
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1927 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands TRINIDAD ATTENTION. From Weekly Quardian)
Sad Drowning Fatality COOK OF NOVIA SCOTIA FALLS INTO THE SEA Duchess of of York, House Rent Receipt Books iare from safely which che sand easily acc the railway and eat Stock Farm and a large cost of la for the study on a SPANISH ENGLISH will be Das sisal tivation, against them years, 29 Tuuning Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Societies goods that Colony CAN BE HAD AT appeared.
JAMAICA Mayor Proposal For Town Hall, Proposed Agricultural College For Jamaica In connection with the Mayor proposale that steps should be taken to erect euitable Ou Wednesday tbe 26:b ulto Town Hall on the old Wol ner the Herald favoared with a site to commemorate the visit of provisional prospectus of an Their Royal Highnesses the Azricultural College which cer. Duke and tain privite parties propose to says the GLEANER, we learn that open in Jamaica, together with a resolution will be submitted to covering letter requesting opin. the the Council of the Kingston and ions on the matter. These leal. Si. Andrew Corporation on Mon lats are being distribated and day next for the appion tment of parties interested in the wel the committee to go into the of whole matter an aglou thouse and speciti cations have been Certain Wale stand are certain to assist those covered in the archives of the who bave this matter at beart.
Hopes are entertained to open Caporation which will greatly such a Colledge in January 1929 facilitate the scene for the and the site will be in erection of the building. It is cobbins accessitl. will be will be asked to make a report portion of the and to the plains of Vere aud St. cfume the proceeds of lands of the building will be Catherine, for large scale of sugar cane, bana which will be offered for sale.
and Irr rgation, while The balance the mountain sill afford exam means of a love provided by ples of coffee, ginger, citrus cul The proposed new Town Hall n, dairying, ee.
will either be a three or twoThe chief obj ct of the Col storey lege will be to turn out men floor will log; and on the second ba housed tbe municisuitable to become tropical plan pui oftices and a suitable chamters and to bold the higher posts ber for the mectings of the cour.
on estates aud farms anywhere cil of the Kington and St. Anin the tropical morld. drew Corporativa.
on The College and all lectures tion of the lands will be utilize course will cov. It is not tolikely that a por er two will be accompanied by practi for bousing the new Police Cour cal demonstrations.
bulldings which the Govern That this venture will meet went will be induced to erect, with whole hearted support of every true Jamaican goes wittout saying Grant Asked For Tobacco Industry.
Shocking Death on The Highway Sags the GLEANER of the 25th ulto: His Excellency the Governor will subunit an important propoHEAD OF SIDEMAN ON PASSEN. sal to the Legislative Council at GER MOTOR VEHICLE SMASHED the coming session relative to TO PULP.
the tobacco industry of the THE RESULT OF COLWe understand that certain LISION investigations which bave been made abroad show tbat there is a great demand (or our tobacco.
Vivian Johnson Caught Be Fur various reasons many of tween Truck And Caron tha tobacco growers in Jamaica Which He Was Riding hava thrown up their cultivations and those wbo have kept TWO CHAUFFEURS ARRESTED on their teld, have been earning The Spanish Town Correspor. more or less a band :o mouth dent of tue MAIL writing to The Jamaica Agricultural Sothat paper says. clety bave real zd that someWhat must be recorded as a thing should be done to foster most distressing and fatal the tubacco industry, and plaa: accident occurred on the Span of a workable nature bave been ish Town Road at Farm 2, a drawn up. grant of 500 from property 01 the United Fruit the Government has been asku Company near here, somewhere for, and there is good reason to around 30 o clock tonight. believe that the request will be From wbat can be gathered, submitted to the Legislativo Jobison of young man named Vivian Cousell 22 It is known that several of the employed to Mr.
Alfred, 13 ao sidemam ob ulectea members are in agrees motor car, which rods daily went with the grant, and the Governor will emphas. the im.
passenger service between the Old Capital and the metropolis, portance of the matter in a mnessage to the Legislative Council was returning from the city to Spanish Town in the car, Buick. It wag loaded with passengers, and Johnson BARBADOS standing on the running board outside all the way from Kingstop.
00: On reaching the crossing near Items of Interest the Fram the driver of the Buick. Magaus by Dame saw a Ford truck approaching. Toe truck, The Barbados house of Aswith a load of provisions, was sembly has passed Bill to take being driven by Ezra Lewis, and Monday 21st Febuary next a Pabwas coming from its way to Kingstonule on lic Bank Holiday. This is the Both on wbich the celit is said, carried ebration of the Tercentenary of glaring beadlights; and, accord the settlement of the Island will ing to the chauffeurs themselves, take place.
peitber of them knew what bad actually happened except that they a grating sound and Mr. Bruca Hamilton, od stopping to ascertain, the bas been appointed to the va.
unfortunate young man was the cant mastership at Harrison with the right side of bis bead was educated at Westminister discovered, lying on the ground College, Barbados. Mr. Hamilton School and University College from the eye to the back smashed to palp. The man was the Pollard Prize for English HisLondon, where he was awarded The polica at Spanish town tory.
