
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1927 sting News from The West Indian Islands ATTENTION!
Consuls, that O!
House Rent Receipt Books Ibe SPANISH ENGLISH place, Order Books se desired by tbe met with Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly to to the priatant la connection with the setСА BRITISH GUIANA tlement of the Island in 1627. Parade of tbe Local Forces will take place at the GarriTo Citrus The Goveroment of British son Bavaddah at o clock in the Guiana bas decided to appoint a morning, The Parade will lauwers.
Central Bɔard to control expenclude the Volunteers, the Police, ditu e on tbə malo tenance of the the Fire Brigade, School Cadete, roads.
Boy Scouts, and Girl Guides.
AMERICAN INTERESTS SEEKING 306 labourers salled from st Specall accommodation will TO TERRORIZE BUYERS OF Lucia for Cuba by the SS ROMbe provided near the Polo ground JAMAICA FRUIT AMK laat week. In Vincent, for Members of the Bouse of this wbolesala emirgration of the Legislature, the Heads of Govero IN THE DOMIN ON MARKET Labouring section is balok qaest.
went Department, all Gorernin suggeting ment Ordcials, Foreign the Members of the several Ves at low wages might bave Threaten to Cut Off Thair some bearing on the better states tries, the Clergy of the Church of Eugland and the Ml. Isters Supplies From Florida If Prac that the Government should appoints Conmittee or Commission other denomination, tbe Members tice Is Not Discontinued to inguire into and suggest.
of the Commercial Ball, and of lair wage which in itselt will rethe Agricultural Society, and the MATTER TAKEN UP IN CANADA move the desire to emigrate.
wives of those gentlemen. His Excellency the Governo: will receive the Royal Salute, The MAIL of the 3rd Inst The member of tbe Ess: and the Union Jack and the Barsays: British bados flag will be planted on Information bas been received lodian community of either side of bim in Jacaica American Goiana and is personal friends Royal tbat Standard will be fixed on the interests are endeavouring to are particularly proud of the ground as is usual in the case of destroy every effort that is being return of Mr A Luckou as made in Canada to secure large for Berbica, says the Member of the Court of Policy itbe Sovereigo Birthday Parade.
DAILY blpments of grapefruit An lospection of the forces by this island.
CHRONICLS of Britisb Gulasa.
bis Escollowed by a March past will then take As is well known Canada Mr Luckoo has the proud redraws her supply of oranges cord of bring the first membar The forces will then form op scd grapefruit from Florida and of his race to obtain a seat in the present arms, and three cheers will be called for the British Flag California. cently, however, Coper Chamber of the Legisla The members of the two bave been made from this distinction his friends were Houses of Legislature will meet Jamaica to to Canada; to entertain bina to dioner at the sod in every in their respective Chambers in instance, in which citrus fruit Victoria Estel on Monday eventhe Public Buildings to pass an of excellent quand cholders the adress of loyalty to the King.
and A kymkbana will be held at the Dominions, otbers in 1t bas Carrison Savannah in tbe afternoon.
of the right quality has found on a charge of larceng of jame ready sale. Grapefruit Merchants, housebolders and greater tavour with Canadians others are invited to cooperate The accused was escorted by than the American product.
Constable Cameron and District with the Tercentenary CelebraIt is learnt that American Cor stable Lloyd to Hampden to.
tion Committee to make the day suppliers success by decoratior their tho Canadian justice of the peace for the purmarket have served froit pose of remanding bim ia custoplaces of business and residence handlers to the Dominion with dy. The Magistrate was, howand. it possible, by illuminating the same at night what looks like an ultimatum. ever. absent and wbila They have threatened to. cat ooer was being escorted back Societies SHILSTONE.
oft supplies of grapefruit to that Džeside Police Siation, Deputy Clerk of the Genenal Ascountry unless the practice of they met a Federal motor truck serobly.
buying Jamaica fruit discon the property of the Hampdet tinued.
canes Needless to state the report Estate, heavily laden with As the truck came abreast TRINIDAD wbich has been received in the prinsoner, and the two constaof the colony is causing some amount bles, the prisoner, who was of discussions among those who banecut. Aang bimselt under: are aware of the Amerle. Beath tne truck wbich mounted CAN BE HAD AT Lonely Seafarer.
tbreat to a British community aver bis body and then wen!
to ceaae trading In grapefruit backwards. The man was found On the afternoon of the 10 with another Britisb community to be in a serious condition, and IDstant, the auxiliary ton The Jamaica Mall learns that was immediately conveyed to the Schooner Pilgrim sochored the matter is to be taken op 19 Falmouth public general hospital San Fernando. Trioldad hay Canada on Jamalca beball; and where la op! te of the medical ating on bcard Captala Thomas once conormation of the story tendance, be dled tals morning Proke, ber has been obtained the matter Custom Alber, who told the that be will be referred to tbe Dominion travelling alone on voyage Government.
