
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 12, 1927 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Lodge Installation Attractions at the Theatres STRAND Asst.
Panama STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 very Were Saturday night Feb 1927 was the occasion of the installation of the Loyal Daughters of Rebecca Lodge No. 617. of the CECILIA Improved Independent Order AMADOR AMERICA of Old fellowe. London Unity)
wbich took place at the Eur PANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON Roberts Lodge Hall 5:b Street Today Saturdry February 12th and Hudson Lane Colon.
Today Saturday February, 12th Saturday February 12th Saturday February 12th The ceremony which was very and Buck Jones in Harry Carey in Art. Accord in impressive was fittingly per Tomorrow Sunday Feb, 13th THE TIMBER WOLF THE BAD LANDS formed by the Grand Oficers THE SCRAPPING KID of the Chorillo Star Lodge.
Norma Talmadge in Tomorrow. Sunday Feb. 13th Tomorrow Sunday Feb. 13th le Tomorrow Sunday Feb 13th Following are the Octs Florence Vidor in Mae Murray and John Gilbert in Mae Murray and John Gilbert in installed for the ensuing term.
Bisters: Monday February 14th THE MERRY WIDOW BARBARA FRIETCHIE THE MERRY WIDOW Simpson, President: Barker. Scott Betty Compson in Lewman, Per Sec Monday February 14th Monday February 14th MIAMI Monday February 14th Moodie. Secy DEMPSEY TUNNEY Madge Bellamy in Charles Ray in Walker, Treas. Darlymple, FIGHT WINGS OF YOUTH PARIS Parnett.
Tuesday February 15th Leon. Warder: Jaques, Charles Ray in Tuesday February 15th Tuesday February 15 Tuesday February 15th Chaplin; McDonald and PARIS Hoot Gibson in Laura La Plante in Rin tin tin Bradburet. Sapports. THE TEXAS STREAK HER BIG NIGHT After the ceremony the man THE NIGHT CRY Wednesday February 16th bers is procession marched around the hall singing A!
Lowell Sherman in Wednesday February 16th Wednesday February 16th Wednesday February 16th Hail The Power of Jesus Name. Richard Dix in THE LOVE TOY Lew Cody in Bebe Daniels in lo teken of the past difficulties MONTE CARLO THE QUARTERBACK THE CAMPUS FLIRT which the lodge bad overcon.
Thursday February 17th Addresses were delivered by Thursday February 17th Bebe Daniels in Thursday February 17th Thursday February 17th sisters H, Simpson and Maycock THE CAMPUS FLIRT Dorothy McKaill in Betty Compson in Madge Bellamy in s. Sister Maycock with THE DANCER OF PARIS MIAMI WINGS OF YOUTH burst of oratory kept be bearers speil Friday February 18. bound in th Friday Feb. uary 18th Friday bruary 18th Friday February 18th course of which she appealed Madge Bellamy in Priscilla Dean in Charles Ray in Laura La Plante in for a continued united front WINGS OF YOUTH PARIS CAFE IN CAIRO pembers of the Grand The HER BIG NIGHT Lodge Complimented th Saturday Februr rv 19th Saturday February 19th, Saturday February 19th Saturday February 19th speakers wisbing the Lodge a successful future.
Laura La Plante in Raymond Griffih in Rin tin tin in Buck Jones in THE MIDNIGHT SUN All then retired to the banquet YOU BE SURPRISED THE NIGHT CRY DURAN OF THE BAD LANDS ll and did justice to the many wotnsomn luxuries which were prepared for them. We are jlly odd fellows were heartily sung followed by the doxology whicl Lavergnea Manager; Watts brought the function to a close. Captain; McAllister, ScreBennett.
CANAL ZONE NOTES All reviring till with estacy tary. Their first game is announced to take place Satur The LU Boca District of the iay evening on the Mt. Hope La Boca Pars Canal Employees Colon Resident Wins Diamond the 19h against the Association bas shown increased Commissa y team.
activ tius since the first of the Competition.
