p. 8


helow it mile Lodge as in the giant, Classy Races 109 110 105 132 128 Renowa fight on.
107 was for horses.
Boxers Sail For Last Sunday Races Aftermath of Lodge Tomorrow Races, Panama Installation, dead heat warle the Birst race The Jorisoy Club has prepared at Juan Frarco Fark on Sunday The Jam rica Mail of a recent Coming home from Lodge at row afternoon at iba popular race program of sine races for tomorafter con last. Toere were eight date says: 12. 30 in tbe morning or thereabouts, track at Jun Franco Park. There races on the program and tbe Clemente Sanchez, bette; krown is no time of night or morning for will be four races for native ponics tirst was a six furlorga bandias Paatero. the Cuban fighter, proper wife to return home to cap to class dative ponies wbo was in this islanl for the last Io field of four, Fap, an eo few months, sailed yesterday on her husband, was the opinion of and the others for imported Judge Murray in the Cristobal will be over five furlonge for thoronghbrejs. The feature event TOMORROW try from the Stad Cara en start the Co steamer Sixaola Majestrates on Thursd y a ed efcond and overtook Do: for Panama, Paatera has had last when Isaac Carrington and bis purse of five huddred dollars in wife Mrs, Lillian Carrington were which there are fire entrier, By Sunday January 23rd, 1927 oth borses racing neck and neck very successful tour bere, having hailed into court on a charge of the program which published toishd on even u rm Candle won all of hls engagements, and it will be noted that there himself proved a clean, strong, disorderly conduct.
wood and sara, the other burdevent to be folIwo entries, came in ibe crde Mrs. Carrington returned from is also a one fighter, capable of bitting as well as absorbing lowed handing Installation at 30 a urlongs by the last race of JUAN FRANCO TRACK Fenomena. Chiqni, named punishment Boca was the star Jickey of Thursday morning, accompanied Mavara and Fap will take the His Coostantine manager, by a man by the name of Sear field over five furlongs for the the afternoon, winning for our Mendez accompanies bim, as well geant. This enraged the busband first event.
of seven mounts; be came twice as it was neither the first nor the money and brought in ces Sparring Caballero the Cubao It is the intention of the second offence and which he THE PROGRAM: cero last in the feature event o trío to stop off at Panama so as to said was really getting on Wis FIRST RACE six furlongs for class im engage in various bouts with Oor the feature event nerves. According to Mrs. Car.
thorougbbieds. some good men from the Quited Class Natives 150 rington be threatened ber and Hanry States and Cuba who are now To Furlongs White the toan Seargent with a pocket Reina Mora was the there. From Panami they will Races for Imported horses Fenomeno winner. Pierrot, with Plz up. tour Central and South Ame ica The Judge Jet Carrington off Chigut.
and on whom a whole a whols ot of con before going on to the United with a five dollar fine but rrcom Maya a.
fidence hangel, was extra tardy States.
and for Native bred Ponies mended that he join the same Fap.
126 in getting away from the barrier la consection with the above Lodge as bis wife and not leave thereby los ing nearly balta forta furs we were pleased to meet and greet her any more under the nocturn SECOND RACE long bebind the others when the Messrs. Poaters and Caballero supervision of another man.
AN AFTERNOON OF GOOD RACING Class Natives. 150 into was who were ushered our office was a worthy challenger of the on Tuescay hatet accompanid Furlongs by winner but Cudel was unable to Mr. Solovey our in domitable fight Excuse Me Rain or Shine more rac ng tractics promoter, who advised us that on master COLORED ARTISTS Cococbs.
Dardanela wbile Diaz alter tting off Piar both these fightere in acion, and Linda rot moved his mount up to take this remidds us that on that date Continued from page 1)
third plase ADMISSION laaviagCicero to fol. Lombardo is billed to take the the Old World. The community is lox THIRD RACE bis field in.
be also most grateful to th: Minage measure of Chato. It With Jockey Bu za up Cococho remembered that Chato ment of the NB! Broadcasting Years Imported 250 easily Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
won the second event of the winner of the chal Station for both their kind Furlongs five furlongs for class native Gardener the 9th invitation and reception to West Dolle.
102 ponies; with Linda Dardanela last at the Bull Ring, hence the Indian musicians Ch. Gordo and Ranown coming in the order scrap on the 13th Febraery.
182 DON MISS IT The program was as follows: ocfar has thee announced Chato Irquia.
na ned. Alion Caruival. 116 AS third event FOURTH RACE of four fui bongo the choices et returned receady fround the beto Orchestra Coast, where he was matched Joan of Are (Verdi) Class 1st Imported. 175 na ivo ponte: Almirante second agsinst some of the best in his. Orchestra Forlongs and Harold tbird.
class and it is expected that the Vocal Solo, The Jewel Song Dhole Lenine from the Stud El match against bruself and Lom(Fauet) Mrs Olga King 112 West Indians May be Excluded guila wito Diaz ap von a bril bardo willl be a hummer and Andant. From Fifth Symphony Marcela 109 (Beethoven) Orchestra Ocurrencis 128 liant race over five furlongs clear should be a most attractive card ing by ont of an entanglement for fight faus. Continued from page 1)
Solo, ouvenir (Franz Lenine.
