
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 29, 1927 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Many West Indians See Duke Attractions at the Theatres STRAND 4444fti sod The No. 11 Installs Officers STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History taineIt was an ideal tropical more ing that greeted the CECILIA AMADOR Renown with her royal passenAMERICA zers, the Duke and Duchess of (PANAMA)
York and other notables, as abe PANAMA (COLON)
COLON passed through the break water Today Saturday January, 29th Today Saturday Jan 29th, 1927 Saturday January 29th 1927 Saturday January 29th and enterad the Colop barbor.
and George Brien in Back Jones in Viola Dana in Long before day break, the Tomorrow Sunday January 30th THE MAN WHO CAME BACK THE TIMBER WOLF THE ICE FLOOD hum of airplanes and the ex Adolphe Menjou in change of salutes announced to Tomorrow Sunday January 30th Tomorrow Sunday January 30th Tomorrow Sunday January 30th the residents of the Atlantic side THE ACE OF CADS Douglas McLean in Lew Cody in Lew Cody in that the royal party bad arrived Monday January 31st and HOLD THAT LION MONTE CARLO MONTE CARLO many, eager to catcb the first glimpse strung the beacb Dorothy McKail in Monday January 31st Monday January 31st as the grey monster beaded its THE DANCER OF PARIS Monday January 31st DEMPSEY TUNNEY DEMPSEY TUNNEY Way towards the channel, while Tuesday February 1st Monte Blue in FIGHT PICTURE FIGHT PICTURE others journeyed to Gatun from before dawn in order to select Double Program THE MAN UPSTAIRS Tuesday February 1st Tuesday February 1st the best sites from which to Priscilla Dean in DOUBLE PROGRAM Hoot Gibson in Tuesday February 1st Raymond Griffith in view the proceeding. Bolivar CAFE IN. CAIRO Higbway between Cokep Peggy Shaw in THE TEXAS STREAK YOU BE SURPRISED and Gatun was crammed with vebiand GOLD HEELS and Eddie Cantor in cles with occupants end. avour.
George Brien in George Brien in ing to be the first on the scene KID BOOTS Wednesday February 2nd THE MAM WHO CAME BACK THE MAN WHO CAME BACK to see as much as possible of Wednesday February 2nd Thomas Meighan in the battla. bip and the Royal Wednesday February 2nd Wednesday February 2nd Raymond Griffith in TIN GODS visitors.
Ana. Nillson in Florence Vidor in YOU BE SURPRISED The crowd at Gatun was a Thursday February 3rd MISS NOBODY BARBARA FRIETCHIR mixed one, and for the time Thursdy February 3rd Jean Hersbolt in Thursday February 3rd Thursday February 3rd being all differences were Florence Vidor in THE OLD SOAK Dorothy McKaill in Betty Blythe in forgotten, as Americans and BARBARA FRIETCHIE THE DANCER OF PARIS THE FOLLY OF VANITY. West Iodians, soldier and elvilian all tried to get a bear as possiFriday February 4th Friday February 4th Friday February 4th Friday February 4th ble to the royal pair.
Betty Blythe in Shirley Mason in Priscilla Dean in Wm. Boyd in CURLYTOP The Ropown reacbed the THE FOLLY OF VANITY CAFE IN CAIRO THE VOLGA BOATMAN Gatun locks abortly after Saturday Febru: ry 5th Saturday February 5th and stopped for a good time Saturday February 5th Saturday February 5th, before the Mae Murray in entering, while Harry Carey in Raymond Griffith in Hoot Gibson in visitors and the Panama Canal THE MERRY WIDOW THE TEXAS TRAIL YOU BE SURPRISED THE TEXAS STREAK and Panamanian oficials who boarded at Cristobal disembarked and entrained to view the we spillway.
On ther return their Roya!
Highnes. es walked aloog the side of the locks bowing and Light of Colon Lodge If we Only Understood Africa No Place For Us wavitg to the cheer ing the nown through the locks, Could we but draw back the cur SAYS WOMAN AUTHOR the 14tb infantry lined up and as the last cbataber was cleared On Wednesday evening the That surround each other lives, the band from Fort Davis 19th, Inst. most enjoyable See the naked heart and spirit HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR played God save the King, and time was spent by the Officers Know what epur the action gives WHITES ONLY AND NATIVE everybody stood to attention. and members of the above Often we would find it better, HOMES WOULD BE :UNBEARAfter the royal rarty re embers of the Sister Lodges, when named Lodge also visiting mem.
