
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY JANUARY 29, 1927 PAGE THREE Interesting West. overta period of three or four.
de la prohich prints the word with wince Good tobacco speaks for itself the world over PERHAPS 88 BOUR bree, mee od ned moulding that the Boara colored Statesmen they are berer by refour may written thereld.
Chesterfield eveoing sincere ETTES 1008 ment of tbe be Philadelphia Daily. proportion would fall to be adjusted during Paper Defends (Continued from page 2) 1927, under this arrangement position, that perhaps be reached belog provided from the reserve SMALL FOR NEGRO the zenith o: bis powers, and His fuad.
Majasty tbe Kingsbowed his DATE OF CUSTOMS CHANGES appreciation of bis distinguished Whereas any new or Increase Philadelpbia, Pa. Jap. ANP. service by conferring on him Customs duties are attective as The following is an answer to the honour of a Knight Bachelor from the date of the formal open the question as to wbether the on 3rd June, 1922. For twenty ing of the Combined Court, word Negro is a common or years he bad been a thorn in tbe which took place on 23rd Nor proper noun. It appeared in the side of the Government and bad Philadelphia Inquirer, white bad ember. 1926 caused many of his colleagues to And whereas op tbis occasion as bis facile tongue gave there appears to be every prosmall vent to the statements, which be bability of considerable delay in There is nothing in the least thought their actions merited, fixing the new Customs Tariff offensive about the term Negro He was now as boutbpicce of the And whereas the importing any more than there is about the Goveroment called on to defend merchants of the colony wil to Study the tobacco or trust adjective white It is used both that the your taste. Either way you come to Chesterfield As a proper sodcommon noun.
ERHAPS the most significant proof Dictionaries define Negro 18 binele and well did be acquit quantities of goods than usual on the maj? rity of occa ey, be forced to sell larger of Chesterfield superiority of taste person belonging to tbe typical sions. Partial or class legislation without knowing what daties is the fact that smokers who try them African branch of the Ethiopian bad no quarters with bim and will eventualiy bava to be paid in race; also once are so likely to hold to them per black man.
thus be ever commanded the res respect of such goods and may especially a person having more poct of the whole community, thereby satſer great bardship manently.
or less Negro blood. In the latHis last brilliant speech made and loss, For it has often been noted that while ter case it is usually a common against a motion two vears ago to And whereas the tariffs will forego the collection of Incime be fixed chiefly with a visw to sojourning in the United States, smokers Some years ago in Congress Tax that year is still frest in our providing for expenditure during of all nations have not only come to the Committee on the District of memories He. 18 politicien, a 927.
Columbia had under consideration prefer this distinctive cigarette in its honest and tru. His love for And whereas the Castoms a bill Barbados ond 19 Constitutions taritt passed in December 1925 homeland, but have actually carried should include knew no bounds, and he was replaid pot come into operation woul members of the that preference with them into all corrace.
garded as the greatesinstitutional the day after they were passed.
Ders of the earth.
Tennessee, moved to substitute Representatire Sims, of of bis day on the Be it rerolved. Coat the Elec.
history of the colony. Lawyer, tive members of the Combined Truly, such popularity must be Negro for colored, because the latter was ambiguous; and his be deserved.
and the name of Charles Pitcher Court motion having been turced down Clarke will ever be remembered able consideration of the Govern request to submit for the favour on the ples that the term Negro would be regarded by the black by Bar. and ment resolution for such tory of the island comes to be other form of procedure as race as an insult. Mc. Sims wrote It will bgure prominently be necessary) a proposal that any o the President of Tuskegee for Ibis view of the matter.
changes in the Customs tarilt He leaves a widow, a son and a whether by way of new increase These are tbe words of Booker Washington daugther to mourn their sad loas. tarit or decreaced duties shall His funeral took place at the not become effective until the In answer to your letter of Westbury Cemetery yesterday day on which they are fixed.
