
tion, bassd on a thrilling correoponderent that sirablp ztra Office are lokeresude Half course to hoeveloping o her It gives good claim, Joc Des airships HE NRN AN, SATURDAY TEF KUARY 12, 1927 PAGE THREE Interesting West. Warns France to be 0:37SSEXOBISSWS6Kyos Weekly London Letter Ready For Next War THE WOODMEN OF UNION, BY ANDREW BLACKMORE. Continued from page 2)
O! ooler, and the Archbisbop IT WILL BE CARNAGE THAT The Air Age.
of Canterbury, and stated that WILL INVOLVE EVERY MAN AND FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION if the Orphanage Sisters did not WOMAN OF THE COUNTRY few yeare ago Government give up possession to bion, publications were regarded by one hundred tbousand Orangemen would Kor the reason the public as being of so use WILL BE TOTAL CON Join Today. It Protects You While You Live or concern to anyone by officials FUCT.
and experts. Now the British Procopa ar pared and Your Family After You Are Dead oficial Statiolery Office regular lor the defendant and stated Must be Resdy For Almost In.
ly publisbes volumes which are that he was retalned only that Disabiliy Benefits are graduated in accordance with liberal provisions on face of said policies stant Transformation to a pot only models of what technimorning. It seemed, be said, cal and informative books should that he would bave to ask for State of Hostilities.
be, but which are also of an opportunity to investiga.
FOURTEEN COON REASONS absorbing interest to tho Btafford claim, so be asked for Paris. Jan. 21. Despite the ordinary individual reader. Sucb furtber remand.
Inspector Poser, who prosesince the World War and the sol development of the international It is a Union by the people and for the Our business amounts approximately to in the recent Report on Iun perial Air Communications. It is praccuted called D2 McClebe darity resolute pacidsm of people. 50. 000 monthly tically an encyclopaedia of civil to the witness box, and the It is both Fraternal and Domestic Insur 10. The Endowment Money is used only for aylation, not only within the gave bis opinion as to France, another war remains ence.
sick and death claims.
British Empire but throughout the defendant mental condi constant possibility, Paul Boo It pays you more while you live than any this afternoon told tbe cour fortnight 11. We pay promptly the full amount of claims be world, and at the same time a other concern story the same day proofs are filed in the Home of obsarvation Sod. Deusal of members of the Amy Com certain of tbe Obamber development with some of Its educational features appeal to all Race ordinarily interesting iu presenting a new He told chapters lovers 12. You do not need a lawyer to gat your claim.
ca the part meteorology plays in Sistford was obsessed with the comprebensive measure for the idea that he wa. owoer of resource of the nation wben war the successful (peration of alr It donates anually to Racial schools.
of general mobilization of erery 13. You do not have to die to win.
toes. The statistics on Lot It gives employment to more Negro girls 32 at B:Imo Circular Road aecoplane bad threatened: trapport 11. Hospital, free to members Bath House than any other concern of its kind.
but, spart from this he was Da ing the past six years the sufficiently normal. Hway rates reasonable; full course (21) baths to Boncour, wbo is a sccialist Its rates are within reach of all.
length of tbe korld airlines Bp9 to realise the obligations Deputy and a representative of members, 50; full course (21) baths involved in the signing of has been tripled; and the total France with the ague of We are twenty years old and have not had to non memders, 15. 00.
mileage fra in commercial bond.
Natione, warned the committee an extra assessment to pay in the (10) baths to everybody, 50. Rooms, services bus increased from McCleap added that tbe that the next war, wbether long Grade Department 00 to 00 per week.
1, 170, 000 to 12, 480, 000 mile or Industrial Scho was on Lot of sbort, would lovolve evers Seven years ago a machine oa The lot claimed by Stafford man and woman in France. Tbe the London Paris ant route old distinctions between civilwas between the Industrial developed 700 miles borsepower ians and belligerent, be said, Bchool and the Orpbansge.
