p. 8


TOMORROW Reina ning post. Henry off in a bunch Jockey Good Races Up was nosed while 10 90 126 108 everywhere showo of Kingston 102 something home Anner in which thehe people 121 Great War delega; tron Fource of assure heartáhd you my rely of Last Sunday Races The Duke and Duchess Tomorrow Races Speech by The Duke of York Of York The race card for tomorrow is For the past several weeks Sunday afternoon last recorded scappy its a bummer. run the largest sumber of race fans (onticued from page your eyes over the appended In Reply to Addresses at Joan Franco Park. It was of the British Indian Subjects of the program of seven races and see of Wolcomo at Jamaica.
the line np. There aren golog course big day, as the card co Sindh Provinces, present humble of to be any one big feature was run off on scheduled trimmich duts to Your Royal Highness event. but this is exactly the. and desire to express a loyal wel.
Replying to the addresses of The biggest race for the after come to you on the occasion of kind of program which really welcome presented on behalf of the noon was won Toledano. Brave yon visit to Panama. For the pulls the strings and lets island and the Corporate Ares. Lá sie with Jockey Perkios in the first time in the history of the down the thrills. Five furlongs, Kingston and St. Andrew yesterSunday January 30th, 1927 will be the shortest journey ron day afternoon at the Ward Theatre saddle. The distance was farlong British Empire, your august father, and 64 furlongs the longest: His our kins took her away from ibe other are well beloved King and Emperor here will be of the former and York Royal Highness the Duke of four of the latter, and Excuse entries at the start and kept her accompanied by Her Majesty, the uno Queea Empress, visited Delbi in Your Excelleney, Mr. Mayor, Me, Fap and Linda are booked Ladies and Gentlemen. sincereJUAN FRANCO TRACK there making every post a win 1911 for the coronation.
This event, never to be forgotten, to step furiongs as the ly thank you for the sentiments of Aranda Mora with curtalo raiser.
up gotl was followed by the visit paid by loyalty to the Throne which you and could not His Royal Highness, the Prince of. POE PROGRAM: have just expressed on behalf of extricate herself in tine t) ser Wales, to India in 1922, as Ambasthe people of Jamaica and her iously challenge the winner. Bol sador of our Great Empire.
FIRST RACE capital, and will not fail to sbeviki with Pi orta Class Natives 150 transmit them to His Majesty the Your Royal Highnesses are now making away in King.
po candi! ce but in a lilee capacity, visiting our Color 61 Furlongs out 132 Excuse Me.
be Rein Mto the nies, and the Commonwealth of For the Duchess and myself last stretch Ab! Finished in and Fap 111 wish to say how very grateful we fourth place Aracuana that in the near future it will be Races for Imported horses Linda 98 are for the warm welcome you came in last. Brave Lassie paid possible for you, likewise to visit have extended to ourselves. feel SECUND RACE. 70 on to win.
and for Native bred Ponies lindustan do not come among you to day Class Natives. 125 In order of importance was the The feeling of brotherhool and ol Furlongs as a stranger, for shall always 8th race of one mile for class understanding between Great Briretain the happiest memories of Mayara tbrcughbreds. Cartone Cap: tain and Hidustan has never been 118 my first visit to this island in 1913 tain Alvarado ridden by Aranda AN AFTERNOON OF GOOD ore fervent than it is today.
when was a Naval Cadet, and RACING Ruso.
was the winter.
The winner as.
nerous hospitality which was the generous By your cotorat, personal Fenomeno and sumed the lead immediately af. evet ready willingness to maiuti, Don Simon especially jabe ter the raising of the barrier and the splendid tradition of Englanu Rain or Shine Intimo.
in the city 122 and finished retaining the same Royal House, you wili hok together It is a very real pleasure to us THIRD RACE to have this opportunity of visiting premier position with much to in one solid chain, the affections of spare. Carcaj da, Coburg, Tc all the Ruces, forming the Empire Class la Imported 200 Jamaica, one of the oldest and weilo and Burla came in is the on which the sun never sets.
ADMISSION Furlongs most interesting of the outposts of order named the British Empire. We are more May it please Your Royal HighMarcela Fap of the Stad Carmen won nesses to couvey to our beloved 126 over, hoping to learn for ourselves the tirst event of five furlongs Emperor and Empress the expres Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
Translate of the conditions under for class dative borses; Julio sion of our humble duty, and deTowello 124 which you live, and the problems 124 you have to face. There is among Dhol Mercado Fenomeno came seMiz 123 us very genuine desire ilk yare of the Sud El voted loyal tbird and Duque We likewise are glad of this oc 10 understand and know the DON MISS IT FOURTH RACE permits us o express of those who dwell overseas, for bilde, ridden by More, won the to Your Hoya Pagliness the prest Class Imported. 200 we have not not forgotten the splendid 61 Farlongs second event, a six furlong race affectiou we all feel for the Princess of this for class Dalive pobles, with Elizabeth.
126 island played their part in the We earnestly wish for Your Royal Kitty Gill Excuse second, Cococha third (applause. care come search and Chenowa Highnesses, a safe journey and reo meet von her to lay. My brot rr, maintain rd.
