
FAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 12 1927 Brewing Refrigerating Co.
Wom Dom08SOVOOSSSSSSS Balboa opinion of both French hard for Electric Injection 66 99 layers of tea abe THE ATTENTION press Friendly Societies and Secret Orders ht Wholesale Smuggling SSS sssssss Poison Gas Can Put Dr. David Smith By Society folks Whole Armies to Sleepi SNAKE BITE REMEDIES OF HAVANA CREATES STIR THE BEER IT RENDERS HARMLESS ALL KNOWN FORMS OF CHEAT THAT PLACE Dr. Smith the SnakeMIBAL WARFARE SUPPLIED BY bite Specialist of Guabito, VISITORS Bocas del foro, begs to ΤΟ FRENCH SHIP GERMAN PREPARATION offer his professional service WOULD LEAVE WEARING LAYERS OF CLOTHING The Panama Just Possible that Existing found, his snake bite remeto any patient. Wherever Military Establishments of dies have never failed to AND WITH PERFUMERY.
the World Will Have to effect a speedy cure. The be Altered.
Doctor also specializes in Sensational Discovery in The other complaints such as UrCuban Capital a Short Paris, Jan. 11. French Army nary Troubles, Chronic Ul.
Time Agº: is brewed from the best officers are anxiously awaiting cers and Obstinate Coughs.
the reports on fical tests of tw. Should you need his proHavana. Jan, 10. sigration materials obtainable Dew German gases one of whic!
of Chief Arturo Mess as ad of is said to render harmless al fessional services, do not fail passenger section of the Havana known forms of poison gas, acd to write or come to the Doccustoms house, tretbors on the It is specially suited for this climate be other having the effect to personally when you can part of the captain of the French ating whole armies to rl et be cured.
or four bours liner. Cuba who may be fined is superior to all imported beers sold Address: and the possibility of a published It is just such new gaze list of names of om here and it sells to the public at oward which the chemical war DR. DAVID SMITH nent in society bare whi were are and the defensive branches caur smuggling from Specialist of European armies have been HALF the price.
may follow a investigaearnestly working since tbe Guabito Bocas del Toro tion started last week, when terrible ravages of poison gas Secretary of the Treasury in the late war, and il Republic Panama il Germany Cartaya wag inform that more TRY OUR BEST BEER BREWED claims than 20, 000 of Dainty French prove correct it is probable that the existing military importations bave found their establishments of the world will way from the French steamer be Such is without heing subjected to usual customs fees eign here.
Tipped off that numbers of Whether the German claim Marvelous Success in prominent woman have been in SUPERIOR TO ALL are acctually based on facts rethe babit of visitiog so cailed mains to be seen, but it is un the treatment of friends on board the Cuba derstood that the French military wi lei ste arrived in this poit officials hive information whica Gonorrhoea and Gleet or y to return wearing sevarl SEX SXOXO SSES warrants close investigation o of Fresh garments and the final tests. It is to secre Relieves the most obstinate carrying concealed pbials of that the intelligencs service o case in three days perfume and other luxuries European armies are bending Turpished by the friends is winning on the knowledge of the new gases.
their efforts to obtain detailed FOR SALE AT THE inspectors traced the source of the smuggling to cabin 61 in PHARMACY the French ship when arrived last weuk, Women were 149 Central Avenue, Panama searched, caught in the act, and United States Capital Phone 825 only influential requests have pevailed upon oticialdom to AND AT withhold their rames from the. OF In Canada.
THE NEW DRUG STORE The triftic has been made all Sir John Ferguson, President 5th and Street, Colon easier, according to authorities of the British Institute of BankPhone 403 by the existence of an agency of the Paris dry goods store IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF ers, addressing a meeting in Lordon the other nigbt. drew gasin de Louvra aboard the Cuba. When the ship enters the attention of his hearers to Havana the agency is sealed by of the DAVID LEON, LL.
the very large aggregate of the investments made in Canada by customs house su borities, but citizens and corporatlaos of tbe ABOGADO until the recent Investigatiou United States.
