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BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK ANO To Discourage Immigration THE PRINCE German Woman Bought at In Colony of Nassau Pays suprloo visit to objasta ve Dominating Slave Market in India Puit of more muintrin of otherwise.
SPARKLETS etill transcet. ental o VOL. 15 No. 26 PANAMA, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 12, 1927 PRICE CENTS LIBERIAN OF WALES PRESIDENT To Objects To Wandworth was of Colored Washing Day American Missionarios First Class Travellers to Give UnLegation had to Intervene to Save dertaking That They Will Not Londen, Jan, 24. The democratic ing to the denominational and Washington, Jan. 22. Object Prince of Wales bas lately been dominating influence of colored Woman of Afghan Tobacco Remain Permanently showing keen interest in the hous Amerieromissionaries, President ing of the poor and today in pat. King of Liberis, Afrien, in a recept Merchant From Native Tribe information got message released throuzh Dr, Esen.
The Nassau Guardian of the 15th ult. says editorail Washing a felong to the humble con un caneras declarari baterihe up for auction at the public slave market on the borders of himself tangled lines of est Lyon of Baltim.
Berlin, Jan. 13. white woman slave who was pur ly: residents of the new New London Colt The immigration question which has been causing County Council tepements in coutrol of foreign logous bodies Afghanistan has been bought by the German Legation in be withdrawn, as well a some concern in this colony recently has been taken in Waodsworth, on the south side of their financial support, from the Kabul, with the approval of the German Government.
hand by the Governor in Coincil and a proclamation on the the Thames.
cburebes of Libera This remarkable transaction was necessary to save the subject is published in this issue. It has been found possi. He paid them a surrriso visit and Since we are supporting and young woman, who is extraordinarily beautiful from beble to act under the authority of the Immigration Act 1929 found Monday, we be washing may matnining our own Government Leming the property of the highest bidder among the tribes.
and if the measures now proposed to be taken have the doordrangle of the writers and block says President King. we ought to men of the Afridi district.
of buildings was filled lines of be Sired result it may not be necessary to pass special legisla washing and the Prince in order to our churches. In fact this is a duty The woman, who is now named Charlotte Khan, is a tion, Whenever the Governor in Council finds it desirable enter the flats had to dodge in and and respot eibility devolving upon German, born in Berlin. She married in 1921 Abduliah Khan, during a prescribed period, the landing of any immigrant artis hong wet sheets and intimate us as a free, sovereign and indepen. a young Afghan tobacco merchant, who has opened a shop in the interest of the colony to do so he may prohibit out persoual attire deat people. No selfrespeting in the Eriederichstrasse here. Their married life, contrary to One woman resident who:n he independent cation would desire the prediction of the wife relatives, ran smoothly until without his special sanction and it has now been decided that for a period of one year from the 8th January no im ni visited unexpectedly was very con. othe: cerned had though Abdullah and his wife left Germany during the inflation grant travelling other than first class from Bermuda, Cuba, asuing on the tender before the see the wisdom of excluding Amer period when the Afgahan merchant determined to return. Jamaica or British Honduras, shall be permitted to land in fire aod there was no cloth on the ioan missionsries until after he his native land.
the colony until he is in possession of a permit issued by table, but she said the Priuce soon had signed the contract with the HARDSHIPS the Colonial Secretary. This restriction should certainly put ber at easo.
Firestone Rubber Compar y, it is An amusing over consensus of opinoo that he has His wite courageously accompanied him, and fter tend to discourage the immigration of an undesirable class the Princess courie regarding the takes the proper ester: With the journey full of hardships, the last four weeks of which wire of person. While first class passengers may be permitted working of the bathe in the tevee vart sud untouched natural te spent on camels backs, the cauple arrived at their new to land without a certificate they will, if required, have to ments, which are filled on the sources of his country awaiting do home in the rough Afghan borderland innabited by the give an assurance in writing that they will not stay longer siphon principle. The supariates welopment, it is conceded that an Afrilis.
than four months in nhe colony without special permission dent of the tenements took the industrial, rather than a spiritual from the Governor in Council and then only in such terms (Continued op page (Continued on page 8) few months ago Abdullah Khan died of consumption, His widow believed that she was free to go where she as may be prescribed. No hardship will be inflicted on tourpleased, and she decided to return to Germany. Then she ists or visitors from other places who want to spend a short discovered, to her horror. that not only had she no right time in the colony and there will be ample time to deterwhatever to any of her late husband property, but, acmine whether or not the permanent residence here of any (By K)
cording to Afghan law, she, with her husband goods and person is desirable.
chattels, had passed into the hands of her brother in law.
