p. 8


A. EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 5, 1327 OUR SPORTING PAGE Interco onial Cricket Parama Canal Notes Last Sunday Races Tomorrow Races Races! Races!
plays ket: to the Italion Cois: beror bisa either five ne will lose an opportunity Exciting Races.
were cative bor en britis Si con, Garzona, iive birth 101 score tlei Novicia.
21 Play 192 of Pesca C. ind frum pa ze Conin ed from pige 1)
There are to be to less than Thoe who ſailed to attend the forty horses native ponies and est of the al an Coil in Cola, Sport of Kings at Juan Franco imported thoroughbreds, at the trails with with extras 15 was released at 11. on Tuesday Park on Sunday afteroon last would Juaa Frase race course tomorrow It elit it to al to 259.
Play was resumed at 45 with a learing by the Qirar atine o fizer aight la t, a ter he bad been given be surprised to know that ie the afternoon to take part in seven National Lottery which ad St. Hill bowling. Ten at Cristobal.
where you are not looking for it, will be for native horses and the special line ups. Two of the races Des later Tarilton was run out Or 123 xud replaced by Hoad, bis wife and other members of his Beltrame was travellia with TOMORROW the card of seven taces was al out others will be covered by one of the bests runa the popular thoroughbreds. Cap imported and Pascall then took onstantine Alvarado race track for quite a while Sure who won the feature event on o ribe bowling. At 15 the family, and it is understood that Sunday February 5th, 1927 20. is still 911 for wicket: Sues of his home Goreram nt ly, if such knowleege could bave Suodiy fternoon last will again Challenor 163 and Hoad 10; extras deta nal. Ai the time of he been fcrecasted the attendance en face the barrier against Abel That occasion, insteaed of being so Reina Mora, Perriot Cicero and 15. Thereafter bowlers smit would be one of the largest Bolsheviki, The first event will be tokea 39 with the total tine Officer at Colon being siehe frequently but without tenton, on ae ut if the QuarapJUAN FRANCO TRACK to have been there. The tot serv for native ponies, this will be healing by thet at 359, Chal e or was bowled by was not given a easi ly traceable to the fact that be. All the others will over a distance of four Constactine for the fine score officer as provided by law. After of be ing the last of the month it was or six furlongs distar cet including Play was stopped at this the hearing he wo immed atly too late after the several pay peri the feature race. It is unlikely that freed, it is said, point for the tea interval ols and too early for any pay pe.
Play was sumed at 45 riod.
with Ince, partnered wil Hoad, that of last Sundy afternoon total of 151 Deaths occurred ad Constantine and Puell bowl Tely, there was reai goo rac. west tough the card was made inz and Jockey Aranda came in ur of races, those present were ing. At 415 St. Hill and during the monte of December Small took the wling and tl. rue Canal e and the cities of Pan1926 of the for a full are of riding honouif given no loss than a splendid run minute later le was caught by Races for Imported horses not only by piloting, Carbones for their mocey: am and Colon. wich is Constantine off mall Capi. Alvarado to victory in The program for tomorrow is as the most prominet race for the follows: for 22, his place being taken by hert: to an aonnal death rate of 14, 45 and for Native bred Ponies Bartlett. By 4, 45 the total stood caring causes et deith afte population The after nooi, bu be brought in xe cuse Me as winner in the first THE PROGRAM: at 451 for three wicket, Hoad 52 Tuberculosis (various organs) 24, event of 674 furlongs for class and Battlett 14, extras 19, At the trou FIRST RACE At the (broncho and lebir)
close of play at 30 these two 52 diarrhea and ente itis 16; es and Marcela, along AN AFTERNOON OF GOOD RACING. Class Natives. 125 in wober, the third event of the batsmen were still at the wickets, Furlongs (acute and chroni. 13 ssme distance for ciass The final score is 192 for three wickets inported lores, and placed Den Ruso Foad not out 75, rtlett land organic diseases of the heart Rain or Shine There were deaths fron and Belle Za not out 33: extra. 19, bronchitis, fron from cancer, Bridgetown, Barbados, Jan. 28 Sauvage in the second, fourth and Don Simon last rase, respectively, Intimo. Play the Trinidad versus Bar apoplexy, and death from ballos cricket match entered on dysentry. There were 16 dea hs ADMISSION Rolando by winning thə fourth May its fifth day with Barbadox at the mus: these are not included in the among non residents of the Inih.
