
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5, 1927 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Cristobal Colon Girl Reserves Attractions at the Theatres STRAND meet and Rirls.
STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History large Nant busy Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 DOING EXCELLENT WORK, CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA Th: ugh, perhaps, a quite and unassuming organization, and PANAMA little heard of by the members (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON of the community, the CristobalToday Saturday February. 5th Colon Girl Reserves which Saturday February 5th Saturday February 5th Today Saturday February 5th and at the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse Hoot Gibson in Harry Carey in Raymond Griffith in week by week under the leader Tomorrow Sunday February 6th THE TEXAS STREAK YOU BE SURPRISED THE TEXAS TRAIL ship of Mrs. Helen Waller. wife of the Secretary of the clabMae Murray in Tomorrow Sunday February 6th Torrorrow Sunday February 6th Tomorrow Sunday February 6th house is steadily engaged in the THE MERRY WIDOW Adolphe Menjou in practical work of training yourg Anna Nillson in Adolphe Menjou in THE ACE OF CADS Rirls between the age of 12 and Monday February 7th MISS NOBODY THE ACE OF CADS 18, in a way wbich should comBessie Love in Monday February 7th mend the organization and off Monday February 7th Monday February 7th LOVEY MARY Seena Owen in cers to the serious consideration Matt Moore in Dolores Costello in THE HUNTED WOMAN of parents on the Atlantis Bide.
Tuesday February 8th THE CAVE MAN BRIDE OF THE STORM This branch of the Girl ReTuesday February 8th serves was forted a few years Seena Owen in Tuesday February 8th Tuesday February h Harry Carey in ago and has always been doing THE HUNTED WOMAN.
Irene Rich in Viola Dana in good work. The girls are taught THE BAD LANDS. LADY WINDERMERE FAN cooking, sewing, lancy work THE ICE FLOOD Wednesday February 9th Wednesday February 9th hygiene, and at the sime time Harry Carey in Wednesday February 9th Wednesday Febru ry 9th their physical education is not Anna Nillson in THE BAD LANDS Bebe Daniels in neglected. They are divided into Marion Davies in MISS NOBODY BEVERLY OF GRAUSTARK THE CAMPUS FLIRT tbree sections called Triangle Thursday February 10th under the command of three Thursday February 10th dvisors, Mrs. Richardson, Thursday February 10th Thursday February 10th Dolores Costello Anna Nilleon in Miss Rahy Johnson and Miss Florence Vidor in Bessie Love in BRIDE OF THE STORM MISS NOBODY Ethelyo Worrel, and meet at regular intervals for lecture and WELCOME STRANGER LOVEY MARY Friday February 11th instruction Friday February 11th Friday February 11th Friday February 11th Tom. Mix in TEETH and Mrs. Waller is the Supervisor Dolores Costello in Lowell Sherman in Seena Owen in and has charge of the entire BRIDE OF THE STORM George Brien in branch. She is very energetic THE LOVE TOY THE HUNTED WOMAN THE ROUGHNECK and spends a good portion of ber Saturday February 12th time in the interest of the work Saturday February 12th, Saturday February 12th Saturday February 12th The success of the movement Norma Talmadge in Buck Jones in Harry Carey in Art. Accord in up to the present is due largely KIKI THE TIMBER WOLF THE BAD LANDS THE SCRAPPING KID to her unselfish and painstakine labour among the West Indian She personally instructs the girls in cooking, and not only they but the advisors also have been largely benefitted.
The Kingdom Of News Notes The girls, their parents and. CAANL ZONE NOTES Heaven others in touch with the Cristobal Girl Reserves feel greatly The Rt. Revd. Juan MaizteM indebted to gui the new Catholic Bishop of Mrs. Waller and La Boca Pars AT STRAND THEATRE Colon bat his first confirmation at their keen sense of appreciation is always expressed, Much the Immaculate Conception Cathepraise is really due to her for The Choir of Christ Church dral on Sunday last, when a class The local tennis toroament it is not very ofteu that we find by the sea. under the leadership of about 200 were confirm Tomor(doubles)will begin bere on MonAmericans to take such keen of Mr. Facay, has bean row evening at two o clock another day afternoon next, the fifth, interest in the welfare of West augmented to about fifty voices class will be confirmed. It AND Members of the La Boca Tennis Indians.
by the addition of the Glee ppears as though this will be a Olub who are sirous of taking field for the Bishop, for it is Through the lostrumentality Singers and other working and understood that a class of about part are required to consult with of Mro. chardson, tbe Giri for the purpose of working up 100 men are being prepared for the club Secretary not later Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages than the following day, Tuesday, Reserves not only of Cristoba. beautiful Cantata, The King but from other points along the dom of Heaven to be rendered confirmation at the St. Vincent Canal Zone, were fully represent at the Strand Theatre during Church Silver City on Sunday, the 27th inst.
ed at the Demoatration for the the lənten sexson.
It was learnt from unofficia)
Summary of Contents: Toe reviw the Duke and Duchess of service is composed by sources and could not be conYork last week In Papa nk. total Alessrs. and Peace of Tuesday night, the 8th inst will History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years firmed up to the time of writof about 10) girls, alot with London. Eogland, and is divided be an interesting time at the Al Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, ing, that Helen the Sbow Girl. advisors all in uniform. Milton Garvey best stage proThes into three parts, consisting of liance Literary and Debating Socie mart appear 27 piecas and arranged to occupy ty at the Silver Clubhouse. It will Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, duction is to be staged at the Club and conducted them about two hours in rendering be a night with Oscar Wilde.
Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, house on Saturday night next: selves in a way which spoke Among those taking part will creditably for their training and be Mrs. Olga Klug, gold medal Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual The Cristobal Red Sox discipline, and won the approval ist, of Panama and one of the Players Me team will journey to Paraiso toWhile personality is really and favourable commest of many leading members of the Panama not the basic principle in sucof the high oficials, Wesleya Choir, who will be the morrow to meet the Paraiso team Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and cessful business, it is almost Great interest is being dis soprano soloist. Miss Rample, Interesting indispensable in most business ventures. This was the opinion played in this organization by a rising star of Colon. contraalto Miss Mac Gillivray who is in soloist, Mr. Reld, Tenor Wesley Church is expected to ar which prevalled among Price 50cts.
the Messrs.
of the white y. soloist, and charge Live on Wednesday the 9th inst.
greater number of the members work on this side. She works Samuels and Oliver pianists.
after having been absent at the of the Athenaeum at hard and very assists Arrangements may be made, annual District Svood in Kingston weekly meeting at the ClubWaller in every possible way, it is noderstood, to procure the for the past weeks, Secure yours now there will be a great rush Tuesday evening last, for them, There were members who beld.
to the Silver Cheste services of an orchestra to assist where the choir, but this bas not yet bowaver, that while business sbe instructs the girls in games been decided upon. The man Mrs. Cloud, and Mrs. Joy of the management Is considered Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN exercises, and pbysical to close touch advised to take this stpp as it pight seryice at the Colon Wesley she agement is how ever strongly Salvation Army will conduct the primary, personality goes a long Panama making a good business with the movement. She has would add immensely to the Church tomorrow at 30.
manager that it is not only just formed a training class for already attractive service.
good looks and pleasing personality which are regarded as adv. sors, in which Wanderers and Westmoreland personality in business, but largely terough ir Buence of jastractions are the tenet como Salvation Army Welericket clube will engage the that business personality is second of their Miss Mac Gillivray that the even recognized in business matches on the Mount Hope oval comes New Comgirls were able WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR correspondences.
tomorrow. Game starts 12. 30 p, Panama to see the Duke and Duchess. She mander.
took an active part in this made DISCHARGED INSTITUTE Jamaica Society is being arrangements whereby they were made comfortable during The Salvation Army beld a BOYS formed bere. few Jamaicans realizing the need of closer cotheir stay on the other side. Her lively welcome meeting at the No hot irons or special combs required work generally in ihe organ Cristobal Coloa Baptist Church operation between Jamaicaos, or at least as close a co operation on Wednesday night the 2nd (Continued from page tlon is highly appreciated.
between the patives of this Island Reserves is inst. for the purpose of welcom see me now you will not know me; SOLD IN DRUG STORES an ing Colonel Cloud the new terrl: bave grown quite a young man domiciled here. as there is International movement and is torial commander of the West am still going to school; my between those of the other United States throughout the Indies and Central America and mother promises to send me to islande, bave resolved to main to be known as the countries ot the world. Using Jamaica on the same day, Jamaica Unity and Benevolent the normal, natural activities of decided to be a Docter. Give meeting of the orgirlhood, the movement endeaThe Chair was occupled by my respect to all the boys of Raplzation committee was bela vours to help a girl grow into Mr. Cunningham of the Army which believe the greater porat the Clubhouse on Tuesthose babits, insights and ideals and Navy Y; and tion do not know me, Please let day eveaing last and another which will make ber delivered by Major and Mrs.
asi. addresses of welcome were me bear from you.
was called for last night.
ble, eager woman, and Respectfully yours, and ready to put into who are in practice charge of the CLYDE BLACKETT in her commutits, ber christian work here, representatives of It has not been definitely anideals. Any girl between the the Bible house, Cristobal and Adventist The alm and object of this In Why throw away your old, but no nounced as to date, but later this ages of 12 and 18 may beco. nes the Seventh Day month will see the opening of Girl Reserve, regardl sg of race Baptist and Wesleyan Methodist stitute says Commander Watson, doubt interesting, books when you Churches. Col. and Mrs. Cloud is to do all the good it can in rethe new Community Hall. The or creed.
forming poor suffering boys of Dew ball will take the place of ComThe new territorial this Republic; and he is very cen the have them neatly bound at former every way, a useful and comone which bad to be demolished to way to the paratively inexpensive organiza: manders who arrived in Jamai thankful to know that although modern Commissary building absolutely kion and is destined to do much ca, their headquarters, from the land upon which the seeds is good among our. West Indian Newfoundland during the latter barren, all the seede did not per now near completion.
girls, as among other girls, part of last year are on a tour ish some have met with good Some young ladies, including inspection should the opportunity Miss Cicily Cumberland and throughout their soil and have sprang up, and new territory, which includes, through the mercy of God will Miss Gertrude Bennett of Panproper support be given it.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE ama are busy practicing som besides the Isthmus. Costa Rica, of the young folks dancing and Rent Receipt Books in Span Cuba and other parts of Central bear fruits in due season.
America. Many services will be other things for the cpeaing Opposite Cecilia Theatre ceremory ish and English for sale at the conducted by the Col. during his they will leave for other parts Workman Printery.
stay on the Isthmus, after which of the field. Continued on page 8)
presented ance their Mrs house on keep Way in Decessary to Contra Crespo matter and The hain what is Society Book Binding!
509 As far as can be seen it is in replied suitably.
Bive which THE WORKMAN and


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