Notio. of Romoval. tance oot in higher mathematics, This man at first declared himself willing to marry her, WHAT HAS BECOME OF As bavn intimated to you not higher finance, higher politics, na but when she refused, her new owner immediately adververy long ago, gemiles de acero national rivalry, not in the purely tised her for sale on the spen slave market.
CRICKET not feeling homely in the open superficial, but in simple matters. on the front page of our iadis empiricare importance. inalter: toms of the district, and the German Legation at Kabul Diplomatic protests were of no avail against the cus On The Atlantic Side Asks Colon Correspondont les vacapableli delivering to your concerning those little things which after consulting Berlin, agreed to pay down the fixed price we must. us to the necessary Colon, Rep. of Panama though the Kent representa.
February 9th, 1927 tive was not at the pevious meettoy. likeality is at normil tide, but in the big ones with a mioimum for this slave.
to but loss in time and energy.
contribute to The German Republic now finds itself in the astonishGeorge the churchman and a ing position of being the owner of a legally purchased white TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: Question by Mr. Walcott, repressing for conventionaliti and to content myself in my typical Lilliputian has given me woman slave.
corner Dear Sir. The above question President have not heard readir own little can be be the liberty to characterize aim io je one asked by every cricketer the minutes the calling of a specialund, when so inclined or left alone, reposed but friend and column a my Lilliputian when and Fan on the Atlantic side, this peeting for the purpose of nomina: portunities present themselver, rapon Liliputing at times lag MR. MITCHELL HEDGES GAGwhich will be can be answered thus: tion and election, neither did GED AND ROBBED defunct Color Cricket Counci vithout the Clubs consent; the and theu give a word or two of Autot meeting of the read my protest of the election comment believe the articoinformon Korea colnmoists over Leacock ever succeeds in making es provided over by Mr. Brooke one identi did proti bare, nu am avuton to be res borrinosi bayffort, which think will be quite of Hold Up in Motor Car and Dispossossed of President, the following Clubs privileged to ask the gentlemen ously in a futile effort to reform unlikely, shall have him qualify Mr. Presidentmay! girls who working assidi.
Suitcaso With Papers, were represented namely, be SUSSEK, KENT, WANDERAND PICKWICKS. After the majority, yes the electiou? Answered by world within the short span of a colom London Jan 15, Frederiek thepeople of our column and give his works Postmaster Gots Year Mitebell. Hedges, the explorer, you did. The fortuight.
These and other du prominence therein. Tre dames of motoring yesterday from Bourne For Emboszlomont.
President Mr.
the president Walcottºdid make such protest in publico non the front page kissing their hands. not to companion was held up, bound.
finished, unable carry others who have. male declared the meeting open for shall enter bis prošest in the rule aud ycu are no doubt involve the paper nor myself. or ragged and left in the mud near of 440 00 of post office frads.
Charged with the embezzl mrot of comisatira aod minutes?
election of Officers for the 1927 formal society dictates, the the paper and myself, in any libol Wisley, Surrey while his six assai: Haywond McKee, Postmaster The President: did not be aware, and decorum and the likelibed in time. Whether it willen Jants made off with a suitcase can. lat Corozal, entered a ples of geil suit of aby na ure, souson. Question by Mr Walcott, Treasurer of the supposed defunct but the mujority said they heard, bave tro often proved embarassossible for me to get the valuable taining Valueable documents, Cound: Mr. President has the The protest was then entered. y and was sentenced by the Canal og and are more often than not Ancon Clubs been notified of the nominaThe Secretary: have a commuincompatible with happiness support of Brother Reynold. The robbery, which is surround. Zone District Judecat for instance Brother Sam the astronom sr who also makes ed by an air of gruesorne mystery, Saturday morning last to serve che representatives have been notified. Westmore land can read it?