THE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW and carriee six passengers Mr. Procope remarked that he citizen would be mobil :d and would no longer exisi, but eve 10 day one of the largest types knew of many esses of the kind. with them every natin.
is driven by engines devel There was for instance the case The Woodmen of Union Lodges cover seventeen (7) different atez Dearly 000 miles horsepower Motilization wlil not merely of a cooper from Princes Town.
and our membership extends to the South Sa Islands. This Organiaod carries twenty passengers.
Placide actually succeed in bis include the fighting forces, but zation has its own building which is four orits high and covers a item of importance claim for as a matter of fact it money, indostry and connAIC whole city block paid for in cash without extra assessment.
cele rns freight ToInsurance, Wbereas the premium for sur was found that the Asylum be as well, said Boncur.
employment to more than 60 in its main plant, besides a large field force, longed to bim. Sometimes things stead of being a military war, it fue transport is 8, for air turned out in this way. The de wil be a total war bri glog in Total paid to widows and orphans since organization, over 500, 0JÓ transport it is only 0!
tendant unight bave a perfectly every one, with assets of more than 500. 000 Insurance in force, over twenty and he would like to The Government in power at. 20. 000. 000) million dollars.
The Airship.
investigate it.
the time most work as a unit Inspector Power suggested without actually militar ng the that be sbould be placed one of the country must be plasi: DR. KENDALL, Tae organizatio mioistrios.
JNO. WEBB lea ure of the R:port which bond.
Supreme President Supreme Custodian will come as a surprise to many His worsbip remarked that be enough to meet aby dauger, oa readers is the section devoted to coms.
must keep the peace, and bouna matter from what side it Post Office Box 559 Hot Springs, Arkansas Airship Services. Such a spee10 10 Boncour declared that tacular accident as tha destuction to wbich date hefurlber he man France would wage cooly For informatio address, L. Flowers, Panana City. who are the legal representative in this Country of tbs R38 10 1921 tended to deded him, defensive war and would convelop public distrust of the alt He explained to the defendant uiaue to hope that the present SKSSSSSSXXes ship, but, as the Rsport shows between 1910 and 1914 five Gerthat he must bebavo bimself and policy of conciliation would man not to go to the property, and preserve good will among baconstructed for passeager traffic tbat bis Solicitor would lovestialready Ciriled Under the organization pro gate the matter for him mean42000 passengers in wbile. ct, womes will be subj et to 2, 000 lights without mishap call for non fighting delensive single passenger. Ibe our National resources brak of war led to a concentr. BRITISH GUIANA way that will eliminate probe concentrated and used tio of ef rt omrop. 18 de In a vel ment and airship researeb steering. Industry will be placed was neglected. Nevertheless, tbs recod of the ai sbip Demerara Sugar Es. to the disposition of the Government.
crealta ble one, and during recent tracts allowing only nonima years there has been great proprofits. Falling this, the Gɔv.
gress made by British scientists ernment will bave recourse to a a tbe theory of construction. Ja view of these fact The following appeared in the requisition system from wbich two airsbip London Times of the 7th iust. there will be no appeal.
were ordered to be built, a series Instead of the power of reNo. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue of sts and expirments The statutory first meetings were of the creditors and sharebolders quisition resting with the millwade, and deve policy of airship of the Demerara Sugar Estater, tary and naval autborities as in PANAMA CITY develupment was decided upon.
Telephone 695 Limited, Broad street House, the past, it will be invested in For long distance tligt 1b Old Broad street, EC. were all of the Ministries (qually, alratip bas certain advantages yesterday at the Board of The measure will require that aod must therefore prove of Trade Offices, Garey Street, all inventions valuable to national special value for Empire services Toe two types. aeroplanus and defense be Brat submitted to airsblpe, are intended to Mr. Digby Pepys, Oficial the Goveroment before sale OF THE HIGHEST ORDER complementary; to each other Receiver, seld teie were two outside the country.
to forma balanced system of features calling for comment.
la transport; and thus airThis was an instance where an soips will be able to operate orer undischarged bankrupt had toan Holman Cox and Trevelyan.
