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Vol. 15 No. 27 PANAMA, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1927 PRICE CENTS Restriction on West Indian ESCAPED WRIT PRISONER And Haytian Labour Captured While Return. Issued Against News.
ing to Colon on Rail paper by Mr.
road Train Mitchell Hedgos On The New Cuban Central HighPoles Lured From Their Homes to Stealing kisses is about the most way By Secretary of Public The Londoa Daily Express frequent happoings on railroad of January 21 published the folCuba, Robbed and Dumped on Works traine when they are pa sing lowing: througth tunnels; ons such thiev. The Press Association receivel Lonely Island es rarely effect a permanentes the follwing statement for pu ile EL COMERCIO of Cienfuegos under the headiine, Ces cape, they generally are men and intion on Saturday evening fro o pedes and the Antillian Immigrants, writes as follows in the Judge for one thing or eacher and cablolatot a lot great tione smugglers robbed of their savings and deserted on an niue cases out of ten have to face Mr Mitchel Hedges Philadelphia, February Eighteen aliens, alleged to ihe HAVANA POST. however, was My solicitors, Messrs Russell have been Secretary of Public Works Carlos Miguel de Cespedes not in any mood to kiss he was inch »ster stret, EC have today island in the Florida Keys, are at the Gloucester. imhas just had a patriotic and foresighted gesture. Dr. Cespe a prisoner being escorted by thre issued writ for libel against The des desires to protect his compatriots in the Central High officers from Colon to Panama to Daily Express relative to the se: migration station awaiting deportation.
way work and wants as many Cuban workers as possible tered the tunnel near Fort Claytos contained in the issue on Jan. 21 steamer Dorchester, from Miami, on Wednesday, includes answer a charge. Bat when he en rious statements concerning myself The group, brought to the detention quarters on the to be employed in the highway, or in their defect Spanish he saw an opportunity to steal and today: and other European labourers.
mareh which he readily took, and Mr Colin e leell has also iastruct. two young women each about 20, With them were brought The Secretary of Public Works considers that the prob. when the train hit the clear he was led Messrs. Russel: and Arnhola 12 Spaniards, mostly sailors, who were said to have desertlem of Jamaican and Haitian labour begins to offer Cuba was be to be found dead or alive libel agaiust The Daily Express country.
sight of his guards; neither immediately to issue. writ for ed their ships. They also will be sent back to their native se ious reasons for worry, for in Oriente and Camaguey pro anywhere around the vicinity of for statements concraiog bin in vinces entire towns exist composed of those undesirable the tunnel Stripped of their clothing and money, abandoned by elements, who have come to our shores with temporary Edwards was bent on returning The serinus statements referred the crew of the ship that brought them from Cuba and nature to work during the sagar crop, and who afterwards to Colon by way af railroed to are of course the expure of tacing starvation, th: Poles were discovered on Key Largo Temain in the country making terrible cumpetition to the train and so be bid about the the great Ripley road motor bold by im nigration authorities. They were said to have unfoldlocality until late in the evening up which The Daily Express ed a pitiful tale of victimizatfon at the hands of an imminative worker.
when he took passage on a north declared to be a pure fake Dr. Cespedes is opposed to have more permits for the bound freight traio, But the net The Daily Expreneha hua now with the promise of landing them in the country.
grant smuggler, who had invaigled them ab para a frail craft entry of such immigrants to be granted. And in order to give of the law was already around reseived letter fryn Msrs.
the right example he has placed as one of the conditions to bim, and when he hit the Atlantic Russell und Araboz, sol citors, as The immigrants boarded the vessel at Havana, the Cap.
the Central Highway contractors that thy must employ no of a Canal Zone detective. He terminus be Landed in the hand follows: tain telling them they would b: transferred to a larger ship a writ ngrinet more than fifteen per cent Antillian immigrants.
wis held in the Cristobal pɔlice you on behalf of our client, Mr. outside the harbour. When this was not done they became And this number is only allowed because the contrac station until he following moro. Mitchell Hedges, and should suspicious, but were pacified by the explanation that they tors maintain that for certain works of importance in the (Continued on page Continuel on page 8)
were being taken back to Cuba, finally they were landed on asphalt plants they need certain experts, which cen only be Key Largo and told it was Cuba after having been stripped found among the West Indian labourers.
