
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1927 THE WORKMAN Execution Of Cuban Murderer JOSE CORREOSO PAYS PENALTY FOR KILLING THE MAYOR OP GUANTANAMO WANTED Labourers For CHIRIQUI RAILROAD Published on Saturdays by Rates for Alverta semen on appitea MALROND, at the ofice No. 33 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Dae Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Six Months. tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three Be.
We do not undertake to returore.
jected corresponence.
MAN FIRM TO THE LAST His Spirit WIRhturn to Haunt Those Responsible for Hls Ignominious End 20 09 The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5, 1927, Dulce WEST INDIANS AND LOCAL INDUSTRIES Guantanamo Before permen, THE WOODMEN OF UNION, been commuted to that of lite people.
The new Labo: liw of the Republic which has created a wave of general dissatisfaction on account of its direct effect upon the interests of West Indians on the Isthmus in their relations to the industrial and commercial enterprises, has hurt deeply the feelings of over ninety per cent of the population of Culon and thousands in Panama, Business houses and other interests which formerly employed efficient and experienced help are suffering from the compulsory change through which they have had to dismiss faithful servants in favor of new, inexperienced and inefficiert individuals. We have written on this subject before, but the serious effects of the law is so thoroughly noticeable among our people that it is unquestionably neces.
sary to revert to a discussion o! it.
In all civilized parts or the world it is a generally understood law of morals, ethics and principle that every individual resident in a country is entitled to enjoy the right of earning a livelihood, irrespective of nationatity, creed or color. This has been observed in this Republic without let or hindrance in former years and nothing we know of has developed to justify the departure from the established practice. In fact, there can be really no practical departure without immediate loss to commercialists and industrialists and final economic ruin of the nation.
West Indians are important factors in local business.
There is no question to this and thereafter no argument. The blind policy which ignores this fact and forces substitutionary relations upon a community that has long felt the power of crystallized economics errs in conception of thought and address of spirit. It has introduced a system which cannot, fail to lead to a tragic end if continuously pursued. As has been pointed out on previous occasions the bulk of Isthmian trade is carried on among Americans and British people among whom the national tongue is English and who conduct all their affairs in this language.
Besides this it must be admitted that the Universal commercial prominence of Great Britain and the United States has made English the commercial language of the world. The absence, therefore, of an efficient Englishspeaking force in any establishment on the Isthmus must be a serious handicap to the prosperity of the concern and the annoyance of the th usands of tourists who visit this country every winter. This is not an English dominjon or an American dependency, yet it occupies the anom.
alous position of being the great market of British and American interests.
The recent visit of the Duke of York to Panama did more to demonstrate the tremendous importance of British interests and the magnitude of the English speaking colories than anything else during the whole history of British subjects in this Republic. Let it not be lost sight of that our position in the economic life of this nation is deep.
rooted and ramified and that no blast of hate or prejudice will ever be able to effect it permanently. We came here and performed tasks for which we were indispensable: we have settled the financial status of the landlords in investments which bring to them lucrative gains beyond their greatest expectations; we have instituted a market system on which business men, by experience, have learnt to depend and we have developed a community spirit that in several respects has been most exemplary.
As has been repeatedly stated, let the West Indian take a wholesale exodus from the Isthmus and it would be seen how formidable their presence has always been. What would become of the huge tenement buildings in Colon, and what would the landlords of Panama do with their hundreds of empty and deserted buildings? Who would substitute them as dependable and reliable occupants? From what source could they ever hope to derive a revenue, and by what means would they be enabled to meet their governmental taxations and incidental expenses?
Who would become the big patrons of business and who could be found to substitute their place in the industrial affairs of the country? In Colon, who would play Carnival and contribute to the Municipal life of the city? In Panama, who would become the controlling entities in the commercial sphere, and who would form the large clientele and sine que non of all that is progressive? Who?
Sanitago de Cuba, Jar, 11The highly doubtfal, but rare distinction of being the first co demned criminal la Cuba to pronounce an address before Day Task or Contract Work being garroted belongs to Jose Correoso alias Ei executed here to day as the PRICE PAID 12 TO 14c. PER HOUR FOR murderer of Mayor Sahs of DAY WORK.
Correosould not sleep all night Monday, and early to day after at first flitly refusiog to receive a priest confessed shortly after with Father APPLY TO Luis Bravo of tbe Dolores Catholic Scbool.
Contrary tbe genera) AROSEMENA expectation Correoso walked with firm step to the death North Avenue and 4in Straat, Panama City. chair in the preser ce of Chie!
