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Michael The Constant Glory of the Patriot THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY WEEK AND LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY Vol. 15 No. 23 PANAMA, SATURDAY JANUARY 22ND 1927 PRICE CENTS COLORED CENT LAW ARTISTS West Indians May be Excluded THE 75 PER From New Immigration Law According to Modifications Sug ino of 1029 whicho uproBaloba pul in Brende, for the time The New Treaty Between and Panama Panama Swas amateur for the entry to build be called upon to wailable. Grateful ackcowledge to properly lo Put Into Force at Colon Stage Concert For RaMany Merchants Finod. dio Broadcasting.
NBA Radio Broadcasting Station Document Causing No Little Apidea comprize gested By Committee Appointed 15 of the total employees of time, on Wed oerdoy evening last. prehension in League Circles to Make Same firms doing business in the Repub a formal musical by lie took at Geneva.
cura during the past week when set phony Orchestra of this city, under mewhat of a dramatic coloured artists. The program was ibe Symp From the following recommendations made to the Na actual es especies Provinces wbere. by Mrs. Olga King, premier localStates and the Republic of Panama is causing no little enforcement started to affect in the Provides Drector Jarfield Murray, assisted Geneva, Dec. 22. The Treaty between the United tional Assembly by the Committee appointed to make cer of Colon and apFruit Company. pear that West Indians will be exempted from the new meal other entge companie comprend olders. Lydia apprehension in League circles The Treaty makeo Panama smaller firms, do business. The entire program was given an integral part of the United States in the event of war.
sure which has been found impracticable in so far that it ror Arosemena of Colon had favorable reception by listeners in Panama, so long as she pretends to be a sovereign State on will operate against the Agricultural development of the already pointed out to his Govern from all over the latbmus and from a coequal basis with other members of the League, cannot country and cause great inconvenience to corporations at went that it wou be impossible where telephonie responses could barter away her independence and the pontential obligations present operating in this Republic to enforce such law in his Prov. be immediately received by the she owes the other members of the organisation, it is poindative Panamanians NB NBA Honorable Deputies, with the attention that the matter number less than oth ere, as well as requested to contribute to addiSta jon. Mrs. King wated out.
demanded we have studied the project of law reforming the fact that there was not sufficitional item and the Orchestra ta Should the United States become involved in war with and adding to Law 13 of 1926 dealing with immigration, and ent number of aative Panamalat Holder contributed while Miss Japan, for instance, and that country appealed to the League, which was presented to the Honorable National Assembly with no bezessary pre positions wbich requested but Dot United States oppose any armed conflict which might involrepeat 069 place of one a piano solo in Panama wold be unable to carry out her Covenant pledges.
the Trambone Likewise it is beld that the converse applies should the by the Secretary of Foreign Relations.
It is our firm conviction that Law 13 passed by the which advanced present Legislature is of incalculable benefit to the Republic ing employed with the Goverment mente were received from France ve the League, Panama would be bound to follow the be municipality sible. The immigratory current of Chinese to our count wunld icelule also their Panama City and Palo Seco.
That the Treatry will be eventually ratified by the Pais a peril from all points of view, and for this reason it is a speak the The Management of NBA nama Goverment, despite opposition which has developed, patriotic duty to close all the doors against them.
language where large Station tendered a most kindly is admitted. Should opposition become too strong it would This sentiment has been manifested in all parts of the Bestsee tare de peretoets of the police reception to the members of the be easy for the United States to force a change of administraAspernbir most vehemently and echoed in the National peoples including libandero kingroupon tion and place a government in power which would carry including hundreds of In view of such signal success Assembly tourists who pass through the city the entire coloured community is out Washington military and naval policies.