April 20. let me say that it bas in the presence of a large CIGARETTES been my custom to write and speak of the members of my the Governor, who bed gatbered REMOVAL NOTICE race as Negroes, and when to pay tbelt last respects to the David Leon, Attorney at using the term Negro as a race memory of so illustrigs. s5a of designation to employ the capiBarbados. We tender Law; has removed his offices tal. To the majority of the condolence to the bereaved memoto No 175 Central Avenue people among whom we live bers of his family. May the (upstairs Sealey Photo Stu.
believe this is customary and earth rest lightly upon him. dio. Menufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
what is termed in the rhetorics good sense. That being so.
am not disposed to quarrel with Roads in Barbados the use of the word on grounds Dr. Arnulfo Arias either o! logic or science. It has long seemed to some Says the St. Vincert sentry. of our people, bowever, that the The Barbados House of A86Physician Surgeon members of my race have been FREE CONSULTATION so in embly have recently passed a this country aad bare resolution asking for 7, 500 op become so closely identiffed with behalf of the Central Road Bjard daily at the Pharmacy It in all their interests and to purcbase wachinery for the 149 Central Ave. Phone 825. be given a political rather than inspirations that they should reconstruction of their malo roads. Mr. RT. Toogood, the HOURS: 30 TO 30 PMa racial esignation, and be called Afro Americans.
English Engineer who has been But the fact is, and in this engaged for the reconstuction will work, was sent to Trinidad on agree the 9th inst, to engage the se Dentist Howell our language is not made by either scientists or logicians vices of a Quarryman and two ce Rightly or wrongly all classes competent foi eman, and also to get information concerning matHOUSE 912, LA BOCA bave called us Negroes. We erial. Certain portions of the CANAL ZONE.
cannot escape from that name main St. Mitcbael it we would. To cast it of would (Opposite the Restaurant)
parish in most urgent need of be to separate us to a certain from will Office Hours: a. to 1p. deprive us of much of the first he taken in hand our history and pending the work of reconstruct. to p.
jon. For this purpose another inspiration we now have to DAILY resolution asking for 3, 000 bas struggle on and upward. It is been passed by the House of to our credit, and not our sbame, that we have risen so rapidly, Assembly PHONE 1941 BALBOA more rapidly than most other Specialize all the brancher people, from savage ancestors through BRITISH GUIANA of Dentistry slavery to civilization for my part believe ibe. memory of tbese facts should be 23 preserved in one and Taxation in The TO THE PUBLIC IN traditions, as it is preserved GENERAL in the color of our faces. do Colony not think my people should be SOXXOOXXOS kog ashamed of their bistory, por On the 8th of January 1927 of any name that people choose COMMUNITY UNABLE TO BEAR my wife Mrs. Henrietta št. Hill in good faith to give them.
FURTHER IMPOST; AGAINST has left my home on her owu res.
TARIFF INCREASE ponsibility, therefore shall not be responsible for any debt or Why pay double price debts that she may contract.
RESOLUTION ADOPTED for inferior imported HAROLD ST. HILL La Boca District, Boer when you can By Chamber of Commerce, buy a superior. Beer Points Out That Conditions Are Bad Owing to Drought Rent Recaipt Books In Span such as BALBOA for sh and English for sale at the half the price.
No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue The Demerara Argosy of Workrian Printery Dec 5th states: The followlog resolutions have PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 been passed by the Chamber of Commerce in connection witb the new tarit. Whereas as a result of the DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING severe drought during the early months of the year, the colony OF THE HIGHEST ORDER is in very low economic state, Regular Assortment of to recover from wbieb will take some time. And wbereas the commercial Work Done While You Wait community and various forms of Industry are unable to bear taxation tban is at SUCH AS present imposed upon them without seriously jeopardizing TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, any chance of recovery TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, Be it resolved This ChamSHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
ber respectfully suggests to His Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Excellency the Governor that the immediate adjustment of Ladies Garments carefully handled the deficit between revenue and The Workman Printery expenditure during 1926, he not the budgeted for, but that adjustment of the said deficit REID Manager 93 CENTRAL AVENUE be allowed to remain in abeyPanama City.
ance until the end of 1927; or alternatively that the adjustÜSSSSS think you gree with me GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted AT: ESPERANZA LAUNDRY In repair Only First Class Ones Need Apply Yet The Prosperity Tailors CLEANERS DYERS Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products further


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