Attorney at Law there bas bien nothing done Goverament bords and Canadian to keep 80 called pas esger friend.
municipal bonds 175, 000 000 of Havana women from Office: 175 Central Avenue were bought in the United States laying up a private stock of last year. The total sum invested their own, easily dispose da in Canada and Newfoundland by Suitable for odge Business Telephone 1015 Panama Havana visitors. Coincident icle in the traite capitalists in the United SP. Box 1002 Ancon, Canal Zone with the investigation came the is now estimated at 2, 910. 000, appointment of the Importa ion 000, which is double the amount Chiet Avelino Vasco to take Chief Mesa place, while the AT THEof such Investments tive yours (With Licenses to Practice before Sir John latter takes a vacation, Ferguson does not the Courts of Panama and the Administrator Ziyes of the cusappear to have passed on to Canal Zcne. remark com house has ordered a house United States cleaning in the custom fcr. e.
capital Into Canadian fields of Meanwhile the Captain of enterprise It aina maana anaga AAAAA NDANI OD to be figures themselves wou that he WILKINSON le Cuba bas askud for an inter nge a. 10200 the view with cretary Cartaya in by the hope of proving his in make comment on his part Contractor nocence and the innece ice of his unnecessary. We hope that he company which has been grantnot look upon this venturing and Builder ed a special concession frem of United Seates money France to carry the clothing Canadian enterprise agencies aboard the ships. It evidence that United States House No. 20 influence is predominant in 18 thought that the captain will Canada. It is 28th NOV. STREET, be exonerated, but the women a saying that trade follows the flag. As offenders will have to pay twice SAN MIGUEL matter of the amount as usual duty reOf every description history the flag bas oiten followed trade. But the flag does Box 411, Panama, quired on the articles they so not by any always fellow ingeniously sinuggled past the customs barrier. Their names capital.
If it did, Britain would be DONE WITH NEATNESS AND published if later devellong ago bave may tbe annexed opments show that the smugUnited States, for Plans and Specifications Free gling had reached uuheard of the source of the vast supplies proportions, according to auDESPATCH of capital whose application thorities.
the natural resources of the First Class Workmanshlp United States and to the services Satisfaction Guaranteed, necessary for the transportation AUTHORITIES ARE PROBING AT THE of its products was the economic ta SCANDAL making of the United ates.
Dr. Jose Maria uyaº, customThe billions that kept flowing house administrat of Hi vana, from Britala to undertaking Not Wanted in conferred yesterday morning scross the line aid wonders in with Trinidad acting passenze: section the making of the United States.
cbiel, Avelino Velasco. Il bile but did not weaken the indepe strict privacy regarding the topic dence of that country make ottata sed is observed it is sup its people more attached to their Havana, Jan, 20. John Ben posed that they conferred on the mother land, United as Fran: States jamin better known reorganization of the secti and capital will bave do political Davis, the ex convict who acte. effect in this country. It will as assistant executioner in the to in scaoCALL IN AT earn in money here better than in receat garrotings in Santia 20 dedalous fraud on the er eh liner most parts of the world. It will Cuba, will soon te back in Caba.
Cuba on the. when several HOUSE 912, LA BOCA help us to develop our wonderful Davis upon the request of the sociaily prominent ladies left the CANAL ZONE.
of Oriente resources. Sir Job Press Associatiation ship without paying duty with Ferguson must wist Canada was deported by the Cuban aut(Opposite the Restaurant)
several thousand dollar of linprosperity. He would not ha e horities about a month ago to bis geries, perfumes, etc. bought in Office Hours: a. to 1p. Canada remain in a state of birthplace, the island of Trinidad th: Louvre braach store on the to pm standstill because Britain could But the British Minister has now of the Insteamer.
act in the last dozen yeara spar informed Secretary DAILY us the great supplies of capital te lor Zayas Bazan, that the autJ. FLOWERS that flowed from her moneyed borities on the island will not alPHONE 1941 BALBOA and will men into this country before the low him to disambark war. Oar neighbours had Specializee all the branche: come sead him back to come by immense wealth as a conse Abogado. Attorney at Law Trinidad Gvernment claim of Dentstriv GOOD SELECTION OF quence of th3 war. They must that Davis lost his English citizenOFFICE: No. 44. ST und their Notice to Correspondents.
ist Imerican war. Îhe AmerP. BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY in Contributors and correspondents the TELEPHONE No. 1377 Embassy ou are asked to send in their contribusecurities of this country, in maltains that he cannot be given Practicing before all the courts of tions not later than Thuislay to Hymn Prayer Books this way making money for American citizenship papers, bethe Republic since April 1914 insure pablication. This is imperathemselves and assisting in the cause be failed to comply with tive ard must be adhered to.
progress of Cacado. MAIL AND the necessary requities to obtain EMPIRE them.
MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS 0! Caoadban of to ago. Si and Workman Stationery Store this ek upon the significance of expansion of does in an JOB PRINTING Britain was WORKMAN PRINTERY or the diamissal of several inspectets Dentist Howell natural The Workman BOOK STORE No: 93, Central Avenue NEW BIBLES Cuba.
The Trinidad e Cub surplus, and they have gladly ship by lighting during the Span.
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