
Memorial to Queen Alexandra The sureal proof of Chesterfield good taste is the swiftnes with which it has won the favor of smokers every where.
Straight from the homeland of tobacco is perhaps not without significance The Demerara Argosy of the 4b ult. say meeting of the committee that has been formed as a result of an appeal from the National Memorial Committee for help in raising funds for the memorial to Queen Alexandra was held at the Government honse yesterday Lorning, there being present Lady Rodwell, president; Mes.
dames Kelly, de Frelias Humphrys, Woon Sam, Ravenor and Dalgliesh bonorary secretary and treasurer.
It was suggested that the object of the fund sbould be in troduced at a meeting the Town 11 on date to be fixed. Bis Excellency the Governor will be asked to preside and the pro gramme will consist of speeches and musical items.
It was also suggested that here should be be a collection daily on the same lines as Poppy Day on Tuesday, March 1, and it is proposed to import roses for tbe purpose such as are used on Alexandra Day in England.
menced in the heart of the tobacco growing districts of North America among men who spend their lives with tobacco.
But a smoker need not be a tobacco expert to appreciate that rare combination of spicy richness and velvety smoothness found only in Chesterfield. To any experienced smoker the quality of its Turkish and North American tobaccos speaks for itself.
Estimated Population Chesterfield The latest estimate places Bri8h Guiana population at 306, 517 oulr. At sist December, 1924.
be estimate was 301, 204 and a ear later 301, 412.
CIGARETTES RETTES week hot exbibit Manufactured by LIGOETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
The area at present under cane coltivation in British Guiana Is 57 500 acres as against 57, 190 in 1925. In 1925 there were approximately 29, 330 acres planted in rice. This year the estimated 8creage is 46, 538. The total production from the year crop is at 6942 million pounds as a zainst 51 million pounds (weigt) last year. The eigh led xbich extended from September pital loss from the drought 1925 to May 1926 is estimated at 2, 700, 000 of which 1, 500, 000 represents the loss to sugar and a loss to this year revenue of 500 000.
capital BARBADOS (Continued from page 2) An Alleged Attempt at Suicide.
Speyside Tragedy Says the Weekly Illustrated of FUGITIVE MURDERER January 1st: on Tuesday in the KILLS HIMSELF. Police Magistrates Court of District A, before Mr.
Goodman, Preston Griffith of The Feekly Guardian of the Brittons Hill, was charged by 25th olio, says: Sergt James Jones, of the Detec Up to the present details of tive Deparment, with attempting tbe Speyside mu der, Tobago are to commit suicide on the 27th still meagre. News reached Scar instant.
borough on Friday 10th instant The offence being of an indict that James Moses bad murdered able nature, defendant was not a woman named Sarah Kerr, at called upon to plead.
de Gannes Estate, Soyside and The evidence went to sbow that the alleg murderer was that defendant was in the habit still at large of taking doseg of пих гоm ca Jealouvy is alleged to be the and while intoxicated on the date mctive for the crime and Sarab mentioned be accidentally took Kerr, was stated to be the wife an overdose. Shortly a! terward of another man Apparently be asked that the Police van be Moses bad planned this murder sent for to take bim to the and also the murder of man Hospital as he had polsoned and anotber woman. It is also bimsell.
his hiding place on Agetizo Es dant was taken to the probable that ha had prepared Hospital wbere he receiv tate.
ed treatment. Subsequently, get When the Police got to Spey ting wind of the matter, the side tiey found out that they police brought the case against had been a regular man hunt him.
by s Worhisp was satisfied that These folks were dispersed there was an entirə absence of by the fugitive with one shot criminal intent and on this tho gun with which be bad account he dismissed the case armed bimselt. Va one occasion agálost the defendant.
the Sergeant Superintendantso it is said. 145 nearly shot Lickily he dodged behind a Cricket in Barbados tree into which the whole charge entered.
Agenza, with his tush and Under the above caption, the rocks and other hiding places, Sporting Chornicle. of Triniis to easy place to scour for dad, states: an armed and desperate mur It is good news to learn that derer.
George Challenor is back home It is, conseguently not surin Barbados after his six months prising that the man evaded holiday in England. Challenor capture until Wednesday last did not the wonderful When the Police had form of which he is capable while pursued bim with such vigi in th the Mother Ccuntry this year lance for tive days that escape but this must not be taken to was imppss 5le the wretched mean that he has lost any of man blew out his brains.
his great ability Tois West Indles batsman is about to settle down to practice for the coming Notice of Questions Tournament and will take part in a practice match in connection there with The following questions were For some unavoidable cause given notice of by Captain Major Austin did not accompany Cipriani at a meeting of tbe Tri. Challenor home to Barbados as nidad Legislatore 26th ultimo. was expected. His passage was (a) Whil the Government informa The West Indies Skipperonie cancelled at the eleventb hour thit Council whether it is intended, now, or in the near future, however expected to arrive home to introduce into this clopy by the Ingoma and one wonders Trade Union Laws in accordance whether he will take up the with an undertaking given by the willow again on Barbados, behalf Bristish Government to the Lenjat the coming Tournament. као Vre reference to Queens Park Renovated Will the Givernment in from this Concil if it is intended now or in the near future to in considerable work has been done During the last few weeks troduce legislation whereby the in Queens Park in the way of reemployment of child labour will be abolished in this colony?
pairing and renewing, HÉRALD of the 4th ulto. repr.
