
WANTED Labourers For CHIRIQUI RAILROAD Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemes on applica WALROND, 43 the office No. 83 Cratral tlou. Correspodenco, on all mattes Avenue, Panama, do of public interest invited.
PO Box 74, Pabana All copy for publlestion must be written on one side of paper only, and Ratos of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Mouth, 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three We do not undertake to return reO.
jected correspondence MAY ACT LEGALLY The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS SATURDAY JANUARY 22, 1927, THE CONSTANT GLORY OF THE PATRIOT surprise The Prosperity Tailors from lira.
tbe play.
It does not seem to have struck certain rebellious indi.
viduals that there is one happy possession which does not evade any person in this material sphere, and which serve to enrich to an incalculable degree all who submit to its unalloyed influence. Exactly what this possession is, is never superficially apparent but rather lies deep in the soul of the individual and asserts itself whenever circumstances and opportunities make their powerful demand.
While physical health is the anxious desideratum of one and all, it is only too trite that in every part of the world there are those who fail all through life to obtain a full grasp of it and who pass painfully through their temporal existence under torturous afflictions. These spend all their material means allow in their quest for health which keeps up a constant tantallization and mocks their greatest efforts to achieve it, The strength of the wrestler and athlete are also things greatly to be desired and there is a universal scramble for its possession; but even this although quite general in modern times is not altogether within the grasp of all. In the school, colleges and universities physical culture in the form of compalsory athletics forms the practical basis of the stalwart physique and endurance, but there are always a long list of individuals whose constitutional make up forbids the pursuance of athletic training.
Wealth makes a tremendous and teasing appeal to the aspirations and desires of the vast majority of persons in the world in every station and calling in life. Men risk their lives in mines, in the jungles, on the high seas and in all difficult places where danger lurks with sinister effect and threatens the very safety of life. But it is the lure of lucre and its usefulness that set people staggering in their desire of its acquisition. Yet there are millions of people who live and die, going through the whole experience of mortal life without ever achieving their faintest hopes.
But when it comes to the construction of national security and the maintenance of national honor there can be no fact or feature of temporal life that can boast of wider universality or offer greater guarantee of permanence than that of constant and abiding patriotism. The glory of the patriot is something intensely unique and unparalled in all human history. In tracing the records of the Greeks and Romans, it is found that the immortal glory of these nationals was the fact that they were loyal to and proud of their country In these days of vivacious national ardor the same is found to be true in every country where the fires of patriotism are kept flaring and the pulse of national integrity kept quivering to the point of intense enthusiasm. The true Panamanian is pertinaciously loyal to his country which although small and experimentally young is to him the place of greatest honor in the world; so too the American and the Frenchman, the German and the Spaniard. the Italian and the Turk. All right thinking people everywhere are naturally proud of their fatherland and will do all that lies within their material powers to promote the welfare of their nation.
The man who loves his country and is not ashamed to declare his loyalty is a true man and will win a place in the hearts of all people all over the world. He is not afraid to speak out for the honor and integrity of his country and to pledge his word for the defence of his nation. Those who do not do this are of the baser sort who neither deserve nor gain the esteem of their own or the confidence of others. If a man is not true to his own country, who is there that will regard him with any degree of confidence in his relations to another nation.
Some men are opposed to their own nation and home, not because of any occurrence originating with the authorities but on account of their own criminal or political misdemeanors through which they either become fugitives, exiles or tramps. Such people get off into foreign countries and abuse their own governments with an air of nonchalance as if their attitude could in any way affect the peace and prosperity of their nation. They are doggedly persistent in their follies and as ridiculous in their presentations and self commendations Our own nation of Great Britain is always proud of her sons, be they white, brown, black, red or yellow, whose national consciousness is sufficiently alive to conceive the truth that the nation never fails to be proud of and to do jcstice to her people whose patriotism remains an abiding teature of national glory. It is the one thing that doesn evade possession and the one that surely lasts the glory of the patriot.
There lo sa interesting story about now to the offect that a Jamaican now living la Kingston was the actual sothor of a well kaowa screen play repeally abowa one of the plotures ubio autborsblp was not aekaowtheatre in this city, but that Day Task or Contract Work ledge by the producets of the play although loolalmed that iho plot, etc. are idential lo the original so weltten by the PRICE PAID 12 TO 14c. PER HOUR FOR maa In question and as produced la tbe play.