event of 672 furlongs for class EQ eta wickets continu in their cond nabove statis. ies imported horses, paid the biggest SECOND RACE With an overnight score of There lumpsum in the mutuels for the 251 Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
492 for the loss of three wickets, reported the months, and Class Natives 11 were afternoon. 10 on a (82) dollar Furlongs instment.
play was resumed at 11:20 15 still births. Inclu ting still births Candlewood wih Hood and Bartlett batting Exeise Me of the Stud Valpara Linda and Constantine and St. Hili tuis is. quivalent to an annual DON MISS IT io had stepped home winner in Magara 110 bowling. The weather was fine rate of 23 55 per 000 population.
ibs among children under one the first race, with Lida and Fenomeno and the wicket in a perfect condiFp; the other two entries com Renown 115 year of age number 59, giving tio ing in in the order named. Tho Catqui.
an infant mortality rate of 235, 03 119 The me batzmen were still bat. per 1, 000 ve birth.
rist of the days winnings were as follows: THIRD RACE tng tespi e numerous changes in the bow. ing, when play wis stopSeconi Race; Mayara 1st, Don Class Imported 200 CHURCH SERVICES Seventh Day Adventist Church pel for luncheon interval at 10 Farlongs Simon, 2nd Jockey Parorla and clock The Dr. Wendehake was 550. STREET CALIDONIA ROAD Aranda, rrepect.
136 Hoad 94 and Bartlett 68; extras MEDICAL CLINIC Fifth Sunday After Epiphany (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Third rice: 692 furlongs Mar Translate 101 Play was resumed at 1, 45 rim, and at o clock Hoad reached 7025 Front Street. Colon AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE cela (Aranda) first, Towello (Baeza) vimosa Batbath (Saturday) 45 mm. Sab second.
Fair play 119 tie centary mark, Hi teen minutes OPPOSITE RR STATION (Anglican Catholic)
path School: 11. 15. General Worabip Fourth race. 67 furlongs Ro Revoltosa 118 Litir Brulett was caught by sms II PHONE 11 St. Paul Church, Panama 30 Spanish Class; lando (Escobar) first; Garzona bowling for 74, bis FOURTH RACE place being taken by C, B 30 M. Society, meeting (Aranda) second.
Rev. P. Nightragsle, Rretor At 45 F Browne wis bow Class 2. I oported. 200 30 Junior and Senior Standard For the aux tour he e re moun.
Fifth race; furlongs Capoul Bam Holy Communion. Rector Farlongs of stair ment Class p. Vespere.
ted stea ilya at 30 with reling vice Challenor and Griffith (Pirlo) first; Dixie (Perkins) Cho Clo 10. 15 a. Matins 126 total score xt 6370. Brot de was vice ese. At o cloc Chal 10 30 a. Hly Erebariet sermo, spticao Lozure. The genetslublio Sunday evening 30 Stere second.
Kitty Gill 95 clismiesed, being cau. it by Reach Senor again took over from 12 Don Holy Baptism.
Sixth race: 642 furlongs DR lando 123 11 Grant bouh ktor 28. hond Browne an at 15 Rece and cordially invited to turn out in largº Alvarado (Aranda) first; Caroajada Mitzi.
score then was 141. F. Browne Gibb 30 Church School :00. the bowling, but De Dumters. (Moore) second Garzona 30 Choral Evensonz Sermon Seventh Day Adventist Church was the next man to it but ut Ritchie soRo. ch continue to Seventh race: furlongs Tigre FIFTH RACE 330 he was caught by Pascall off score steadily. When play was St. Alban Church, Paraiso (Escobir) first; Belle Sauvage Class Imarted. 100 Small bowling without having the tea interval at 30 CANAL ZONE. Aranda) second scored. Play was stopped at this the score 3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON. Farlonge ewis 78 for wickers; Dr. P. NIGI TENGALE, Cart. Alvarado 124 poiut for the tea interval, the total Richie 23; Rouch 15; extras Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath Eolsheviki score being 646 for the loss of six Play resumed at 345 with Chii101 Priest in Charge.
