p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE SORKMAN SATURDAY FIT? 127 OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races Mr. Mitchell Hedges Lombardo And Chato Whit Has Become ndioz to morrow Seere ary Box No VICT; 1 Woite Cap.
spirit of thal youth Now Mr.
the This fiebi cathloe Lethmus, as it features two English game, respectfully rast CUD holder 2011 goolold Contra Crespo o feel wsle of a of about who as proved Citried nry Woiie Infim rid re 1907 Given her As was scara els predic ed. Continued from page 1)
Continued from page 1)
last Sunday card of seven races The explorer appeared extremeNIVAL TO MORROW Club were as follows: Wanderers, st Juan Franco was a wonderfully nervous with his face white storeland, Silver City, Kent, NIGHT rpris! It was a real honest and drawn. He has conducted Victoria and West End.
No to goodness raca meet held on expel tions in many parts of te minutes, communication that afternoon and the terres: Indy Richmond Browo.
world, usually accompanied by Fight will be 12 rounds to Cricket Club, that the supposed protest from the Westmoreland crowd of are in a good race program were It is believed that the stolen a decision for Junior ight Conseil resign and a new Council weight championship of of the Clats be elected, pat to the not to be fooled as on the prepapers relate to his business affairs vious meet when they failed to in Honduras, where he went on his Centnal and South vote. for and against, the turn up in appreciable numbers last exploration trip it is known, America.
representatives then left. the track on this occasion was however, that the suite de alo Circuar No. of 1927. To all Clubs: In comfortably crowded and ne who left after tba last 95 contained six buipah ads which race had been shrunk by a proces Promoter Irvine Solovey has y les ha consequence of our inabi. to have the the necessay quoruna od did not enjoy some gooi known only to the Indians of Once again proved to the adherent tour last three metings and be sport was surely suffering froun Central America.
of the boxing game on the Isthmus og desi:ious of starting the 1927 the rheumatism KNOWS REASON FOR ROBBERY that has earned the right to breason as early as possible Febru Chichi Moore had thesic London, Jan. 15. Whether the called Ishmain Tex Rickard ry th sulgested, the Executive tinction of the prettiest attack on Mitchell. Hedg by vitse of his first class fistie Body of that Coucil has deered ace for the alternoon when be had any connection with his explo: attration billid for roquest all Cubs to send to the piloted the Stud El Aguilas Cterations in Central Amerie, the might 1184, Cristobal, aro to victory in the main event explorer refused to say today, The attractive card, one of the the sum of 500 entrance of six furlongs for fee, best offered by rely remarkın. a list of Sol for a long for registration. meeting of the inning in playin: members winning in time, he been the principal sub Couneil will be held on the night nost brilliant fin sb from RMy as ailants had an object understand the reso jret of sucssion both on the Pacioi the 11th instant, when you an Sspinosa Abel ad for their aer, Hrein but will not tell you.
fie and the Atlantio Ends, ever reqnested to Reina Mora, th gettiny The hold up, may have since it was arranged; and it may live fulls qualified to represent send one representa Inder thy tape in the order na ned also be stated some bearing on the old Alvarado and Pierrot who adventure in the never before in your Club; signed by Brooks history oi puvilistic annals on th President, Reuben Blades Secrets Ex vers picked to win and bevils land, which, according to my packed in the part nutuel also Mitenell Hedges in a recent lee were marche native fighters ry, Fitz Morrell, Treasurer, Isthmus (where two bas such bases interest tercer finished in the order naned ture, scemed to be dying, with Burton, Vice Presi lent and LA been min. sei as is at bu bind the first three. Taa wit. Safety first taking its place, Aer, Abel and Reina Mora staged But in view of the explorer Jim Briggs who meets Pantera in an round bout in the coming 12 round er. counter Japi, Asst. Secretary Cricketer and fans, one of the most autiful bit of mohatic assurance that he knew at the Bull Ring tomorrow night.
Idol and Pedro Amador (Kid Chato, you can readily see that there do racing that ever was seen a the Pride not exist of reason for the attack ibis Jud. Fra co forma y a day.
Theory has been abandoned. the Junier Lightweight ebampion are st 11 the Gold. Const.
for Circuit any Coun II, but from No 5, tbree horses finish these gentlemen driving The explorer reorived, blow on Ship of Central and South America, and harmony in our Cricket Cir with Abel is second place but che head at the time of the attak trying to prevent pesce WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR fight is ervatiog, no rnd suffer some ant ng the boxing fans cle. As present His Tansone willing to uphold 328. 90 in the mutuels th, biggest physical and mental plain the the tua pun paia ou a 82 for the al wife is at a los to local battlers whole inystery and was only able abilities pitied against rach of extraordher to that those Clubs who Bad starts and dead heat were to suggest that his assailants might desirou land farthermor promises to be to play the British game of Crick all vacationing, and the entire have been have been persons e do not be led disapas it by those who are seven races were of his rec nt u terances No hot irons or special combs required through on time and to the entir But the strangest feature Tle round semi final Daly British when in dificulty, but the satisfaction of all conceraed case is that the robbers should of Cuba, should also furnish neoding spirit and let us seieet a com ridden bu koow ibat Mr. Mitchell Iledges SOLD IN DRUG STORES by perkins tou th: first race o carried important documents and of excitement, and is worth going mittee and play ball, wil to see. Panters 18 confident Thank ng vou Mr. Eitor, four furlongs for eative borses, that they awaited for his ear ofar that he can duplicate his knockout remain your for sport, Don Simon secund; while Lida Wisley, in Surrey, although the win over Briggs while Briges is of the Stud PERCY WALCOTT Agatha woh Coded explorer had made an uuforzeen Tomorrow Races. Aftermath of a Triangu sure that he will win, and win de Pe silent Sussex Cricket Club ap woothe second event of tive detuur to take a friend homº, lar Lovo cesively enough to regain his 18 urlongs also to lative horses.
