
PAGE TOUR THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1927 42. SPARKLETS (Br THE WORKMAN Loya. ty WANTED Labourers For CHIRIQUI RAILROAD question the crowd befcre summon st To us b ti Book Binding!
in cor loyalty inok ti ti Publtsbed on Saturdays by Rates for Advertaseman or applica think we had better vo unter: TALROSD, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes our services, George my Lillipu veste, Panama, de of public interest invited tian friend and I, for the purpose PO Box 74, Patama BP All copy for publication must be of arbitrating Letween written on one side of paper oniy, and contributing editor of the West Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the same of Indian Section of the Star One Year 40 Cy, the writer, not necessarily for pablics.
HERALD, on the one baud, and Six Morts 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
tha fellow CL. Brother Three We do not undertake to returs re.
Hunter et al on the other hand, on 25 jected correspon enee.
the question of whether or not Isthmian British West Ladisos a. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights NUS loyal Britishers. As far as we are concerned, the differences of opio SATURDAY JANUARY 29, 1927, ion on the is based on Day Task Contract Work or purely insignificant assumption nevertheless it is of vital import JUBILAN MANIFESTATIONS FOR ance that we e step in and disperse BRITISH ROYALTY it becomes nec PRICE PAID 12 TO 14c. PER HOUR FOR cessary to non foreign intervention in what is is considered DAY WORK.
purely domestic affair.
Never before in th: history of the Republic of Panama nowever a real cause for the COD or even during the rys of Provincial life when the Isthmus iention is totally absent. Ordut was yet under the of the Republic of Colombia has any arily, the little racket is to learned occasion of official ciste been so resplendent as the popular APPLY TO mea little explosions primarily to amplify that peculiar human reception which wis accorded Their Royal Highnesses, the idiosyncr cy of of parading befor Duke and Duchess of York on their visit to the Isthmus AROSEMENA the reading public te Jast Tuesday an Wednesday. Business wis practically dimensions of his vocabulary, giving promi.
suspended in honor of the Royal Visitors giving everybody Gence to technical words ani the opportunity of participating in the general Welcome to Nort Avenue and 4in Straat, Pana na City. phrases, to receive little or no applause but from those in the British Royalty.
For several weeks extensive preparations mi been in Our sense of perception has progress in connection with the projected visit and several nenetrated below the surface of committees working under the direction of Vicethings and we have detected the Consul Panama had been functioning with mark. 6464 Inter Colonlal Citcket arou for the prolonged argumen ation, It wou orve do good earnesiness and efficiency. The general public knew little co Tournament purpose or nothing of the amount of work which such preparations publish our findings at this time; but we might say that entailed, although it must have been felt that the mombers both sides are of the various committees were kept busy am the tim: DEMERARA FIRST conception of rest in their ow)
this case. Io our considered opin The results of preparation as observed on Tuesday and INNINGS both Wednesday last were amply justifiable of the tim and Why throw away your old, but no py wasting energy which could are wrong and are sim energy spent on planning and preparing för the visit of the be directed into working force and Royal couple. On every side British subjects constituting doubt interesting, books when you Bridgetown, Barbados, January registered for duty for the prothe several colonies on the Isth nus did thir part in expres.
17tb. The first match of the motion of the commoa good.
Inter Coion al cricket tournament sing their loyalty to the throne of England. The spirit of cen have them neatly bound at was commenced here to day, the Be that as it may, as the basis patriotism had been stirred to intensity among those whose of contention home team meeting the British is LOYALTY allegiance to the British Crown had never grown co d, and have agreed, several George and Guiana XI. The morning was ly and unitediv, 18 recommend to disloyal individuals were stimulated to a renewal of their THE WORKMAN cloudy and light showers had the dissentinerties the interest in and love for the British Empire to a degree that slighủy impaired the wi ket when formula wbich following diliwas surprising.
pl y commenced.