School; 11. 15 a. General Worship INTERCOLONIAL CRICKET. Cicero 90 wirkets; Houd not out 147; extruslenor bowling vice Griffith.
The 11 Matins and addresi Abel wickets had 30 Young people meeting 32.
112 by the time greatly mo Mr. Osborne Catechit 30 pm Vespero Play was resumed at 50 Git be was bowled by Reina Mora pico. Church Schol BARBADOS vs BRITISH Pierrot taking Browue place a the wic 32. ruos at 45 and 126 30 Choral Evensong Adbrets Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching GUIANA Servier.
Griffiu, You are cordially invited to ket, with Small and Pascall bowling, was replaced by Cipriani At 2. atechiet SIXTH RACE Continued from page Cipriani was caught by Griffith off Aro. dsnc»n Sykes.
At 10 Roach relieved attend these services and bring your Class 1st Imported. 200 his place friende, Small and at 20 Constantine took BOWLING ANALYSIS St, Matthias Mission Furlongs Ba bados (1st Innings)
the ball frou Pes all At 55 m. being taken by Small. At 10 LAS BABANAS with the score at 176, Small was st. 11 and Pracell made bouw out to Griffi for 42. st. Rev. NIGHTENGALE, 113 The Church of God MR Towello Hante.
44 128 ling the McL an Hill was next to bat. D: Ritchie 22 911 il Ocurrencia tra bed 704 126 runs. They continued until end of pløy for the day with was caught and bowled by Chal. p. Church Schol Padams, Arodemena Streot, House 25 Dare 119 122 10. Isolla.
for 48 at 20 his place filled. 46 103 the score now reading 715 for the by Wile. Play ended at 30 arda Catechist.
119 30 pm Evensong Mr. Rick San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer Goddard.
101 Dhole.
meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 a. Jones 143 lo e of six wickets.
105. 21 and 30 Sunday School Marcela 50 Bridgetown, Barbados, Jan, 31 with the score standing at 191 for 120 at Monday at 30 in. Testim ouy Meeting Fernandes, 26 Play in the cricket match between wickets; St. Hill not out 19.
SEVENTH RACE out 2; Extras 17 Peter by the Sea, La Boca Tuonday at 15 pm. Young People V. Wight.
Barbados and Trinidad which was and Wiles not 16 Class Imported 300 Meeting. Wedpoday at 730 Reid postponed on Saturday account of The scores fo low 6 rain, was continued today. Owing Barbados lst innings. 175 Amerioad Episcopal (Anglican Com Curel meeting. Thursday at 30 a.
Chombo Gordo to the bad state of wickat, 113 Trinidad ist innings. 559 mustoo)
Open air meeting, Friday at 30 mbo Occupants of Quarters 126 play was delayed until 12. 05 p, Holy Communion 30 am. The Prayer Meeting.
BARBADOS SECOND INNINGS pm (Cicero 124 when Head and Gibs took Rec or.
Tarilton, run out.
BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. 123 Bomba stand at the wicketes with St Chaileaor Constantine 105 220 Holy Baptism 30 a.
The number of persons incluRed Tank, Canal Zowe, Sunday Schoo Carcajida 90 Hill and Grant bowling. After Hoad not out 172 Matins Addrese 11 am, Mr. p. Gospel meeting on Thursday ding men, women and children, Dadoso iweaty minutes play, bbs was Ince Constantine Small.
126 29 Huatur, Lay Reader.
Panama Canal and Araucans at 30 in, occupying 119 caught by Constantine off Grant Bartlett e Smill Pascall 74 Church School 3p.
Sis. GRAY Panama Railroad quarters on Debowling after adding nice ruas to A. Browne e Roach Grant 28 Choral Evensong, sermon 30 pm New Providence. Gospel Moeing of whom 7084 were Americans, cember 31, 1926. totaled 20, 772, CANAL ZONE NOTES his Friday score of 37. Toe io. Browne e Pascall Small The Rector.
nings was here declared closed the Gibbs Constantine Grant 48 11. 30 am and 30 Sunday Simbool 191 Europeans and 13, 497 West MULCARE, Rec:or. ut p. Wednesdav at 30 Gos Indians. The total number of (Continued from page 5)
Total score being 726 for the loss of Extras 41 pel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayer persons in quarters on December the Star HERALD.
lauds the George Richards, writing in ckets Hodnot out 172 extras 41.
