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tras اما با ایران در CRC mod Jubilant Manifestations for British Royally THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND to there ttle ship Sent Rall. The 00000 where might then returned to VOL. 15 No. 24 PANAMA, SATURDAY JANUARY 29TH 1927 PRICE CENTS LETTER OF AP THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF YORK Strenuous Last Minute PRECIATION Enthusiastically Welcomed to Repulic of Efforts Made by Garveyites To West India ComPanama by Resident Britishers mittee Last Tuesday and Wedccsday CRITISH LEGATION At New York to Save Liberty Hall are days that will most assui edis January 27 1296 live in the memories of Britishers From Auctioneer Hammer.
for on these two Dear Sir: on the lethos, am directed by His Majes ays the Duke and Duchess of York were welcomed ty Minister to convey to you shors with a demonstration of New York, Jan. Liberty Hall, Stronghold from his thanks for, and apprecia. lovalty and pride onbeard of and which Marcus Garvey intended to start the conquest of tion of, the manner in which unknown in the history of this Africa, prssed from the hands of his organization on Wedyour Committee have a sisted community Inesday, December 29, into those of Casper Holstein, wellin carrying out the arrange, Renown bearing the Reyal pair inagnificent batile cruiser known Harlemite, or rather will pass, unless a restraining ments made for the visit of arrived at the Break water on the injunction, grantǝd by stice Cavegan, and which comes Their Royal Highnesses the Atlantic side Duke and Duchess of York morning escorted by the up for a hearing later on today, rules otherwise. The sale early on Tum was held at the Real Estate Exchange of James R, Murphy, to the Isthmus of Panama. bttle Arkansas which bad 54 Vesy Street. to satisfy a judgment of 12, 156 dollars down from His Excellency also wishes to been Guantanamo brought by the Strong Service Corporation, add that Their Royal High the renown. The Arkansas met Bay specially to act as csecrt to Bidding began at 25. 000 dollars with four bidders, and Gesses were delighted at the the English SEN finally stopped at 92, 000 dollars, which is 36, 000 dollars a salute of twentyboyal and enthusiastic wel sea and give his brides to above the totol mortgages on the building.
come accorded to them by one guns The two war crafts strenuos last minute effort was made by the Garvey.
the British West Indians and, then pruereded slowly, up the until Lesse ites headed by Toote, acting president general, to they regard Their visit to the reachei. Here e Renown was save the building but failed.
Isthmu: as one of the most again saluted. The Arkansas then The 12, 156 due the Strong Service Corporation was njoyable and interesting that broke company and the Renown finally raised, but it is said Jaffy and Brand :is, attorneys for ibry bave ever made. procreded on to the Gatun Locks Yours truly, and tied up. The slip was here the corporation, refused to take the money, whereupon boarded by Governor Walker of the Kohn and Nagler, counsel for th: Garveyites, took it up (Signed) FEARON Panama Canal and other high notawith the referee, but it is suit th: auctioneer refused to Assistant Private Sec ty. bles and Governor Arosemena of consider anoth postponement.
The cre ary olon The money, it is said, was then lodged in the Chelsea Th: British West lodian At Gatun the royal party went Bank, and the restraining injunction sought.
Committ elabcre and the Duke inspected a The I, bought the building in 1919 for 110, 000 PANAMA battellion of United States soldiers drawe up is live along the look doliars, and spent several thousand dollars in enlargening party then walked up to it. total of 72. roo dollars had been paid out on mortgages VOYAGE OF THE the second lock, across the lock and other debts on the building gates to the west side of the Canal RENOWN and boarded a special train which LATEST PICTURE OF TRZ DUKE AND Duchess or YORK took them to the spillway THREE WEST INDIANS DIE IN PRESENTED TO PRS DENT CH ARI COURTESY STAR HERALD two gates were opened that they From Portsmouth to the lake is se bow the surplus water of tend the reception and, be present with the kernest pleasure and ELECTRIC CHAIR the lake is disposed of. The party at the dock, Jamaica.
