
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1927 Red Tank Branch THE WORKMAN C, ASSOCIATION WANTED Labourers For CHIRIQUI RAILROAD ng 聯主 4 4i Look Them Over co operation The following just arrived and are being offered at prices to suit everybody. To Hold Meeting Next Monday Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen o app toa WALROND, at the ofloe No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited The next regular monthly business meeting of the Red All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Panama RP Taok Branch of the Panam written on one side of paper only, and Caual West Indian Employees Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Association will be heid to the One Year 40 Cs, the writer, not necessarily for pubileaRed Tank Clubhcuse on next Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Monday night the 14th, starting Three Be.
We do not undertake to return reat 7:30 25 jected correspondence.
The officers for the ensuing term will be installed at thie The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. NCIS meeting in add tion to other busloess of vital importance to SATURDAY FEBRUARY 12, 1927, the welfare of the West Indians Day Task or Contract Work employed on the Pacama Canal and Panama Railroad.
PRICE FAID 12 TO 14c. PER HOUR FOR ing to enroll the entire statt ut West Indian employees, 80 89 DAY WORK.
to strengthen the power of Every once in a while the blood that trickies in the representation and basten to bring about additional relie!
veins of West Indians of British allegiance becomes stirred wbicb is well needed and desired by the arrant assinism sporadically demonstrated by the by our people.
politicians of the United States when fishing for political APPLY TO It should be the responsibility prominence or aiming to disturb the tranquility of the of each and every member of the British people inhabiting the Caribbean Archipelago. Association to do the utmosi these islands sparkle dazzlingly before the green eyes of AROSEMENA best to enroll fellow memby rs.
American statesmen they may be pardoned for tostering an the Association Exnerier.
impossible ambition, but at least they might exhibit good North Avenu3 and 4tn Straal, Panama City.
Icing si at dificulty in this respect, iar ly because our people taste, if not good feeling, by withholding their fosh sughava failed to fully realise the gestions anent the proposal to ask for the possession of the inpriate of or arrition which islands in settlement of the war debt for which Great is our only salvation in the critical coment.
Britain stood responsible.
In the first place, England does not require the United 771 77777771 Every opportunity is sized by the Association in bringing to States mushroom politicians to invite her to a particular the attention of the West Indian policy of settlement of her American indebtedress, neither element the necessity for closer is it necessary for any American official, from the President and hope 1o enter down to suggest how this debt must finally be paid taired that sooner or later the both England accepts and is prepared to pay the debt as majority of our people on the evidenced from the astounding installments in gold that have Isthmus will beter appreciate the work of the Association and already been transmitted, and the suggestion of Senator rally to its support, for unless Kellog, Secretary of the Treasury, that Britain cede or barter this is done the Association wit or sell her West Indian possessions in lieu of her monenot be able to accomplish much tary obligations to the United States is preposterous and more.
ridiculous. In fact, our Empire has not yet become so Gratitude should be expressed impecunious as to be forced to yield to the sequestration by our people for the success of the Association up to now and of any of its territory to another nation.
for the efforts it is displaying Whatever political visions some of the American states.
to pave the way for the future of men may have they appear too short sighted as to British Photo Albums Scrap Albums our people who are struggling policy and British psychology. The study of these features without any hope for our future of British diplomacy would prevent American politicians betterment.
from advertising themselves in such a ridiculous aspect as Vellum Pocket Books Stenographers Note Books Let uz resolve to make the they have been doing in regard to the British West Indian work of the Association be the conversation of the day, and by Islands England has said enough on this subject formerly, Writing Pads Children Toy Books and lately her attitude of silent contempt should quelch the so doing all information regard very thought from the mind of American officials, but the ing its succesaful operation and occasional outburst of this strange sentiment in the Sena Accounting Day Books its future plans will be well sirculated among our people with torial Chamber of the United States indicate that they are the hope that in course of a short possessed of a fiery ambition that is hard to be frozen.
period every West Indian en Hymn Prayer Books Holy bibles Statement has come from the throne of Britain that the ploped on the Panama nal wll be bacpy to be call. a te.
