
FAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 22, 1927 New Year Revel Ends In Panic at St. Paul NOTICE ZUR He is a Negro, Asics xos Singer And Hero Of Countess THE BEER SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
Means of Preventing it We can sell them to you IN FIST FIGHT WITH THE B:coming Serious, COUNT cheaper in many cases than London (Saturday. January you can obtain them with panic in which several the added advantage of NO What is perbaps one of the persons were injured and man: RISK OF DISSATISFACmost startling news articles women falnted ended the Nex publle bed recently affecting Year revel in front of TION since you can see the Negroes, or a member of the Paul Cathedral early this article before paying for it.
Negro race, appeared in the morning issue of December ointh of the In accordance with custon, Dependable Timepieces to Jewish Forward, publisbed at 175 East Broadway, New York immense crowds from all parto suit every member of your of London and its suburb: family can be had at Cty.
gathered before the famou The story, which comes from church to celebrate the coming FULLER ove Moskov, Vienna corresponof 1927.
dent of the Jewish Forward, tells 122 Central Ave.
of the martial difficulties beThe exact cause of the stamtween Count and Countess pede is not known, but it was Kolerado precipitated by the wbile after mid algbt when discovery by Count Kolerado of of poeple Roland Hayes, premier Negro dowo Ludgate Him, which slopes Dr. David Smith fairly steeply from the west tenor, in the company of his of the Cathedral wife, the Countess.
In a few moments women and cbil SNAKE BITE REMEDIES It must be realized that due dren were screaming and med to the dificulty of literally were shouting, as the crowds translating Hebrew into English sought safety from some un Dr. Smith the Snakewe are not printing reproducknown danger.
bite Specialist of Guabito, tion of the article ad literatim, Women ana children fainted: Bocas del Toro, begs to but are merely stating the others were thrown down to be offer his professional service alleged facts as appearing in the trampled and kicked Those Forward.
soos sc The headl! ne of this article is beads sezd children and held found, his snake bite remepren and women who kept their to any patient. Wherever the snbstance of the beadline them above the crowd, mean. dies have never failed to appearing over the article in the while fighting way to to side effect a speedy cure. The Jewish Forward. mio torta birido Biatreets Fortunately there was FROM OUR EUROPEAN CORRESan absense of wheeled trafic Doctor also specializes in wbich bad PONDENT: MOSKOV. JEWISH diverted, and by be other complaints such as Urithe time the rush reached the nary Troubles, Chronic UIFORWARD)
of the bill and out into cers and Obstinate Coughs.
It is bappy in the city and we Ludgate Circus the pressure Should you need his prowill send you a gift. We are was relieved. But for those who fessional services, do not fail sending to you in America Our OFhad gathered io ti vicin ty, the to write or come to the DocPrinces Princesses, and Kings, celebration was over and they and you Americans in return went to to their homes much tor personally when you can kindly send your American earlier than they might bave be cured.
Prince and black tenor. No more otter wise.
Address: of our bigher people are white and yours, not to The police came on the scene IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPL OF offend you quickly and it was largely due DR. DAVID SMITH in any way, ara little darker.
to their efforts that the pacic Specialist Why sbould the American WAS not more serious. Ambupeople be so select since they lances were rushed to remove a Guabito Bocas del Toro are republican people for balf dozen of the worst injured years back? Have you forgotten to the bospital, Most of the Republic Panama that America is not only a counothers recovered speedily and try of poets, but also of aristowere able to get to their homes.
As usual there bad been a good Some time back, in Vienna, deal of drinking and 880sational love affair of a Suitable for Lodge Business black tenor or with a young, sitbongo white Countess created a furore orderly merry makers. Some Marvelous Success In The black tesor AT THEof those who were torown down who had sung in Vienna to such the treatment of received cuts from broken bot.
audiences is not Jewish, tles strewn in the streets.
bat a Christian tenor. It is the Gonorrhoea and Gleet well known American tenor, The St. Paul celebration, which Roland Hayes, of whom have originally was just a mid night Relieves the most obstinate written in the Forward before.
