
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1927 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands ATTENTION!
House Rent Receipt Books the Schools SPANISH ENGLISH It 18 consigned Denti ihe Triming. Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Societies of and drowoing BARBADOS The New Chief Justice JAMAICA Patriotic Barbadians In WELCOME TO MR.
Higher Education FURNESS, Remember Seventeen candidates sat for Home Folk.
Introduction Of Hon.
the Cambridge Matriculation exO Reilly Amination this month.
There bave been two entries GENEROUS GIFT OF CLOTHING so far for the and Honours At 11 am. on Friday, there SENT GOVERNMENT FOR Degree. The 4th of Febuary will was a sitting of the Court of be the last day on wbich entries DISTRIBUTION AMONGST Ordioa ey in Barbados, when His for the Matriculation will POOR AND NEEDY Honour Mr. Furness, be received newly appointed Chief Justice presided for the first time and The Secretary of the School Four Cases Received By s, s, was given a bearty welcome by Commission, Mr. Mitchell ndyck members of the Bar.
expects to have the entry forms for intended candidates for the Members of the Bar present Cambridge Local Examination were Hon. E. Poyser, SO. about the first week in July.
Says tbe WEEKLY HERALD of Attorney General Some the :We find pleasure Messrs.
time ago the in being able to annource that Solleitor General; Hamci Commission was considering four cases of secondo and P: Wells. Henderson Claike, proposal to remove the Titebliela. Secondary School at Port Antonio to a more suitable site, Lwara, A, Herbert but no principally of men trousers, Keith finality was arrived at in the matter.
Vaughan understood that cotton goods in the piece, shoes, sters at were landed here last aurban and the matter was referred to the to Hon, Grabam Yearwood, sters e Law; committee of the commission Colonial cretary from the Sou! King Solicitor, Malbo, Tons; and was considered at its last and Daughters of Barbados meeting. definite decision will Seciety, Inc. of New York, for de Courcy Bsyce, Williams be reached at the next meeting of tbe committee wbich will be to dietribution amongst the poor P, Spencer. Bynoe.
an early date.
and needy of the colony. W, Clair Hutchinson and This shipment of second band Maxwell Shilstone, Solicitors; clothing is the fructification of and Headley and BartFrom Swift River in an offer and a promise made lett, Solicitors Clerks.
by Mr. Cornellos Jackman, His Honour took his seat, and Portland Parish Barbadian long resident in Hon. Poyser, Attorney A, on bis visit home a few General, rising, raid:months ago on holiday, and as May it please Your Honour:YOUNG MAN LOSES HIS LIFE IN representative of a very strong Before the business of the Court RIVER WHILE TRYING TO patriotic and charitable organi is beguo should like to extend SECURE COCONUT.
sation of New York, known as on my own beball and on beball tto song and Daughtera of of my brother Barristers a corBODY DRIFTS INTO THE Barbados Society, Iuc. This dial welcome to Your Honour on institution is one several in the first occasion on which you SEA, New York which serves to pre have taken your seat as Chiet serve the identity of West Justics of this island. do not Writing from Swift River Indlars at labour in the big know it Your Honour have visi keep them ted this colony before, but am Republic and to on the 17th ulto. the correspond ent to the Jamaica MAIL says: unified. Just prior to Mr. sure that you will find in the Since the 1st of January we Jack man departure the work which will come before from the land of the Stars and Stripes. Los intance from the local Bar youthat will receive every have been experledcing continvous rains.
to The rivers are be view the colonial Secretary, then which lies in th er power to give.
flooded trade is dull and all work the Hon. W: Jackson, on plantations bas closed down R:cently we have been having and ecquire whether visits fron members of the Bars while crowds of men are to be the Government would be willing of other colonies and am sure CAN BE HAD AT seen walking along the roads, tbere being nothing to be done.
to recommend some chanbel that from these you will also On Friday a case of througb which the efficient ni ve very great assistance when distribution of second hand they appear before you. am occurred one and a quarter miles from the district on the road to clothing to needy members of sure you will find your time the public could be assured, and, this colony professionally and In Hope Bay. at that portion of the In addition, whether the Gorriver commonly called Sheep othe: erwise very pleasant indeed. young man while com val by permitting any such Attorney: much appreciate ernment would sbow its approHis Honour replying said: ing up the road, saw a dry coccin the shipments forwarded to enter the warmth o the stream. He of your welcome on divested himsell of his clotbing the colony duty free, beball of yourself and other and darbed into the stream As far as we are aware the Gor members of the Bar. It is plea: succeeded in laying bold to the eromet readily acquiesce) In the slug to bear the promise that out and threw it towards the latter request and, as well, re your assistance and the assistance bank; but it fell into the water.
commended the Sisters of Mercy, of the members of the Bar will He made another attempt to get attached to the Cathedral, as the extended to me in the performit, but he disappeared from the most capable body for superin ance of the duties attached to view of those who were on the tenditg the work of distribution the post to which bave just 100 bank.
The arrival of the first cannot let The body was found the folmont of gifts by the Vandyck this occasion pase, without refer ided where he is noted for his Sand shore two and balt miles lowing cay on the sea shore at ise kept. And he was a man of singular second shipment that efficiency which is of great assis: trou where he was drowned.
was to have been forwarded up right character and you must tance WHITENS THE SKIN to the Courts. have the Nova Scotia which was due bave all keenly felt bis death very great pleasure in welcomto leave New York on the 14h) which was great loss to this Creme Blanc Mirette ing Mr. Reily to the Bar of instant. The cases received on important colony.