which we ourselves gently 93 CENTRAL AVENUE follow The British Gaia na skipper won to that low as a secondary duty There are a few facts of primary importance which tbat of self preservation which related to the visit of the Royal couple, must not be allowed the toes and elected to send in his as you know, gentle reader, is is the to pass unnoticed. The British Boy Scout organization hid Opposite Cecilia Theatre side first The game opened with first law of outure: As a preamble Reid and Jones at the wickets with co it, George and are going to re fallen into a protracted hibernation when, just about the Griffith and Rodgers bowling from main true under the British fing time the first official announcement of the proposed visit the westers and eastern ends loyal 20 the core British sub was made, a revival of interest was solicited in behalf of the respectively Reid was soon dis. to jects until Father Time happen Scout movement. Continuous appeals were made in Panamissed being out b, to Griffith o influence us to recounce the flas for a WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR score of ma and Colon for the resuscitation of Scoutcraft on the 10 and was replaced and swear allegiene to that Pagams or the United States of Isthmus: numerous meetings between scout officials and the score was 30 for one wicket, America or until Africa Sour parents were arranged for in various places, yet slowly Jones and Fernandez with 15 and other ample tract of land and came such improvement as may have been noticed.
10. runs respectively to their credit, water is won for us waere Erothers extras Reech bad However, the feverish interest which was being maniGarvey, Louis Lindo, nu taken over Marcus the bowling from Griffith and Whyte, 11. Myers, Jeorge and fested in certain sections of the British community during No hot irons or special combs required Walcutt from Rogers, but Griffith and others of our ille cati and the last two or three weeks did not fail to spread amongst taking over from select our own little dictatur or the all who had previously been in touch with the Scout Walcott. At 12. 45 Rogers took figurehead and use our national movement and on the arrival of the Duke and Duchess of SOLD IN DRUG STORES over 11. e bowling from Griffith, prerogative as to when to behead the score then York over three hundred Boy Scouts in full uniform greeted being 51 more wickets down.
At 12 30 (Continued on page 8)
Their Royal Highnesses at Pier 6, Balboa.
Jones was caught by Tamilton Another noticeable feature in the program of Welcome (Wieket keeper) off Rodgers bow.
was that presented by a large number of ex service men of in for 24 and was repacedo by bowling for 14 and relieved by the British Army. It was most gratifying to witness the big Dare, Griffith then took the bow Goddard. he score was no 190 from Reece no turn out of these men with th service medals and war liniekete had Helfen but the for wickets. Dare Gi not out more decorations which they proudly wore on their breasts and interval, p, when the score extras 28. Browne was bowling SHOE STORE which they fondly treasure as memorials of the days when was 62 for two wickets, Fernando vice Grif. ith and Hoid had they served their country upon the fields of battle. These tes a it out 17, Dare not cut relieved Rogers At 55 with tha and Extras score at 211, Dare 63 and Goddard men were a pride to the Nation while they remained in 5, Griffith and Rogers resumed active service and now that they have returned to civilian Footwear of Better Grade Play was resumed at 150 with bowling. Reece took over tbe life they are still to be remembered and honoured for their Rogers bowling from the eastern bowling from Griffith at 10 IF YOU ARE seeking comfort in your footwear and end. At 1, 55 with the total score at when the score was 225.
valiant serviee in bygone days. Their appearance at Balboa Pier last Wednesday morning was occasion for an enthuwe cater to the entire family. you will find just that 70, Fernandes was caught by C, Data was caught by Browne off Rogers bowling tor 21. Browne off Roger bowling at siastic admiration with which they were regarded by all.
when you make your purchases. We have never his place beleg taken by Phillips 30 for the handsome score of 85, Our two West Indian Bands under the direction of failed to please and satisfy. Try us.