Wi 343 runs to make to St. Barnabas Church, Empire Meuting.
win 31, 1925 was 20, 472.
Total for wickets declared. 726 Bro. MeDONALD good work which is being done the match the Tripilad team comThe Lirapy, Holy Communion rer Gatun, Canal Zomo. Gospel Meetinga menced their TRINIDAD SECOND INNINGS by the Women Life Problem Ron 10. 45 45 Coastantine e Reeceb Chal.
and 405 Church School and Cəpfirma School at 3p. Wednesday 30 TAE POPULAR HIPODROME OF of the club as the little kina 11. 30 and. Club of La Becs. It is really be ALL ROADS WILL LEAD 10 Gitting that kind words be spoken St uli Griffith was bowling from 13 ion Clase.
the pavilion end and from St. Hill stumped ChalChoral Ereatong Address 30 pm Prayer Meeting.
Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 pm JUAN FRANCO TO MORROW. which it bas dore since the opposite end. Cho03 Mr. Johnson coming lato being several years bowling vice Rogers whea play Pascall Challenor 12 MULCARE, Priest in charge Bro, GEORGE GRIFFITH 49 ago more was stopped for the luncheon inter. Dr Ritchie and Challenor than justifies its val at o clock with the score at Sealey Ir wneb Reece St. Bartholomw Church Solon and Streets. Gospel moe. dent. pm. 30 m. Gos The Club is not good at blowing existence in uur Community for on wickets; Constantine 71 TE Tea :b G if ith. 32 LAS CASCADAS ings at 11. 30 a. com and 30 Sunday el Service, Preacher Supplied. Hill Ciprisni e Griffith Hoad Echool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 bords but their little deeds of Matins and Address 11 am. D Gospel Meeting. Priday at 30 conducted on Tuesday and Thursday The usual weekly services will be kindness are nevertheless being Play wa rost med at 150 Chall Small b Griffith Skzen, Ly Reader recorded.
enor and Griffith bowling Five St Hill not out Prayer Meeting, The members are Children rv os 3:30 pm The Rev Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON night, at 45 miautes Inter st Hill was stump. Wiles not out.
planning for an outing on the ed, Cha leour bowlton At 10 All other notion for the week will be 12th of this month.
11 change corfor four and dial invitation to all gives from the Pulpit.
was replaced by Total for wickets. 192 JT MULCARE Priest in Charge. Services of the Bethlehem BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting off Challenor bowling for 13, his istantine According to a private cable. St. Simon Mission, Gambos Church of God Holiness.
11 a. Divine Service. Preacher Why pay double price Supplied.
Matine and address 11 am Mr E, place being filled by Dr Ritchie. gram which was received in this With the total score at 36 the ety on Thursday Ja the match MoCarthy Ly Roader. 30 Sunday School, Superintent for interior imported third wicket fell at 25 m when has ben conc u ded; Trinidad were Church School and Confirmation Clase No, MARIANO AROSEMENA dent. p. zn. Goepel reivice. Preache: Beer when you can Pascali was bowled by Challenor all put out for 217 runs with Dr. 30 pm.
SAN MIGUEL Supplied buy a superior Beer icr 12. Sealy was next man in but Ritchie top score of 48. Barbados Sunday 30. Prayer Meeting. Thur day night, Bible readings and at 40 he was caught by A, therefore won by 125 runs and Rent Receipt Books in Span 10 a. Children Service; 11 Prayer, such as BALBOA for Browar off Reece bowling for one wickets, and is agaia the bol ders of ish and English for sale at the Divine Service. Preacher, Supplied. Bro. WEBLEY, half the price.
run and was replaced by Roach. the Cup.
Workman Printery p. m, Sunday School, Superinten Acting Pastor in charge 103 101 stopped 19 Roach 126 Hord 8 101 While Blandina.
Lepide. 44 leoor 55 Paillips p.
14 0 7 2 Furlongs of the their second penting with Constantine at 12 lenor.
acts 32 Extras


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