
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 22, 1927 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Commander Watson Appeal Responded To Attractions at the Theatres CECILIA AMADOR Brown Hymn. Tell tional lext you they boys that bad earthly father but dobot bolyan to ttech aber bem over there arrived from Bocas to DEMPSEY. TUNNEY FIGHT FIGHT PICTURE On Sunday last Mrs. Hutebinson, wife of Rey Hutchinson of AMERICA STRAND the Seventh Day Adventist Churcb of this city, and Miss COLON PANAMA (COLON. PANAMA)
member of the Church, visited the Colon Boys Institute Saturday January 22nd Today Saturday January, 22nd Today Saturday Jan 22th, 1927 Saturday January 22nd 1927 Vera Reynolds in and held very interesting!
and service for the boys. Tbe Rev.
Tom Mix in Harry Carey in. THE MILLION DOLLAR HANDICAP Butchinson was prevented from THE TEXAS TRAIL.
Tomorrow Sunday January 23rd RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE attending througb illcess.
Lew Cody in Tomorrow Sunday January 23rd Peggy Shaw in The service was commenced Tomorrow Sunday January 23th Marion Davies in GOLD HEELS by Miss Brown, the MONTE CARLO Lewis Stone in BEVERLEY OF GRAUSTARK Me the Old, Old Story being Tomorrow Sunday January 23rd sung, and after a few Inspira Monday January 24th OLD LOVE AND NEW Monday January 24th Marion Davies, in remarks she turned Florence Vidor in Monday January 24th Matt Moore in BEVERLY OF GRAUSTARK the meeting over to Mrs. Hutcb.
wbo took WELCOME STRANGER Inson ber THE CAVEMAN Huntley Gordon in Monday January 24th from Jobo iv, 1st to 3rd verses. THE GOLDEN COCOON Tuesday January 25th Tuesday January 25th Let not your heart be troubled.
Lowell Sherman in Ye believe in God, believe.
Tuesday January 25th Keneth Harlan in DEMPSEY TUNNEY THE LOVE TOY lo me lo my fatber house Art. Accord in THE FIGHTING EDGE FIGHT PICTURE Tuesday January 25th THE MAN FROM THE WEST there are many mansions, it it and Vera Raynolds in Buck Jones in were not so, would have told Wednesday January 26th THE MILLION DOLLAR HANDICAP ete She pointed out to the Wednesday January 26th THE TIMBER WOLF Back Jones in Hoot Gibson in Wednesday January 26th Wednesday January 26th a beaven THE TIMBER WOLF THE FLAMING FRONTIER Florence Vidor in ly one wbose arms are outLewis Stone in.
stretched night and day Thursday January 27th BARBARA FRIETICHIE. OLD. LOVE AND NEW Thursday January 27th receive into the mansion Lewis Stone in Eddie Cantor in Thursday January 27th Thursday January 27th above, and who is watching and ùay. The OLD LOVES AND NEW night Florence Vidor in KID BOOTS Matt Moote in boys listened to the ser sermon with WELCOME STRANGER THE CAVEMÁN rapt attention. The service was Friday January 28th Friday January 28th Friday January 28th elosed by the singing of the Friday January 28th Matt Moore in Florence Vidor in Lowell Sherman in Gentle Jesus meek and THE CAVEMAN THE MIRAGE Eddie Cantor in ind followed witb prayers. THE LOVE TOY KID BOOTS At the close of the meeting Saturday January 29th Saturday January 29th Rev. Duncanson Saturday January 29th Saturday January 29th; Toro who came del Adolphe Menjou in George Brien in Buck Jones in Viola Dana in over to Colon on business, but THE AČE OF CADS THE MAN WHO CAME BACK THE TIMBER WOLF THE ICE FLOOD having read about the Institute from time time bad come to look over the work. He eu logized the great efforts of Commonder Wataon and admonished the CECILIA TUESDAY 25TH boys to respect their leader and All their bad ways if any was left in them and they In the future may be able to also hod honourable positions.
The evening program was a great ineplration both to Com mander Watson and to the boys of the Institute and it be hoped Interesting Program Music or Literature CRICKET ihat visits be continued CANAL ZONE NOTES St. Lucian Bertevolent in tbe future.