prestige and the highest esteem he Mimosa owned by Ria Espinosa There is no wy and ridden by Cusis won th: CHURCH SERVICES Franco Park will not eclipse last mors ouch to have kaowa letter once held in the hearts of our tomorrow at Juan Jo. Gorion of about 4) sum fans, CHANCES third race of six fur ongs fo Ια class imported horse, R:The Preliminary, Ligos, Sundy afternoon in point of the to enco ruce any speil a the Chile light heavy weight will volto:o of the Stui El Carmen actual line up of race hors s, and ten ion from Ethel Morris whom try every possible means of taking To Take Place at Criscoming second.
Septuagesima Sunday quality of races. In the first place, he knew re tobal Colored School Cabi, Caballero Caballero Mrs McEwens Kitty Gill with AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCO there will beght rare, one moren! loting from tot ern. Finto camp the KO. Giant of is Perklos upturned the tables and than last (Anglican Catholic)
Roing Sy then there is th1 cliei on about mid day positive that he will add the tar led ber field in the fourth rac race with Cicero, on Wineschylet ud this enrag Chilean to bis long string of To The Editor THE WORKMAN St. Paul Church, Panama over six furlongs, th Gatz na who took up 90 lbs. last week and ed her husbind and promoted. knockouts.
Dear Sir. It is with greatest Clo Cio, Mitz, and Rolando foil. Rev, a. Night ngale, Restor led his field to the winrinz post: row on the spot betw en wife and owing in the order named bout between Joe Gans and pleasure that the entire populaCap. Alvarado, wao ran list on musban And at this stage Gordon 6am Holy Communion. Rect in 16 ob options are place well, that occasion, Chombo Gordo wird nicht had seose enough boy uns, how been fast at present enjoy the privileg o of Goalla should be a bang up affair tion of and Colon who Jockey Pierola brought sine of the Sud El Agulla as the distance will kee out; but he intervened and is Lay Reader winner of the sixth race of six be furlongs and Cicero will now suffering from a knife wound coming to the front in recent schooling their children at the furlongs for imported borses; Rector EI a good account of himself Vory of the changes soon to be effected Towelio of the Stud Carmen 126.
theo 12 on Holy Baptism, little more is known of his oppo in that senool.
with Bue za up took second plac The seventh and last race was pm Church School.
Rialto, four native ponies will nent, Coello, other than hu bails from Ecuador accompanied by an a few years ago there was a great From the opening of the school 30 Choral Evensong Sermon take the field over furlongs for THE PRINCE OF WALES. impressive record.
Bomba of the Sud by El Aguils, ridden by Pierola The Reeter.
deal of dissatisfaction and mur our the first race, and Fenomena, This again was a race worth while St. Alban Church, Paraiso Harold, Candlewoo I, Renown and The curtain raiser will bringing a among the people in connectioa seeing as Aranda was certainly CANAL ZONE.
Chiqui, five other native horses. from page together Mendozi of Panam, with riding the fast Daque in Sora. and 1999 (nor. P. NIGH PENGALE, will compete over four furlongs to Pince to an craty mae end there Quintino, ta rent affairs from and so obdel comprendemost. This is the close the program. Unques taon demons rated the working system miten Zone in point of size and under he borses staged the most thrilPriest in Clarge.
promise: Unfortunately the superintendent the line up, a: it is, Padual forgot to turn off the water when formorly of Colon, and who is the with Boever.
The well known K; Brissett, better management would contest ditg finish wohen Pierola just Sam, ly Communioa vous improvempnt which bas and with the for the macagid as it were to lifted tiis am Holy ptifm, welterweight champion Ist place; but it must be conceded explaining and the present mount and throw her abead to pm, Church Schol th been flat happened to be over the sonth America. will box Kid that superior staffing a win by a neck. 30 Choral Evensong Addrers weeks there is really nothing to one occupied by himsəli. ile spent Shadow of Coloa in an exhibition Bosa gives it an advantage over Mr. Osborne. Catechit prevent a record crowd on the a busy time afterward getting rid bout.
Cristobal which cannot be over St, Matthias Mission track tomorrow afternoon.
LIBERIAN PRESIDENT of the water which came through Brissett has been residing in Pe. com. It is therefore with ope)
LAS SABANAS THE PROGRAM: the ceiling Tu for the past few years and has and andiszuised tisfaction that (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, by his of Continued from page Priest in Charge.
