
FAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 23 1927 Neville registered mida, tolle which it Balboa over one SUPERIOR TO ALL THE ATTENTION BSicon doo Friendly Societies and Secret Orders the but Tbe Weekly London Letters SUSU. Leads With (BY ANDREW BLACKMOORE)
British Second NOTICE TO London Town Planning THE BEER WATCH BUYERS IN PANAMA CANAL BUSINESS IN DECEMBER One of the pepalties paid by SUPPLIED BY London for its greatness is that tabulated combined traffic it has grown up in a bap bazırd of commercial vessels using the sort of lashing to meet the The Panama Panama Canal for the month of pressing needs of a rapidly December 1926, prepared by the DONT IMPORT WATCHES.
increasing population The Panama Canal, shows 228 vessel: result bas been that in certain of United States nationality with We can sell them to you directions it has not so much Brewing Refrigerating Co. gross registered tonnage of grown as merely spread, and 465, 454 paying tolle aggregating cheaper in many cases than now the time bas come when the 1, 052, 029 96.
autborities realize that the was 103 sbips of a gross register the added advantage of NO British shipping you can obtain them with giant further development is brewed from the best ed tonnage of 692 374 fron which must be more carefully watched tolls amounting to 515. 020 24 was RISK OF DISSATISFACand directed. As a conference materials obtainable collected. With number of ships, TION since you can see the of representatives of 151 London Norwegian cama next with 26: article before paying for it.
Local authorlties Mr. Ne this number carried Chamberlain, Minister of Heal It is specially suited for this climate gross toonage of 103 088 and Dependable Timepieces to paid 74 311. 90 la tolls. Japanese suit every member of your pointed out the need for the efficient planning of greater superior to all imported beers sold sb pping came third in point of family can be had at London. Under tbe Town Plantolls paid. Eighteen of plog Act of 1909 ared tho Canal: their registered their ship: some sligbt beginnings were here but. FULLER and it sells to the public at gross tonnage was 77 103 sed and vastly greater eftorts are needtbey pild 95, 655. 40 in Ju 122 Central Ave.
ed, and the Couferer ce decided HALF the price.
go Slay sent only one ship to form Joint Town Planning through the great water way dur Committee to take charge of the ing this period; it bad regis developmert of the 2000 square TRY OUR BEST BEER BREWED tered gross tonnaga of 4, 297 on miles whleb lies wit:in radius paid 12, 456. 64 in tolls. Dr. David Smith of twenty tire miles of Charing Other nationalities whose vesCroge. In other parts of tbe sels used the Canal in Decamber country there are already forty were: Chilean 3; Colombian 4; SNAKE BITE REMEDIES sucb Committees in existence, Danish 3, Dutch 14; French 12; the larg 3st being in Manchester, Cerman 15; Italian 6: Panaman 9; which includes lo its Committee Peruvian 7; Spanish and SweDr. Smith the Snakerepresentatives of dish bite Specialist of Guabito, bundred local autborities. But Bocas del Toro, begs to the problems of London are, of offer his professional service course, mach pre complex than those of any other part of the ses Permits Limit to any patient. Wherever country, perhaps than any other found, his snake bite remepart of the world.
Gardening. dies have never failed to effect a speedy cure. The Diodowi Morbi id non The following Circular, issued other complaints such as UriDoctor also specializes in Roman Catholic Relief Bill.
by the Governor of the Panama Canal under date of January 19, nary Troubles, Chronic UI1926, should be of much interest cers and Obstinate Coughs.
The passing of the man Catbolic Relief Bll in the House to Canal employees who request Should you need his prosmall garden plots; of Commons early in Dscember. OF fessional services, do not fail aroused considerable interest, not The Circular of August 16, to write or come to the Docbecause of any actual effect it 1923, proscribing rules and reg tor personally when you can will have assuming that it Dasaea ulations for the issue of permito be cured.
the House of Lords and becomes for gardens, did not authorize law, because It technically Address: the granting of garden plots in legalises certa practices which IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF excess of an area of 100 feet by hava in fact ben common for 100 feet, or the granting of gar DR. DAVID SMITH Bill provides for the den ots for commercial use.
Specialist Semoval of such long stauding Wben employees desire Guabito Bocas del Toro legal disabilities, for the example, plots to excess of 100 feet by 100 as the exercising of a man feet, or wben non emplɔyees Republic Panama Catholic riter or cremony outderire garden plots, the permits a place of worship or priva e.
will be handled by the Land the babit of an Order; the forAgent; but he will obtain the ming of a Roman Catholic reliconsent of the head of the depart.