Secretary Miss Eibelyn Tho year. Indications of such have Young People Asso.
mas of the Orpheus Musical and been given at the installation Dramatic Club has announced a meeting in January and at the HELD BY JAMAICA CRIT ciation to Give Dac?
AND meeting of the Club to be held uext meeting which took place at the Clubhouse on Mondy at the Clubhouse on the 29. TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: evening next the 14th. This will of said month, wbile not a The Episcopal Young People be Dear Sir: Kindly allow me A480c ation, a society consisting general business meeting large gathering was present, Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages at which the revised constitution imporiant discussions through the valuable column olof young people of Christ of the Club will read and other promoted under the direction your weekly, to congratulate Church by the sea bas issued matters of fue portance in con of Vice Chairman Evans, our esteemed friend and tru opitaions for a dance to take Summary of Contents: nection with a revised working Mr. Dalby Chairman.
patriot Mr. Porter of Colon lace the night of Monday of the Club thoroughly gone into having been coatined to the who two years ago bed gained be 21st inst, in the Parish ball, History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years The Club has just receive a sup Ancon Hospital on on account of first place in the bacteriological Porner of d and Cash Street Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, ply of coples of of tt elr new Play lojury. At ibis latter meeting test of ice cream held by the Music for the occasion is to be Tbe health departm nt here.
Monday meeting the charac the District representatives Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, of furnished by the Five 22 Aces, son We are proud to know of the one of the best orchestras op Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, ters will be assigned. An off. the Board, delivered the first success of Mr. Porter who bas the Atlantic side.
Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual cer of the Club assert dur address of a series which it is egin proved himself a useful drags intended to promote during the ing the week that the manageThe Episcopal Young People ment son to his Jamaica by country, His subject was co operaPlayers we is considering a season gaining the first priza wbtch th Association was formed in July tion to which he did justice.
wherein to stage at least three to Hon. Dr. he last through the instrumentality Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and Plays. If plans in this of the Legislative council for the church.
per of a few of the younger members mittee bas been formed with pre Portland offered for the best Interesting They Tared to to give the Isthmian Pub. real live members of tho Dis. How best can Co Mecessity for such an organizilie a series of three worthwhile trict and much Is expected of operative farming and Com.
Price 50cts.
Plays a year. The Road to the thm.
City is even better than The in connection with Land Settlemeat with the olje he could be done to promote welfare of tha Path Across the Hill which the of fostering intensive cultivation young people of that budding With just a sprinkling of Secure yours now there will be a great rush Clubsuccessfully staged short of the soil, and improv ng bege of manbood and woman bood time ago, said the ethusiastic friends, the members of the La for them, worker.
Boca Women Life Problem moral and social progress 01 when they are most susceptable Jamaica be ercouraged.
Club will motor to Tapia to danger, and this association tble was founded. It is divided into Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN morning for their anual outing Mr. Porter also gained tbe our departments: Literary, Panama second pr z: for the best essay Athletic, mestic Sele ce and Buddy Cook local food vendor Mrs. Florence Smitb. the new did not make any street dcPresident of the Club and her. com on: How to u il zthe service Social service, each under a vice nouncement, as be usually does workers bave arranged to spend a of the middle class girle. president elected bythe society such cases, that pleasant time rambling about These competitions were for months, business meeting Olive, one of his daughtere, was the picturesque Tapia all day to announced in the Jamaic, is held on the 3rd Monday of struck by Reginald Beckford day and return early this even Critic (a widely read magazine every month, and the Literary wben she attempted to prevent a ing here) for October the and Domestic Science departscrap be: ween her friend results published in that same ments meet at 730 on fris Newton and her friend A. Dalby. Chairman of the montbly of Dcember CO Wednesday and former sweetheart, Reginald La Boca. Panama District of the Jaudary respectively.