For these expressed reasons, and because Law 13, of almost weekly.
greatly indebted to Mr. Garfield It is not a question whether Panama Wants to sign or have retroactive effect, and therefore will not effect those lected at him for having taken Orchestra, Mrs. Olga K10 the actiion will be made, but it is regarded here as entirely pos1926, reformations of which we are dealing with, cannot reply to certain criticism di Murray, the members of his not. a high American official declared to me recently she stand, Governor Arosemsna Miss Lydia and has to do it. No protest by the League over Panama rights acquired in conformity with previous laws, we re amplified his statements by the pub. first to represent the commuaity Hölder for cominended that the followng articles ba annulled: 8, lication of a private letter waich he musical efforts with a formal sible that other South or Central American States will make 11, 12 and that articles 5, and to be reformed bad sent to Excelleney Presi program on the air to be picked the Treaty subject of discussion at the next Assembly, un But as the same conditions do not apply to the Westdent Chieri under date of January ep no doubt by bundreds of pwople less its suspicious features are clarified.
Indians as to the Chinese although it is also necessary to 4th of this year in which he point in all parts of the New and possibly Continued op page The South Americas members of the Leazue, jealous of restrict their immigration, and as the Executive Power has (Continued on page any infringement on their political rights by the nan League met obstacle in the way of the faithful fulfillment of the American Government are watching the matter closely acsaid Law 13 of 1926, especially on the Atlantic side of the SPARKLETS cording to news reaching the League and may decide upon Republic where Agricultural labor is an important economic some sort of joint diplomatic action.
factor we have thought it convenient to present some new (By CK)
Article 12 of the Covenant binds members of the Leaarticles conceived in such as to modify the said immigration gue to submit to arbitration or to inquiry by the Council any law and bring to a satisfactory solution the injury that might three years to my owo overworked action or any business lahanan to resort to war within three months of the arbitral award or the past ceedingly. mighty fine dispute likely to lead to a rupture between them, and not to be suffered by Agriculture through Law 3. of 1926, without opinions which endeavoured fellow in to think a long time Council report.
the said law iusing the desired effect throngh the wordings uime and again to gram on top of before be deliberately refuses of other laws: yoursgentle is concede (Captinued or page 8)
monotonous to me, and heaven anything to a customer. Because knows how disgusting they must thioks be bas been unfairly used DETAILED OFFICIAL PROhave been, at to you. will cause more disturbance INTERCOLONIAL CRICKET Hence, baye resolved that, dur bundred satisfied customers.
GRAMME ung the current year. It is buman to CUP TOURNAMENT you from time to time occasional become 50 by some other wrapped in your own work that For Visit of Their Royal Highnesses The Duke plain aid lose sight of and Duchess of York.
Barbados vs. Demerara seribe. Here is the first; it is coloured business men to harp culled from Tas PHILADELPHIA upon the fact that coloured people TRIBUNE, a Negry weekly news should putronize them We bave been instructed from 00 a m, Boy Scouts heade by becauee the British Vice Consulate in this their band, and followed by ExThe Intercolonial Cricket Tournament between the peperonto whick dico called your al they are coloured.
week ago: If you check city to publish the following as Service men will march to Pier three islands. Barbados, Trinidad and Demerara, began on up carefully on this type of busi. the detailed official program of The Scouts will be under the or Monday last at the Kensington Oval, Barbados. An Asset to Business ness men you will find they do activities in concection with the ders of messrs Barhat, Bolt and Barbados and Demerara met in the first match, Trini Good will means good business. not do theunselves what they con visit to Panama of Their Rəyal Harris. The Ex Service dad being the present holder of the cup.
Some business men. have not demo so harshly in the other fel Highresses the Duke and Duchess be immediately under the orders of The Mudheads had the first knock at the wickets and learned that without good will else fools except themselves. They They consider everyb dy of York:Sergeant Major Franco, and Ser.
business cannot succeed. am JAUNUAY 25, geaat Reid, in their first innings made 265 runs for the entire side. going to bew to the dotted line, are foling themselves for God 2:4 Arrival of. Re. 10a. On arrival at Pier In their first innings the Bimshires put up a total of remarks a business executive of save all men a certain amount of brains they will immediately proceed to 715 runs for wickets and declared; the principal scorers our acquaintance. There is no ains.
