
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5, 1927 PAGE THREE Interesting West. MR. WEBBLE ADMITS PAPER hands) perfect balance of fine tobaccos church, seits before Chesterfield tree.
иеття to from INACCURACIES.
Boy Says He Saw VirContinued from page 2)
Mr. Webber: do not think the paper (referring to the gin Reappears.
Holmes Street papar in His BRITISH GUIANA accurate despite its colour and is entirely NEWS SPREAD RAPIDLY IN MEX cannot argue Ex ICAN TOWN AND MANY THOUSAND PEOPLE GATHER Mr. Webber Alleged ask was that the attorney Gen: cellency ruling. What did TO SEE THE APPARITION Contempt. draw those proceedings util after this court had dealt with the subject, but not to abandon Crowds Block Roadways and GOVERNOR DECLINES TO them because that could not Some Are Injured in The INTERFERE. dare not suggest. wish that to Crush and Uproar.
be made clear, sir, did not ask No Power to Order Withdrawal doned.
that the proceedlugs be aban Mexico City, Jan. The The matter then dropped.
No finer tobaccos could be Virgia of Guadeloupe bas come brought together in one cig MR, WEBBER AND THE JAIL.
arette than the Turkish and back 10 earth again! ve just ACTION UNWARRANTED EVEN North American los used in seen her! exclaimed a little boy IN THAT EVENT.
An amusing Incident occurred Chesterfields.
yesterday, rusbing Indoors to during the afternoon session of his mother in the town of Guadehe Court. Mr Gonsalves loupe where the sbrine of the At a meeting of the Demerara moved that an item of 2, 000 for URI Blessed Virglo, Mexico patron Combined Coprt on Wednesday painting the Georgetown prison aroma, North American tobaccos for salot is located last His Excellency the Cover oor buildings, quarters.
The news spread rapidly, natural sweetness and fullness. But to replied to Mr. Webber bospital etc. be reduced to 500 within a few hours more than request of the previous day for remarking that he saw no nec most men a blend of the two is more satthe withdrawal of the proceed for extra palating of the persons section of the town where the isfying than either type smoked separately.
inge against him for the alleged prison because nobody saw it So in Chesterfield these fine tobaccos contempt of Court pending the except on visits and he was sure boy lived eager for a glimpse of the apparition. The crowd block consideration of his motion in many of them did not like to go are expertly combined to secure fullness aded the streets and trolley car the Combined Court for ao en there except on official visit.
pasauze was su pended Numer quiry into the administration without harshness and richness without Mr. Webber: sbould like to to the colong: ous slight Injuries occurred in Bis over richness, each tobacco type contribthe crash and the entire town Bency ruled that the Gov. Jupport that. wisb to get some satisfaction out of the George was set in an uproar.
ernor bad do power uting its own inherent goodness to the to make town jail before go in (laugh an order for the withdrawal of ter. final blend. It is a blend unique among The authorities became apprebensive tbe proceedings the as the world cigarettes.
more excited Supreme Court and added that thousands tried to claw, lange and above their way to the spot even if he had the power thie) Dr. Arnulfo Arias where the boy was not an instance where he declared the considered that such power could Physician Surgeon Blessed Virgin bad appeared properly be exercised.
FREE CONSULTATION and that as proof her image remained outlined upod a nearby HIS EXCELLENCY REMARKS daily at the Pharmacy His Excellency: understand 149 Central Ave. Phone 825. Resorting to the customary the Financial Representative for Mexican method of dispersing Berbice expects reply from HOURS: 30 TO 30 PM CIGARETTES mobs, the officials called on the me with regard to certain reFire Department. The firemen diligently played their hose on presentations made before the Notice to Correspondents.
the crowd, which broke up after Court yesterday. have not con sulted the Attorney Geners) Contributors and correspondents being thoroughly soaked.
about wbat am about to say are asked to send in their contribu.
