
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1927 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands ATTENTION!
House Rent Receipt Books bence.
SPANISH ENGLISH Order Books reached a Dem He received an Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Societies JAMAICA ST. LUCIA BARBADOS Plans For Extending Lifting People From Passing of Sir Charles St. Lucia To Santiago. Clarke.
GOVERNMENT FARM SCHOOL, CASTRIES PAPER DRAWS ATTENFORMER CHIEF LAW OFTION TO OPERATIONS OF FICER OF THE ISLAND Two Young Men Pass Out Into VEDETTE OFF THAT PORT Employment; Four Times That Number Ready to Enter THE AL4STRIM SCARE WAS MEMBER OF AN OLD AND DISTINGUISHED FAMILY OF THAT COLONY The Mall of the 18th Inst Possibility of Disease Being states that plans for the exten Introduced There Owing to tion of the Government Farm SKETCH OF HIS CAREER.
School at Hope are being preContact With Outsiders pared by the Public Works DeSpoken of as One Who Was a partment. All the deta for the The Voice in its issue of the Thorn in the side of Govdevelopment of the work of the 11th inst. states: ernnrent For More Than iustitute will be completed in Oa the h of December 1925, time for preseаtation to the Le the Vedette called at this Twenty Years.
gislative Council a few months port and, after transacting her legitimate business, steamed off The Barbados Agricultural There is a growing demand on in the late afternoon. The next Reporter of the 18tbulto, the part of parents who desire to although she was supposed not day it was discovered that states: see their sons learn scientific It was with profound regret principles of agriculture take up to have takea any passengers tbat we announced in yestertheir residence at the Farm and no pa 388ports or pa 38es had day issue the death of Sir School for three years. The val. been issued by the authorities Charles Pitcber Clarke, Kt. ue of the training received at more than one score of men and BA, late Attorney Hope is increasing in inpor women bad boarded her within General of this Colony, which tance; and, therefore, it is not the three mile limit and pro:eedsad event took place at his resisurprising to learn that the ten ed to Cuba. At the time we dence Blythswood Worthing young men who passed out of pointed out to the authorities on Thursday night last, after a the School this year bave gone the gaeat danger of permitting into employments on plantations, such a grave breach of the comparatively brief illness.
Sir Charles, who had and wbile the school can only quarantine and Port gulatiɔns the age of 68 years, was a accomodate forty boys, there to go unchallenged. As far as are close upon áty cames on are aware the authorities took guished fahia early edwoon ember of an old and distinof this the waiting list.
no steps ia tha matter. Possibly that was due to the foundering at the Christ Church Middle The expansion of the agricul of the sbi, before she made a School tual School at Hope is Impera Britisb port.
at Codrington Collede ledge. He next proceeded to tive. As a matter of fact it is a reform that has been loog OverW learn on fairly good Cambridge, where he graduated and entered St. John College, due, and so the Legislative Coun authority that the Roman as a LL. Having eneil will be invited to pass an irita which called here on Mos tered as a student of the Inner caeased vote for the institut on day and returned again in the thih year.
early hours of Wednesday 8th Temple be was called to the inst. received aboard and took Bar in 1881. The young lawyer, way over score of men and however, broke away from cus.
women in the same clandestine tom and did not at once return manner as the Vedette, with to Barbados to practice the Jury Unable To Agree the difierance that the other profession of bis choice ReOn Verdict boarded outside maining in England, with the bour but this one was boarded initiation of a career as a Barwitbin the harbour. We would cister, he endeavoured with little again invite the attention of the CAN BE HAD AT success to become a member CASE AGAINST VIVIAN PHILLIPS authorities to what we consider of the House of Commons under er the Liberal banner, most serious and dangerous IS POSTPONED UNTIL NEXT There can breach of the Regulations; for be no doubt that had be remained CIRCUIT be it considered that the same in England, his was Vesel can take pas THE TRIAL ON TUESDAY sengers out of the colony witbfar greater honour little could Mr. Manley Closing ever have accorded a scholar of Address to Jury. Lasted About er was guilty the certainty of so great attainmects. Moreover Dature bad endowed bim with two Hours his guilt must be established. Manley address to the Juthese qualities which would have ry is perhaps the most brilliant made him successful anywbere.
He was possessed of an an exceedThe Mail of the 13th inst address that any Council bas de.
says: livered in this country. It was ingly fluent tongue, polished remarkable for its fluency and manners The trial of Vivian Phillips, for the force which every word tall and graceful the medical student, on a charge of it conveyed to the jury, figure and his very presence seemed to give added charm to of Bending menacing letters to the elegance of his oratory, and demanding money from The reply of the prosecution But like many great BarbaLouis Hamilton, a comission counsel, Mr. Radcliffe. out authority, in the same man diane, Mr. Clarke (as he then merchant, came to an end last was characteristic of the emiTuesday night.
