
PAGE SEVEN Christ Church byThe Sea, Colon.
NOTICE www Jersey who is o is schedule In Eng. the Commencing, or the evening of Wednesday the 16th inst. a mission is to be conducted at Christ Church by the sea by the Rev. Morton Barnes, rector of Long Branch, New to arrive here fon the same day. Ser vices for children will be held at o clock and for adults as 30 in the evening. The public is cordially invited The seventh annual convocation of the missionary jurisdiction of the Panama Canal Zone takes place also at Christ Church by the sea on Tuesday the 22nd inst, Washington Day. This assembly open with solemn Eucharist at 30 am. at which time tbe Rt. Rev. James Craik Morris, Bisbop of the diocese will deliver the annual charge.
to terous will THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1927 Weekly London Letter a ince in the city. Americans ia vast numbers declined to go to Philadelphia for the purpose of (Continued from page solemnly ponderlog upoa the sing og of the historic document tricity for industrial aod domes tie purposes, and Great Britian acentury and a half ago. Thes could ponder and revere just will soon take her rightful place as well at home. This is the among the nations utilising thia gret But what power and explains the eviction light.
expressed cowadays Sesqule was the last of the great New Railway Device world fir? Why is it unlikely tbat there will be as more of them? The reason is that people One of the most difficult prob. bave become used to wonders.
lems confronting the rail xay They have then at home through engineers is that of meeting the muv ng pictures and the the demand for more powerful radio There has been a Rr at locomotives without increasing developm nt of art galleries in their siz and weight.
the smaller cities and the autoland the disculty is perhaps to most people who are interested greater than elsewbere owing the height of platforms, the in them. If there are to be other tunnels, and the world fairs in the future they na ure of many bridges and will probably be along new lines.
other works, Maoy nitempts have been made to to overcome the difficulty, the latest of which is PANAMA CANAL NOTE.
a machine now being tested by the London, Midland and Scottish As of December 31, 1926. the Railway Company, in which a working force of the Panama boiler of orthodox type feeds a Canal was 13, 725, of which num.
steam turbine in turn ber 2924 were gold employees aparates a dynamo. This com and 10, 801 were silver omploy.
actually a powerboxectricity, ees, The total working force at bination of steam and on the end of the preceding month, seeks to attain the November, was 13, 139 and that avantages of of el ctrification at the end of December 1905, laying over head wires or live inv. lved in 12, 295.
rails. One of the main advanSeration, trains can wol Workman Printery of electricity in tbls con Rent Receipt Boo in Spanis that it gives greater ish and English for sale at the up to their maximum speed in a much shurier time, and this it is, and actually greater speed, which tbe London Underground Railways SCXOXOS 333 OPAS COSES SESSxs seys Side to operate nearly three times as many trains an bour as RACES would be possible with steam RACES RACES traction. Should the Mialand and Scott. sh Railway experiment prove successful, tbe main obstacle in the way of electrification of the main railway lines the great cost of track Equipment will bave been overcome numerous That on and after Monday 14th, the Lucky Strike Premium Dept. will be located at our Office at No. Pablo Arosemena, Javillo Fill (2 blocks from the market. This change will enable us to give better service and greater convenience to 0:18 customers Visit our office and see the varied assortment of premiums on display, which Additional Church Services.
Seventh Day Adventist Church STREET CALIDONIA ROAD (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Babbath (Saturday) 45 sm. 8b bath School: 11. 15o. General Worship 30 Spanish Class. 30 Society, meeting 30 Junior and Senior Standard of sttainment Class D. Vespers.
Sunday evering 30 Stereaptican Lecture. The general public in cordially invited to turn out in largo numbers.
not eraules London Seventh Day Adventist Church JUAN FRANCO TRACK TOMORROW 3rd STREET BROADWAY COLON Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbatb School; 11. 15 sm. General Worship 30 p, Young people meeting 30 Vespero Sunday evening 7, 30 pm. Preaching Service. You are cordially invited to attend these services and bring your friende. Failure on a Grand Scale.