pride, the itinerary of Your Royal to the Renowa and From an early hour in the morn. Slighnesses, and are profoundly Chas. Goldson, Edgar Humos and Geo. Williams The Renown left Portsmouth. ransited the canal arriving at ing people were seen wending co. vinced that the present tour Pay Penalty for Murder of Watchman England, on the h, inet with 18 Balboa at o clock in the afternoon their way to Pier to and the hour will do much to maintain the spirit Pilas Canary Islands as her fi e where an immense crowd including of 30 when. he formalities were to of loyalty, progress and pe ce, live day w a fairly com ortable Indians had gathered to welcome be proceeded wi. the crowd was so essential to the creatness and port of voyage luting Panamanians sining Jan. Charles Goldson, Edgar Humes o great that admission to the dock stability of the Empire. and George William, negroes, were put to death in the except for the second day when the ube Renown with is royal guests.
bad to be refused and many perImmediately as the ship docked sons who had secured tickets for appreciation, the consideratio William Young, an aged watehman, during a silk robbery We remember with grateful electric chair at Sing Sing prison tonight for the murder of giant croiser to her wey beat deal. At Las Palmas, and was tied up to her berth Pre the occasioa cou no: gain admis which Your Royal Highneries in a loft at 575 Eight Avenue, Manhattan, about a year ago.
the Royal taavellers got a splendid sidentChiari in company witneiro, have ever shown every worthy reception aud two days were spent Minister Alfaro the British Minister Lind up in the front row on cause, so that we rejoice that the plan made by Williams to commit suicide was frusthere, the Renown taking on oil. Major Brathwaite Wallis and Mr the Pirr were the ex service men, splendid tradition of Englnad trated earlier in the day. He had fastened four towels to. crossed the Atlantie in fair weather, abo rd and dund paid their to the days getting gradually warmer the Duke and Duchess. Ao thin Indian Committee, the West In ated.
suspicious bulge in a pocket and seized the towels: the tropics.
the top dian Committee, the Chinese Com distinguished appro We are glad for this opportuniporty got to The pure che Diocese are highof the gangway the brand on board she is the weather cine Bande. Second expressing of affectionate Humes, who had expressed considerable feeling against him Boy Scouts and Girls Gutle interest the welfare His Royal Highness spends the manian National Anthem, at the Duchess, accompanied by thetwo that Yoar Royal Highnestes will police. As Williams went by in the custody of the keeper y popular on board the Cruiser. the Renowo struck up tha Pans Precisely at 45, the Duke and Princess Elizabeth, and our hope because Humes felt that Williams had squealed to the moroing in conference with his conclusion of which the party Hodi in waiting the British Minie over enjoy health to fulfil the with a small towel around his shoulders, Hum:s exclaimed: malt on mnom ele Barn or Cavan is escended the stariwray leading you ther, Major Braih waite wallio, me dating of a challed staticals the chief In thock éternooien couple stood and were presented Panama, and other misle de poores a pleasant and comfortable the aft deck the Royal British Vice If could get hold of that towel, buddy, d squeeze it is, bockey metimes We wish for Your Royal High. around your neck and save the executioner a job 10 and squash racque a princi conversed with their Royal the scended Goldson and Humes were 22 years old. Williams was Pally but sometimes with the ship desses for a few minutes and retired to use the gingway and came on voyage, and a happy and safe 26. They came from the West Indies a fow months before with the members pier.
officers. Her Royal Highness also the Marine playing Pacamas party stepped on the dock ihe, The address was then folded the murder.
Marine Band on Board struck up replaced ia the pretty casket and they plava po good deal of deek. of tbe kanagway other the Nation and Anten, handed to the Duke Before he died Williams wrote a letter to Herbert dinner as tain some of the olhcers of the end o!
Koerber, cake eater bandit, who will have a new trial lined Duke up on Duches Room of the famous battre some ashore and drove a long done te combined West Todian Cadranst was read hy Altorney trouble in the future.
ato as The you the position to receiver Bereich deres made by Aportes after spending some time in the death house. Williams the rddresses As as this address urged to e ui er had the honor of while crowinside the had bands repeated greatly intuining Their Royal Highnesses a creased to eagerly feasting their Authem.