Da G2ga 119 We welcome the visits to Eo Oran.
92 trona ma theantimala todenjoy The Prince be there could us our last: gland Indigo of the West feel that my family are not may continue to enjoy tool the generosity of the welcome you altogether trangers to this country, The furnished good FIFTH CRACE and it was a entertainment. cºm:te. Duque health to fulfil the duties of your accorded him when he visited eo for my brother the Prince of Wales; Class Imported. 250 genuine regret to me that was Chombo Gord: ridden by Aran noble station, Furlongs una voidably The address was then folded, mama and we deeply appreciate the wao travelled in the sunse cip as prevented from being da, Julio Mercado Arlequin rid 109 present at the dinaer given in den by Diaz and Henry White placed in a silver box and bauded fact that you have received up in that in which the Duchess Sandi Blandina.
122 London last year, in honour of the Dolly ridden by Perkins wer io His Royal Highness are traveling on our present jour. Dxie.
de bas tolime of s vid. and Justice 126 West Lodian delegates. the three entries who ran the THE CHINESE ADDRESS Thonel senlent in forrien 123 you that your interests, lie very fiye furlongs and finished in the The Chinese address read by binh tradito is of tho British Em bre: land know that con raista the the many kindness be received Capsul.
near my Order num SIXTH RACE Mr.
Joseph Chung is as follows. pire, and Lam glad to think that on me to do anything can when Lenine and Marcela came first please It May return home to promote them Lan deli hted to see among Class Imported. 250 Your Royal Our visit here my be the many of us to day the representatives and second, rspectively. lo the 6) Earlongs and to foster the spirit of mutual Highnesses: fourth race of six furlonge for underei ned, representing terreno de ship which bin is together to to whose enterprise, persever Bumba forging yet another link in the chin the Writed States, that great coun understanding between the class imported borses; while members of the 116 Mother Country and these the Mitz, Kitty Girl and Mimos a won 96 British all who tre proud to stand under ance, and technical skill the mrak. Carc jada.
Chinese colony on the Isthmus the British Frag.
Once again, thaok you for 91 the sixth race of equal stanca. respectfully bex leave to welcome ing of toe Panama Canal is due. lequín your reception this afternoon The fourth race was for the first Your Royal Highnesees on your Once agoin we thank you from And here must express my thanks Cast. Alvarado.
126 which has greatly touened us both, and the sixth for the second brief visit to this country en route the bottom of our hearts for your to the Canal authorities Co. Gordo for the 124 and we cordially wish vou pros of class imported thorough welcome and good wishes, and it skill and eff ciency with which, for to Australia SEVENTH, RACE perity and sucease prolongeil breds.
lolimo and Dən Simon won the Although very few in number is our earnest hope that Success the second time, they have passed we are seventh race for class native spirit of patriotism and loyalty by through the years to co ne.
not lacking in the true and Prosperity may attend you M RENOWN through Class 3. Imported. 150 cheere. Furlongs the Canal, and for the kindness CHURCH SERVICES 119 ponies in the order named and which we are pleased to join with ALBERT.
an! courtsy which they have Novicia.
shown to me personally.
the last event of furlongs Other British residents here in 26th January 1927. Sauvage 100 05 Pab.
108 for class thorougbbreda was won extending to you our warm greet think you again, Your Excel. Translate.
Fourth Sunday After Epirhany 108 by Dixie, Capsul second and Roings, and to wish for you a most The West Indian band bere leney, for the very kind welcome Fair play 112 AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH lando third pleasant stay among us, struck np Rule Britannia at the which you have given us and for Tigre 126 (Anglican Catholie)
We feel very greatly honourel at conel. sion of which is Royal your hospitality to us toduy, and St. Paul Church, Panama raise my glass to the health and the privilege and opportu. Highness and party reviewed the Dr. Wendehake ity of seeiag Your Royal High ex service met de after which he to the publie of Panama the Boy Scouts prosperity of Your Excelleney and Rev. Nightengale, Restor MEDICAL CLINIC am Holy Commuvioo. Rector such approprinte occasions as pot the of Great 10. 15 a. Matis Me. PR Atwell, we gladly embrace drove away to 026 pesonte Street Colon this occasion to express and office dont Chiari travelling, u der guard Royal Highnen mies returned e dintele Royal Hishnesses the Duke and Catechist immediately of York 10. 30 a. 0: Holy Euchariet serman. RHONE 11 our allegiance, of honour of.
and loyalty to our clinde vetinga police of the Toca constabularyted beaved anchote and took to the and Geergle was so near to por leyes The Rectora precisely four o clock. British patriotism 12 doon Holy Baptiem, country.
Returning fron his call at the As it was previously made known trick down his nervos and arter. pm. Church School.