SUNDAY FEBRUARY 13th, 1927 The Church of God Exciting Races. bis 205 Races for Imported horses and for Native bred Ponies First Race Starts at 15 Sharp Descort to retrieve FEATURES: nothing to Panama, Arosemena Street, House 26, San Miguel Sunday at am. Prayer meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 a.
and 30 Sunday School at pm.
Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Tuesday at 15 pm. Young Peopl.
Meeting Wednesday at 30 Capel meeting. Thursday at 30 Open air meeting. Friday at 30 pm.
Prayer Meeting BRO, C, Pessoa. ia charge. Red Tank, Canal Zone, Sunday Schoo P. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 Sis. GRAY New Providence. Gospel Mee ing a 11. 30. and 30 Bunday Shool 3p. Wednesday at 30 Gorepel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting Bro. MeDONALD Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetings at 11. 30 a. sod 30 m; Sunday Bohool at pm. Wednesday 30 Goepel Meeting, Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting Bro, GEORGE C, GRIPPITB Calon. and Streeta. Gospel mee Ingo at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 pm. Gospel Meeting, Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Class Imp text Purse 300 672 Furlongs Capt. Alvarado Chombo Gordo Philadelphia Sesqui Contennial Exbibition bas closed, after failure in inverse ratlo to its grandiose expectations, says The Toronto Mail and Empire. of De.
cember 4b. In showman par lance It has been the most dis.
tinguished hop among worlds expositions. Already It has cost the people of Philadelphia 000. 000 and another 000, 000 us Bowing. Had there been a Ford in Philadelphia be NA have come foward and continued in biladelphia he might the exhibition for a few months 100 more in an effort some of the losses and save the fair from the ignominy of close ing because it was broke But there was no such philanthropist of Polladelphia wearying of their available, and the people people of Fonaca progressive losses, there was do but to quit. There are many reasons advanced for the failure of the Sesqut which was planned for years in advance and was expected to briog as much renown to Philadeiphla as had the Centennial fifty years ago. The enterprise bad bad weather on the few special cccasions when the huge throngs might have been expected, and throughout the season the wea.
ther was generally unfavourable.
Then the site or the was badly chosen, for it was alfdicult of access.
There was of looseness in accounting, it not of by the careless mingling of city and exposition accounts.
was open before the exhibits were ready and early away au unfavourable impression There were two or three unpleas ant incidents which excited religous animosities. Then the clergy boycotted the fair when the management decided that it open on Sundays Philadelphia was by no means unit to support of the Sesqui at any time. There was no such sprit as made the Chicago World Fair memorable iu American annals.
These are among the causes which explala wby the expoeition new only 5, 000, 000 people instead of the 25 000, 000 expected and the 50. 000. 000 prophesied by the optimistic mayor. There was another psychological cause which has lately come to light, and obat is tbe failure of the man agement to lay emphasis upon what was to be seen in Philadelphis instead of on the fact that the sbow was held one hundred and fifty years after the sigcing of the Declaration of Indepen126 107 Class Imp ted Purse 250 Furlongs Olla 95 Towello 110 Coburg 116 Capoul 126 he exposition Cicero Bomba 115 104 also the suspicion gralt, caused The fair visitors tors carried An Afternoon of Good Sport Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness ADMISSION shouid remain Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
10 a. Children Service; 11 am.
Divine Service. Preacher, Supplied. p. Sunday School, Superinterdent. p. 30 pm. Go:el Service, Preacher Supplied. The usual weekly services will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday aught, at 45 All other notics for the week will be given from the Pulpit BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 a. Divine Service. PreacherSupplied. 30 Sunday School, Superintent dent. p. Goupel service. Preacbet supplied.
Thursday night, Bible readitg and Prayer, Bro, WEBLEY, Acting Pastor it chirge.
THE PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB sessies is og 20 30


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