Frank dn Richmond sadioa.
110 created immed ately after the THE MODIFICATIONS Traviata start. This was in the fourth race The following articles ought to be annulled: 2, 3, 8, 9, Velo Solo, rene Op. 12 of five furlongs LA FIFTH RACE ciass Or EimSim Detailed Official Ga zona came Clans Imported 500 Dorted Flure 11, 12 and 5, 6, 10, reformed as follows; 2ad Tigre third. Belle Savage Farlongs Article 5: The Executive Power can permit the im Vocal Solo. the Calmness of Araucana. Torschah) Geo. Abhutt and Novicia also raa, Celia was (Continued from page migration of foreigners referred to in Article 1, Law 13 of Vision (Gounod) Mrs. King Brave Love 95 sciatched. Chomba Gorda with Committee, heading their delega 1926 when it is satisfactorily proven that they are coming to!
Dance. Cosuck Revels Reina Mora Aranda op won the fifth event of tion, will also assemble outside dedicate themselves to work or public utility or to agricul. sebakoff) Orchesra six furlongs for class tborougbbreds, were won by Julio Meren Piers, and proceed to their ture, once these immigrants are not Chinese, Japanese, Sy. Valse Op. Miss Lydia Holder Bolsheviki.
do Arlequin with Caronjada of allotted station on Pier. rians, Türks Indo orientals, Indo arians or Dravidians; the Messrs. Young and the Stud El Agulla secondencia requested to attend to him SIXTH RACE Chung are parties or persons representing them proving besides Class 2nd Imported. 175 Colonese 8:00 also of the Stud El Aguila, sec. dian bands will parade outs de Pier where native or resident foreign labor is not obtainable. The maused West In. that they are coming to work in a sectiun of the Country Judge Calls Dry Farlongs ond.
Kitty Gill 124 6, and proceed to their allotted station. The Rev. Nighten. article, or any person representing them shall satisfactorily Article The immigrants referred to in the preceding! Regime Czarism Translate.
99 Oran 90 THE 75 LAW gale is requested to estrust the prove to the Executive Power that they will defray if ne REIGN OF TERRORISM IN THE viz.
127 bar draster 25. 10, All present will stand cessary all hospital and Lunatic Asylum fees during their UNITED STATES AS RESULT OF 128 Mimosa (Continued from page 1) to attention and maintaku silence. stay in the Republic.
117 8:39 Ob Pab.
TR to President the ex T. H, will leave VOLSTEAD ACT 95 Article 19: Those foreigners referred to in Article 5, of tremely difficule po rition which Regowo. At this may the law, and who reside in the regions of the Republic and LAUGHTER 15 SEVENTH RACE the Law creates in hie Province; ment the muss bands will play CRIME Class Natives. 125 that if the business houses were to God Save the King, and it is ear employed in work of an agricultural nature in foreign adjoin4 Parlongs be compelled to strictly cotnply with nestly requested that all will join ing territory may cross the Frontier in return to their doStrong Denunciation of Police they could find themselves in in singing teir National Anthem, micile without fulfilling the formalities of Passport regulation the neccesity of clusing their doors. 8:35 a. The inspection, and but thay must provide themselves with residential vouchers Barbs ja Methads by Justice Gorman Zupa.
because it would be impossible for bearing of the Ad Treusses of Wels issued by the Political Authorities of the place of residence, of Philadelphia Mayara.
to find Hacamanian in fuff. come by Their Royal Highnesses, Almirante.
cient numbers for their needs. the will begin in the following order: population of his Province being The Bristish Society, Philadelphia, c. 22. Prohl Intima.
bition and 100 51 69 foreigners and that of Presentation of flowers by Mas. police terrorism Don Simon Baptist Church bave brought about conditions the City of Colon po sibly 70 ter Lawria Oxley. on behalf of the CHURCH SERVICES EIGHTH RACE in America comparable to the Class Imported 300 foreigners. He also pciated ou colony.
where the Law concedes popu The Bristish Ex Service me Russia Mile lar action fur denouncing violators 3, The British Est Indian Com. Under the auspices of the Southern Cairs. Judge Times Gr.
Third Sunday After Epiphany Baptist Convention. ma asserted today in alsсbarkreCare jada with the stimulus of 25 of the mittee.