Purer than we judge we would; ABLE; WHITE MEN MORALS barked the crowd began. AND to LOW. We would love each other better, the officers elected for the new disperse, but many waited until administration was duly in.
the boat was far out into the stalled.
If we oily understood.
Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 (BY EMMA LUE SAYERS)
sigbt: At 10 rm. the chair was Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Could we judge all deeds by moLos Angeles, Calif. Dec. 29.
turned over to Bro. Davey, tive, goodly number of the silver who sounded the gavel and See the good and bad within. would not Often we would love the sinner advise any Americao borr) Negro employees, who, according to selected His Grand Oficers to Summary of Contents: ibe Governor circular could be assist in the ceremonies as folAll the while we loathed the sin to go back to Africa. Vera author Could we know the power of work Simonton History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years of spared, were excused and avail lows. Hell Playground ing ed themselves of the opportunity from which the much Bro. Herdman. Grand Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, of seeing the Duke and Duchess Conductor from of Colon To o ertbrow integrity, discussed play White Cargo was Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, at Gatun apr many others took Lodge.
We would judge each other errors at the Biltmore Hotel hre recentdramatized told the correspondent advantage of the excursion train With more patient charity, in the evening and went ever to Cord. from Light of Colon Lodge Sie. Mitebell, of Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, ly. The lines between the races are Panams Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Bro. Burke, K. If we knew the cares and trials. strictly drawn; there are ro hot Koew the efforts all in vain, Precisely at or rooming, bouse accomodations Players was from R, K, Geerge Lodge.
And the bitter disappointment and while the natives would welanpounced the train pulled out Sis, Gamell of Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Understood the loss and of the Colon Station. It consisted from George Lodge.
come them, their primitive cus Would the griin external roughness American Negro. It would be tome would be unbearable to the Interesting of eight cars beside the bag.
Rage ear, and tiled to the plat. Roberts Lodge.
Bros. Grant, from Seem, wonder, just the same? Slaughter to send them there.
Would we belp where now we hio. Yess forms with Boy Scouts, Girl Price 50cts.
Sis. Barrett of question, reserves, ex service men end Would we pity where we blame? every foot of ground in Afriction other loyal and patriotic British from Light of Colon Lodge, claimed by some subjects, going to represent the Bro. Bixter, Atlantic side in welcomlog theri from Sun Flower Loige.
Secure yours now there will be a great rush Ah! we judge erch other harshly country.
Knowing not life hidden force; As to female domestie servants, Royal Higbnesses.
Sis. Kerr, of for them, Knowing not the fount of action there are none, according to Miss from Sun Flower Lodge.
Is less turbid at its source; Simonton who is considered a Bro J, Francis K, Treae. Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Seeing not amid the evil authority on the African, you News Notes always bear from Royal King George All the golden grains of good; Panama explorers Lodge.
Oh! we love eaeh other better refer to their boy servants. The Sis. Grant, of reason for this is because the norIf we only understood. Exchange)
Major Joy of the Salvation from Light of Colon Lodge.
als of the white men are gn low the natives refuse to permit their Army will be preacher at the Bro. West, from women to work or them.
Colon Wesley Church tomorrow Flower of Paradise Lodge.
Sis. S, McKenzie, of Ceremonies, many addresses on Tuesday evening last and res. from Myrtle Rose Lodge.
were given by the members of mained until the following afterThe Negroes of America ara Notice to Correspondents.