tion and elestion? Answer their nication from the Secretary of the Where the labor man or Mre, study of the nsclepias bullrily abd was made knows today, but bei year in the Gamboa Penitentiary. writes occasional verses McKee told Tie Presi lent: you may, this ther the the Florence Smith Mr. Walcott, respectfully bad borrowed move that the clubs be call notified election, and asked here in die hou up from the side instead of the pay the Lo dicotof the Women Lite are being stopped at det er og handlowhom the said were in die motor in referred the ter would demand that eat my inspired by a function promotea would say anything about the de tails of affair, Automobile officer to in Florida to send representatives to number eheir club not brink notiba. Cod be bal would den andebat hope Whytes and a few others the chaina the spoon, my Problem Club. meeting for the purposa of nominar election that this sed Council ort a doubtful. Contrary to Brother bowever, in an effort to catch the in cousequence of the recent storm bandits.
at that place, aod he had utilised toneeldoelectrice president refused poign and allow the supposed de bogpair of orbite lisade or whitesile entrates were few other one chariola the missing post office fuods with hose whenever don Questioned today Mr. Mitchell. 360.
pongee to put the motion but decided to ubct Council to call a meeting of suit to attend upon purely inform school. and s owo claim Hedges declared: am very sha. 0, 00 of his own money to the Clubs and elect officers for pay the debt and would in time elect Officers.
Circular No. of 1927, Colop 1927 Reason, Mr. President anal and unconsequential matters that Brother Whyte and a few keo and do not want to say any repay the Government.
to Mr. the while bave more handy a of others suffer from occasional thing. Something very valuable to view of bio past good conCricket Coucil: At a meeting on the Blades. Mr. Cale my Club knew they make one irritable and a boy berund elde heureueh tina bele happened to 5, 000 to undo wae let off with one year.
Clubs playing, under the college club we represented here lies become extremely distressing, Belhares od on their owestroy the ground would nevesijos tobom base owo play for leiency. be Brother Reynolds 18 unquestion. Love Bated Council, the following nothing of your election, nor was occasione per il mondo estacione side the fact that the black man gentlemen were, elected for the Mr. Blades authorized to represent that behey aid änd abet excruciaThe explorer lectur1927 seasonMr. Brooksmy Club.
too, must follow the correct routed before are broadcasting micro Traffic Accidents in Cana!
Pre ident, feclected Mr. Burton ing the pre ident not being me to have exposed my stand in the ele coveted a periodo imbe only phone on his Central America era to the heights. The Zono.
Vice PresidentMr promises to who seems since be delivered periences. lecture be Blader, Secretary, and Mr. Fita representatives declared the meet en free with me, and wo, before long addresa con delle venedigin of milliardeplored their domy of a diretorna During the month of January MorrellTreasaier closed, boys and girls, m going to have before the members of the La Boca that life would be very gray reported on the Canal Zoue, of Lan among English you and declared a tot, u 21 tr fic accidents were Circular No 2, called a meetiog Circular No. of 1927, no meet my run, and this columa will be Athenaeum about two years ago without of the supposed Council This meeting.
consigned to a cozy coraer unders and strategetically obfuscated the excitement.
which occurred on the Atlantic ing was fully attended with the Circular No. of 1927, this decorative caption dipped ia the issue in connection with the It was thought at first that it sud fiftee on the Pacific exception of Silver City ec meeting wae presided over by Mr. ridiculous but dedicated to the missing liok he has act, to the some of bis herers had perpetrated side. Seven persons were injured as Minuter read by en drive Bledare Burton, othera present were. sublime, where we will be able best of my knowledge and belief prank to prove that English a result of these accidents, soie Moved by representative of the Blades, Secretary, Fitz Morrell, to meet weekly or oftener and given any more practical support Mr. Mitchell Hedges said today: these accidents were caused by. but Victoria seconded by repreof bave opr little discussions on lo to Rev. Thorborne in keeping us, sentative of Kont that the Treasurer, Believe me it wes no prauk. reckless driving; two were due to Contioned on page minutee were true and correct, alcal and foreiga unatten of impor. Cbristians, properly poliste. Continued on page Continued on page 8)
goods when to your earnest ex C: Mr. lowo where 000 solicitious, tbe op by coay. get. to mous or Bud If Professor ERS, WEST END, VICTORIA present at that meeting if did not the set habits of th epeople some ties W88 the will be be and OD court from an army end re the swer Cole representuRenben is that representatives


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