
published: Templo these the great THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1927 PAGE THREE Interesting West. Weekly London Letter Cookbo SoxoxoeSXSXSS barirg tbe polite request Please cross bere. followed by a black (BY ANDREW BLACKMORE)
cross. At present the notices Continued from page 2)
THE WOODMEN OF UNION, are in black lettering on a large India by Air.
white board placed on yellow sum of 573, 619 was written of posts, but later, it they are the welle during the year. A FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION success acd the public show to date 85 per cent of the origi Ano ber sage in thy develo, sien of appreciating the eforte ba! cost bas been amortiz d, analment of the Lins of Imperial that are being made, they will be the whole of the wells now stard Airways for an air service to a more modest and anber trpe.
in the accounts at 63 558, woich lodia was marked on cember Join Today. It Protects You While You Live The rouada bcut system of conamount includes 25, 767, repre. tbe 18. b, when the first zerotrol of vehicles, which keeps traf.
left and Your Family After You Are Dead fic moving la one direction at now wells cot yet brought Cros don to take up its position busy centres and has ur doubtedThe wells, at Bawra. Or the five de Bavik into production: sabiliy Benefits are graduated in aceardane: with liberal provisions on face of said policies ly essed considerable the therefore from which the pro iaad 63 Bristol Jupiter engined traffic block ng of the streets, the regular duction for last year was ob machines Int. nded for this route has lucreased the dangers to the taiped have been written down three are completed and the FOURTEEN COON REASONS pedestrians, so that safty experlin the balance sheet to the otber two soon will be. Tbs ments bave become Deccessary negligible figure of 37, 791. Toe actual opening of the commercie Wheter the experiment will be It is a Union by the people and for the to service will be lo Januars, when Our business amounts approximately to directon. besides Droposing oortoightly services sucessful it is difficult to say split the shares into denomina people. 50. 000 monthly.
The Lordoner has a rooted bellet tions of are asking for au started, and it is hoped tbat It is both Fraternal and Domestic Insur 10. The Endowment Money is used only for that the foot passenger bas the tbority to capitaliz, profits and before long they will be weekly, chce.
sick and death claims.
first right bonus and later twice a week.
There is of way, and, orderly reserves by the issue and amenable as he is to official sbares. They explain that they not yet an ar angement for the It pays you more while you live than any 11. We pay promptly the fall amount of claims regulations in most things, be bote bas have no present intention of wbcljourney to be made by other concern.
the same day proofs are filed in the Home rooted objectious to following of.
making use of such power, air, so the serial time table bas Its educational features appeal to all Race Office ficial paths lo his wandering though obviously it the com been mad; to connect with tbe lovers 12. You do not nela lawyer to get your clain.
abrut the streets of the city.
pany continues to progress at and Olin. ts at Port Satd. But Further, be finda certala zist the rate shown during the last it we iaclude the Impera!
Airo It donates annually to Racial schools.
13. You do not have to die to win.
in risking s life in a maelstrom few years some form of recapi ways LiOA RON 10 exis ence It gives employment to more Negro girls of moving vebicles. benco tbe tal zation would be in the natural between London and Switz. ro 14. Hospital, free to members. Bath House than any other concern of its kind.
necessity to try to save him from Order of things.
land, the opening of the Co oirates reasonable; full course (21) baths to Its rates are within reach of all.
the moto ist. and from bimself.
Kurachl route will cover 000 members, 50; full course (21) baths of ths 5, 500 mls between We are twenty years old and have not had to non memders, 15. 00. Half course Successful Student.
Eagland and lodis, and by u lag an extra assessment to pay in the (10) baths to everybody, 50. Rooms, Peace Bridge Joins tols Hoe travellers from Eur Grade Department. 00 to 00 per week.
