days Bunday evening 30 Preaching Bro. GEORGE C, GRIPPITH The problem of London Case of pigs and sbeep the same Service You are cordially invited to Solon. and Stroota. Gospel meeFOR SALE AT THE First Class Workmanship attend these services and bring your logs at 11. 30 am and 30 Bude the attention of the authorities the economic advantages to the Increasing trafic has occupled progress is being made, and PHARMACY Satisfaction Guaranteed friends, scbool 8pm. Vednosday at 30 Schemes have been put forward only a saving on food, but he has for a long and various farmer are has pot m. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 for relieving the congestion of 149 Central Avenue, Panama quicker Prayer Meeting.
the streets of the Metropolis. capital.
This earlier maturity Phone 825 Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON AND AT About a year ago the Ministry of stock also has its effect on Why pay double price FLOWERS of Transport set up a Tradic price, and it further enbances THE NEW DRUG STORE for inferior imported Advisory Committee to inquire the prestige of British cattle Abogado. Attorney at Law REMOVAL NOTICE Beor when you can into the subject, and the Cm abroad. As the Prince of Wales.
5th and Street, Colon OFFICE: No. 44 ST mittee now issued its Report, a frequent and successful ex.
Phono 403 buy a superior Beer David Leon, Attorney at The proposals of the Committee bibitor, polated out at the Bir BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY Law, has removed his offices are many, and most of them of wingham Show, when fpreign such as BALBOA for TELEPHONE No. 1377 to No 175 Central Avenue technical nature, but their breeders are seeking to improve ADVERTISE half the price. Practicing before all the courts of (upstairs Sealey Photo Stu solution of Lyndon transport import British balls, and with ma scberce for a permament their breeds, they nearly always IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS the Republic since April 1914 Idio. protkms is the grouping of all marked success.
The Workman BOOK STORE on cigars could be begun Bood on on beyond becoming number Quite is now DE com Electric Injection Meeting


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