Society. Established BY ALLIANCE LITERARY Mrs. Waller to assist in Wanderers and West End Debate, La Boca Pars SOCIETY. NI, Activities Engaged in Series of Matches On November 24th last, Mr. Tavernier called a meeting The program of the Alliance Whether music or literature Wanderers will engage The juniors took charge of last of St Laclans for the purpose of COLON DIVISION Literary and Debating Society weilds the greater Influence in West end tom or row on the Tuesday meeting of the La considering the possibility of eswhich took place on Tuesday the world is to be debated at the Mt. Hope oval on the last of a BocAthenaeum. Miss Claris the 18th inst at the Cristobal Cristobal Silver Clubhouse series of matches that has been Elie presided. Mr. Gao. Wste olishing a Society Intended to that element as far 28 the Alliance Literary Mangalia portionat Corange Devision Silver Clubbouse was indeed an ouesday the username anachats. planned between them. The two man read a short paper on pretica banice when the list a respec been made the. the feature. also to of tho A, since the arrival of the evenior being the selec Wallera, wife of Mr Waller the previous Rames of the series fairly well prepared Dote. and encourrge thrift for from Ne To York, bere of the tion of an ode for the societs: secretary of the Clubhouse was took place on 2nd and 16th lpst Assistant Mother, betterment The meeting Fire attempts were submitted: oe on the platform to support when the scores were 73 41 and. equally interested.
Lorenzo Johnson read an was undoubtedly, a great tend to the healiby growth and Stari by Darker. Winning and musical program which is of wbich Knowledge is our Susie, This interestiog debate one in favour of Wanderers, interesting paper on Reading cess, as the Social started for is part of a literary match will be the deciding one. draw respectively. Tomorrow at home by a Negro author, of Freedom by These changes all bave Falth, as follows: and much interest is centered showiug the many advantages Froin that time on, every already ham: Unite our begun to bear fruits judging by around it.
to be gained by reading good member of the social has been again we PROGRAMME the rapid growth in nem all literature in the home. To serve making streouous efforts to the by Miss Daphner Open with Ode and prayduring the next junior term end that, the Society is no Obe lively interest of and We are 201. members, in all the onward, by McAllister.
ers Membership News Notes Miss Isilda Thorpe was elected established ucder the name of, meetings, and the sumber Roll Call. Secretary chairman and Miss Edna Smith, The St. Lucian Benevolent After much discussion the last Reading of minutes Secty.
who while Secretary, Miss Hortense Dixon Friendly Society of Panama.
mentioned was by popular vote 14 Reports. Committee yet still outside the ranks are accepted as the most fitting.
Revds. Wade and was appointed to give the news dally exbibiting to cooperate The Society which at the predeep interest weekly Items Miss Cousing both of The Pan of the week at the next ucior sent time consists of 66 malo The successful ode:6 JOS OSS. Moulton de la Mez. ama Colon Circuit, Wesleyan meeting.
members, and which shall be in the grand movement.
WE ARE MOVING ONWARD Church salled on Thursday the open for the admission of female Among the Improvements (Air Tramp Tramp the boys are Recitation McAllister. Song. Miss Qarlese 20th inst. on the Sixaola for made since the arrival of the Tennis ac. ivities have revived members, early la next month, marching on)
Kingston Jamalca to attend the Oaganiz ar is that of the school Hark! Hark! Hark! are mor. 10 Piano Solo Mrs. Waller return on or about the oth Proz. son, according to indications, dentisfios: Teomard Vice 90 Recitation Miss Josbarn. annual Synod. They ara dua to here, and the present dry sea bar for its governing body the following: to be opened tbere on the 1st of Feb, Dext log onward, 11 Debate; Resolved that music will record many interesting This has been a long felt want Confiding in our name, With a will to do or die, weilds greater influence The Pulpit of the Colon Wes: dally workouts.
contests in addition to regular President, Calderon Secreover the nations than litera, Bourne not only among the members, We ll establish our fame, but among the entire colored Let us join our hearts and hands ture. e Allirmative de malay Church will be occupled Tennis Club elected the follow retreander Marshall, raibert. Treasurer, community here. It is an admitJoboson and Mrs. Waller tomorrow night by the Rev.
to vietor Robertseat benissimo Rey Voiing officers for the car rent ted fact that West Indian chilto vo. Negative Arm Bolivia for the past five years, Ierm: William Jump, President Deville Deputy Marshall, A.
strong, and Parker. re elected. Agard, Vice LaGontry Chaplin dren are very badly provided Alliance as our watchwort, for with good schools. Few of We will journey forever, Alliance as our goal.