of their money and most of their clothing by the crew, SPARKLETS This is a most plausible measure in every sense, for it who put to sea again. They were discovered by tne immiwould otherwise be very lamentable for the works of our gration authorities 24 hours later, taken to the Momoe coun (BY WCK)
ty jail, and arrangements made for their deportation.
important highway to become a danger caused by an avalanche of Antillian labour which through low wages woulu When was an honorary memThe Poles had been in Cuba for several months, having made compete with the natives and destroy their opportunities to bembea the Society of the beliebt when iyielded to the popular said tonight there propıbly were 15. 003 or 20, 000 aliens in serious mistake arrived there aboard a British ship. Inmigration authorities at last find remunerative employment. Dr. Cespedes deter Bulbage olisights from where the urge which caused bricheta debite oxy Cuba at the present time awaiting opportunity to get into intelligentia mination is worthy of the highest praise because we are Canal used to counsel Bob Pate Sve dollars during the cent visit the nited States.
certain that if he did not adopt such a measure the contrac and others, tors of the great road would not hesitate to employ workers of the secret order world. Against Duke and Duchess of York, 19 MINISTER ALFARO OFF high ranking officers of Their Reyal Highnesses the cove that they could pay with a poor salary.
the holding up of burrying nedes. addition to that expended SEVENTH CONVENTION trians, mail coaches, sabitary trans energy for which portation and tram car services severe kneading by few ladies!
the possibility of causing the in royal blocking crossed for couple, and emerged iron For New Treaty Illicit Trade from the wrists experience utterly exhausted.
officers of påst. Der le Loyalty to reioroyalty on that occaDrug Alleged to be shipped by Fruit Steamers to This ently attired, whenever the life of much from the experience for forced by procesivas sion caused me great pains and SAILED LAST MONDAY CHRIST CHURCH, COLON procersions resplend, profitable grios did not benefit Colony to Throw Authorities off the Scent The Mas lofa is souffed out added another link to my chain of Following upon the National As The Seventh Annual Convoca ter Mind and Secret Hand, An Arch Fiend of the also tried to influence them to mistakes when on Saturday last sembly suspension of the Panamastion of the Panama Canal Zone retire coats by not to Yaderworld, Ls Safe in Upper Circles, While Gang of selling them to Dalrymple per les decide of the Wome company rabe titolo Stato treat itu Tobiche et Montoiary Dietrict of the Ameri Life Prob intended substitu de Taft Episcopal Church in Ten Have Been Arrested in Berlin 300, Made cook or Milton Garvey for use on lem Club to Tapia, whither they Agreement, the latter having been States of America will hold its at One Time Branches in England and Other Lands. the resta ce and fall in line with the went for their annuil outing. From abragated for some time, Minister meeting at Christ Church By the of therefor licht tropical all the eubstituting reports my absence was conspi Ricardo Alfardo left bere on ees, Colon, on Tuesday next, Feb and The Jamoica Gleaner of the 12th inst. is responsible for the chey ridiculed my interference and very good time and even reacher esa for Washington where he will lay delegites from the various following: bold that it was based solely on Reed the reserved is reported e endeavour to reopea nego isticas parishes and missions on the Isth despatch from London says: Methods of the Dɔpe Ring to coveteousness ab. never was, was have left for home in moderately with respect to the ss mu treaty.
mus will assemble for the transacwill be, for When my better tion of the busio ss of the Charch Europe York, by fruit boat to Jamaica, Jam It is understood that the As.
on Foundation, Neon und and he new York, from New York to Nowa for membership to a secret order: tended that she would likely for the suspension of the treaty elebratio son, the other one might The opening service will be the Scotia, was very well and good but Berlia. Jan. 16. German detecoltisb porta were found to be equally the arealde ruled Bob imped. treasured copy or Women and be able of the proe biste pand deliver it is a of it was not say months after that devote some of her time to read her ey took exception, among other phases Revarend James Craik Morris DD the Bishop of the District, will tives, in co operation with lots of the dens bas based fewergenthe menta of the main thoroughfare Socialista. pince, a little detective begrensets Placement. at last routed smugglers have our ut what is believed to be the Gen through Copenhagen, work revealed the fact tlate the posed trans. Isthmia road, as well dress.