Exchanges from Triolded tell land to Baghdad will save 15 Canada to wbile ou 03. journey to OB Wooding, Trinidad Scholar The cost of the journey from of 1923, who begining them to Sairo WAS STARTED AND COMPLETED THE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW to Korachi, tocluding WITHIN YEAR IN PAOE OF of law at Middie Temple in 1924, per ha capped a remarkable period meals en route and accomɔdation INCREDIBLE DIFFICULTIES of study in a performancu unpre at the night balts at 21, Bisra, The Woodmen of Union Lodges cover seventeen (7) different states will be cedented in the spoals ot the island Bandar A5bas, and our membership extends to the souh Sa lands. This Organi ENGINEERING FEAT.
land scholastic bistory. Io 75.
zation has its own building which is four stories high and covers a addition to securing a prize of 50 whole city block. paid for in cash without extra assessment. It gives Montreal, Jan. 11. Forty fear for passing tbe Final with Social Services.
employment to more than 60 in its main plant, besides a large field force, housand fea of steel flung First Clası Boncord. Mr Wood across tpe Niagara River in six ing was tbe e recipient of much Total paid to widows and orphans since organization, over 500, 000 coveted studentsblp priza of 300 Evidence of the g:owing inontbe!
with assets of more than 500. 000 Insurance in force, over twenty formerly pupil of Queen Royal Care of the individual in Great terest State the welTois is one of many marvellou 20. 000. 000) million dollars.
feats composing the story of the College, Trinidad, is related to, Britalo is forthcoming in oficial new Peace Bridge, lioking the the Wooding facily of Spleghs statistics recently DR, KENDALL, JNO. WEBB hores of Canada and tbe Uaited town. He will jolo ilegal office Last year 338 462 691 was nt Supreme Pr sident Supreme Custodian States from Fort Erie, in the proin London for briet pariod of on what are call 3cial Services vince of Ontario, to Fort Porter, Concbing before returning to and to this mu be added a furin the city of Buffalo Trinidad.
Ibe 17, 982 000 incurred as ad Post Offico Box 559 Hot Springs, Arkansas The Premier of Canada, the ministration expenses. The term President For information address, L. Flowers, Panama City. who are the le representative in this Countr of the Valted States Distruction of The Social Services is an apu one; and, it le boped, the Prince of It includes Education, Por tiw Wales will, to a few mootbr, open Mongoose services, Apalib dad XSSSSSSSSSS the new Niagara way; and Peace ment lasurancs, and od Axe Bridge will commemorato the At recent meeting of the Pensions, and under headbundred years of peace bbtween Canada and America centenTrinidad Agricultural Society Ings are included all kinds of acserious and lengtby discussion well belog and health of the peotivities directed to SS SEWCASOSASSSSSSSSSSS ary deferred since 1914 on accuunt of tbe war ensued on the question of the ple. During 1924, for eximpio, destruction Peace Bridge was started and which bad developed the consider of the cbildren born in England combleted within a year tbe ably of late and was wiping out and Wales 80 pe: cpt and of face of the incredible dificulties and lizards 10 expectant mothers 17 per centod se mingly insuparable obstacles which have prevented its por elkeen years the Goveroment Many of the colldren were rection since 1850, when agitebad spent food nearly 030 apd milk, aad. Dun Der Lion for such a bridge was begun destroyed about 31, 000 of the peod and the of the mothers also receivel.
both scores.
pests. The campaiga bad bow food 18 mld witers GOVERNMENTS PALLED.
ever, been stayed, and. the attendat. co and medical treatThe government of the Dommongoose had multiplied to a mont. Hw tbo tort nied is dangerous exteot. It was now has inion of Canada and the Valted Browo poined No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue Stater, sepaately and in concert, bopad to reso ne the attack and out in the official paper. La 1831 the Goverument pledged assistthe total expenditure was failed to erect the brideo which but soce it planters would contribute 22. 6148331. about one Streenth PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 vigently needed, to asiog the two bridge at the ode third of tbe som which it of the sum lovovled last yea the only way for Vehicles might be decided to expend.
This year the cost to the ty.
er will be sul beavier, owing to to croes the International boundry the extra suws expended on acwaters was by ferries between Montreal and the Lake of the ST. VINCENT count of the recent trouble to he Woode slow, paloful, bazardmioing industry.
OF THE HIGHEST ORDER ous procedure.