12 Impression of the Critic interesting service are anticiA large congregation and President; Ernest Robertson, Samuel Marquis, Solomon Jean th the teachers around Secretary, Neely. Tren Marie, and Ovid Louis, Trustees, Waller not excepting Jorer. re elecoed. Clarence Elte, Edward Riveneau, Alexander The road to success!
13 Closing Remarks President Custodian. Plans are being made Louis, Mengo, Pitdairne.
Schools are are tanght by nen tral Wo ll fight and we ll strive, With our hearts filled with pride, ibe Work Deted for Two Instructive sermons were for the carrying out of a doubles Charles Long, Henry sabes De of This new scho!
For the good of the D Colon Teachers Associa preached at the Cristobal Colon tournament on the 22nd will be under bip believes tion eertificated and trained teachers of Baptist Church on Sunday night February next.
last, the 16th Inst, by the Rev.
The and Its aim will be to impart a education to pupils atten Extensive Repairs to Duocanson of the Bocas delA very interesting meeting of Toro Baptist Church. The Revd. clubs of the Silver clubhouse at look forward to a career of in of Tennis la Society want, intends to Representatives he: the Colon Taachers Association gentleroan was on his way to Red Tank, Paraiso, Gatual and cosalder of paramount Liberty Hall.
importane that the children of was held at the St. Josepb Jamaica to attend the annual Cristobal will meet at the Clablaence end veofulinees that sball school room in Broadway when Baptist Union meeting and will nouse this evening in meeting ding in the Republic of Panama.
include St.
the race who are to be men and Women of the future must be New Property Purchased discussed and plang lala many important matters were be returning within a month. for the nomination and election yproperly instructed and trained the progress of the (of new officers for the Canal so that they may be able to cope association meeting of the various cric Zone Lawn Tennis Association with the other races, The United Negro ImproveElection for the term opding ket club of the Surprise com pe term 1927.
REMOVAL NOTICE It is to be hoped that as the ment Association building at December 1927 was held, and tetion was called to take place on school is for the benefit of the the corner of 8s Street and the following officers elected: Monday night, the 17 inst, but vid Leon, Attorney at pablio it will secure the full sup Hudson are now undergoing SJ: Lemmings, Vice President: Was not convenod. It is expected pated at the Wesleyan Churcb to No 175 Central Avenue very pleasant time is anticl Law, has removed his offices pnt of the St. Rose, President; due to some misunderstanding ber big enterprises are being states that it is bis intention to Whittingbam, Secretary, steargento possible.
extensive repairs, Mr, Connor this meeting will take place that on the 14th of next month when (upstairs Sealey Photo Stucontemplated have the building thoroughly Kerr, there will be a Service of Songs renovated at re Bleurer. re elected.
total cost of about 3, 000. portion of the entitled Padri Elliot of Faizabad. dio. walls of the lower flor has The society ancounced a social The weather on this end re. It is unquestionably splendid evening to take place during the mains the same: constant breeze story which will be told in songs.
It is creating much enthusiasm vincible on by conthe Institute Why pay double price Crete, and it is the ultimata din coming month but all the details with moderately heavy showers among those who are to present Grouod in Panama City on SunSee for interior imported of the management to bave the bave not yet been arranged of raio alternated by warm pe it as well others of the communi day last. The La Boca team disriods.
Beer when you can entire structure so rebuilt.
ty, played much skill but had to It has also been stated that Notice to Correspondents.
give way to better players. At buy a superior Beer the Association has just com Contributors and correspondents quarter past nine o clock topleted the purchase a lot of land are asked to send in their contribusuch as BALBOA for Rent Receipt Books in Span The local foot ball team whichwortow morning they will again in Hudson Lane in the vicinity tions not later than Thursdays to Ish and English for sale at the Ellis and being coached and test strength with the bas been recently organized by journey to the Institute Grouud half the price. of the old skating for the pur. iasure publication. This is imperapose of opening garage. tive apd must be adhered to. Workman Printery.
by him, met and lost to the In Igundo team.
Society on an Madam De Mena, all Literary from Anderson; Onca 20 unite, moving of inteligent bebe large and a to pated.
ine Colored ana sound.
foster already


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