eral Headquarters in Europe of a Expert chemists are said volume served only as an item of Article eleven which refers to th to am enocerned as to whether myllast. Be that it miy, R part Panami would have to play ia The business session will be callfriends of the Salvation Army are ball Asia, in cocaine, morphine vast illicit traffic, extending to have participated in the plot, de oot in lige to share a like fate inmay write. verses for an ode to the event of war which involves the el to order immediately upon the and vising extraordinary ingenious other drugs gang of ten. The Big Tea. character of the exported roodo, institution Ferme the promotica ite oficial presentation at the next best to be cu satisfactory.
methods of disguising the real connection with their street activi. commemorate the event; if 80. Cait States. The articles which szaclusion of the Service of Holy ties While respect the Army as shall publish the words pen ding concerns the commercial relations Communion, with the Bishop between President many of Russian origin, have been Narcotic and drugs morphic wore of good morals and was, as a mat. anniversary of the Club, resess will be taken so treated chemically that they ter of fact, a member of the Buft According to an interview given uatil probably p. when the The leaders of the big org toiz to the Press before leavies, Dr. after coa session will be called for la the intereste of a continued hackerleme paarance of such Bay (Jamaica)
search for conspirators in other code bea crticles and shaving soap week for reasons which is none of tions are apparenly in disagree. Alfaro says he is hopeful that the further business until p. boot blacking of ment with the insular organizitions State Department will consent to a cuuntries, names are kept secret.
your business, gentle reader and At 7:30 pm. Choral Evenoong Japan and China bave been na borganisation believed to While still admite the old Army Thebobage eropped the recently renewal of the negotiations, for the wiele special addresabing by someone markets; and the and ever years young Mr. Young Elitor police have traced the export to three years, through many for to take up the profession or dis sorte disagrees with the idea and damental, The changes desired inatioa of the minutes and the prefun the clergy those countries, of enormous quan eiga agents, has now been laid by pensing formal Chris nity would do dous the fi anterior concern mainly the phraseology nouncing of the Benediction by the titws much as 1, 200 ounces at the heels at this end of the chain again join tho time of the druge (mainly cocaine) of dope operators.
Certains oun indispensable weekly alice these and interpretation of a few of the Bishop will close the Convocatische serious objections to certaia WHY But As one authority puts it, The phase of their street activities.
manufactured in Gernany. hearty invitaion is extended to ara not been found objectionable by those the public to attend the services usual price paid by the Chinese pur THE MASTER MIND AND SECRET in thorough putina friend alarmed in the least. All the is who have criticized tae treaty he at 9:30 am and 30 ta. as well Very large profits were made; the Big Ten have been captured, my accord with me; he landers we we hold hive o ne one thing in added.
as the morning and afternoon chasti veing 120 per kilo (about agrees that the crowd has reached commoa, but in the meantime the The Pan American Federation sessions of the Convocation.
24 an oupee. while the rigual. London, January 18. Exis continue for long to compel us to prelict sie dowokaler of the ima spatch fron Washingtoo, has pab.
point whera they may not respective islanders may have in sular aspirations, Hense we do not of Labour, according to a press de cost was only one sixtb of this.
a when. At first the drugs were shipped fiend of the underworld, who them on the byways, wees nast lar organizations. If those orgini lished a later to President William Federation of Labour to oppose tions were se zed that be smugglers has been made known. ays a a comprehend Central News messace) to the girls take a ioa to worship West when those boys and to keep up in the gran much of of Labour from the Panama Labout proved until proper and necessary bad to abandon this route, Federation protesting against the corrections are made to safeguard Ind an progress they vnjuat stipulations of the new the liberties and dignity of both Custom authorities to other Bri. Continued on page God, naturally will not bljom, that all treaty and calling on the American peoples.
inceh Huge World Combine Control Sook Nogotiations of American Episcopa with swords march will to ing.
of the to at noon arrested. George and are this opinion HAND, a


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