Investigators failed to find ans and am well aware that in as tions not later than Thursdays to image of the Virgin upon a tree, sembly where the legal elemen insure publication. This is iunpera.
bat the little buy maintains that is so strongly and so ably te pre tive apd must be adhered to he saw ber.
sented may be acting rather rashly in atten, pting to reply the Financial Representatives The shrine of the Blessed Virwithout such advice if may be King Ceorge Bars Bobs Siber Guadalupe marks the spot of her traditional appearance in allowed to degress for a moment the year 1581. She appeared should like to refer to the reto an Indian, which particularly marks made by the Finandislikes the latest hair fasbions, who cempose the majority of London, Jan. King George endears the stripe to the Indians cial Representative yesterday in another connection. He was according to The Suoday Ex Mexico population.
referring to a reply he bad repress. and will not allow any Despite the suspension of sercelved woman conneoted with the court vices by Catbolia priets more me regarding cer to tain requests made by the Elecappear with bobbed or! than one hundred thousand pertives about tbe establement of sbingled hair. even members sons visited the shrine on the the Financial of King are exempt anoval Guadalupe Day. Dec. 12.
Representatives expressed from the ruling. Two of them Catbolic lay men serving as volwe gret that have not been able their hair short te unteer directors kept order.
to accede to the malu request Marsbioness of Garrisbrooke and Pilocess. Arthur of ConExcellecy road from yesterday. I be remarked that (His naught but in the King Isthmian League of BW.
issue of the Holmes Street papresence hoy take special steps.
per) His Excellency was not Installs Officers weli advised on the subject. His AT Princess Arthur whose hair troubles would have been balved was reshingled a few weeks ago The Isthmian League of if bis advisers bad see their way disguises the fasboion skillfully British West Indians held its to advise him to accept the proby wearing an all around tiara. installation on the 15th alto.
Various ladies in walting have worn switches whlte their own elected to odice: The following members were All wish to say is this: there shorn locks were regrowing, are some governors who are Wilkinson, President; occasionally While the Queen recognizes MeFarqubar, First Vice prepared to act in accordance with the dictates of that the fashion can be defended Fanny Gittens, their own judgment and they on practical grounds and does President; do not share the King intense Second Vice President; advise or seek to shelter tbemAversion, she do pot diguise Morrison. Treasurer: e, the opinion that it Wilson, Secretary; Dawes, selves behind it if that advise is not lo accordance with the unbecoming.
general wishes, and think am The Queen of tbe Belgians one of those governors. In this and the Queen of Romania are particular instrace, may say 599300 the only bobbed Queens in the decision which regret Europe.
Why pay double price was not entirely accep able to for inferior imported Elective members was er tirely Boer when you can letter was FLOWERS au buy a superior Boer wish to add that discussed the Wisato Abogado. Attorney at Law such as BALBOA for various matters with the official concerned, as was half the price.
only proper OFFICE: No. 44 ST for me to do, and that on one was able to accede BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY to the request of the Elective TELEPHONE No. 1377 Rent Receipt Books in Spanpen Lers did so because of the advice given to me by the official No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue Practicing before all the courts of Ishi and English for sale at the concerned, that advice being the Republic since April 1914 Workman Printery, contrary to my original inclina tion. To resume tbe main subPANAMA CITY Telephone 695 00:1 leel feel myself in some difficulty yesterday after hear ing the statement made by the Financial Representative as to DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING the precise nature of the request which he is tended to convey. The OF THE HIGHEST ORDER report of bis speech in this Regular Assortment of morning Pr 89 (His Excellency bad the Holmes Street paper before him) makes much muco Work Done While You Wait clearer what that request was and my task in reply la constderably SUCH AS simplified. The regnest, understand, was that the Gor: ernor should order the with TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, drawal of certain proceedings TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, in the Supreme Court. am SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
quite clear in the first place that Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices the Governor, even he was 80 minded, bas no power to Ladies Garments carefully handled depute any order to the Courts The Workman Printery of Justice in a matter of this sort. In the second place, even 93 CENTRAL AVENUE if the Governor bad the power REID Manager this is not ap Instance where Panama City.
consider sucb power can proper.
ly be exercised.
GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted come Board and on the rewear made and be preconceal it.
Only First Class Ones Need Apply official is vers Asst. Secretary. ibat The Prosperity Tailors CLEANERS DYERS point where ct, ses Take Notice stili Ho Ro Co Famous Products


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