Proposal to Cut Road.
around the world. Captain Drake is decribed diminutive man.
woro English Capitalists Tol way Through Parade in bis socke. He claims to be a di.
standing no more than 5ft ins Gardens.
rect decendent of the famous Acquire Drake who roved the seas marinr bistory for the Mother land The GLEANER of the 7th inst during the reign of Queen ElizaTHREE LARGE BUBINESS IN THE S38:years spent 50 years of his lite on sea.
The Copacll of the Kingston BARBADOS Btarting from Seattle. a cty OD and St. Andrew Corporation Pacific Coast near British Colum The GLEANER of the 3rd lost, bave submitted an important prc WHITENS THE SKIN bin doring last May the intrepid states that paper representativo posal to his Excellency the GovPensions For Railway mariner tonched at several of tbe learnt from very reliable erfor for the construction of a Creme Blanc Mirette world principal part and bad source that a very big business through the Parade Employers altogethar Sailed 21, 000 miles shortly be carried out Gardens which will connect lowdeal wben Marvelous Cream in Kingston. From what can be er with Upper King Street.
be Teached, Trinidad wathered, the business of three (This will form part of the Captain Drake in an loterview going concerns are to be ac straet recoastraction scheme and Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, above caption, the Weekly Herald Coloidad to some of the beautWriting Editorially, under the with representative of The quirad by a group of English His Excellency and the mumbers It sun tan, and other skin blemishes of the 29th ulto says: capitalists; and the purchase Hi It has been brought to our ful South Sea Islands. He ex of the Privy Council. With the money will run loto several SOLD IN DRUG STORES attention that the Peos! on Ac pressed bis intention of calling tbou sands of pounde. Indeed it carrying out of this propeal the will be one of the biggest deals Corporation hope to divert does not embrace the employees at the other West Indian Islands of the Barbados Government before salling home for Eathat has ever been carried out in large portion of the traffic from No doubt this is an gland where be expects to ar.
the Colony for a number of ange Set, that will brive during the month of April.
In the general improvment Oriood one immediatly it is disIt is not prodent, at this junc which is to be carried out in covered. The employeesitled to of the Geceral Hospital ture, to go into detaile, but this Kingston, we have good reason to can be said, the negotiations believe that a defnite move will be wach are proceeding point to made in the Council of the Kingpital is a institutio: the fact that arrangements for ston and St Andrew Corpor administered by Board in th Position.
the acquisition for the three to have King St lit with eletrisame mannar all the business will be concluded city at nights, We do not see any reason wh: before long merchants in the area may be there should be any difference London despatch of the 18th Introduced to join Why throw away your old, but no in proposal in the treatment of these ultimo, saye: One bud only to go along King branches of the Public Service. The annual report of Apex doubt interesting, books when you Dreet in the nights Woen tb.
Indeed It is a pity that there (Trinidad) Oilfields serves to visitors were bere to se should be Prisoner Throws Him what a difference there was in th.
any doubt at all about amplify the record of success self Under Moving apperance of the throughfare can have them neatly bound at It or any delay in settling the which was more brlefly indiminds of officers in the variou. cated by the prelimioary stateThose who moving Government departments. We went and declaration of a divl Truck mattar do not propuse that there THE WORKMAN look to the Gevernor in Execut dend of 50 per cent Production should be such an extensise ive Committee to give ready in the year ended September 30 scheme of lightlog in the futur, and sympathetic ear to the appeal a Dounted to 198, 688 tone, as Writing frou Falmouth on the bat certainly it would baa good 93 CENTRAL AVENUE made ou beball of these public compared with 159, 667, tons, for 4tu idet to the GLEANER corthing for the appearanca of the servants and we only regret that the preceding year, the average it is necessary to make it.
spondent says. Quite recent city and 10 incentive to busiress monthly production was 16, 391 ly, map cherred it King Street were properly Opposite Cecilia Theatre tons, against 13, 306 tops, an Increase st 23 por cent. Output offence, made an attempt, it is lit at night, alleged to put an end to his life We have good rason to believe The tercentenary but this attempt proved abortive. that tho management of Jamaica is now being obtained from 68 wells, as compared with 53 wells This occared a couple of weeks Pabilc Service Company are quite Celebration.
year ago, The financiul posiago. Another case occured yes. prepared to give whatever cotion of the company on Septemterday at Deeside, ao outlying Operation they could in the im ADVERTISE ber 30 was that its frostiog district of the towa. The allega proved ligbting scheme of KingThe following Program will be assets, chiefly cash and debtors, date care that one man by the top respecially in the commer IN THE WORKMAN. IT PAYS the tercentezaron on the 2104 10observed by the celebration of exceeded liabilities by 286, 800.
name of Felix Hall cial. Continued on page 3)
The Workman Tad be was Stationery Store betb old and bas roadway Port of of GAZÉTTE, likened Railway.
Book Binding!
sepel handle de General de Apex (Trinidad) Oil.
public ration Railway: probably the the two with criminal


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