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ولی به علت از West Indians And Local Industries READ shoul THE WORKMAN THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHÊD EVERY SATURDAY WEEK ANC VOL. 15 No. 25 PANAMA, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5TH 1927 PRICE CENTS New Immigration Quotas Intercolonial Cricket Tournament GOVERNOR SMITH May Provoke Battle at Barbados In Congress Because of Proposed TRINIDAD DEFEATED BY BARBADOS Reduction to Certain Countries.
IN MOST EXCITING GAME Says Sane Legislation Wanted in body Hill a 17 Total.
paperfeet wicket a of five or five Tably on with had he having it of New Yerk Jan. Mr. Smith the Govenor of New York, in his annual address to the State Legis lature today called upon that to memorialize Congress to enact Washington, Jan. The new immigration quotas. at the earliest possible moment a which will become effective July 1, this year, will provoke sane, sensible, and reasonable defiBarbados Six Batsmen Two Trinidad Four a new battle in Congress over immigration, it appeared to bition of what constitutes an intexi cant so that the harmless beverages day, because of the reductions proposed for the quota allotMake Century.
which our people have enjoyed for ments from Germany, Ireland and Scandinavian countries.
more than a century may be restored to them.
The new quotas, which cut the total immigration for the next fiscal year to 153 341 aliens instead of the 464. CHALLENOR STAR BAT COMPILES 220 In making this recommendation Mr. Smith noted that the popular admitted tnis year, will be proclaimed by President Coolidge referendum in November had giv on April under existing law. They will go into effect three en a majority of 1, 164, 586 in favor months later unless Congress intervenes.
Brightown, Barbados, Jan, 24 28 stopped for the day at 30 Wiles of modifying the Volstead Aet. At If carried out, the new alignment, based on the ratio of Special. In the second match of Reece Constantine o had amassed the fine score of 191 another phee io hils National origins as found in the 1920 census, would make started here todny, between teans Challenor e Pascall bs wall 11 to his credit whith with 20 extra venible dise ses were on the de he cricket touroameat which was Gibbs run out not out and Sesley had a useful served that we can do dembisigother obGermany the heaviest loser with a reduction from 31, 227 to representing Barbados a. Taini Tarilton e Capriani Sinall o brought the total score up to 470 creuse, deaths from alcoholism had 23 428, and the Irish Free State the second haviest loser, dad, the following composed the lace Pascall 28 for wickets.
inereased fivefold between 1920 and with a reduction from 28, 557 to 23, 862.
Trinidad Grant (Captain. Bartlett e St. Hili E. St.
Small HII The greatest quota increase will go to Great Britain, Pascall, Roach, Se ly, Dr Ritchie, Bridgetown, rha do Jam 25 1926 conditi in which he said was prevalent in all parts of the cono With an overnight score of 470 try, including Southern Ireland, with an increase from 34, 097 to st. HashS. PER hie Browne e Ciprisui Small for wickets, Trinidad cricketers 73. 039. Aus rit, Hangiry, Italy, Tise Netherlands and Rus Trinidad sxipper won the to and Rogers not out Mr. Jenks the Dry leader in today continued their first innings the Legislature introduced a Bill Extras Sta also will have thir quotas increased among the more sod sent in thn Barbados XI, on in their match geinst Barbados today to make guilty of manelaugn important nations.
a wicket slightly impaired by Play commenced at 11 30 a, on showers.
ter in the tirst degree anyone who 175 and in the fine wes ther with the over. ight butsmen if the sympathizers of the Irish, Germans and Scandi ells or gives to another any liquor Play at 11. 45 withi butsen of which the sale is forbidden navians combine to fight the new quotas, it was said, they had commented Browne batuan Trinidad MAKES, BIG Showing Wiles and Sealy at the wicket and Federal Tyw if the death of the by may be able to block their application. An act of Congress, and Constantine and st. Hill Te however, will be necessary.
bowling. Almost immediately Hood At 20 Tronidad opened miantes later Wiles was caught by cipient from drioking it tollows: provizled that death be caused by brocco was canght by Small off Constan thoach to the showing Ciphere and the wicket keeper off Criffith pre pred in the liquor of als universitesi te ting for 14 of Palacktarnia Beach to the howling of Reece and bowling after adding only one run uhelunce other thane any CARNIVAL CHIVA PASSENGER place being taken ethyl alcohol.
