
It is specially suited for this climate being Balboa 294 of exchange od sterlSmaugiau THE ATTENTION in the Friendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS ор British Finance And SCS SUEurope is Stirred by Commerce.
ceptionally bright one for British finance aud commere. Indeed, RECENT REVELATIONS the Prime Minister characterized it, in. New Year Scotland Yard Redoubles Its DONT IMPORT WATCHES.
m8889ge to the country, as Watch For Sples at The year of onbappy discord and Industrial depression. It is, Channel Ports.
We can sell them to you bɔwever, possible to take too cheaper in many cases than gloomy a view of tbe admittedly London, Jan. Europe you can obtain them with serious events o 1926 Geoer being ati by its tirs. big al Strike of ten days and a coal is brewed from the best international spy scare since the the added advantage of NO stoppage of alx months bave World War.
RISK OF DISSATISFACtaken beavy toll of prosperity.
Secret agents, mystery wo TION since you can see the materials obtainable Bas the fabrie of British med, melo dramatic plots and article before paying for it.
industry and fioane remains counter plots all adventurous siundamaged, and the nation is in cret service stories of pre war Dependable Timepieces to some respects DOW better days wben every European suit every member of your egeipaed for feel ng the fu ure.
is superior to all imported beers sold coua Ty was pid on and plotted against b, supposed to be family can be had at The value of overseas trade in the period Januars November every other countrs are here and it sells to the public at (December figures are not yet FULLER revived by sensational revelaavailable) lo 1926 was less by tens in a ball dozen countries. 122 Central Ave. 189, 853, 000 than in the first HALF the price.
eleven months of 1925. nports Scotland Yard bas redoubled Its watch for sples at the Cbar.
in this period we e dim disbed nel ports. Sir Wyndham Childs by 59, 018. 000 tor, per cent)
TRY OUR BEST BEER BREWED one of Scotland Yard and exports we e 30, 884, 000 knows almost the hourly more Dr. David Smith (or 15 per cent) less than 10 ments of every suspected for mener in Great Britaio. Even SNAKE BITE 1925. Toe visible adverse trade balance for the eleven months American residents, who genREMEDIES of 1926 was, in round figures, erally are regarded barmlos. 4134 millions, against 341 must have identity cards aud millions in 1923 sod Dr. Smith the Snakemust report their movements to SUPERIOR TO ALL millions in 1924 Britain to the police.
bite Specialist of Guabito, It is not contended bere that The spy plot excitement began Bocas del Toro, begs to ad verse trade bilances are desirpopping in earnest with the offer his professional service able nor, indefinitely, possible to soo arrest in Paris recently of to any patient. Wherever a country. But the very magniformer officer in the British found, his snake bite remetude of last year adverse bulArmy, Grabam Vivian Stranders aboe has served to sbow the wbuse wife is a German. He is dies have never failed to billiy of British finance. Nothing in awaltlpg trial as a German spy effect a speedy cure. The Is more strikirg than the fact that not to be conditions tot tribu whole 1926 Then woman known as tbe Doctor also specializes in rate for the pound Eye of Moscow, recently was other complaints such as Uriing in New York fluctuated imprisoned in France. In In Essen a long trusted German employecers and Obstinate Coughs nary Troubles, Chronic UIthrough a range of less than 24 20 of the Krupp Works cents.
Wolle on the subj. et of arrested and it should be noted that charged with Should you need his proexeba: geit. OF espionage ip bebalt of Francfessional services, do not fail during the year Great Britain participated to He was reported to baye com to write or come to the Docmeasures easures taken mitted suicide after his arrest.
to stabiliz2, by a loan, the tor personally when you can Cz choslovakia furnished to be cured.
Belgian currency; and, under the auspices of the Lague of most septallonal Spy draus of IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF tions, to assist Balgaria by Address: all in the retirement from bigb further loan. Indeed the willingarmy rank of Rudolph Gaids, DR. DAVID SMITH ness, and ability, of Great Britain young bero of the Czeb legloos to land to foreigo countries during ic Biberia after a scandsl inSpecialist 1928 is one of the festores o that volving wine, women apd Miliyear.
tary secrets, Gaida is alleged to Guabito Bocas del Toro have been mixed 10 Republic Panama Tbamount lent to overtas meshes of the Soviet secret serborrowers in 1926 we considvice, wbtcb is the bogy of all erably la gar than in 1925 (wbep tbo European Governments.
there was partial embargo on Great Britain is ever watchtal the export of capital) but not up Suitable for Lodge Business Suviot spies.
