p. 6


credit TOMORROW Sunday January 16th, 1927 loogs for JUAN FRANCO TRACK Classy Races 5 Races for Imported horses and for Native bred Ponies Fap.
Maya a.
Last Sunday Races Woman Dies on Way to Hospital The Stud Valparaiso had the distinction of registering to its Dealt Fatal Blow by Para the first wid at Juin Franco Park race course mour in Fit of Jealousy on Sunday afternoon last. cochool that well known sta Tha Jamaica Mail of the ble, ridden by Jockey Baezi, broke away at the start of th: Ilth inst, publishes the follow ing: six furlongs and won Linda, who cam in second. ad Der Mayhel Bloomfield was the vicdanela, last, in a driving finish: tim of and a trosous murder, com mitted last night at about 3)
In schod race of five for by Liens of 21 class native postes Kingston Charl. Fletes Jockey Beaza again took Ha Lucas, the perpetrator of the rold, entry from the crier me, a min of about 35 years Stud Vlto victory over was emplovel by be Jamaica Ii.
with the.
Fenomeno, kepelse who came in the order sed up to some four weeks ago named. This was a good race when they separated throghaar between tbe winner and Feno rel; the deceased rem vias to NO, meno, both breaking on even Charlotte Street.
terms from the barrier and It would appear that a woman raced together ut til making the by the naine of Grtrude Levy had bend for the home runwben come between the happines: ofte Harold drew away and made slayer aal the slain, of yesterday the post safely. morueg the deceased was fined 21 Mayara of the Sud El Aguila for wounding said Gerade es ridden by Moore, won the the result of a Jalousy quarre thrid race of five furlongs from a Maybel Bloomfield, the decease!
field of six Chiqui and Candle: opeule admitted yesterday morwood taking second and third ting og being liberated that the places, respectively.
ine was paid by her min Luas, and to all appeurance the old Raul Espinosa Minzi won the grudge between the accused and forth event of 64 furlongs from the deceased bid bren pobed up, Kitty Girl, Belle Siuvage, Tran. beacused she immediately rave up.
slate and Vittoria. The winner acused a bed which she had remo was ridden by Escoba wbile ved froin his house when the sepa.
Bieza rode Kitty Girl who came second. The sud Carmen et ration ocurred some fou weks ago, try. Aracusna, with Beazı up, to the home of the nec used, No, 21 Last nigh: the deceased wheat took the tifth race in good style Kineston Lane, and remimed there withstanding bard pressure from.
little so te Arl gain who challenged con time; tinuously over the entire tive heard a quarrel ensuine, and ove furlongs eye witness saw the accused frying Meelab of the S:01 El Aguila, feet of deceased, Both were sreu to to remeve a pair of shoe. froun the ridden by Cruel won the sixth leave the yard together from where class thoroughbreds. Clo Clo another fight ensued about two. sevef with Pierla up, who came in Chains above North Street which second, got off to a slow start resultee in the but showed considerable speed deceased a severe blow on the in the home stretch. Cho Clo temple with an iron rod. She She fell was also an entry of the El Agui. to the ground in an unconscious la stable8.
The veteran ckey Perkins conscious ly Constable Williams brought first in his win in the last of the Fletchers Land Police Sa race who ba rod Toledano, tion and died in a bus on her way Dixe and won Rolando, Garz na, Revoltosa snd Tigre over 61 to the Ho pital urlongs. Previous to this race arrested by Coustable Ruwe of Charles wis thereupan erkins bad come in the mon Fletchea Land and charged with y only in the third race when the murder ut Waybel Bl300 be brought in Candlewood, a and is now detained at th: 3:10.
Quien Sabe entry, third.