It is our sincere trust that Your National Palace His Royal Hgh that the good ship would be sa il ie, tone up every red carpusele in AFRICA NO PLACE 30 Choral Evensong Sermon Royal Highnesses may enjoy a ness paid a visit to Governor ing at that hour, quité a large his blood and find appropriate The Rector.
at the pier to outward expressions. Continued from page St, Matthias Mission Australia and New Zealand, and Building, Balbot Heights after catch a fast glimps of the Royal with exceptio to his religious you will derive much benefit, which he was motored back to pair and 18 the Renown moved proclivities, George conduct in LAS BABANAS mgads slave.
away from the dock the crowds the Mine Simorton is leaving here in your travels, We fee! certain the renown (Rev, NGATENGALE, D)
premises is substantilly mine. this week for a tour of the world profitable At one clock lantheon was wavéda Inst re well which was Prleet is Charre, or the Empiressions of that part given at the Presedencis by Pre quickly responded to by the Duke the only time for the past two glanced and is paying Californis her first side the Mother country, and Royal Highnesses which at the Pre thus passed Trom the Isthmus the Bible was when my agnostic friend arde Catechista p. Church Scho isto chef visit. This elmate is so wonderthe copies of my mother in Iswis 30 pm Evensong Mr. Rich187, wonder why the whole East that your short vi it to the Isth is doesn more here she said. She mis of Panator wil stregthen dent made a short speech in mošt enthusiastis two daya de Grekin ventured to tell us that Great White Eve gard and esteem between our cause of profound ratification a new te existing ties of international mulch he said that the pisit of the monstration of loyalty nobeard of Christianity is a hoodicap St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca royal couple to Payama was a ſin its history.
Negro progress. And so, that our which is a story of Ju Ju (hoodoo) mpire the Republics of definition, pare and Amerions Episcopal (Anglican ComPortuguese Angola of West Africa. anama and the loyalty to King and Empire United States.
becanse of the cordial relations that have been maintained with munion)
We foreign land. of course, burgh, of Pennsylvania Dutch and return of your Royal Highresos to Republic, sie einplatened the hope Sparklets insi ted that such pronouncement MoCarthy Lay Reader.
Great Britain birth of Matine Address 11 a, m, Mr.
English extractinu; she is a should be more detailed, but you will convey to his Ma that the relations between the public Engla lecturer for the Board of Education jesty, the King, our abiding senti two countries that to secrete Church School pm.
of the State of New York and has dents of loyalty and profound de. closer and more cordial day by would become boles emight preclude any posibili (Continued froin page 30 written the Thumbnail following books: vtion. We wish you God speed day.
or imprison for life fellow who ty of the more learned to effect. The Bishop will be the preacher por dial invitation to all.
of the your journey Coast of Africnihor Life and West on the remainder of The Dake replied as follows:violates our constitution or is ively cens MULCARE, Rector, This ad dress wbich was written tom, of the Savages. of Central on parchment and attached to a found conspiring against the States la conclusion, we are of the firm Aiuica. Housekeeping in Savage eather fol ser made of crocodile ner in which Your Excelleney has or the life of any of its distinguish, what the boys may be thinking of ed. to real Africa; Christianity vs Mo kin was then enclosed and handed proposed the toast of fature possibilities or probabilities, St. Simon Mission, Gamboa hammedunim in Africa. My to His George and conduct ourselves The Litaby, Holy Eucharis and ferExperience in tbe Canary Islands Chung, Koyal Highness by Mr is very great pleasure to the Ducb. question: As loyalists, this is how if the human family is destined to ess and myself to bave this apport George is a Churchman in the first speake Japanese or English: mon 10. 45. RevJ T, Muloare, and others, the reading Church School p.
addresses the Roval pair listened and historic city of Panama, and block of the various unity of vesiting the interesting place, but never reads his Bible por German or the dialect of the bis erasible and.
book, with wrapt attention to renew the ties of our two count collect, nor brush up on his Chris tribe to which friend. Dalby MULCARE, Priest in charge.
nor study The Duke made a simgle reply ries. We have not forgotten that tign Endeavor quotations until on its own any of their respective. Barnabas Church, Emp re La Why pay double price Boca belongs, and to for interior imported St. Bartholomw Church oas 7: The British Colony in Panama allies during the great war.
George is an intellighet boyle but disluyalty, is only contributing LAS, CASCADAS Bor when you can The Duchess and thank you shall not fail to coavoy to nothing like Bud Fisher Matins and Address, Church by a superior Beer ncerely for the Address to which His Magesty The King the mess. As far as singing God save th to their fulgiment.
School and Evening Prayer will be such as BALBOA for se bave just listened and shall age which you have asked me to King, Rule Britannia, Britannia held at the above named Churches not fail to convey to His Majesty communicate. And hope that the rules the waves and engaging in Rent Receipt Books In Span at the usual hour ky the Lay Read.
half the price. The King your expressions of lo friendship which at present exists similar formal patriotism in, a yalty to the Throne. between our Empire and the Rep foreign land that latent talent as sh and English for sale at the JT MULCARE Priest in Charge, It is a great pleasure for us to ubli: of Panaina may be for ever far as he is concerned. Buto Workruan Printery inkabos to call on Their web populares e The Their 12 which you waving bkck. years ever to book The for a a and te in George that on censure us.
my bealth. It prayer of ers


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