Eyen to the level of 1924. Io millions party of of pounds the tigares are: 1928, Sian teachers desirous of attend 112; 1925, 87; and 1924, 131. ing in educational Convention Marvelous Success in Another item of interes:ing AT THEin England bave been refused the treatment of financial information is that new adm ssion to the courtry.
capital to a total of 253 millions In the Mediterranean counwas rased in Great Britan last Gonorrhoea and Gleet tries the rule of Mussolini, year. Excluding the wholly abRivera and Mustapha Kemal Relieves the most obstinate pomoral year 1920 the latest total Pasba bave resulted in many is easily, the la gest in post war case in throe days years. This bgure of 258 mill agorapan pagang ano ang gagasan na ang nagpag gagana plote and counter plots. The are mostly domestic affairs, bu FOR SALE AT THE ions may be be conpared with 219 the sccret service Dets often millions in 1925 and 223 pounds catch foreiguers involved in PHARMACY millions in 1924. mark fea.
ture of the year a new issues itbe amoud raised on tebalf At the root of Europe re 149 Central Avenue, Panama vived spy system is the fact that of bome Phone 825 municiralitir This amounted ti 41 although the League of Nation as against 22uilion pound AND AT pounds eliminated the old Europea 1996 and 13 millions pounds in menace of secret treaties, THE NEW DRUG STORE 1924 Apart from these municipi does not touch the secret ser ans the ebb and flow of trede Of every description rices. Consequently the govern 5th and Street, Colon is dicated in the facts that ments are still spending larg Phone 403 Bums of mone watching each rallw y compnzles took lest tban other, half of the previous years amount Invea mont trusts more than a So far as knowo, Great Brltbird more (33 will on. Unds sia and the United States are DAVID LEON, LL.
sonry sterling as against 21 millions DESPATCH be only countries having a gecpounds sterling in 1925. iron, tlmad agreement to put their ABOGADO coal and engineering at at m llcards on the table and boldly sok ion doubled Attorney at Law each other for any informatio: Web desired, military or otherwise. If the amount of the a poubds sterious year, and electric Hight power ubAT THE the loformation wanted is so secret that the other country can.
Office: 175 Central Avenue dertakingstok pounds sterling against not disclose it the gentlemen Telephone 1015 Panama agreement is that there will be rep it of the Bunkers co spyiny, snooping or plotting Box 1002 Ancorf, Canal Zone Clearing House throws 1ght on to get it.
the position of of trade in 1928 Bil ch (With Licenses to Practice before cbques this inslistor one last year amounted engineering has been busy dar. the Courts of Panama and the to 89, 25 millions pounds sterling ing the past year, and the enactCanal Zone. decrease of ment of the Electricity (Sapply)
Bul, 1926. is bound to bring about still greater activity in but so increase of 292 million CALL IN AT pounds sterling on the to:al for HOUSE 912, LA BOCA that industry during 1927. The 1924 Tbe decrease is not due chemical Industry has effected WILKINSON to fewer ebeq es being drawn, CANAL ZONE.
last year an important amalgamation of its leadiog firms. Contractor but they bave beea of a smaller (Opposite the Restaurant)
average amount.
Office Hours: a. to 1p. m, The figares and informa lon and Builder Turning from finance to indus: given above are not exhaustive.
try, we find that, as we should to p.
but they are, in fact, the essenexpect, the greatest contraction DAILY tials necessary in. attmpting any forecast for the year 1927. From House No. 20 of activity duriug the year has them one may say tnat, notbeen in PHONF. 1941 BALBOA houyy ludustries28th NOV, STREET, iron, steel and the associated No. 93, Central Avenue wit batanding the almost general Specializee all the branches trade. The production of plgde pression of 1926, there is SAN MIGUEL of Dentstriv iron and steel shows a severe every prospect that 1927 wil ASSORTMENT OF sbow a steady all round im Box 411, Panama, naturaily greatly affected by provement And that is why the coul dispute, but since the much larger than it bas teen. The work on band is English manufacturers and busiresumption of work in the for many years past.
ne men are not at all per Plans and Specifications Free mines there bas been quite a textile industries demand stow GOOD STATIONERY In the turbed by the 1926 figure, but revival in the former trade, a signs of broadenlog and longer are rather looking forward to the large number of orders having boars are now being workod in SOUVENIRS, increasing prosperity wbich th: First Class Workmanship aew year is expect to bring cu mulated during ti stop the cotton section. Electrical to the country generally. Satisfaction Guaranteed, the against ipdocent tappearing Electric Injection Workman Stationery Store JOB PRINTING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND alilions.
The ono pound sterling to 1926.
WORKMAN PRINTERY passed Sterling on the previous points Dentist Howell The Workman BOOK STORE contraction Sblpballding was

    EnglandFranceMussoliniSovietWorld War

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