
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1927 PAGE SEVEN Possibilities of British Guiana.
Additional Church Services.
Babbath (Saturday) 45 Bab bath Bobool: 11. 15 sm. Geen Worship 30 Spanish Clase; 30 Society, meeting 30 Junior and Senior Standard of attainment Class pm. Vespers.
Sunday, evering 30 Stereoption Lecture. The general public in cordially invited to turn out in largo sumber Hoped That Hinterland Rollway Will be Means of Attracting Capitalists, Seventh Day Adventist Church ård STREET BROADWAY, OOLON Babbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath School; 11. 15 General Worship 30 pm. Young people meeting 30 Voepere Sunday evening 7, 30 Proaching service.
You are cordially invited to attend these service and bring your triende, The Church of God The Bristol Times and Mirror ci December 14tb states: Mr. Cassels. BE.
British Guiana Trade Commisioner delivered sod interesting lecture on on the colony with which he is connected to a large rge sudience at the Colonial Institute yesterday eveniog. Mr. E. Chattock presided. Toe address was illus trated with latern slides.
Th The speaker sald time was wben vess Is sa led regularly bet.
ween Bristol and British Guiana, and now the link that bound the city with tbe tropic3 was represented by the banana trace boats.
The colony, which had been British for about a cintury and a quartor, enjoyed the special title to distinction that it was the sole British possession on the main land of South America. Those with connected with the colony know that developments would be made, and were likely to come sooner than later. The are beyond tne coast was a repository of mineral and timber weath whicb bad already given promise of greater things and when the chiet ambition of the colony was realised the constructio) of a hnte lond railway. the results might well be such as to attract the attention of capitalis throughout the world. One of tbe most important problems of British Guiana proceed Mr. Cassels, was that of increas.
ing transport facilities Mr. Cassels made a reference to the Kaleteur, or Old Man Falls, and said that all the hydroelectric power the populatio required was at their door.
inopolitan, he mentioned that fort live per cent were represented by East Indiane, brought over to maintain the staple industry, cane sugar.
In his concluding remarks, the speaker quoted from a broadcast talk wbich be gave from London that at a moment when don political parties, were agreed as to the urrency of Empire development It might be and should be the psychological moment fr the Jong delayed opezing up of a country like British Guiana so rich in natural resources, so Capable of contributing a great quota to the common stock of Imperial wealth.
On a motion from the chair, the speaker wi8 cordially lbanked.
Cigarette Params, Arosemens Street, Loune 28, San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer meeting and Goepel weetingo at 11 am.
sad 730 Sunday School at p.
Monday at 30 Trotimony Meetios Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People Meeting Wednesday at 30 Gingel meeting. Thursday at 30 pm.
Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. Red Tank, Canal Zone, Sunday Schoo PD. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 Sis. GRAY New Providence. Goapel Moeing 11. 30 sm and 30 Sunday Shool p. Wednesday at 30 Gorpel Meeting, Friday at 7:30p. Prayer Meeting Bro. McDONALD Jatun, Canal Zone Gospel Meeting 11. 30 and 30 Sunday 3obool at pm. Wedoceday 30 soepel Meeting. Priday at 30 ID Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEORGE C, GRIPFITB Zolon. and Strecte. Gospel mee ogs at 11. 30 a and 30 Bunday school at 3pm. Wednesday at 30 Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting Bro. GEO. GRANDEKSON said that out of over 200 men of all Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness No, MARIANO AROSEMENA 86 SAN MIGUEL Bunday 530 Prayer Meeting 10. Children Service; 11 m, Divine Service. Preacher, Supplied. p. m, Sunday Bebool, Superintendent 6p. 30 pm. Grospel Service, Preacher. Supplied.
The usual weekly service will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday night, 7. 45 All other boties for the week will bs given from the Pulpit.
Bro. WEBLEY, Acting Pastor in charge.
Liberia Next Attacks Prince Critics Of all the cigarette brands on the market, one is unique.
Only one has a definite and distinctive reason for superior flavor it toasted.
This honor belongs to Lucky Strike, exclusively.
Millions can resist its unique and delightful flavor.
The reason is simply Writing editorially uyder the above caption, the Afrc American of Baltimore, Maryland in its issue of January 16 says: Acting on the theory of the American investments in foreign countrie: must be protected even if it means armed intervention, the Unlied States has intervened in Halti, San Domlogo and more recently the Central American Republic of Nicaragua, where he United States some time ago bad purchased the right of an Inter oceanle caral for 3, 000, 000.
In addition American interests OWO several million dollars worth of fruit and Sugar concessions in the Central American repub.
lic wbicb is endangered by the example of protecting American Interests in these otber. two countries before us it looks as it the Unlted States Navy must be prepared to pro tect American Capital it is invested all over the worid.
Mr. Harvey Firestone, presi dent of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, of Akron, answering a question Jo the House Committee iast year reernment backing would be de garding the extent to which gov.
cessary for his proposed develop.
ment of the rubber planta.
tion in Liberia said. do not know as could give you a concrete suggestion except that we need the cooperation of hips and is a fool. Verse revolution With London, Jan. Better is the poor that walketh in this lotegrity than he that is in his was the biblical quotation commended by the Daily Express to the meditation of the intolerant bigots who have constituted themselves critics of the Prioce of Wales because he drank beer in an East End pub with dock bands and others of the workingmen district Included in the list of those who the Prince to task for bis beer drinking in public were vicar and numerous other church workers.
Complimenting the Prince on his efforts to strengthen the ties of the empire, and referring to nis recent slumming expeditions.
the Express added We doubt it be has done sog.
thing finer or more productive of good than he has accompiisbed this Christmas tde by making himself one of the people, by bis comradely visit to their pubHic houses, their honosand their meeting places.
Cook wbere Because it toasted our government is invested in capital is where our order to safe guard the returos.
The Nicaragua incident seems to be a warning to Liberians and all other small countries were Advertise in The Workman American capital is invested. and which at the same time can be easily spanked, that any political unrest or revolution is going to be followed by the quick appearance of American warships and American marines.


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