114 fine for the party making the de The masand West Indian AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCB Colon 11 a. Bupplied. 725 pming a jury panel in the criminal Burla (Anglican Catholie)
Rev. Williamson, branch of the Municipal Court. To wello nouncement. 12. 50 as minimum bands.
in each case) and this offers a The British West Indian St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca 15 Pastor Witt.
Picturing women torn from tot. Alvarado, Chorrillo 11 a. Mr: Gallimon; children and thrown into Coburg en opportunity to the frock soat Committee.
to easily make mo 113 The Boy Scoute.
American Episcopal (Anglican ComCalidonis. 11 am. Deacon Crooks; police cels for all red violations lequin ney at the exprose of honest people The British Chinese Commit3 m. Harvest Thanksgiving 15 of the liquor low, based on NINTH RACE mudio)
who are fairly driving to earo tee.
Holy Communion 30 am. The pouscore than anony Red Tank 11. Deacon Melator letter, Judge Gorman Cliss Imported. 250 their bread banestly; 310 houses During the reading of the four Ree er. Furlongs said that bomes in Czarist have up to that tine been de addresses, complete silence on the 16 Da con Russell.
Holy Baptism 30. nounced by two iyster, which part of all the delegations is reEmpire 11. add 15 pm. Russia never were invaded more Colonense.
126 unjustly.
would imrly depriving commerce, quested. During the inspection 45 The Li any followed by Dercon Yearwood Rolando of 107 Gatun 11 a. 16 Supplid. ma s bome. be added, xie.
108 against every notion of equiy, of Ex Service men and Boy Scouts Holy Euch arist and Sermon. The Rector Chureb School p Pueblo Nuero 11 Parcon is not free from invasion wben Occurrencia 126 as a minimum, to pour all will come smartly to attention. 25 m, R, and suite will Casou Me cher 3, 875 into the pockets of the de Choral Evensong, sermon 30 pm Stewart. 15 Mr. Peterkin officers are sent after an 109 Capoul.
119 rounciou shysters.
from Pier by motor car New Providence. 11 am. Donmou, communications. Tbe Tuesday next in the stival of the Broome.
officers, of coorde. must obey week passed its first reading in staff, and escorted by Cavalry Conversation of St. Paul the Apostle their superiors to retain their the National Assembly.
via Roose The Holy Communion will te co abrat You at the positions.
have even sen lawyers urging clients to plead Why pay double price Prado, and Ancon Boulevard Central Organizaticn guilty indicim nts found MULCARE, Rec or.
for inferior imported SPARKLETS 30 a. will arrive at Blader such unjust and depl) the boundary line and transfer to able condition It is not Boer when you can Continued from page buy a superior Boer The President coach, pro At a meeting of the West Indian amazing a a disgraceful efforts exactly what cents are ceeding thence to Presidencia. St. Barnabas Church, Emp to tist School room on Tuesday even been so sboek u Central Organization at the Bap condition, and the Court has such as BALBOA for dollars. One will the attending All British subjects taking part half the price.
in this loyal demonstr. tion.
be able to make a success of ing last, the draft of the Organiza circumstanc: thit defer da 18 are St. Bartholomw Church The big things if he fails to the foregoing programma ive earnestly reqrested to conform to tion onstitution was completed bave been invited to withdraw LAS CASCADAS and will be presented at a generai ber of guilty.
due respect to ones.
community or people we coanot also essential in order to carry out St. Simon Mission, Gambos STRICT PUNCTUALITY is meeting to be convened later this Delice officers in almost every afford to dismiss these little lessons Also month.
raid bave invaded the tons of testifying that they raided places from our minds and reasonably the very extensive programme. If had no affidavits to su sport To y are even making laughter el izons with warrants which bec use they heard laughter.
expect to succeed in the big thing you cannot be early, or on time, which we years to have. please remain away as late arrivals would cause erosiderable inon School and Evening Prayer will be Mating and Addr288, Church Dr. Wendehake Everybody is terroriz da crime under the Volstead aet.
bayrala wo do anything to put. Ninety seven liquor cases were Rent Receipt Boo in Spanstop to it. The day seems to tried by the jurors during their beld at the above named Churches MEDICAL CLINIC have arrived when our Consti three week service and the at the usual hour y the Lay Read 7, 025 Front Street Colon tation maos mothing in Paila testimony in each one. Judga Ish and English fr sale at the ADVERTISE ers OPPOSITE RR STATION pbis.
Gorman sald, bad sbocked and Workmart Printery IN THE WORKMAN IT PAY JT MULCARE Priest in Cierge. PHONE 11 We have beard policemen disgusted him.
103 126 115 105 gre 8:25 a.
them to 888888 ga gold 110 95 126 105 their ed vagabonds to Rev. Tylerbest. 15. 500 as the law has this da parte de Century me to to the to never pleas venience


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