who was out 1, to Griffith at when play was stopped for the day for runs being replaced by Band master Nibbs, assisted by Bini master Wight. The score now stood. The British Guiana xi con 16 Bridgetown, Barbados, 19 Sealey gave a brilliant display of West Indian musical BRANCHES at si for wickets. Dare sever talent. The fact that their playing was lustily applauded by Dot out At 2, 30 their ist. Innings in th the officers and crew of the Renowa proves the rich La Fama, La Rosa Prece over the bowling from first match of the crick cricket tours Grifath and at at 2, 40 Hvad merit with which the men of the battle ship esteemed th: eved ment today. Play com nenced at and La Suerte Rogers At 50 Wight was 11. 30 a. on a perfect wicket and playing of our owo West Indian Bands.
caught and bowled by Reece for 15 in file weather. Nascitnento tat Torill tell Another feature of significance was that presented by Central Ave. Panama City pe pla o beig taken by ting in partoership with Goddard, the innumerable throngs of West Indians who gathered at Wight. Tue score now was 114 for the The bowling was taken by the Pier on, Tuesday evening and Wednesday murning.
wekets, Dare 22 not out, extras and eastern ends respectively. At tras, fith and Rogers from the western. At 3, 10 no further wickets ha 11:56 Nascimiento was bowled by Nobody seemed to have remained on his job and nobody We sell better and the very best shoes in Panama allenthe 135. Rogers seemed to have stayed at home It was a jubilant maniat a very low price bowling vice Head and festation by the vast colony of British West Indians on the Griffith vice keece. At 3, 25 tre and for runs. This ended the ioning MORSE ROGERS SHOES wicket was in a Isthmus which drew them all to the Capital to do honor to a perfect condition with a total score of 265. God the members of the Royal Household who had made a brief and another change of bowlers war dard 31 not out; extras 33.
ALL LEATHER FOR ALL WEATHER made, Hoad relieving Rogers ane The score followe: stay here on their way to the Antipodes.
Reece relieving Gn fith. Thy was SCORES AND ANALYSIS The Welcome, on a whole, was a most briliant NASSER MIZRACHI, Prop stopped for the tea interval a: 3, 30. BRITISH GUIANA 1st INNINGS.
with the score standing at 153 fon achieve nent and so far as West Indians are concerned, AX MIZRACHI, Generel Manager five wekets, Dare pot Out 34 and Jones, Rogers, Tarilton 24 Reid, Griffith.
was successfully carried through and we are highly gratified Head Office 491 Broadway Wight not out 14, extras 22. Fernades, e. Browne b, that our people had their share admirably. Our Royal Play was resumed at 50 Rogers Guests are gone but long will the grand time linger in our Griffith bowling from the western Dare, e Browne Rogers 85 24 memories, and Rogers from the eastern eod, Phillips, Griffith ASIATICS DEPORTED Asiatic mercbant, Andres Chu After a few minutes play Wight, Reece.
Lion, will ba expelled within a few Wight was out 1b. w, to Grifi o. Wight, 1b Gunt: it days. la ge number at China for 14 and was relieved by Hunte. Hunte, 16. Rogers ADVERTISE tics were deported Abad men who tried to enter Cabawi. Hunte was out Rogers Home ile orta Retratos. 13. Seven Asiafalse passports are also interred score then being 161 for sever Goddard, not out o clock, the Browne government yesterday on tbe at the Triscornia immigration foreigners.
Over 100 Chinamenss the trial initiated against local 26.
McLean was next man in and steamer Abangarv as pernicious camp and will be deported as soon wickets. Dare not out 38, extras Nascimiento Hond beld as drug or membatted with Dare until the latter bers of the recently dissolved Coil government officals forbaving bad just passed the ball century Total IT PAYS Kon Ton Association, responsible allowed their fraudulent estry is mark at 30 when he was caught 263 for the murder of the wealthy more advanced.
by Challenor off Browne (To be continoed in our cext)
or some Contra Crespo go here resumed with no LA MODA 2, 15 aod extras nued pm.
too SUNGAL by Grita with Rovers 14 31 In The Workman Extras 33


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