All Boy Scouts may proceed to their alloted and reserved places You written agreement and am not being Brown, 131: Farilton, 120; Hoad, 115: Challenor 104. llegally bound to do that act live can hew to the doted Pier to watch the arrival of the which will be indicated by Zone in their second innings Demerara could only muster and am not going to decreto de taxpose infinitely more than it you isformed that 400tieket Zoldige heading the British Colony meild and up everything on a battle eruiser.
Police officers, legal point but you will British West Indian subjects are 336 thus leaving Barbados the winners by an innings and he. 00 a. The British Society 114 runs.
and losing friendships over details The match between Trinidad and Barbados starts on serious a handicaps is about as would consider the other man once been banded to the West Todian asamble on the open space as any business in a business spende Committe to be distributed to West towards Pier They will then be Monday next.
good will of an individual or an Business executives have lears Indian cubiests. These tickets will conducted to their alloted and Fred permit the bearer to proceed on to c0000000 is worth infinitely from experience that you can reserved enclosure. Messrs Franconia Passes on Dempsey Tunney Fight that the loss of the few fekedy more so damn the public and ens pret te the prior without a book the poet. she Cruikshank, Darlington and Kidd not be allowed on pier At Cecilia Theatre.
public to support you. You can World Tour.
The British colony is iaformed are requested to attead to this slap detail. Room for 200 participants Narrowness and sticking to tech with select your friended in the fact that it will be oncessary to arrive wat be tonnelle hope for The fight pictures Leaving New York on January Dempsey. Tuoney match will be of bankrupley Dicalities bave sent many potes tham to use their influence to belo early in order to be able to be on 8:00 am the tial business concerns on the rocks you build your business.
the Pier ô, vas space is very limited The British West Indian Committee heading the 400 12th the. Franconia arrived shown at the Cecilia Theatre on businessman bas sense enough to And every big consider the above is enough PROGRAM, JANUARY 26.
British West Indians, each ia pos7;00 a. Army lorries will session or the pass which will be Loet with 350 pusseagers on a world The great excitement created over with a customer who thinks he: 01. 11ons, which he had no doubt assemble at de Lesseps Park.
issued will likewise assemble out7. 15 a. All Bəy Scoats and Exside the entrance to Pier and again on the following afternoon to made the pictures famous and customer may not be of much to be used Service meo will assemble at the procred to their reserved en losure.
take up about one hundred more have been in such great value to business But Messrs. Carriogtog and Williams IN passengers at Los Angeles. bave Lesseps Park always take AS entire cruise co wer 35, 000 mand that they just reached permitted to go away ia quoting Accommodation ia the lorries are request. to attend to this, an Isthmian are that be will cause onsense and truth. care bot 159 Ex Service men, miles during which time twenty Porane Grand will be se eened who write the first time fied and will be for 250 Boy Scouts, and. 8:00a. The British East disgruntled the Indian Committee with bine ports will be touched playhouse, at the Cecilia more barm proper extemporaneous effusions 30 a. Departure from de delegation will likewise assemble the largest steamship. she is propriate time. And The Franconia, ranks among Tuesday. Of course it is hardly justment would have hate he ap or sterotyped university addresses Lesseps Park to La Boca Restau outside Pier 6, and proceed to their. or epace.
over 033 feet long with a pro: reader, to be on time and secure is foolish enough to displeasa he simple. commorante da relate 45 All Boy Scouts and Messre. Melvani and Kətai, are tonnage of 20. 000 and her auxiliary your seat, to avoid the rush that a large number of people he may mens of little truths are to Ex Service men will leave the requested to attend to this detail, machinery is the last word in ap will surely turo out to see this leontinue in business but bis fight business and other. ganized lorries and fall in opposite La Buca 00 a. The British Chinese proved marine engineering. fight.
to build his institution will be ex (Continued on page 8) Restaurant. Continued o page 8)
to man who spots, to than a dishes pour paredobby and honestly it is a chronic habit with some chat low Down.
while, for good will.
che wi.
aval of But if beto. to fill this IS with com: their ad for the


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