Hur and clean sportsm «nship gained Mr. Johnston to be principal FIRST RACE Cristobal Color School.
the confidence and respect of the Class Natives. 125 awakening, is essential. The large 3p. Church Schol Furlongs Dr. Wendehake in He has become a Peruvian citizen sic side claim him as a friend and the sister Rerublic.
sums of money that have been di E415 pm. Evenson. Mr. RicbHe is no seranger here: a wide and influen al circle on the di verted to the work of Christian arde Catechist.
Don Simon.
116 MEDICAL CLINIC and has been appriated officlal izing the natives of Liberia can 93 Zapa used now Be advantageously for 7025 Front Street Colon Boxing Iustractor to the Peruvian gentleman of culture refinemen. 90 His by a strek of good OPPOSITE RR STATION ani the stamping out of illiteracy Peter by ths Sea, La Boca Ruso Rialto 126 luck that pronoter Sol got Muim ability as a teacher will ents.
among the wembers of our group American Episoopal (Anglican Com PHONE 11 exercise here anliling.
SECOND RACE to give an exbibi. ion bout to scope for exerci mudou)
expressions :round could also be effectively used to fiClass Natives. 150 Holy Communion 30 am. The It is thrills that alwaye key up a mong parents he sball receive the nance definite program Furlongs our imagination and keep ever entire support and cooperation of would reduce the high mortality Reo cr.
Intimo SIXTH RACE awake our excitement and inter.
the community rate of colored American citizens. Hcly Baptism 730 a.
Cococba 128 est. So those or you who are Years Pma Club 200 PARENT The Litaby, Holy Eucbarist and Fer Linda fond of excitement, may wood con 10. 45 a. Rev Mulcare. Fap Furlongs 101 Church School pm.
128 your way to th: Vista Alegre to Lady Eva.
THIRD RACE Colon Businessman morrow and take in the Choral Evensong, sermon 30 Pop 126 niftiest fistic attraction offered for TRAFFIC ACCIDENT Gets Heavy Sentence. The Rector.
Class Imported 250 Dolly.
a long while by our local Furlongs MULCARE, Ree! or.
Little Rose 123 Tickets will be on sale at the Having been found guilty on a St. Barnabas Church, Empire Towello 118 Kitty. Gill Olla Casino and fight goers are asked (Continued from page 1)
charge of conspiracy, in that he 110 SEVENTH RACE to purchase their tickets before careless driving and one to a care purchased what was alleged to be 11 m. Matins and addresi Coburg 16 Class Imported 200 atte npting to gº into the Ball less pedestrian.
stoleo paint and sold to him by p. Church School and Catfirms Capoul 126 some seamen from the steamship tion Class. Furlongs Ring as they will not be a llowed During the month 214 licenses FOURTH RAGE Coburg.
to pass the police guard without were issued to chauffeurs aad 10 Isonomnia, Benjamin Barnett, Choral Evea ong Adilress 30 pm Class 28 Imported. 200 Tigre 127 a ticket. So be at the Bull Ring to motor evele operators Seven businessman of Colon Mt. Johnson 102 early to avoid the rush. Another applicants were refu ed licenses, was sentenced by Judge Martie MULCARE, Priest in charge Furlongs Clo Clo 126 most important condition which one account of being under 18 in the Cristobal District Court to Tigre 123 Ocurrencia 123 the management advises is that yeass of age, one by request St. Bartholomw Church Revolta, 114 serve year in the penitentiary and Rlando 121 persoas should keep their sonts of applieen father ad three fiae of one thousand do!
LAS CASCADAS 1261 Mitzi.
107 for a few minutes after the fight fai e to required lars 125 Garzona Matins and Address 11 am. MI Blacdina.
ex unication as not to cause a jam is going Five of the samen involved in Skeen, Lay Reader 121 Far Play out and cause unpleasantness by 100 EIGHTH RACE the cuse, having been the ones ezed and pushed by being squeezed the Chu ch Scbool and Confirmation Class to relieve the ship of its poiat, 30 m.
FIFTH RACE Class Natives. 150 eurging crowd.
were also found guilty of grand Class Imported. 300 Furlongs train of about some Pts. Braly soon and the JT MULCARE Priest in Charge.
larceny and conspiracy of them 61 Furlongs Fenomeno 124 twenty cars to accomo late the Universal Bir in Colva wul to were given one year each and the St, Simon Mission, Gamboa Capt. Alvarado 126 Harold 122 large crowd is expected to leave acom) ta e any who may be too other eight months in the peniten! Matine and addresa la Me E, Chombo Gordo.
107 Candlewood 128 Colon at p. in. Sunday night buay to get toet before leavi. sk tiary. Barorit may appeal his McCarthy Lay Readr.
Cicero 115 Fenown 120 Tickets are on sale at Kelly Colon tekets will be sol ou te case. Church School pm.
Bomba 104Chiqui.
121 Ritz in Panama City, all Army train, hole ore Haly sekurit verman, Don Simun, Zipo, Ruso and to his heels.
won Chombo two he money from public that 90 98 evening 120 boxers 99 prominent to pay Dhole Mimosa រង special


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