hi: Grithith was by Griffith. At his overnight score of 191 The Bill imposes a penalty of 12 15 p, Pascall took over the readed 32 He was caught by few minu es alter noon he was: 85, 000 upon persons convicted of at 39 m, when the sore had Est Hill took bis place and a od a years imprisonment or a of Recovers 365 Damages bowling from st this and the Browne from a ball bowled by caught by the wicketkeeper of: Funds Raised For Building latter relieved Coustantine at 12 30 Griffith. His place wit taken by Reece bowling for 27, the last forway for bevernee nurposes May Dockery, West Indian, was Miss Ins Harnes, one of the six awarded 265, 00 by a jury in the Hill 12. 35 and before the luncheon was caught and bowle by Reece place the total score was now 52 denaturaisy. Icohol Small was bowling vice St, St. Hill, wno ten minutes later man in. Dr Kere taking his liquor containing any substances his prescribed by the Government as cand stes for queenly bonus in Canal Zone District Court at intervul Constantine took over The score now stool at 51 Smill Al 12 35 p; the last wicket fell, the UNIA in which is eu ung promoteur Cloy Division redet werk, from one line a bus Seventeen of the local Asociation, which she was criving coll ded then being 63 for the loss of on runs Cipriani was caught by Hoad buwling for 11 ms.
for luncheon at o clock, the score when the score bad reached 66 the wise ke per off Criffith.
took the led with 400 votes The totai. MERRY WIDOW Tuesday night Miss Casandra an automobile owned by Mr. wicket; Browne 34 and Grife from a ball sent down by Reece. score was 539; scaly not out with Cordon who hen bading, and Mrs Van Fleet of Balbon fith 28 extras At 30 m. stumps were drawn a useful 93 to hrs er dit; extras 27 She withdrawn from the contest had brought action aga ost More Delightful in Picwith th score standing at 127 Mayers and Philip Play TRINIDAD PERT INNINGSon ncount INDIVIDUAL SCORES deshin her family. Aunt owner and driver op til small and Constantine bowling runs for the loss of three wicket. tures Than on Stage Otter vores ludes pakinawa bus, respectively. and the van The wirket by this time has slight Bridgetown, Barbados, Jan. 25. costest. Mi Doris Weir Vera Fleets. ly improved With an overnight score of 129 for Cipriani e Houlb Reece. 47 Hiri The picture that played for Clarke and Myrtle Rankio.
At 50 E, St. Hill took over the bree wickets. Trioidad continued Roach Browne Miss Ducks Another count of votes seven months at New York S.
attorney, was announced for last night.
Crington, e hore bowling from small and almost at their ist innings against Barbuda smartest theatre Cloria Gould deciding match of St. ll cand Reece. o Embassy will be shown for the The net proceeds of the Carnival, the defendants with carelessness once Griffith was caught by Cipri to day, in the 100 tirst time on tie Isthmus at it is said by the officers of the Div! and negligesor. The collision took ani off St. Hill bowling for 28. the 18th intercolonial tournament. Small 191 the ision, will go towards a fund which place at the junction of plank Reece was next bit, but at 20 Play commenced at 11. 30 o clock Wiles e wkt.
Secili Theatre today and tomorclock he was bowled Constantine with the overnight batsmen, Small Const intine Grifi Street and Galvan Rond when without scoring and was replaced and Wiles, at the wickets and Ro. Grant e Challenor Hoad 25 11 row This widely heralded stage is being raised by the Division to carry out a building program.
the Fleet car was backea ia by to be from a side street into the bus by Gibbs. At 30 Browuegers and Griffith bowling. The Pascall wkt blod which was said to be traveling av was caught and bowled by Pascall weather was fine and it e wicket Sealey no out 98 ban on the stage.
even mor delightful ia pictures abont twenty mils an hour. the score then ing 95 for the St Hillc wkt Reece for 49, Challeper taking his place perfect.
ray scores a triumph in Colon Acquires Amo other injuri Miss loss of wickets. bbs and Reece took over the Ritchie o wkt Griffith the title role and John Gilbert as Extras.
bowling at 12 10 when the Dockery suffer from a broken Additional Property 27 Prince Dacilo prov that be was left ar At 35 Constantine and Small score had reached 159 with no more THE man for the difficult role. in 559 were bowling and the score was bowlers were made, but it was not Barbados Bowling Analysis 2:45 pm, and two evening shows.
There will be a matinee today as From reliable grurce we under106; Gibbs 20 7: FIRST INNINGS stand that the United Negro Im. MOTOR CAR ACCIDENT tras Chalienor was caught by aptil 12. 45 that the ist wiehet for at 7:00 9:00 provement Association of Colon Pascall off Small bowling for 11 the day fell Small being bowled by Hond OMR evening shows the musical prohas acquired additional property gran by an orchestra auginented for 100. Constanzine was motor car arei lent which was minutes later, being replaced 35 133 to 12 musicians under the direction on Street, Culon, upon which bappily, did not result fatally, to by Tarilton. Five minutes after next man in and wnen play was Griffith.
for wards Gibbs was for 26, lun 127 of Señora Cruz del Real will Rogers.
extend its activities. The model anrur the occupants therein. In els taking this pluce. Pascali cheou interval the score was 23 74 the saide score as played for this play Hoad tor wickets; Wiles 60 not out and 100 6lm during it up at the bakery and other business or the second handle this montes los and Small were now bow ling.
