
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1927 PAGE SEVEN British Finance And Commerce.
Additional Church Services: Seventh Day Adventist Church Can yo STREET CALIDONIA ROAD (near Lothmina Park. PANAMA.
Babbath (Saturday) 45 Baba both School; 11. 15. General Worship 30 Spanish Class; 30 Society, meeting 30 Junior and Senior Standard of attainment Claw p. mm. Veepers.
Sunday ever ing 30 Steresptican Lecture. The general public is cordially invited to turn out in largs aumlere for and 65 an you tell Seventh Day Adventist Church ers.
qualified why cigarettes differ or are similar? Some men can. They know that Lucky Strike gives added pleasure.
Ird. STREET BROADWAY, COLON Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath School; 11. 15 mm. General Worship 4, 30 p, Young people meeting 30 Veepers Bunday evening 30 Preaching Servion. You are cordially invited to attend these service and bring your friendo, loos of The Church of God Because it toasted first pas.
Seorer vessel in the appeared one The latest returns relating to the growth of ocean motor tran sport are of great interest. Of the combined tonnago of vesseis 100 tons and over (exclusive of sailing ships) under construction In thn United Kingdom at the present time, 35 per cent is moper cent is steam tonDage. That British ship builders are acquainted with and practice the most up to date principles lo motor ship consturction is evident from the illuminating presidential address recently given by Lord Kylsant before ibe Institute of Marine Engine. word or so first with regart to the speaker. No one is more to speak on tbis suject iban Lord Kylant, who besides being the chalrman of the Elder De in poter Line to prominently associated with the great shipbuilding firm of Harland and Bellast Woltf. Even in the po war period of unprecedent depression in shipbuilding this firm has lau. cbed annually in four succes.
sive years over 100, 000 bipping. The firm bas for years devot special attention to the development of marine motor egloes, It has adopted a type of motor engine which has already been or is being installed in no lewer than 300 vers ls of an aggregate of two millions gross tons a 1, 250, 000 borsepower.
In November. 1921, the motor in the world was put into con mission. This was the Elder. Dell liner Abs in the west Africasenger service. Since theo passenger motor vessels have number of ocean routes. Now the companies over which Lord Kylsant presiden have fifty motor vessels in service or building, including in the Carnarvon Castle and Asturias sbips of 20, 000 and 22 500 tons respectively.
The latter vessel is the largest passenger motor sbip in tbe world, This statement of Lord Kylsant qualifications it will be perceived, is largely the recent blatory of motorsblpbuilding and operating. His address, ho werer, was devoted to mar. pe motor engineering from the practical and economic standpoint, and more particularly from the point of view of the of passenger motor vessels Here is a paraphrase of some of his dicta, setting forth the way advantages the passenger ship fitted with motor engines bas Over the steamer: Reliability: The experience of shipowners wbo bave operated motor vessels is that the passenger motor ship, as well as reliable and dependable. Vibrathe cargo motor vessel, is both tion: No ship is altogether free from vibration, but, contrary to expectations, modera motor steamsbips. So far as passenger accomodation is concerned vibration is practically existent tu motor vessels. CleanLee Itaess: The dust and dirt inseparable from coaling are entirely avoided; ne emoke is given off; and, incidentally, much ume is saved by fuelling with oil. Cargo Space: The enormous reduction of bunker space, due to much of the fuel being con veyed in the double bottom and the non existence of boilers greatly increase this. Running costs: In the all important matter of fuel consumption, taking ships of the same siz9 and speed, motor engines consume one ton of oil as egainst four or five tuns of coal. Normally, in the case of passenger vessels, one top of oll may be said to cost approximately 21 times as much as ton of coal. Speed: In cases where speed is ah kun portant the ratio of aggregate cost of bigber speeds is less ia vessels fitted with motor engines. Depreciation: Not a long enough time bas as elaps since the folroduction of motor vessels to form definite conclusions, but the speaker did not anticipate auy: thing exceptional in this respect.
Finally, Lord Kylsant, expressed the opinion that while the initial of the motor engine is at present somewhat bigher than the steam driven engine, the additional capital outlay is more than offset by the results in service. Moreover, the motor sblp, like the wotor car, lends itself to standardization, which may prove the solation of the problem of the greater first cost.
Rent Receipt Books In Span sh and Engrish for sale at the Workman Printery Panama, Aroremena Street, House 25, 3an Miguel Sunday at a. Prager meeting and Gospel weeting at 11.
And 30 Sunday School at p. oday at 30 Testimony Meeting Tuerday at 15 pm. Young People Meeting. Wednesday at 30 cospel meeting. Thursday at 30 o.
Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting BRO, C, Pessoa, in charge. Red Tank, Csaal Zoue, Sunday Schoo P. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 pm.
Sis. GRAY New Providence. Gospel Mee ing at 11. 30. and 30 Sunday Snbool it 3p. Wednesday at 30 Gorpel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. McDONALD intun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meeting at 11. 30 sm. and 30 Sunday Johool at pm. Wednesday 30 Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 pm Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH Polon. and Streets. Gospel meetlogs at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 pm. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Nothing vague in such a reply, nothing indefinite.
Lucky Strike is the only cigarette with a definite reason for its superior flavor.
owner of costly extra Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness om process but toasting brings out the hidden flavors of the world finest tobaccos.
DOO No, MARIANO AROSEMENA SI SAN MIGUEL Sunday 30 a. Prayer Meeting 10 a. Children Service; 11 am.
Divine Service. Preacher, Supplied. p. m, Sunday Sebool, Superinten dent 6p. 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher Supplied The usual weekly services will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday Bight, at 45 All other notics for the week will be given from the Pulpit.
Bro. WEBLEY, Acting Pastor in charge.
BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 a. Divine Service. Preacher Supplied. 30 Sunday School, Superintent dent. p. Gospel service. Preacher Supplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings and it toasted Prayer, ILLUSTRIOUS STAR LGDGE No. 17 reason millions can resist Meets Tonight LUCKY STRIKE yet The Officers and Members of Ilustrious Star Lodge No. 17, Independent Order of Mechanics Preston Unity, are reminding the members of the sister lodges of the Preston Unity, that their Installation of Officers for the Jan to Juae term comes oft to night.
They also want it to be understood that Preston Uoity members only will be admitted, others please be governed accordingly. IT TOASTED coet CIGARETTES Canal Business for 15 days Duriog the first fifteen days of January, 210 commercial vessels and six small non sea guing launches transited the Panama Canal.
on the commercial vessels aggregated 908, 968. 25, and on the launches. 37. 25. The daily average tolls collection for the fifteen days was 60, 597. 88, the average numIber of transits being 14.
Tolls Advertise in The Workman


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