Street Police Station, AN AFTERNOON OF GOOD RACING Rain or Shine ADMISSION Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
the neighbors DON MISS IT a a accused bitting the Ga zina Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products Regular Assortment of. SUCH ASTONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREA 1, SALVE, TALCU POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
Second Sunday After Epiphany Tomorrow card at Juan AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE Franco Pack is made up of eight (Anglican Catholie)
races, three for native borses St. Paul Church, Panama and five for imporied thorougbbreds, with the feature event a Rev. F. Nightengale, Rootor six fas long race for class 6 a. Holy Communio Rector imported borses in which 10. 15. Matine Mc. Atwell. Perriot, Reina Mora, Bolsheviki Cu chiet.
and Cicero will take part, The 10 30 am. Holy Eucbariet sermon, program is published below and The Ree or is apparently one of the best 12 300 Holy Baptism, llice up of race horses on the popular course for many a meet. pm Church School 30 Choral Evensonz Sermot be run first beginning with a The :aces for native ponies will Canpu Melcher six furlong, dosh between Fap.
St. Alban Church, Paraiso Mayara, Candlewood and Chiqul and a five furlong Contest be CANAL ZONE. tween eight class imported (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, borses is booked to captue Priest in Charge.
climax 11 a. Holy Eucharist and Sermon THE PROGRAM Rev. Cowan FIRST RACE p. Church School Class Natives. 150 30 pm. Choral Eventong Sermon Furlongs Tev Nighteagale.
126 St, Matthias Mission 117 LAS SABANAS Candlewood 111 Chi ui.
103 (Rev NIGHTENGALE, Privat in Cowse SECOND RACE 30 Hyy Communion ama Class Nalives. 150 dv. Nightegale Furlorgs p. Church School coch.
126 30 pm Everong Mr. Rieb. Linda.
119 ards Catechist.
Renowa 118 Dardanela 114 THIRD RACE St. Peter by the Sea, La Bora Class Natives 123 Furl ogs American Episcopal (Anglican Corp Harold 128 mudio)
124 Barba Reja Holy Communion 30 am. The Intimo 119 Rec cr.
Fenomeno 117 Holy Baptism 30 m, Don Simon 113 Matins Address 11 am, Mr. May.
105 Hunter, Lay Reader.
Almirante 92 Church School p Repulse 90 Choral Evensone, sermon 30 pm FOURTH RACE. Preacher, The VD. Arebdesron Class 21 Imported. 200 Syket. v. ry nordial invitation to all. Furlongs MULCARE, Rec or.
126 St. Barnabas Church, Empie Tigre.
126 Eucbaristie Service 10 45 Rev Novicia.
119 Muloare, Celia 118 p. Church Scholatd Confirm. Lenine 104 ion Class.
Belle Sauvage.
97 Choral Evenoug Address 30 pm FIFTH RACE Mr. Johnson Class Inported. 250 MULCARE, Priest in charge Farlongs St. Bartholomw Church Ch. Gordo 126 Clu clo 126 LAS CASCADAS Capoul 117 St. Simon Mission, Gambia Kitty 110 99 Matins and Addr28, Church Dhole.
Behool and Evening Prayer will le SIXTA RACE held at the above named Churches Class Imported. 400 st the usual hourly the Lay Read Forlongs ers Pierrot 126 125 JT MULCARE Priest in Charge.
Reina Mora Bolsheviki.
116 Cicero 109 Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness SEVENTH RACE Class Imported. 250 Furlongs No, MARIANO AROSEMENA Capt. Alvarado 126 SAN MIGUEL Meelab 121 Sunday 5301 Prayer Metin Carejada.
109 10 a. Children Service; llam. aucara.
118 Divine Service. Preacher, Suppl. ed. I quia.
100 p. Sundny Sebool, Superin en EIGHTH RACE deat 6p. 30 m. Gos Class 1 Imported. 200 pel 8rvice, Preacher Supled. Farlongs The usual weekly services will be Ocurencia.
126 conducted Tues lay and Thursday Lucero.
121 night, at 45 Colotense.
12 All other notice for the week will be Dixie.
118 given from the ulpit.
