
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1927 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands ATTENTION!
Duke House Rent Receipt Books says: and that in SPANISH ENGLISH him Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly in this stupid Court. equip works.
Societies came that it perfect salety: washing CAN BE HAD AT ch Thes JAMAICA Jamaican Who Has Earned a Indian Squabble Name For Himself May Ask Pathe to MAGISTRATE GRAVE WARNING Film Royal Visit AS PROPRIETOR OF Avolding Senseless Litigation LAUNDRY.
It has been suggested, says IN THE CITY OF PASADENA CALI.
When five East Indian men apthe GLEANER of the 12th inst. peared at the Police Court before that Jamaica should communi FORNIA; WAS FORMERLY IN Mr. Clark on charges and cate early with the Pathe GazKINGSTON cross Charges of using bad lanette motion picture people with guage to one another at Arana view to getting them to send CLEANING BY HAND juez His Worship after bearing a camera can down to Jamaica Hon. Pierre who appeared to him the visit of Their Royal Prest Notice States That Esin the matter, took opportunity Highnessc the and to lecture the litigante.
Duchess of York to the Island. tablish nont is Example of He said that he was not going Messrs. Pa he ol course What Laundry Should Be.
to listen to stupid little cases of specialize on filming tropical insulting language between the events and there is very little The Mall of the 4th inst five of them: it would take too doubt that it communicated long Many persons in Kingston was not what be with they would readily send a will learn with gratification of was there of man down.
their Parchites was something The running the success of a deserving Ja. which be preferred to leave It is too late now to commun. walcan who has settled down at their own hands, so long as they cate with Messrs. Pathe in Pasadena, California. The party England, but communication in question is Mc Edgar Francis did not commit any breach of sent to their New York studio who left here some time ago for the peace, and they must settle would get a man dowo bere in the Unlted States. He estabthese matters between themselplenty of time for the visit, Sach lished the Eareda Hand Lundry ves in future without any of a film exhibited as it would be at Pasedena. It is worshy of fence against the law.
Be would not place them on all over the world would be a note that in a Laundry Competi.
magnificent advertisement for tion, he took first place.
bonde that day, becuased a bona the Island and we think the idea semetimes made the situation The following which is taken is decidedly worthy of adoption from the publicity review column worse by leaving it open for and should be considered early of Pasadena professional and interested persons continually to provoke the individual who was by the Executive Committee.
basiness men, is taken from a bound over, with a view to makrecent issue of the Evening Post of that place.
ing bieak the conditions of Sad End of The The scientific cleaning probis recognisance. One at least of the parties before him bad a cess of the Foreman.
modern laundry lot of money to pay to the Court assure the highest quality of perfection is cleanliness, parity and would do far better to see and finish. The about collectie sufficient to OF THE HOPE FARM SCHOOL Laundry located at 517 Hammeet this sum instead of engamond Street, finest one of the Rip 00 litigation.
Mr Clark solemnly warted The Gleaner of the inst. bomalbe. Of bewegt oder laundry them if they were. Tbeir in 2009 again in any case be wonld look Residents of Lower St. An ment enables them turo out very closely into the circumdrev were shockek yesterday the very best class of laundry stances. If he were satified that Sauces.
This means that the morning when the news be Wor known that Flizgerald clothes are brought back in all they were guilty of continued Martin the foreman at the Hope their original richness: means annoyance it was quite within bis power to send them to pris.
Farm School was dead and pre sweet smelling, clean white linen sumably by his owa band and that the most delicate garon without the optionof a fine.
Be would romind them also Why be committed suicide nents may be sent to them in be fouud that frivolous They offer a could not be ascertained, but it om he charges were brought and the was learned that he had been complete service for all your and every piece defendants were brought up is suspended from bis position and returned spotlessly clean and needlessly and the time of the the farm school for a month and beautifully ti ishe ata monical Court wasted be had practical.
would have been reinstated yus ly unlimited power to order the terday following the decision of cost: Shirts and collars are payment given special attention.
compensation, His Excellency the Governor.
Ho advised them to go away and It is uot known whether he specializa in individual washings ebave like sensible and derceived ang intimation faom His prices on the hand work are cent citezeas and Dot to come Excellercy but it is said that he even lower than those of the back again before him and to keep the peace.
rose in the moraing in The informations were envery melancholy mood and bis Steam laundrles. 100 per cent cases.
conversation was only on the Their special facilities for cleandorsed, with the word warned.
gloomy side of life. At about ing fine blankets, comforts and (WEEKLY GUARDIAN. ten o clock he sent a little boy curtains, insures the floest kind named Joseph Cole, who was in of finished work.
the citizens the house with him to get him throughout the a drink of watea and immediateColory. Following upon it was ly on bis a Ladies Walkirg Race pioneer departore Martin New Record in Our ed by the Coterie Incked the door and slashed h18. fixed for Sur day last, from St.
throat with a rez)
Several Bananas.
employees of the farm bear) a James Bridge to St Peter Bay, struggling and they burst open Carenage. a distac ce of 54 miles: the door of the room. The de NEW STANDARD IN OUTPUT FROM quired miilion strms. By Thurs This event was one of the prioce ased was seen lying on the day the quantity required to cipal topics of discussion all bed on his back and blood was co FARM IN ST.