The story goes that the Jebalcan writer who was lvlog lo APPLY TO the States the time, oubmitted bo scenario of movlog picture play to a certain producing cor AROSEMENA poration Shres Jean Nro.
Rwe returned to him with North Avenue and etn Stroet, Panama City. Botice to the effect that they could not make say so of hapa be thought to more about th matter.
Bome batoe ho returned to Jamaica aad roleg to a movide pletero tbeatro lo the city not weby nights go to bio grers he saw produced on the acreen a play that was Idention witb ble every respeol, even the utle only beylog on word obanged. and no name of author belng given, Be then made soquires la Hous quarters and produced b!
origloal maunscript, which was quite obviously written several CLEANERS DYERS years ago and was identical witb the play sa screened aluo produolog a letter corporation acknowledgingo receipt oor die No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue manuscript and stating that they could not use it. He is now is commonloation with Well kuown ol solicitors bere with a PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 view to taking action in the las courts.
Needless to say, abould the sotion sucoeed it will mounable oun of money to the Jamsicas DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING wbo claims to be the Sutbor of further interesting point in OF THE HIGHEST ORDER the story to that he alleges that a friend of bts was in Solo the real author of smur KDOWD comedian, dad wa WAS slm Work Done While You Wait larly treated. getting se acknow ledgment of, or payaent for, bila autborsblp. The development of the matter will be watched with Interest TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED happy pair was showered with Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices rose fetit, and was also send off with a wedding marob, after the Ladies Garments carefully handled elemendide the church was close Btreet West where reception was held in their honor, The Rovd, Colbert was klodly aak to the table, REID Manager whilet a bottle of burt for the occasion, de Was Sented at the table which was centered with a covoa story wedding anke, and adoraed with lily and ferne, could be seen the forWedding Bells lowing Mr. and Mrs. C, E, Barber the Bride parents, Min MoClaren, CADET BARBER Chief Bride maid, Me. Buda, Bestman; Master Barber pleasant and quiet wedding paro boy: The Misses, Granj.
took place on Wednesday the 12th Miss Webster, utor, flower girl Why throw away your old, but no. Rita Rudder, a Powell maids Maud Barber, the youngest of bonor, The Guests were doubt interesting, books when you daughter of Mr. and Mro. e. Ganover, MiO Solomao.
Barber of this city, to Mr. Lc Kin Forde, Miss was solemised at the St. Miss St. Pirre, Miss Nonton.
Byers cen have them neatly bound at Canal Zone, by the Revd, hurst, and Mise s, Green, Mrs. THE WORKMAN Colbert, o, The sacred odifice Ceville, Mro. Wilson, and Mro.
was crowded with spectators and McEwen, Mr. Budd, Mr. well wishere, amongst them being Roberts, the Codling brothers representatives of the elite and Mesurs. Pinder, Wilcop.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE sentry of the Pacific side, al wel wiebers of the bride and bride Pinder, James, C, Duncan, Atherton, Jenkins, MeDonald Opposite Cecilia Theatre At 15, no, the happy bride gor, Bailey, Wright, Atherton, Maadervoa, More entered the church on the arms of Mendes, Geo. Thompson, ber Father, she was charmingly Thomas, and Master A, Barber, attired in a well 6tted brocaded the Bride brother. Dancing wa ratio of modern style trimmed kept up until a. when every with chantilly lace, be carried a one left expressing themselves bopuet of Milyo which WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR of grandeur to her solemn spending jolly time. These fairs she walked to the alter function was succesafully carried by the kind help of Mre, where she was to take the onth of. Billanfonte. Mrs.
allegiance to her partner while Mr. Grimes, Mrs. Mannigs, se the organ played marcb, Her Daley, and Miss Lewi.
Chief bride maid was Mise Messrs. Buckley. Harrison, Mclaren from the Atlantic City, Wedderbarn, and Maynard.
No hot irons or special combs required she was charmingly dressed in Ilesb color, the best man in attendance was Mr. Budd Rent Receipt Boss is in SOLD IN DRUG STORES of Panama.
sh and English for sels at the After leaving the church, the Workman Printory Phenix Hall Hotele lait for them Book Binding!
Grimes and Webotor, MoClareo groot touch Contra Crespo Barrel ADVERTISE In The Workman IT PAYS


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