Bro. Berry, from our sister Lodge, Responded by noro, La Boca was the scene of very luyal to their country; there Pride of the Atlantic Lodge, no the Bro, Davey who great excitement. zins of are no traitors among them and 2362 D: installed officers for Sun Flower Lodge.
thanked the Grand Oficers for Sis. Williamson, LK. of the ably way in which they have long its pricelpall Streets and are asked to send in their contribu.
for motor cars from the city parked ensulog term on Saturday they have no other home explained Contributors and correspondents Miss Simonton who is known during the baadreds of people paraded up tions not later than Thursdays to amorg ber, int mate friends as chief officers of the new admin. Connor, bas strationfare Dorrant A; from Light of Colon Lodge. Gage then gave the closing noon when the ship arrived and Bell. Baptist, se Sis, Lern. ond, of remarks and asked the members on the following day when ad tive and must be adhered to.
with cretary; Raymond, treasure from Light of Colon Lodge to retire to the Banqueting Halldaesses were read to the gal forever. am bitterly op and bave themselves refresbed couple at the dock in the mornNEW ADMINISTRATION at 12:30 am ing and wbere throngs of loyal posed to marriages for they Li Boca baseball team will After the that a meeting of the Board selection were of Directors of the Panama Canal parties concernen.
encounter Cristobal Red Sox the abip sail at half past four West Indian Employees AssociT believe in eve every educational on the Mt. Hope diamond through those instalied were as ation will be held bere this even. Negro; have the biggest and and follows: economic opportunity for the tomorrow Bro. Gage, Sis, CANAL ZONE NOTES ing. This will be the Annual meet.
Simpson, PD. Bro. Malabre, There was no meeting at the ing of the Association when the most sincere respect for them and Installation of the officers of Sis. Mowatt. of believe there are no heights which Athenaeum on Tuesday evening Board will receive and pass cannot be obtained by them. The the Loyal Enterprise Lodge Bro Taylor, re for the January Jane elected. Sis Campbell, of La Boca Pars last; the expected session gave the Secretary Annual Report canno to other fontions to accomc term took place on Tuesday last Bro Malgrove, rewho the meeting will also be installat. away from the oppression of other the 25tb inst, when Bullivan elected. Sis Green, ofi we was installed 18 A, Bro Castillo, Treas. Sis: Due to unforesen circumstanc a came across to join the celebra. 100 of officers of the Assocciation years. They should keep their Japanese; past but Barnett as 1, Maud Castillo of Treas. Bro. tb Rame of tennie which was to cions in connection with the arrival and District Representatives on face pure like the Chinese and of the of been present and future can be conReid, Secretary: Bailey. Tweed D, of Sir. Swaby, from the La Boca Tennis Club of York, At the previous meettroiled. There is no folk lore like Treasure The function was Of LeBro Fi DixonW. Con and one from the British Battle ing George Richards, a member Among those who visited here the Negro Spirituals, Negroes can by re elected; Robinson; Resisted by Corbin Smith, Sis Palmer. ot atternoon tast did not material personality has a lot to do with were Mrs. Riebardson from Colon other than themselvesborating cople TM. Installing master. of Cond. re elected. Bro. ahto Renown on Wednesday we hooba ide the form opinion that on Tuesday, and Wednesday last and should write about people and Fredericks.
KBro Campbell, s. It was learnt later that the team business, introduced that subject and Mcs. Laurie from Gatun. not be coatrolled.
Sis C, Davis, of CONDEMNS ODIUMS from the battleship had another for a round table discussion. Mrs. Richardson who is a proengagement and time would not It was approved for discussion minent membar of the Colon After the usual Formalities on Tuesday evening but for rea: Wesleyan Church and came over would not be ashamed of the The sporting public of Colon were gone through the Pass permit playing both places.
sons aforesaid it was decided to ta charge of the Cristobal corps use of the word Negro. or WAS daly wants to know wbat has become Oficers grees hold it in abeyarce for Tuesday of Girl Reserves; Mrs. Laurie Ethiopian they both meaa black of the Cricket Competition and Conferred op Bro.
Being just few chains from evening Dext.
came in charge of the Gatun but hate the word nigger.
IA the surprise cup. It is believed Campbell and 818. Clarke.
the dock where the Renown the cɔrps. Both corps joined in the Africa it is worth a person la ibat it is full time for the season total membersblp of one Britisb Battle ship carrying the activities in connection with the to call a free man nigger which for this year to commence. bundred thirty four witness the Duke ard Duchess of York dock It was apnoun zed during the visit of the royal couple. Continued on page 8)
5:45 88 Bain owned or the heat she told most. The from Light of our de cette donies. The whole fro: 99 and down both on Tuesday after a insure publication. This is imperas been fortunate enough to learo Ceremonies o clock.
upon beat the


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