WHITENS THE SKIN create new record CATHERINE from the company farm in St. and the result was that a crowd pouring profusely from a deeply incised wound in bis neck Creme Blanc Mirette Catherine had been exceeded by numbering several thousands Iwo thousand, sixteen thousand was present to witness the race.
It was about eigbt Incbes long. OVER 1, 000, 000 STEMS.
burcbes being cut and sent to The management and urgan.
The Police at Matilda Corner Marvelous Cream Kirgston for shipment oversea zation were rotten. There was a were immediatelycom municated Then There is the Island Reby Friday.
bad with and just as Constable Thom cord of Upwards of 17, 000, 000 Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, start, the competitors were as arrived Martin expired. oss is anticipated that during impeded all through the race by Exported During 1926 sun tan, and other skin blemishes 1927 still larger returns from the croy koi e and razor with which the whe wounds had been made St. Catherine are anticipated by and by and by cyclists and mo taken possession of by the pola ON PROSPECTS FOR THIS YEAR.
SOLD IN DRUG STORES the Fruit Company.
During the who should bave known better iceman. note written by the year the Railway department is and acted in a more 181 confident that it will be called manner and the whole affair ore becoming deceased WEB aleo found in Jamalcı has established which he stated: now dle for at least ten per in fiasco. Walking races cent more bananas tban it did are pleasant and harmless forms the love of my mother even wben record in the shipment of banI did not give her my affect on anas during 1926 it was at the last year. THE MAIL. of recreation but it is necessary that tbey be properly organized and God Bl ss ber and keep begining of the vear, anticipated it they are to continue; otherber, and may we meet in Heaven, that banana exports would be wise it be owers Telegrapi all my friends, see around 16 000, 000. As a matter NEW ADDRESS: No. 135 CENTRAL AVE.
of fact this total was exceeded TRINIDAD them entirely. And quite apart them in my pocket book.
from the Management it beboves by wide margin as exports In his pocket book were names under this bead went well over those who attend to witLess and addresses of bis friends.
We wish to announce to our numerous customthe seventeen milion market.
Walking Races For The such an event to act in orderly In the afternoon Dr.
and do all that is poers, that our Jewelry Store has been moved from No.
This is so far as an Island Edwards performed the post record is concerned. Another 15 East 12th Strset to No. 135 Central Avenue (near Opposite Sex. sible to assist the promoters mortem examination. The deJ Street. where you will all find a large and select rather than be themselves obceased was a son of the late record has been created in constacles in the way of nection with the colony banana progress, Martin of Cross Keys Man trade during 1926 It can be stock of genuine Jewelry at the lowest prices in town.
FIFTY FIVE LADIES START IN whether on foot or, on wheels.
Our Shop is also capable of making any kind of chester.
CONTEST OVER DISTANCE OF As to the race proper, Fifty stated that new record has jewelry to order, and any repairs you may need. at FIVE AND HALF MILES five competitors started shortly been established in the matter of output from United Fruit Oo very reasonable prices.
after a. 00 tbe j0R and the winner Josephine The West India Regiment farms in Bt Catherine.
The There are also for sale, Tickets to join our Jewelry ARRANGED BY WORKERS, tiste, a married woman was early Band company aimed at cutting and Club. Fee 00 per week, for 25 weeks. This instalin the van, and sbe mantalbed shipping one million buaches from its properties in the above ment plan is the most economical and practical way her lead to the end, winting by Competitors Impeded Through yards from Doris Clark, in the The GLEANER of the 8th. Inst. parish. At the middle of last to obtain a real genuine jewel, with little effort. Don out By Crowds Who FolStites that in about three weeks week fourteen thousand bunches good time of lbr. miu. kng fail to pay us a visit soon. Come and you will be lowed Them. was 3rd. Greaves and o.
the West Iodian. Rogiment li pleased.
Laurie 5th, be non existent. The Band at It would seem that Walking EL EXCELSIOR JEWELRY In this connection we may the end of thi: month will be ta the end of the month and it has Races have to come to stay in mention that some enthusiastg ken over by the Jamaica Local been suggested that another Forces and will no longer be Bandmaster sbould be secund this Colony says the Sporting of San Fernando are endeavChronicle of Tripidad. Some curing to arrange for the next known as the West Indian Regio from England to take charge ment Band. What their wen here. As far as can be gathered litt e time ago there was organ Men walking race wbich wil ized a race from Port of Spain to be from San Fernando to the name will be is not yet koowo. DO definite steps have been 81a Fernando which created Railway Station Port of Spala Mr. Turner, the Bandmaster taken in this direction.
wnl be leaving tor England at were required to give the teIN THE WORKMAN. IT PAYS co siderable flatter, and occa: to be held early next year.
no of (Continued on page 3)
The Workman given in all Stationery Store and were ended may El Excelsior Jewelry would well to scrap manner, ADVERTISE


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