were notified of the occurrence and they lost no time in appearAthletic Tournament.
ing on the scene, Statements were taken and both chauffeurs Arrangement between placed under arrest. post mor Priocipal of Harrison Ccllege, tem examination will be per Barbados and Queen Riyal formed by the D, for Spa College, Trinidad have been def.
nish Tuwa nitely settied for a meeting of Curiously enough, another schools in an athletic tournament motor car accident occurred on to take place in Trinidad at the the same road 41 miles from close of the next tern. Tha yiaKingston resulting, it is said itors are to arrive bere on or The Workman Stationery Store On Christmas night between the hours of and 10 o clock a sad case of drowning occurred at the Brigb on Pier. Harry saber, the chief cook of the Nova Scotia which was loading barrels of asphalt at the Pier Extensin fell into the sea while going asbor, Maber was accompanied the third Engineer, Mr.
bet Dame and and a bed room Hards, They had care past the extension was brilliantly lighted where the loading was cring on, and bad reached about the middle portion of the narrow pathway on the side of the old Pier wbich was not lighted when Maher stepped into an openlos around one of the conc ete col umns that keep up tb bridge and went down into the sea His companions seeing him sud.
denly disappear attempted to light matches, but the wind was and they ware ucable to see what was happening to their friend below. They called out to blm but received 00 DSWe strong current West and the sea was rough. Maber they knew wao was a swimmer and there was a bice that he would be able. o ave bimself by clingiok to one of the piles. But it seem that be bad struck bis head on tbe co crece column ic gick over aud was stunned. His companions raised an alarm and search was at orce made under the Pier without succass.
About ten minu. es after th man bad fallen he was seen Hosting a few yards away on the western side of the pier and some men quickly gut into boat and rowed to the spot, but on reaching there he baddis Etforts were in mediately made with pets and books to pet at the body bot buugh these continued far icto the night they were fruitles.
The sea continued rough on Sunday morniny wben all tope of recovering the body in the region of the Pier was abandoned.
Maber was an Englistman, 45 and is said to have been married and tbe father of three children.
He was in great favour on the sbip.
At about 30 on Monday the body was seen floating bear to a buoy a couple hondred feet football and athletic sports. It is away on the western side of the not unlikely, too, that there will Pier extension. It was sighted by be a sbooting competition among Emmanuel Richardson tbe the boys.
cbiet stevedore who was work ing on the Matura. The An Alarming Occurrence co. npany boat went out and brought it ashore. There was a bruise on the forehead.
Says the ADVOCATE of Wednesday last. An occurrence Tuesday morning at o clock si The funeral tcok place 05 theatening to be the most alarm St. Augustine Church, La Brea ing within recent years ook and the body was laid at rest in place at the Barbados Gas Com pan Works, Bay Street, on the La Brea Cemetery. Tte ce Monday afternon when one of remony was performed by the the steel Rev. Pemberton Vibolder split its whole breath which is about 88 ir ches. Gas found to be escaping in enormous quantities about 4:45 Claims The OrphanWood Works Manager tried to effect temage.
porary Browne the ha Manager who arrived about 30 o clock. MAN WITH AN OBSESSION.
Some of the red to a smaller bolder and the DOCTOR SAYS OTHERWISE the gas were transferrest allowed to escape slowly as to avoid fire or NORMAL.
explosion Shich would have menat complete destrucion of the Companp Solicitor To Investigate Title Worke. The manager at once started temporary repairs but it was very difficult owing to Daniel Alexander Stafford the fact that these had to be charged with maliciously done to the damage sheet damaging the fencing of the ecv red with a quantity of oil Belmont Industrial School and water.
again appeared at the Police Court dock on Tuesday after having been twice remanded for doctor on Dr. Arnulfo Arias insane.
examination by Stafford woon e letter to the Physician Surgeon Governor laying claim to the FREE CONSULTATION Orphanage and saying that he wag descended from daily at the Pharmacy Jobn of Africa. He also a 149 Central Ave. Phone 825. dressed communications to the Secretary of State for the (Continued on page 3)
WHITENS THE SKIN Creme Blanc Mirette Marvelous Cream Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, sun tan, and other skin blemishes was SOLD IN DRUG STORES sheets of the large car. El Excelsior Jewelry day NEW ADDRESS: No. 135 CENTRAL AVE.
vehicles, it is hesrd a on We wish to announce to our numerous customers, that our Jewelry Store has been moved from No.
15 East 12th Strset to No. 135 Central Avenue (near Street. where you will all find a large and select stock of genuine Jewelry at the lowest prices in town.
Our Shop is also capable of making any kind of jewelry to order, and any repairs you may need, at very reasonable prices.
There are also for sale, Tickets to join our Jewelry Club. Fee 00 per week, for 25 weeks. This instal.
ment plan is the most economical and practical way to obtain a real genuine jewel, with little effort. Don fail to pay us a visit soon. Come and you will be pleased. EL EXCELSIOR JEWELRY quite dead, the King ADVERTISE Blomsboken leg by one of the about the second week in Apel IN THE WORKMAN. IT PAYS HOURS: 30 TO 30 PM occupants, The will cricket


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