
tween Ang and Out of over.
De is ball 200 brands of Cigarettes with and 20 there only face loss RECORD EIGHT WICKET STAND Barbados, Jan. 20. Ibe Barbadian batsman dominated the picture today. Browne and Bartlett the rot outs of yesterday gave a fine display scoring 216 runs bets them and setting up a new record for the Btb wicket in West Cricket team Browne was especially aggresive driving through the covers and late cutting with rare accura model of wbat a first class bats acy and power. Bartlett was a man should be the full ace of the bat against the ball be, putting and slamasing the il through the covets. His Oferpitched jogings was ended by a magnificent catch at mid off Wight, rolling over and holding the ball at the second attempt.
Bowie took out his bat taking 131 in fine style. The final total was 715 for pice wickets which record in intercolonial criekat.
The fieldicg of the Dsmerara team was excellent throught; they chased the ball to the boundary up to the end of play.
British Guiana commenced their cond Innings at 45 with Fernandes and Reld at the wickets nd Rogers and Griffith bowling.
Reece took over from Griffith and Hoad relieved Rogers at 15 when the score was 85; Fernandes 21 acd Reid 8; extras At 40 Reld was bowled by Rogers who had replaced Hoad for 18 runs. Dare took his place. Browne caught Fernandes at 45 ter two runs were added. Phillips filled the gap.
At the score stood at 67 runs for two wickets.
score now 85 and Phillips dissmissed to Hoad after scoring 20 runs. Goddard then went in but after five minutes of play stumps were drawn with the total standing at 87 runs or the loss of three wickets.
Bridgtown, Baubados, Jan. 21, With first innings score of 265 as against the Barbados teau score of 715, the British Guiana XI. continued their second innings to day with an overnight score of 87 for the of three wickets.
Play commenced on good wicke at 11. 40 m, Dare and Goddard resuming at the wickets with Rogers and Griffith bowling.
Bowlers were changed every 15 minutes or so, but it was not until 12. 55 tbat Dare was ochi caurb: by Tarilton oft Gritfith boxling for 54, when the score reached 156. Goddard was bot out 23; extras 14. Play was stopped at this point for the luncheon interval.
Play was resumed at 50 Wigbt being next manio; Rogers and Griffith bowling. At 12 15 Goddard was caught by Griffith of Reece bowling for 34, bis place belng taken by 8, Wight.
Bowlers were changed several times, and at 05 V, Wigbu was out to Challenor for 47 and was replaced by Hunte, the total score then being 268 for wickrte.
At 25 Wight was caught by Browne off Reese bowling for 53. Jones was next wan to bat. Play was stopped for the tea interval at 30 when the score stood at 288 for Fickets; Hunte 7 not out ani Jones not out; extras 27.
was resumed at 55, with Wlacott and Reece bowling, and five mir inutes later Hunte was caught by Challenor oft Reece bowling for 8, bis place being taken by McLean McLean was bowled by Hoad at 15 for 11.
and was replaced by Nascimento, last man in.
At 30 Jones was run out for 30, tbus ending the innings for a total of 336, Nascimento not out 7; Barbados winning the match by an innings and 114 runs.
The scores follow British Guiana, 1st innings 265 Barbados. 1st Innings (for wickets declared) 715 (Contioued from our last)
Bridgetown, Barbados, Jan. 19 The Barbados XI. continued their first Inologs against Britisb Gnlana to day. Play commenced at 11, 40 a. on a wic.
ket slightly impaires owlog to slight sboxers, with Hoad and Ince at the wickets, and Goddard Jones bowling from the eastern and western ends, respecuively. At noon after ten more rons had been added to the night score of 273 for wickets, McLean relieved Jones at bowland Hupte took over from Guddard. Goddard iater rellevMcLean and then Dire took the and at 12. 55 Ince was caught by Wigbt oft Dare bowling for 30, bis place being taken by Reeca. At o clock play was stopped for the luncheon Interval, ha score then beIng 36 for the loss of wickets Hoad 48 pot out and ece not out; extras 11.
Play was resumed at 45 with Dare and Hunte bowling, and tive minutes later Reece was bowled by Hunte without adding his score. Griffith was next Goddard took over the ling from Dare at 15 and Paillips was bowling vice ddard. Griffith balls fell to a li from Phillips at 47 for 18 placed by ans and be wa Talcott. At o clock the core at 371 for wickets Godard retired from the field vas replaced by Thomas, but he resumed again at 15. At the tea interval at 3 30 Do more wickets bad fallen and the score stood at 398 for fire wickets, Hoad 87 not out, and Walcott 12 not out; extras 24.
Play was resumed at 45 Huote and Wght bowling.
At 30 McLean and Dare took over the bowling and at 35 with the total score of 444, Hoad reached his century. Jones here McLean. At 10 Hoad was took over the bowling from CL by Goddard for Bartlett, Walbott was run out and was tive minutes later for 62. bis place being taken by 0; Browne. Bartlett and Browne were still batting when stumps were drawn at 30 pm. with and runs respectiv ly to their Credit. The total scora was 497 for seven wickets.
FOURTI DAY PLAY Bridgetown, Barbados, Jan, 21 Barbados continued their 1st.
innings against British Guiana to day in the cricket tournament, Play was commenced at 11. 35 a. in fine weather and on a perfect wicket. Bartlett and Biowe, the overnight batsman, resumed at the wickets with Goddard, and Dare bowllog Hunte relieved Goddard at bowling again at noon. At 19. 15 McLean took over the bowling from Dare and was in turn relieved by Jones at 12 30, but these changes failed to mova the two bats men who continued to score steadily. At the lunch interval at o clock, Pbillips and Goddard were bowling and the total score stood at 595 for wickets; Bartlett 49 not out and Browne 59 not out; extras 35.
Play was resumed at 45, Goddard and Dare bowling.
Hante relieved Goddard at 215 wben the score was 626 and Jones took over fron Hunte at 30 with the score at 647, Thereafter several changes were made in the mide to e bowling, but the continued in partnersblp unth Barilett was Fernandes bowling for 88 at caught by Wight of Browne was next bat but was bowled by Dare within few minutes for only runs, The innings were bere declared, the score belog 715 for wickets; Browne 131 not out extras 41 The scores follow: BARBADOS IST INNINGS Tarilton e Fernandes Me Loan.
120 Challenor. w, Jones. 104 Hoad and Goddard. 115 Ince: Wight Dare. 30 Hunte.
Griffitb Phillips 18 Walcott (run out)
62 Bartlett 0. Wight Ferarndes.
88 Browne pot out. 131 Browne. Dare. Extra.
41 Total for wickets declared 715 caught and bowled bad that toasted a Play Lucky Strike is the only brand with a distinctive and definite reason for superiority.
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pair of of balsmen 3109 Millions can resist this superior cigarette. Why?
Because it toasted BRITISH GUIANA 2ND INNINGS.
Fernandes e Browne Reece 27 Reld Rogers 13 Dare Tarliton Griffith 54 Phillips Hoad. 20 Goddard e Gritib Reece 34 Wight Ib. Chale lenor 47 o Wight C. A, Browne 53 D: Chailenor Reece Jones (run out)
30 McLean Hoad.
Nascimento (not out)
Extras Reece Reece Huntec Total Advertise in The Workman 335 (Continued on page 8)


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