All bonour for Peace Bridge St. Vincent wbicb is already suffering slow agricultural de Proposed Palace of Art in its maguificence is due to putvelopment through. lack of lic spirited and Work Done While You Wait determlaed is population, lamenting the cin Early in the New Yar so at2208 lo Ontarlo and Buffalo at departure, in every intempt is to be made tencourage the begiuning of 1926, abandoned official bope, took it upon creasing numbers, of ber la the Arts of British Eapire by themselves to build the bridge bouring people for Coba. Toe launching a scheme for the buildTRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED and forth with issued, in spite of newspapers are appealing to the ing of a Palace of Arts on the pessimism and Government devise some Toames o hanklment grave doubts, 3, 000, 000 First Mortgage Seven scheme for encouraging the scheme is the outcome per cent, bonds and 500, 000 people to to stay at home All that work of the Briush Enpire Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices the Governor in Debentpre boods at per cool, to the present is to fix the boldemy, wala bopes to which issue was subscribed too ond of One milion Ladies Garments carefully handled times over in the spaca of a sum of five pounds. the sum um pounde. Is io that hour!
to be deposited in the Treasury Dow much The bridge will be paid for in proceed to the Republic of Cuba poboch to serve its old parpuse by every person desiring Burlington House is of the encyuragement of tine REID Manager fifteen yurs, it is estimated, by of by recruiting agent in levied on the heary, ceaseles3 respect of each person engaged of art have to be rejscted by the every year 14, 000 works traffic over the boundry.
Repubsubscribers bave decreed that it sexes Academy owlog to lack of shall then be the property of bicollowed to proceed free the light weil Tome as by providi of Cuba. Furtber, no person proposed new build Canada acd the United States. colony to Cuba without first adequate exhibition Peace Bridge bas vertical ораса for motorists may be gathered from obtaining permit from the painters and sculptors, and a the Ministry of Transport clearance of 100 feet above the Chief of Police, river sodborizontal clear.
and concert larke ch recent returns The total num 16 to enable mordorn combere of motor vehicles in Grest Canal. It is supported by five of 345 eet above Black Britain. excluding posers, musicians and dramatista Dr. Arnulfo Arias 1o display their talents tramcars to It is massive concrete graalte covered and trade lic nser io respect plers to withstand the current believed that a good deal of exA Regular Assortment of of wbicb licenses were current Physician Surgeon cellent work is now doomed tu on November the 30 last was of the Niagara River, through remain in obscurity for lack of FREE CONSULTATION 1, 519, 000. The number of motor which the waters of the tour opportunity to dislay it, an the cycles included in this figure was of Great Lakes rusb fiercely full daily at the Pharmacy British Empire Academy, state 498, 000. The gross receipts of of colour, to their tragic istethe we promoters of tbe scheme, imminent catastrophe of the taxas on licenses for the the 149 Central Ave. Phone 825. will remedy this deplorable state SUCH ASy at end ng on November the falls, where they drop through a narrow gorge and are received HOURS: 3) TO 30 PM of things.
30h was 19, 032, 632, TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, into the placid waters of Lake TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, Ontarlo.
Motors and Motor Taxes Please Cross Here. FLOWERS SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc. stood to company, with Mr.
Frank Baird, the father of The recent reduction in the Bridge, on the 100 feet The increase in street accidents coinence while it was being Abogado. Attorney at Law price of petrol, the secɔnd with in London has led the authorities built, and looked down on the in a few weeke, will encourage to follow the example of certain switt river which awed the, and OFFICE: No. 44 ST still further the development of large American cities, and to from wbicb was created 33 much BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY the British motor Industry. The 93 CENTRAL AVENUE attempt to regulate the move of their legened. had the sense TELEPHONE No. 1377 price of tyres is also going ment of pedestrians in order to ot triumpb oyor the desperate, down, 80 that the motorist Panama City minimise the danger trom motor beadlong current; and the Practicing before all the courts of starts the New Year well, How trafic Parliament Square bas knowledge that even the cresi numerous have become British now signs erected in various part the Republio since April 1914 (Continued on page 7)
the birde. froga, The Prosperity Tailors siven at well CLEANERS DYERS ex end to also 80 10 Pallo, DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING olul who, tloved to Toe of the connell bas done opo pointed out the AS arte, Royal Acade to theatre enough bal Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products The Workman Printery


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