Road, It is stated that Association Constantine uot out: extras 11 R. Gibbs.
Buick car driven by chauffeur Tarilton was caught by Cipri Browne. 10 improving and with the contionaoce of the same efficient band. Johnson, in attempting to Uni oft Small bowling for at 302 Ch llenor bowling, and al Play was resumed at 50 with Ch. llenor. o clock lingas is now being carried out by avoid coll sin wib a truck while and Bartlett weot into partner with Griffith, who had relieved challener BARBADOS SECOND IN At p. m, Small took over from the President, Mr. Hector Connor, bumped on to a culvert, thereby curv: swerved and Ince on a wicket which hnd now bow NINGS.
Pascall and Constantine from Sea.
11 reby greatly At 15 Con bowled Constantine for be and St. his place e being taken by The Birbados XI, commenced ly with the score at 159. At before the Association will be be air and drooped them into the bosht by St Hill olf bowling and Wiles had reached the 384 runs to get to save an innings led by St. Hill and the score was at 20 regarded as one of, if not the, spaward into a ditch.
31 theo buried itself, face Was biggest Negro enterprises in the Hill bowling for 17. century mark. At 55 Grant was defeat, with Tarilton and Chall now 205 for no wickets city of Colon.
in the car Browne was oext man in. At this caught for 23, and was replaced enor against Constantine and Smal Stumps were drawn 30 pm. aut by were Mr. Bray The two passother of the point the score was 127 for wiek Pascall The score now was 307! Play was stop for the laacheonets, by bowling the score stood at 223 for bo wiekproprietor of the Imperial Cabaret ete; Ince 16 not out; extras for the loss of wickets; Wiles 103 interval at o. clock when the Bridgetown, Barbados, Jan. 27. There Will Be Carnival od Fats (Taylor. bar tender These two passengers, as also Pascall for 28 and play was stop the score at 336 Reece was bowling wickets; Tar:lton 6; Chalienor their stand at the wickets to day At 30 Ince was bowled by not out; extras 12. At 315 with score was 12 for the loss of nº Tarilion and Challenor continued There will be Carnival this year and sustained Johnson were badly shaken up ped for tea interval, the total vice Griffith, and at the tea in in extras psinful after all. The annual fiesta will which it is sated are not serious, score then being 173 for w. ckets. terval Griffiths had asgaip relieved Play was resumed at 1, 45 wi hinnines against Trinidad in the de year Agenda of prominent na. destroyed.
not be totally eliminated from the The car it is said to be practically. Play was resurned at 3:45 and Reece. and Gibbs had taken from the same pair bowling. They were leiding game of the tournament.
miuures later owne Hoad. When play was stopped for relieved by E, St Hill and Pas Play 11. 30 tional festivities. Although someCipriani at 30 the was all indications are that they are PANAMA CANAL NOTES. In being not out with run to hi ing rapidly, was 145 not out; Pas but at the tea interval Turist o pavilion end and constantine bowling for 7, Rogars the last maa wickets; Wiles, who had been scor Bowlers wer changed several times wicket, with St Hill bowling from now started right and busioess credit. innings for call not ont. and was batting from the other Enrico Beltrame, young Italian a total score of 178.
Play was resumed at 45 witb with scores of 52 sud 61 ovati. Colon, however, carnival about ten days ago on the stemer lows: printer at Individual scores were as fol Rogers bowling vice Gibbs. At 20 tively and the total score standing steadly despite the best m. Pascall was cau ht by the at 123; extras 10.
the bowlers frequent ch nges of activities will not the promi neace as in other years, as the Guayaquil, Leuador, and who was as the Bologna from Italy bonnd for Wicketken per olf Hoad for 13. and At 3, 50 play was resumed whom failed to move the two batsNational Goveroment has not yet BARRADOS FIRST INNINGS. was replaced by Sealey. Thereafter with Pasrall and Small bowling, mer. When play was stopped at numerous changes were made St, Hil replaced Small at 15 o clock for the luncheou interval appropriated any money to aug detained in the Cristobal jail by the Hoad e Small Constaatine o bowlers, but Wiles and Sealey pau, with the reste now standing arilton and Challenor were still 49 could not be moved, and the score. 145. 8t. Hul was replac by batting with scores oi 120 and 151 scribed by the local business men (Continued on page 8) Griffith e Cirriani ESt. mounted rapidly. Wiseo play was Sealy fifteen minutes afterwars (Continued on page 8)
26 ait is a 27 11 Mae Mu Tota!
For the 25 16 28 11 Sabanas 33 Embassy 0 46 19 5 rune, improved Grant At what the men deiermined to coscore of to mount are oprate years.


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