115 Bro. S, WEBLEY, Miz 114 cting Pastor io chirge Tigre.
113 Towello 102 NEW PASTOR Dr. Wendehake For Bible Truth Church MEDICAL CLINIC 7, 025 Front Street Colon Rev. Phillip young, a native of OPPOSITE RR STATION the island of Trinidad, has teen PHONE 11 appointed by the headquarters of the Bible Truth Church of God TO THE PUBLIC IN at New York for duty on the GENERAL The work of the hle Truth Church on the Istbrous is at On the 8th of January 1927 present supervised by Acting may wife Mrs. Henrietta št. Hill Superintendent Brown; Asst. has left my home on her owu rea Supt. E. Osborne. Deacons ponsibility, therefore shall not Gray, Brown and 16ll, be responsible for any debt or debts that she may contract.
LARGE FORCE. HAROLD ST. HILL La Boca District, Continued from page 1)
overhaul of the Gatun locks of the Panama Canal. The work will Why pay double price for interior imported 17th, and will include repairs to Beer when you can gates, valves, bulkheads, etc The gold or supervisory force, buy a superior Beer white Americans, is to be aug such as BALBOA for mented as osual with men from the United half the price.
The Workman Printery 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Panama City. toe via the telephone to demand LA MODA SHOE STORE some Rolando Footwear of Better Grade IF YOU ARE seeking comfort in your footwear and we cater to the entire family. you will find just that when you make your purchases. We have never failed to please and satisfy. Try us.
cicific tion Sparklets Alleged White Slaver Continued from page Held.
The very first time gave prominence, in this column, to Carlos Chal is held for trial in the present Chairman of the the District Court of the Canal La Boca District of the Zone for an alleged violation of the little did know that White Sjave Act. He was charged bil bunted down trouble for together wi bone Cleinenci Bispate was released to the public, Eloisa Herrera, a Panainaniso girl No sooner than the des suete, for having transported one be was trying most vehementer into the Republic of Panama for from Balboa in the Canal Zone to establish communication me Prtraction. He was a immoral purposes and bail was We however, met.
Uly. pary hearing in the Balba mfixed 500 each. Aiter a prelimi.
time temperamental look; be with a noon, Probable cause was not sharp, scrutiniziog gaz. He drew shown in the case of Bisguete who which he was worked up, he added Chial held for the higher tribu. al word picture of the mood to was therewith discharged, and a rapid summary of his past bis bail being redaced 10 2, 509 at Isthmian feats. Since, a year has request of his attorney, Simon almost ended. But we are now Loy and on recommendation of brading for a compromise, as Assistant District Attorney have been recently elected to be McGuigan, bis chief satelite for one year. As bat. of IT intercourse he has already into the outer chaishio me PANAMA TREATY to the secrets which still enshroud the irascibility of irrepressible (Continued from page African of which he says he agrees that the acceptance of the is no mean representative. That Covenant abrogates all obligations not a bad begining. gentle reader understanding inconsistent wish aod can see siges therefrom the tems thereof anel solemnly unthat we are all graduaily be ding dertakes hereafter not to enter into up to a common whole and on or any engagements conflicting with way for enrollment as the terms ot the Covenant Friend Oscar war between the United States Denniston, tha Churobman, and any League member will, there.
recently struck a cord in that fore, put the whole priacipe of the direction. Of course the fel o wa League to a test.
in high spirits. we were taking The League was founded to avoid part in the celebration of the 35tk wars and it appears to League cir anniversary of the birth of an cles unnecessary for the United assistant international organizer States to make a move conflicting of the gigantic movemen! wlth League princip es when that move was not necessary for our selfprotection, IT IS TO SMILE An Aberdopian picked up Notice to Correspondents.
wallet full of Treasury notes. The Contributors and correspondents top one was for a pound but when are asked to send in their contribuh discovered the others were on tions not later than Thursdays to broken beart.
tive be to ist sigoific BRANCHES La Fama, La Rosa and La Suerte Central Ave. Panama City he tribe of ரம or SUOMAL Isthmus, members We sell better and the very best shoes in Panama at a very low price of the MORSE ROGERS SHOES ALL LEATHER FOR ALL WEATHER NASSER MIZRACHI, Prop MAX MIZRACHI, General Manager Head Office 491 Broadway ADVERTISE by ten shilling Ones he died of an insure publication. This is impera IN THE WORKMAN. IT PAYS saisitioned


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