Fr day last weigh approximately dies Steamsblp service to both thank you Mr. Attorney for Hon. Reily, replying the Eastern and Western groups 1200 lbs, a:d, we understand, over your promise of assistance. Such Marvelous Cream say: May it please Your Honour of these islands. The call for seven hundred dollars was ex assistance will be of great value beg to thank you, Sir, for bav. tenders would be identical with pended to provide their contents, to me in learniug the procedure Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, ing admitted me to the Bar of exclusive of the actual gifts of of this Court.
this that issued in January last, exsun tan, and other skin blemishes colody and the learn cept that clause referring to call word clothing sent the society.
ed Attorney General for lutroduc at borts will be omitted.
We learn that the special re MR. REILLY INTRODUOng me. assure you TION.
It is New tenders would be recelvable quest attached to the first shipSOLD IN DRUG STORES adm.
ment of gifts is that the distriThe Attorney General rising ted to the Bar of such an on or before 20th next.
bution of the contents of the Hour: Before the business is again, said: May it please Your colony as Barbados; and assure cases should be commenced Mr. Stanley Patterson, junior Honour that sball have in the parishes of St Lucy, St An proceded with there is one other any occasion to appear before member for St Andrew, gave not drew and Oa. Ohoreb.
matter would like to put before you, the Court will receive my ice of the following questions at Your Honour and that is to idin This act of real and vital symtrue assistance in any matter last Tuesday meeting of the pathy, and patriotism from sons uroduce to you Mr.
The business of the Court of Lennox House of Assembly:Whether and daughters of the colony in this colony to enable barristers Arthur R illy. The custom NEW ADDRESS: No. 135 CENTRAL AVE.
Ordinary was then entered upon be results and the Examiners, abroad is touching and dospiring. to scholarship Examination have the 1926 Barbados It is charged with good and tine to practise at the Bar is that they fellow feeling. It is the quintes must be a Member of the English We wish to announce to our numerous custom About mid day, on Tuesday, as arrived in this island? If so, ha spirit of Brotherhood Bar. only overhanging ledge of a marlboie bether the Education Board formality. ers, that our Jewelry Store has been moved from No.
woico is lesson to his Certifithen follow an introduction in Condemned Gulley, Carring have awarded the usual scholarto 15 East 12th Strset to No. 135 Central Avenue (near tons Village, fell in on a man ship? If not, what are their groDearer bomshe HER ILD tend cote of Call. J Street. where you will all find a large and select named Cumberbatch of Grosveo unds for refusing to award the to our brothers abroad, in tbe Reilly Cartier Call, bat stock of genuine Jewelry at the lowest prices in town.
nor Road. Cumberbatch bad scholarship this year?
chill grip of winter, our dep and bel eve Your Honourjknows know of my personal knowledke Our Shop is also capable of making any kind of been digging marl and sence of appreciation of thelr and jewelry to order, and any repairs you may need, at about leaving the warlbole when Bill authorising the Vestry splendia gift, and wish then the that he is King Coussel at a hoe, which he was carrying ot St Michael to raise a loan of Trinidad. have in my hand his very reasonable prices.
continuanca of that prosperite Certificate of Admission to the over his shoulders, struck the There are also for sale, Tickets to join our Jewelry loose rock wbich fell upon blm 6, 000 to complete the Second abroad, and shared with Grade School for Girls was and by the force of its blow ren such delicate feeling at home, Bar at Me. illy te is a desished member Club. Fee 00 per week, for 25 weeks. This instalBarbabian prog perity, whatso of ment plan is the most economical and practical way dered him unconscious. He was passed at Tuesday meeting of taken to the Hospital for treatever il bas been, is now, and legal profession and we all wellhis to obtain a real genuine jewel, with little effort. Don presence in this (Court.
ment: might be in the future, bas owed, the House of Assembly.
Come and you will be now owes, and will always owe, His Honour in admitting Mr.
fail to pay us a visit soon. 515 was voted at last Tuesday an unpayable debt to those of thes Relily said: pleased.
honum and daughters who, finding Mr. Kelly here considered it At last Tuesday meeting of meeting of the House of Assembly When saw Attorney: BOD EL EXCELSIOR JEWELRY the House of Assembly among to be expended to)
laying down neither work nor honour in their Mr. papers laid by the Acting Attor additional bydrants for the own country, boldly went abroad priviledge to admit him to this ney General was a copy of a tele purpose of ensuring greater proto find fields to conquer. And Bar. first met bim 1928 at a gram received from the Govern tection from fire. The Resolution did!
dinner fu Loudon given in honor General of Canada dated 17tb asking for 720 to meet the our of the West Indian Cricket December, 1926, to the affect cost of effecting certain improveFOR LATEST CRICKET NEWS Team; since then bave been in that the Canadian Government ment in the organisation of the constant contact with READ THE WORKMAN Pacially and then officially him abot IN THE WORKMAN. IT PAYS had decided to call for treshten: Fire Brigade was withdrawa.
ders for the In. Continued on page 3)
The Workman Bole. put floating Не Stationery Store been appointed. Sant refer ancient that it Your El Excelsior Jewelry on sence of the bome folk was juss the como ADVERTISE


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