Says the c) Will the Government inform this Council ilit is inter de sentive of the Herald was to introduce a (ompulsory Edu buildings by Mr 8 Murphy over the grounds and Bill in this colony? Churchwarden who is If the ahawnr be in the afrit of the Committee yesterday, mative will the Government not The roads bave all been repaired in the matter? expar ded during main building painted, the root takein mediate steps to legislate and the main road oled, the the financial year 1925 26 on pri repaired and certian of the ember educatia in St. Vicent. The used rooms which were great of Children in caverage need to attentich reflce trece and attendance was 52 per cent of and otherwise strenghtened, those on the roll. The lospector that this The first steps have also been ponte dillow per taken to establish the plant 10.
centage is due to indifferer. ce of and flower parents, to insubordination of been lionised.
This fart of the voruls children, to the emplos: organization of the Park bad ment of child labour, and to in never digecce. Many children are the potefore attended to, and Committee bave an aken away from school to work opportunity to do excellent work.
tither as agricultural labourers We hope to be able to congraer as domestic servants. tulate them on a thriving industry later on.
Mr, Wilcoxon, Manager of the St. Vincent branch The SENTRY of Nov. 19th Barclay Bank has tendered says: Among the passengers bls resignation of office. Mr.
who arrived by Hait on Wilcoxon health is impaired Wednesday afternoon last was and he has been advised to live Capt. Walcott Hayes of the in more temperate climate Air Corps Army Capt. Mr. Wilcoxon will leave sc Alayes is on an odicial trip to the Vincent and an expression of West much regtet on the the Visit of a fleet of five sbips of the business section of the communi United States Army Air Corps ty. He was formerly Accountunder the command of Major ant on the Staf of the Barbados Dargne, scheduled to leave San Branch of Barclay Bank, Antonio, Texas, some time to December. The fliers, we understand, will call at St. Vincent about March next, remaining evernigbt. on their way north Why pay double price in Cansiting all the countries and South America for inferior imported We cordially welcome Capt. Beer when you can Heyes to St. Vincent and hope buy a superior Beer that nothing will his mar arrangements for the visit of the such as BALBOA for tiers which we are half the price certain will be eagerly looked forward to by all, s Turned Down GOOD HAND IRONERS SH Wanted ATESPERANZA LAUNDRY returned as Bule of Nations at Generinidad and Following an outcrop of eletion petitions, in British Guiana Mr. McAuthur, who was as member of the Court of Polley for East Demerara has been tarned down a Mr. Hum phreys, be contestand, declared elected in his place. Toe groued on which the petition was sled was Mr. Mc Artbur statutory declaration was not delivered to the returning officer within 48 boure.
The seat of Mr. Santos, who was returned O, for Berbice, was declared vaid, on the gaound that he was not qualified to set his name not being on the voter list.
that Only First Class Ones Need Apply is of the little which o STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages of alleet Uncle Sam Navy Dr. Arnulfo Arias Washington, Jan. To attain Physician Surgeon a parity with the British the s, must build 21 cruisers aggreFREE CONSULTATION gating 207, 290 tons, said a statedaily at the Pharmacy of the United States, which ment to day by the Navy League 149 Central Ave. Phone 825. added that Japan also was abead of HOURS: 30 TO 30 Mgthis country in cruiser strenThe League claimed that unless the United States replaced in the Dentist Howell des next four year s, its obsolescing destroyer flotilla acd builds up its cruisers to an equal strength witb Great Britain, it will enter HOUSE 912, LA BOCA the 1931 Arms Conference under the 1921 Conference Treaty with CANAL ZONE.
inferior to the British and (Opposite the Restaurant)
Japanestion is violating the 1921 Office Hours: a. to p. Agreement the League Ptated; to pm but it added that while DAILY Britain and Japan are maintaining their fleets at the 5 ratio PHONE 1941 BALBOA the has fallen far behind Specialize all the branches the quota in nearly every class of vessel of Dentistry FLOWERS TO THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL Abogado. Attorney at Law OFFICE: No. 44 ST On the 8th of January 1927 BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY may wife Mrs. Henrietta št. Hill TELEPHONE No. 1377 has left my home on her owu res: Practicing before all the courts of ponsibility, therefore shall not be respoosible for any debt or the Republic since April 1914 debts that she may contract.
HAROLD ST. HILL ADVERTISE La Boca District, Z, IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS Summary of Contents: History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Interesting Great Price 50cts.
after Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama


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