Magistrate Hechevarria, bigb members of the jucah and seating himself in the garrote, with solemn words be made the sign of the croes, and then in bitter phrases, wbile admitting that he bad killea Salas, statiog that Guli lurrez de 840 SNESS X5K6XSSXSXSXS ST Zlana and Cirilo Dubsis were the real authors of the crime, do the ove lad materially aided him to do so, and the other bad cocted the entire plot. Correoso stated Mila was absolutels innocent of FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION any participation of the crime, but ihat Llans should not bave been acquitted and Dabols death sentence should not have Join Today. It Protects You While You Live Imprisonment. El Dulce statec that by bis death bis eight cbiland Your Family After You Are Dead dren and wife would face bunger and misery. When he was Disabiliy Bonelits are graduated in accordance with libaral provisions on face of said policis stating that his spirit would retura to haunt tbose responsible for bis misfortune and ignominFOURTEEN COON REASONS ous death, Chief Warden Mas ent the speech short. It is a Union by the people and for the Our business amounts approximately to Convict Francisso de Paula 50. 000 monthly Romero the executioner, rapidly It is both Fraternal and Domestic Insur 10. The Endowment Money is used only for Btrapped the criminal and gave a sick and death claims.
sbarp turn to the death lever.
Twelve minutes afterwards pri3. It pays you more while you live than any 11. We pay promptly the full amount of claims son doctors certified to the deatb other concern.
the same day proofs are filed in the Home of Correoso.
Office Its educational features appeal to all Race lovers 12. You do not need a lawyer to get your claim.
ALL ROADS WILL LEAD 13 It donates annually to Racial schools.
13. You do not have to die to win.
THE POPULAR HIPODROME OP It gives employment to more Negro girls 14. Hospital, free to members. Bath House JUAN FRANCO TO MORROW.
than any other concern of its kind.
rates reasonable; full course (21) baths to Its rates are within reach of all.
members, 50; full course (21) baths We are twenty years old and have not had to non memders, 15. 00.
Half course an extra assessment to pay in the (10) baths to everybody, 50. Rooms, Lazırus. Kenneth is now employed in the office of the AttorGrade Department. 00 to 00 per week.
ey whe has promised to do everything possible for bim.
Discharged Boy Thanks ComTHE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW mander.
Clyde Blackett, considered to The Woodmen of Union Lodges cover seventeen (7) different states be one of the very bad boys in and our membership extends to the South Sea Islands. This Organi Colon, and who was turned over to Con mander Watson in 1922 zation has its own building which is four stories high and covers a by the Alcalde of Colon is now living whole city block paid for in cash without extra assessment. It gives wi bis mother in the United employment to more than 60 in its main plant, besides a large field force, States. Blackett was sent to his Total paid to widows and orphans since organization, over 500, 000 mother after Spending a few Insurance in force, over twenty montbs in with assets of more than 500. 000 the institute previous to which be was found to have. 20. 000. 000) million dollars.
made a marvelous change in charDR, KENDALL, JNO. WEBB acter. In Joly Com. Watson received congratulatory letter Supreme President Supreme Custodian from Clyde mother, and the boy bimself also wrote the Commander as follows: Post Office Box 559 Hot Springs, Arkansas Dear Mr. Watson, reached my mother sale For information address, L. Flowers, Panama City, who are the legal representative in this Country sbe was very glad to come: mother thinks have grown plenSO xos ty she is sending me to a Summer School like it very mucb Bosten is a very nice place. hope to write you better letter next time, Discharged Institute Remain truly, CLYDE BLACKETT.
CALL IN AT Boys are Faring Well It was over four years bado hesrd from little Clyde; on tbe THANK COMMANDER 20th of January 1927 a letter of WATSON congratulation was received from bim, which rung thus:Dar Mr. Watsoa:Another discharged boy from Trusting when this lette: Colon Boys Institute, Kenneth Lazarus, has heen given respect: joying the best of bealth: reaches you it may find you eable employment. Kenneth is No. 93, Central Avenue thought your school was broken 15 years old and has been con: up; my mother had communicafined in in the Institute for 22 out of 24 months for which he was tion with some one in CalonA GOOD SELECTION OF Colon. His character was much you have made in your world.
sent by the Municipal Alcalde of sola inquired about you and was told of the great NEW BIBLES exemplified since his contine She has been told of the many ment in the Institute and Com troubles that you have encount under Watson, baring applica ered. which beg to say dont mind Hymn Prayer Books ofron Attorney Todd of Colon but go on with your work; it you for a respectable boy for his offlce was glad to rcommend young Continued on page The Workman BOOK STORE ADVERTISE In The Workman IT PAYS

    Death SentenceFrance

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