West Indies are not and will never be for sale. The Prince ber thereof.
of Wales pertinently remarked the same thing when at the Typewriting Paper in First and Second Sheets Our future is a great problem, time of his visit to Panama in 1920 the matter was being and anless the present circumwidely garbled in American Newspapers, and the various Mouth Organs in two sizes stances are soyled in a gatisfacpublications in the West Indies have said more than enough tory manner, we will have po to chill the aspirations to American acquisition of the hope to place our imagination islands; yet here comes another whose keen sense of politi Pocket Knives, Scout Knives Meador Knives Therefore, let us all decide at join the Association sod cal perception drives him to the point of more assinism.
help in the work of overcoming We wonder whether Senator Kellog or anyother Ameriand many other items too numerous to mention be various difficulties surroundcan Statesmen conceives ideas in regard to the West Indies ing us at the present time, and ir correlatively with California Oranges, Georgia Cotton, VirSUCCESS can be obtained by hard ginia Tobacco or Boston Baked Beans. What does he really struggling and organized force we will determine for ourselves.
think of the islands and the islanders? If, as a matter of fortune or misfortune, the British West Indies did become American possessions. Kellog, if alive, and his ilk would find them a hornet nest and quite the reverse of any of the Latin or semi Latin countries over which they now hold Sovereignty. They would not prove the passive constituen Stationery and Souvenir Store cies of a government that exercises one policy for whites and another for blacks.
It is time that United States Senators get it set into 93 Central Avenue Panama City their gizzards that neither would Great Britain nor the people of the British West Indies at any time in the history of. terra firma give passing notice to the proposal of the pur.
chase of these islands by the Great North American Repub.
lic. The British West Indies are important factors in the are a great many things that need no airing, and when we Why?
British Commonwealth and if Americans do not know it learn tnis truth we will learn to talk about something else.
they should be informed that the inhabitants of the islands OKLAHAMA EAGLE Insular opinions are apparently who are between eighty and ninety per cent colored are being given additional praminence and it is belived that at not a very traditionally accustomed to institutions and laws by which Tick the most absolute freedom of thought, action and inter If the members of our race will only wake up to the far distant date, there will be on the Isthmus a separate organization re.
course in religious. social and politicol life are assured and fact that we are only going to get what we are able to take presentench and every Talk protected.
It is true that the islands might in time provə to be a There is only one way in which to take things, and that is took place at La Boca in the Canal If we could climate the final we will prepare ourselves to take what we so greatly need. The latest move in this direction source of civilizing influnence, in many respects, but then to be in position to do so. SEATTLE ENTERPRISE.
Zone a some it would be grossly problematical if the huge stock of cement the interests of their island and relegate to the dump Jamaicans decided to take steps to triumph of Old Father Time hyphenated Americans accustomed to jim crowism and folks or this end and have organ heap the necessity of countLynchings could ever acquire a taste for the cultured, polite, The intelligent business man is everywhere coming ized a Jamaica benefit association. ing the hours as they pas, humane, refined and self respecting custo. ns and deport more and more to recognize that advertising is not an exIt cannot at this time be said for then we might exist without ment of British society as they are known in these parts. pense but an investment, and the kind of investment that is certain as to what extent these in the aid of a clock, but folko.
As for the people of the West Indies themselves, we know just as essential to his business progress as is the utiliza: rular organizations will affect the ef, it just naturally can be done that they woult rather die than see their islands change tion of modern machinery or the employment of skilled forts cow being made to promot sovereignty.
a West Indian Central Organization BIG BEN and others at in this city. If, however the leaders of these are FULLER Indian soliSnapshots We like individuality. We believe in enough moral darity in these parts it will be wel and good. In any event, it is to is to be Time Shop (FROM THE COLORED PRESS)
courage to make our own way, without waiting for some hoped that gradual awakening Klock for Every Room of body else to blaze the way. We believe in standing up in the islanders to herd open meeting and announcing our choice before the crowd into their respective groups for Too many of us are self knockers; then we lament be. begins to cheer, We have guts, enough in our belly to drive self preservation is not a step to cause we are not succeeding, when we do our best to fail, the band wagon and make room for those who wait at the sular opinion when it comes Los an in Rent Receipt Books in Span When we try to tell every other fellow we meet all we corner to see which way the crowd is going. ATLANTA question of their commun welfare sh and English for sale at the know, we place ourselves in an unfavorable position. There INDEPENDENT.
in these parte Workman Printery once and THE WORKMAN Island sular op thinking about West ization


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