National Carrington is To Their Royal Highnessea cuests en niet te ha noidentally dire magasibe eyes on the huge battle cruiser and AĎpress of British SOCIETY The most profouad sense of Juy these loyal seistiments to the se from both A: subjects of our wonopportunity to make repetition of protectia ani privileges we enjoy that the Ward lingered long into the twilight ere All being ready. Mr. Ford was stirred in the hearts of the cond son and his amiable corso derul Empire, we feel proud that Room British thousands of West Indian subjects of the Royal Household.
bas entertained of residence these generally attend At eight o clock the Royal Par Society stepped forward and read of His Majesty, the King, when the The noble traditions of our glo puis have cause toute nationen entertainment by the ty were entertained at a dinner giv the following addrese. accouncement of Your Royal High: rious Empire and nation are time, sediments to diminish or our patenip company including a couple ce by Major Wallis at the Britis Tlio address presented by the water en periode de visit to those part dear transures of our lives in istowwe.
concerts and Legation. there Asia, we wish Your Royal The ship wireless worked parti was a reception at which about fire English colony and read by Mr. some time from official quarter: our hearts pulsate with lots or BighG. Ford cularly well. The warcraft was hundred permitido attendede and May it please Your Reyal The sentiment gradually increased As we think that te juurney nesses a. e joyabl. Voyage and England and frequently picked up Duchess. This was generally con behalf of the British Society the members of the British West ther. comtry the Union and Highese to the communication with with Duke part of the my Highnesses: Your Rəval Visit, and today, we thousands of miles Krone 10 Min New Zealand, and humbly me threrutu Australia, ceded most of Yous of its kind witnessed in this city. Majesty loyal subjects from Paouna repre enting His Indian Commiswee, tapresenting our waft proillv over other loyal suke! your pro rat to 18 Majesty, the SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY 26 Great Britain and Irekine ad the coloured compatriots from the nujects of the Kings Our u dying sentiments of This was planned to be the great merous islands of Dominions, Special Summoned meeting the Caribbees we, the undersigaed, Coascinus of nur national greut are inexpressibly delighted to exgreatest ne of the Panamá Past Ooief day of events for their Rnyal rejoice to welenme you to lay on tend to our Royal Highnesses o 1089 and integrity, we shalı alwavel tio on the fie of he earth.
Rangers Court will be held Highnesses in Panama It was this first visit of Your Röyal High most enthusiastic and sincere wu, hold tur dignity of our ilag bere At the concius. ou of the Addrese toolght st 15 Calidonia Rond the day whea the various desses to these shores.
sema. Here, at this very pla: ng the citizens these foreign which was written on and (Court Minerva Hali) con committers of Britishers resiWe real with unfeigned plea we enjoyed the very great plea ur und fried y nato, al shall ever enclosed in brauti ul ca sket tade mencing at en chos. id be to the interest gather at Piery where the fiber dies, the Prinsa of Vales. nearls erning oliwy. Royal Holon me the conduct of Great itain in ter placed in the ca t and pre ente. on the lathmate were to sure the visit of His Royal Hizhan houdar five years ago, or strive to ma intain the lugnature long termoid con riring as 30 din.
waich have adorsed tin pieces wis refo ded for of each to ship was snugly berthed, and preesix ago and, oa of Wales, at whion appearancs a matters of sent their respetive addresses of occasioa, so now, we would offer, took occasion to affirin our undyinternatiugal relations.
character will welcome to their Royal Highnesses through Your Rwal Highnesses, ing all gi nce to our King ani Our bi best esteem and regard are EAST INDIAN ADDRESS be discussed. special train of eight cars well our hosn nge and allegiance to His country, and it is now an over always accorded the Govermente record atten tance, is there packed brought over a hree crowd Majesty, the Kix The undersigued, representing Do wiring happiness to us to find of Pouma and of the Uuited States.
fore, anticipated.
from Colon the night before to at: We sh. Il continue to follow, ourselves in the possessio. of the and we are most grateful for the Continued on page as of Bran National Band rule they o honour on deck why the 0000 000000coa first in Daval Duke Royalty. The they departed.
a made of 01 of homeland off ct on for the dent bigbly serious


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