nent King Counsel that he is, ner she can drop of passengors was) apable to resist the call of WHITENS THE SKIN He was a lit le more than half an without the permission bis native land returned to BarThe jury havir failed to agree hour addressing the jury who he koowledge of the Gevernment bados aud was introduced to the upon their verdict, accused will again be placed on bis trial at the told that the finding by the po Creme Blanc Mirette officials and in violation of the local Bar. There was at this time quarantine Regulations. Sup in the colony, a Bar, the memnext session of the kome Circuit lice of the coat, shirt and glasses in accused house on the night Marvelous Cream was done and the bors of which would passengers dropped came from their mark on any part of the of the 15th The case is of the most sense coincidence but was not a se an iufected port, wbat ther? globetional nature cue which has evidence. The crown, he said, was strong bits of Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, might well bave disheartened We are not trying to raise a many a Counsel said presented curious not relying on the evidence of sun tan, and other skin blemishes scare neither are we trving man of such gitts and promises as many young practitioner. But a and remarkable features. Per. the hand wiiting alone. As to the prevent any one, who so desires, Mr. Clarke could not long be baps is without a parallel in defence set up by the prisoner SOLD IN DRUG STORES from leaving the colony whether ker 80 far as it interested the public be thought it was Improper for it be for better or for worse, but advocate, bis prowess as a speak kept under. His ability as an its.
we do think that it is high time er ard the profoundity of his day throughout the five da preby a defence of an alibl to be set up avs tri at that late stage. He felt that that any person or persons were knowledge were soon recognised al, the Court room was thronged it should have been done before prevented from acting in with people representing all he Magistrate in the Court b2walks of life and the keer interest low.
er prejudicial to the well being on and an extentive pratice followed.
the colons. It is now six years Barrister was, however, not limi ei vers The ambition of the young which they all of them showed since the dreaded Alastrim broke ted to a successful legal career.
in the proceedings is genuinely The Chlef Justice gave a lengthy NEW ADDRESS: No 135 CENTRAL AVE.
and impartial summing up in noteworths.
out in Jamaica and up to now do which be traversed the evidence what they will, it cannot be de considered service to bis. When the accused re ascended of all the witnesses who had been generally of equal importance, stamped Country We wish to announce to our numerous customthe witness box on Tuesday called both for the prosecution lieved that Alastrim is present and his love for politics added morning there were some per. and defence.
ers, that our Jewelry Store has been moved from No.
in both Coba and San Domingo: Coel to this burning desire. Bons who thought that he would chance to satisfy his yearning 15 East 12th Strset to No. 135 Central Avenue (near Will the Goverment sit quietly soo sooner or later break down un: the Chief Justice summing up, The jury retired at the end of Street. where you will all find a large and select and allow strangers for the sake soon offered itself and he was der the Attorney member of the House of Asof filtby lurere, to so act as to sembly for the constituency of to consider their verdict. After cross examineral stock of genuine Jewelry at the lowest prices in town.
searching endanger the bealth and pros: St, Peter in the General Election which commenced the previous being a way for an hour and a ball Our Shop is also capable of making any kind of perity of the inhabitants of this on the 3:a July 1898. He was afternoon. But he braved the or they filed into Court and asked jewelry to order, and any repairs you may need, at colony?
then considered a Radical in Podeal far better than many persons that the evidence of Detective very reasonable prices.
licy, but be tbat as it may, he could bave done placed under Lewis be read again. The Chief similar etreumstances, and Justice read Lewis evidence as There are also for sale, Tickets to join our Jewelry FLOWERS sbowed even at the earliest statogether he showed an expression also that of the little boy Richard Club. Fee 00 per week, for 25 weeks. This instalges of bis political career, that of confidence in himselt that Jones, who took the note to ment plan is the most economical and practical way increasing years would perform Hamilton, and the jury agais stuck to him at last.
their sobering function and he Abogado. Attorney at Law would join the lists of Barbados retired.
to obtain a real genuine jewel, with little effort. Don The closing address of Mr.
fail to pay us a visit soon. Come and you will be OFFICE: No. 44 ST At the end of fifteen minutes Manley, council for the depleased. BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY ter were not elow to recognise electorawyer politicians tors of the Parish of St. Pe fence, lasted nearly two hours, the jarg returned and in answer EL EXCELSIOR JEWELRY TELEPHONE No. 1317 during which he analysed the to the Registrar the foreman said evidence tendered by the proses that they had failed to agree, and Practicing before all the courts of the House. On Sept. 1907. be was em not he was returned unopposed 10 phasised was not of such a nature agree.
the Republic since April 1914 appointed Solicitor General of as to leave their (the Jury s) The Chief Justice thereupon this colony and six years later, in minds free from donbt, in as gave instructions that the case be ADVERTISE Rent Receipt Bools in Span Attorney General.
March 1913, he was appointed cribing gullt to. listed Circuit.
athloin he added that before the granted the accukod in two surie IN THE WORKMAN. IT PAYS Workman Printery.
ish and English for sale at the It was while filling the latter the Jury) could say that prisoc ties of 250 each. Continued on page 3)
ability would outstanding have been awardes The Workman with than this colony Stationery Store and Court.
through all Day man El Excelsior Jewelry out. It is be and this and for tbirty three years.


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