Suitable for Lodge Business ment controlling the area in gious Society; the bestowal of which the permit is to be granted property to and Abbey or Convent the before making recommendation entrance of Monastic Orders o the Governor. Such permits Marvelous Success in to England; and so on. The Bill AT THE will require the approval of the the treatment of does not mean that Ryman Ostho Governor. and the Land Agent lic are to become more aggrassive sbould recom nend a suitabl Gonorrhoea and Gleet remarked one Rm Ca:bolic charge to be made for the use o!
authority, for for the concessions the Land.
Relieves the most obstinate ve long been assumed in practice, but to the Roman Catholic they case in three days meso a great deal because of the compongonggong papar pagmamahalan FOR SALE AT THE prisciple they embɔdy. Thus a ible. This meant that stocks of procession bousebold varieties were never PHARMACY through the streets wil not matoo seriously deplated. The great.
rely be tolerated in the future as it has been in the past, but it will er output of coal for industrial 149 Central Avenue, Panama have legal sanction like any other pursposes, when acout 75 per Phone 825 cent of the men had returned to procession o! orderly citizens.
the pite, was at AND AT and in one week the Usemplos. THE NEW DRUG STORE once absorbed, ment Exchanges registers showed that 18, 633 man had found jobs 5th and Street, Colon Lancashire Cotton Trade.
Of every description Phone 403 Waterloo Bridge For some time the Lincashire cotton trade bas been in a far DONE WITH NEATNESS AND from pleasant condition. Oders Lovers of London were pre DAVID LEON, LL.
have been scarce and the wille toundly grateful when they learn have been working sbort time.
DESPATCH ed, from the report of the Royal ABOGADO Commission on Cross River TeafIo pre war days this great in dustry accounted for about one lic; that the threatened destrucAttorney at Law fourtbot tbe total of British tion of Waterloo Bridge bad been exporte, bot during the past AT THE averted. The Commission was few years it bas suffered a conOffice: 175 Central Avenue appolated to deal with the whole siderable decline. Now there is question of London some bope of an improvement, Telephone 1015 Panama and under the Thames, and their recommendations were for seven 1o the first place there is an Box 1002 Ancon, Canal Zone new bridges would include a dou imple Bupply of cbeap raw ble decker at Charing cross cotton from Americs, acd in the second place an attempt is to be Ladgate Bridge which (With Licenses to Practice before would serve the purpose eof the made the Courts of Panama and the reduce overbead charges and the general cost of proposed St. Paul Bridge, the Canal Zcne. production This latter reform Effect of Greater Coal project for which bas been abonwas suggested some little time doned, as the vibratioa of trafic ago by the will known econoOutput CALL IN AT would seriously affect the fabric mist, Mr. Keynes of Paul Cathedral WILKINSON suggested modification of the The first weeks work of tbe sugeasted that Waterloo Bridge of abould be able restorud. Short time policy, which has coal mines at something approach demol Contractor been followed aloce 1920, and sing the normal rate has two improcess of amalgamation of the mediate results; there was a big and the roalway over it widened mills. A: M: Kynes pointed reduction in the price of coal and rom 27 feet inches to 35 feet.
and Builder out, the short time policy inust a decrease in the number of onWhere necessary some piers and increase the ratlo of over bead arches should be rebult, and the The employed in other trades.
House No. 20 charges and increase the cost retail price of housebold coal ip others supplied with new fouadstions. Io of production, leading to high London reduet according coming to this cooclu 28th NOV, STREET, prices in the world markets. to qua No. 93, Central Avenue sion the Members of the Com quality, by from 14. to 19 mittee were impressed by the SAN MIGUEL There was some criticism of Mr. per ton, and further reduction fact that the engineering experts Keynes as a mere theorist, bis may be oxpected later. To some who gave evidence, even when lo Box 411, Panama, R, proposals were attacked ASSORTMENT OF and extent the drop was no doubt due discussed and various conclu. to the small demand. So long as favour of demolition, were in case prepared to assert that tb sions come to. The practical the higher prices rule the public result was that the Master Cot masaged to carry on with surGOOD STATIONERY Bridge could not not be restored and plans and Specifications Free its stability.
ton Spioners Federation decide don is to keep one of its architecearly in December to Araadge prislngly small quantitlag for to work their mills 35 hours bousehold purposes, and oil acd SOUVENIRS, oral masterpieces without Ren First Class Workmanship instead of 24 a week.
ale design belog altered to any gas were utilised wherever possabjictionable extent.
Satisfaction Guaranteed MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Electric Injection Workman Stationery Store Roman Catbolle JOB. PRINTING traffic ove WORKMAN PRINTERY to bo shea.
The Workman BOOK STORE o


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