carrylag on business practically Circulars were issued offering Work Done While You Wait the main long distance routes of world stresb by the formation of for lo the company partidcommunication, wbti: aeroplanes will be able to form company, S:condly, in spite of pating bood stock, debentare local air transport systems wbian tbe fact that the company was stock, and sbares, and stating will feed the main terminal airdebarred from issuing pros that the company had acquired it made pectus TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED another an extensive freebold estate of ship stations.
company, so offer for the of its sbares and dabentu:e merars. Mr. Cox bad admitted the usle 2, 800 acres of sugar lands io De Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Electric Power ir Great stock. That was mon that the company never did, in very common sto practice aud most of the be Britain.
acquire any property.
leaves were carried cut la that Over 5, 600 appeared to bare Ladies Garments carefully handled mander. But in the recent been roceived from the public in For an industrial country like of tbe comn. ittee respect of bonds and stock.
The Great Britain the development sppointed to deal with a revision whole of that money had been REID Manager of electrical power has not been of the company law, both of disposed of; but the books did rapid, but there has been a steathose matters received attention, not dy increase in its use, aud dur.
and recommendationg and the facts would require furmade with a view to an alteration ther investigation at the haods of 99exosxeog ing the past year there has been record demand made upon elec of the law. He had very great the Official Receiver. No statetricity undertakings. In 1922 bopes Bill pould shortly of affairs bad been lodged, there were be introduced into Parliament but it was clear that there were Pan American sold. In 1923 there was an in.
in wbich the majority of the po assets watever, and the Of crease of 19 per cent on these recommendations would be ficial Receiver was not aware of SHOE REPAIR GO.
figures and in 1924 an increase of 37. per carried Into law. He further any liabilities other than to the cent. In 1926 the hoped that it would not be pos debenture be dere of 5, 600 a a 20 Central Ave. uolts cold an increase of E1, per cent.
was 5, 515 345, 864 sible for undischarged bank claim of 12 bybe Ioland ReA Regular Assortment of Next door Alcaldia the same time there has been. rupts (except. pocalbly, with venue.
Mr. Gippe Kent, ou behalt progressive economy the leave of the Bankruptcy in the Court) to carry on business of Mr. Cox, intimated that nege.
Shoes Repaired while average consumption of fuel per under the names or guise of ciations were in progress witba unit generated. The averago limited company, and also view providnig sum of 6, 000 consumption per head of the that ofers for the sale bebanto che per mening of the liabilities. SUCH ASOLD SHOES MADE TO population last year was 125 on of liquid ation in the boits per bead.
The above TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, be bands of the Officisl Receiver; another company LOOK LIKE NEW figures, of course. take no tetreated as if they were pros who stated in reply to a creditor TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, FICE, Manager count of the supplies pectuses issued by the company that the wbole of the circumstan or truction purposes, or of tbo SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
ces would be fol y investegated, iteelt.
further large suple. generated In reporting upon the forma and it considered necessary are Why pay double price at railway and amway stations tion, the chairman said the com port thereon would be forwarded for interior imported industrial undertakings. Given rivately by commercial and pany was registered as a private to the proper quarter with a view Boor when you can the expected re organisation or company in December, 1924, for to other proe eligs being taken.
buy, a superior Beer the electrical services of the the purpose of aquiring supar, 93 CENTRAL AVENUE tes, and rubber states in cuatry, under the Bill recently British Rent Receipt Books in Spansuch as BALBOA for pus foward by the Government, Guiana or elsewhere within tne Panama City.
British Em tre. The promotern ish and English for sale at the halt the price.
with the present rate of development to the general use of elec.
were Messre. Ebenezer Stephes Workmen Printery. Continued on page 7)
LO services will be The Prosperity Tailors is be tates, Limited CLEANERS DYERS held c, DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING through fact, ac not show who bad received were that ment Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products you wait would utilisea.
The Workman Printery

    FranceWorld War

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