religious service, soon was decase in three days It is possible that the Neg o googooogo ng mga gama anggang ngagoggagogogama since the war the gatherings in based by riotous revelry. bat FOR SALE AT THE singer who is with you front of the edifice on New America, is not such und large Year Eve, while still noisy, PHARMACY attraction, la Vienna be won have been more tame.
the confidence of all woman 149 Central Avenue, Panama bearts. They had regular Wars The passing of the old year here in order to secure tickets Phone 825 Into the new to bigbt was marked Tbe by the usual gathering and AND AT most killed each other in order festivities in London Hotels get into the concert hall to bear, and restauraats were filled with THE NEW DRUG STORE and more to see the black singana dinner or supper parties and in 5th and Street, Colon er. The black singer enthused Of every description the majority of cases the meals their hearts with his voice and were attended by schemes of Phone 403 bis colour.
decoration and effects, either Besides, the Negro singer capartistic or groteeque, designed tured the bears of the wellfor the occasion.
known Vienna beauty, Countess One hotel had ten foot crack DAVID LEON, LL.
Kolerado, who comes from one of ers which burst open as 1927 the largest aristocrat Austrian DESPATCH arrived. At the Savoy a large ABOGADO families, and was before a resclock with a twelve foot dial ident of the Kigeria Palace in had been suspended from the Attorney at Law Austria. Her husband is the roof while six foot band ticked internationally known aristocrat, АT THЕ.
off the final minutes.
Office: 175 Central Avenue Count. Saca (or Zasba) Kolerado, The biggest revel was at the wbo. is most popular in all aristoAlbert Hall where 5, 000 people Telephone 1015 Panama cratic circles.
participated in Happy New Box 1002 Ancon, Canal Zone Countess Ileno lerado at one Year Ball and Charlestoned time beard and saw tha Negro until the first day of 1927 was tenor and she fell head over well on its way. With Licenses to Practice before heels in love with him. Since the Courts of Panama and the that time sbe did not miss one of his concerts. Later Canal Zcne. she io vited bim to her bousa and her cofidence in the dark singer tess with such honour shall the Negro her and the unshaken, with great jy grants marry a Nugro.
Countess CALL IN AT was sitting at his feet the Count his divorce and deELEMENT OF DOUBT and swallowed him with her eyes. clares she will marry Roland WILKINSON She confessed her love for bim. Hayes. Meanwhile, the press is The PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE The Negro tenor accepted ber alled with stories of the affairs.
is more or less doubtful as to the Contractor love and told her that be loved authenticity of all the recited ABYSSINIAN LINEAGE facts, but publishes the story and Builder The love grew until the husMoskov goes on to tell of the because of its merit as an interband of the Countess found out turmoil in the circles of Austrian of bis wife black lover. One aristocracy as a result of the new impression of racial react on House No. 20 day the Count returned home stories. The Countess is ostracisince the 28th NOV, STREET, unexpectedly and found Hayes zes and soubbed by Austrian to No. 93, Central Avenue story has been wide in the company of his wife. society. She by the Jewisb po Neither. SAN MIGUEL fist tigbt ensued, but Roland not however. New York publication only had a voice and heart that Finally Hayes ir form the Coun took women away, but two good tess, according to Moskove story ASSORTMENT OF does the publishing of this story Box 411, Panama, R, American fists. He beat the that he is a descendant of an Ablodicate that THE PHILADELPHIA Count with his fists and with yssinan Prince and is, by vir TRIBUNE puts ans any particular bis beloved Countess left for the line of this facts, worthy of her GOOD STATIONERY amount of credence in the story. Plans and Specifications Free Austrain resort, Samareeng love and position.
Mr. Hayes bas emphatically de Now the Count institutes dl Moskov concludes his story nied any relations with the vorce proceedings and bis wifel with Well, well, that quite a SOUVENIRS, Dountess and has asserted time First Class Workmanship the beautiful, wbite Counte 83, stors; that a well known Coun and time again that it is not bis atention to marry.
Satisfaction Guaranteed on some sections of the crowd. Electric Injection in this city large Workman Stationery Store in for bis concerts.
The Workman BOOK STORE esting artides rois rather vivid Australia, especiaven POLA licity by


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