Thursday restbe Athletic week, wbile Mr. Portor is a wortby son department conducts low in Commander 8. Panama Canal West Indian Eq. quarters on Fort ployees Association returned of the late Rev. Porter also Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes in gymnastics every dor Road, a night last week. from the Ancon Hospital durink of Jamalca. Reggie was given the air the week atter spendi. several We can with safety say that department is called periodically at 30 The Social service since December last and Iris bad days in that institution undergoMr. Porter has got she needs of as tha Becessity arises.
doubt interesting, books when you secured herself another lover to ing treatment for injuries roibe utter dis sipproval of ber ceive at his work. He is improv.
bis dear country at although in a foreign land, Though a comparatively young cen have them neatly bound at former beau; en so he walked ing.
organization, ibis socialy has up to the Commander Colloway, We wish bip good luck, and already shown marked effect quaters where he claimed his unbounded prosperity.
upon its members and further THE WORKMAN rival was visiting his former It is not the Prince of Wal)
girl and indications are that it will be of Yours, with her. Street which will be repeated remonstrated followed and Miss great and lasting benetit to at the Clubbouse tonight, FATRIOT It intervened and many.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE share. Bute. Reggie bat her Pelen the Showgirl. Are you to had to going perform beford Blackburn in the New Baseball Team the footlights, again, Miss Cum the News Notes court the inderndent to the lady who ta said our LA boca Opposite Cecilia Theatre Dext morning as Commander Calloway was not expected to to repeat her proformances 29 The Culon Cristobal Baptist What promises to be a formi Sunday Scbool is preparing to approve of any suc stuff in the leading character in dable baseball team is the pew hnid its anniversary on Bandas oval tomorrow comenciog at 12. showed the St. Vincent Candi Radio Station. It cost the dis Showgirl at the Cldbbouse to reservation of tha Balboa Naval Garvey latest Play, Helen the team that is being formed by the 20. inst, and the annual the boys of the Panama Canalu outing on on Washington birthday Doon. Both teams we ero night. Wbg y e 8, bwill be well date to be leading by about 500 gruntled lover 75. 00.
the 22nd. Ibe outing this year represented and the game will voles, but this week we under The doors of another community will agalo satisfy our audience as Press, Mount Hope.
going to do our very best on indeed be worth wblle seelog.
Througb the initiative and will be at Mincl.
stand that the table bas been Baturday night, and hope wa The Rd Tark and Cristobal persistence of B. Lavergneau turned. The contest will take meeting place will be thrown open this club is already almost an Red Sox baseball teams will meet place on Sunday night the 20th on Friday evening next when the on previous cecasions, she re Established fack, and in a few in a league game on the Mount in the parish hall in connection new Comunity House under the plied, with an days every thicg will be in good Hope diamond at 10 o clock toInteresting direction of the Catholic Church variety The morrow morning. The Oristopopularity contest program will be dedicated to the furthersbape.
The Wesleyans are lo for a ance of the Christian religion as good time on Monday night next Amoug the members of the bal boys are eparing a warm between St. Vincent Church.
represented by Miss Gay and as the promotion of pleasent when an augmented choir will Dew team are Weeks, Brattru ception for their visitors.
St. Joseph Church, the consocial intercourse among mem atage the cantata Padri Elliot walte, DaCosta, S, Jeanmarie, didate of wbich is Lee, Edwarde, Brooks, Smith, Sussex and Wanderers Miss V, ALL ROADS WILL LEAD T) bers of the community. splen of Paiz bad. Extensive prepardid program is being arranged ation have been made for ita Ford, Reece, and, bave arranged to stage an ir Rample, is waxing warm. The THE POPULAR BIPODROME OP for the occasion by Mrs. Gladys presentation and an unusually Jollife, Flowers. The officers are B, terestiog matcbat Mt. Hope counting of votes last week JUAN FRANCO TO MORROW. Rance and Miss Gertrude lange turn out is anticipated City year; 10 Mllad of be tion work out the Club Willebonec: membership campaign. com of che saw the munity Life in e social ia Book Binding!
pectively of each Ama Why throw away your old, but no heart Chastisement Cook face Juha ng strate Milton well

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