
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1927 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Wesleyans Plan Big Progrom Attractions at the Theatres CECILIA AMERICA STRAND The Lawson, it 11. for pastoral STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 The Wesieyans of Colen are plusping a beavy musical proAMADOR gram to be rendered in connection with thelr anniversary PANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON activities on the afternoon of Sunday, the 27ıb Inst.
Today Saturday February 19th Today Saturday February, 19th Today Saturday February 19th Saturday February 19th Atlantic orchestra, will be resand Buck Jones in Rin tin tin in ponsible for tbe greater pars o!
Raymond Griffith in the Tomorrow Sunday Feb, 20th THE NIGHT CRY DURAN OF THE BAD LANDS program and numbərs wili YOU BE SURPRISED also be rendered by the Choir Laura La Plante in Tomorrow Sunday Feb. 20th Tomorrow Sunday Feb. 20th Tomorrow Sunday Feb, 20th of tbe Church, Miss Rose Mor. THE MIDNIGHT SUN Norma Talmadge in kan, talented singer. late of Richard Dix in Norma Talmadge in tbe coke choir, Kingst Jamal KIKI KIKI ca and Mr. Raul Reid, tenor.
Monday February 21st THE QUARTERBACK Monday February 21st Arrangements for the evenlok Dolores Costello in Monday February 21st Monday February 21st Lilyan Tashman in are lo the bande of Mr. THE LITTLE IRISH GIRL it is understood, and Dolores Costello in Courad Nagel in ROCKING MOON time of rare enjvyment is Tuesday February 22nd BRIDE OF THE STORM THE EXQUISITE SINNER Tuesday February 22nd anticipated. Tickets for the Lilyan Tashman in Tuesday February 22nd Tuesday February 22nd Alma Rubens in occasion are going rapi. ly at 50 cents eacb. ROCKING MOON Art. Accord in Laura La Plante in SHE WOLVES Special anniversary sermons Wednesday February 23rd THE SCRAPPIN KID POKER FACES Wednesday February 23rd will be preached at 11. a. and Alma Rubens in Wednesday February 23rd Wednesday February 23rd Richard Dix in 30 pm. bv tbs Rev. TH.
Duncanson of Bocas del Toro. SHE WOLVES Adolphe Menjou in Jetta Goudal in THE QUARTERBACK and public meeting wil be THE ACE OF CAÐS THE ROAD TO YESTERDAY Thursday February 24th held on the Monday night lolThursday February 24th lowing, whep addresses will be Conrad Nagel in Richard Dix in Thursday February 24th Thursday February 24th dolivered by various speakers. EXQUISITE SINNER THE QUARTERBACK Bessie Lore in Dolores Costello in THE LITTLE IRISH GIRL Friday February 25th LOVEY MARY Friday February 25th Laura La Plante in Friday February 25th New Bishop Makes First Courad Nagel in Friday February 25th POKER FACES Pastoral Round THE EXQUISITE SINNER Lilyan Tashman in Seena Owen in ROCKING MOON Saturday February 26th THE HUNTED WOMAN Dorothy McKail in The Rt. Rev. Maiztegui, Saturday February 26th Saturday February 26th, Saturday February 26th THE DANCER OF PARIS Blebop of Colon, accompanied by Jetta Goudal in Harry Carey in Alma Rubens in And George Brien in His Excellency the Governor and THE ROAD TO YESTERDAY THE BAD LANDS SHE WOLVES PAINTED LADY the Rev. Fr. Joan Hlopeman of the Immaculate Conception བས སspཔཧ མས made his first visit around the coast during the past week. The party sailed on board the. Panqulco on Mr. A, Kinnimouth Ideal weather prevails on the! Overture Morning, noon and Monday night the 7tb inst. and Atlantic side. On Wednesday nigbt Von Buppe Orchestra visited among other plants, last there was a break, and it Vocal Solo, Villacelle Eva Porto Bello, Port Obadia and GOES TO RED TANK COLORED rained heavily for tbe greater Del Agua Mrs Olga King Port Venl; returning to Color on part of the day, but all is bright Miss Lydis Holder, accomp.
Bunday night, the 13th inst.
SCHOOL again. Piano lection til Traveu His Lordsbip was very mucb tore Dəru Mro. Mac impressed with the spiritual Transfer Regretted by All Cres.
Work on the new memorial needs of the inhabitants, and bouse in Mt. Hope cemetery Chorous 01 Carlina bas sigolfied his intention of was started on Wednesday tbe Junior ambers.
AND making efforts to improve sucb The news of the unexpected 16th Inst. and is expected to Jast (6. Barcarole Belle Nuit. conditions very soon transfer of Mr. B Kinnifor about a month. This will be Contes Hoffman Orebesmouth, principal of the Cristsbal concrete structure and is to be tra colored school to the principalship of Red Tank School has Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Used year by year in connection Elocutionary item Speech of with Ducoration Day celebra. Wm. Pitt on the nerican EDUCATIONAL beon blow, not only to bis tions.
wir of Independeuce colleagues and friends, but as Reynolds.
Colon Graduates of Escuela and a keen sense of disappointwell to the entire community Summary of Contents: Piano duet, Civic Prida Profesional Panama Morrison. Mabes ment and regret is felt by the History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years entire population of Silver City Jump.
Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, CANAL ZONE NOTES And Colon.
For the past five Vocal Slo Duink to me only Among the graduates of the year be bas labored as principal Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, with thire eyes TG Rats Escuela Profesional, Panama in this community, during which Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, LA BOCA bun, Mrs. Olga King Miss for the past term are Mieses time be received the cooperation Lydis folder, acomp.
Clementina Davey, and Germine of the teachers under him, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual 10. Selection Lucia de LammerSablo, both well known resi maintained the school at an Players Athenaeum Broad. woor Donigail Orches dents of Colon.
excellent standard and won the tru After attending, the elemen esteem and respect of tbe Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and cast Program, 11. Dut Chorus Old ack tary public school in color, these parents and guardians of the Interesting Joe Juior members young ladies decided on a tech children.
FROM N, BA, BALBOA. 12. Piano el ction Les Sylniati education and spent years Mr. Kinnimouth is an old.
Price 50cts.
pbes Bachmann Miss in the above damed instituion Holder wbere they gave a good account ulmer, and one of the ploneers Through the eourtesy of the 13. Dance. Hungarian No of themselves and passed their of teaching on the isth in us, final examinations abort time baving been in the field before management of NBA BroadcastSecure yours now there will be a great rush John Brabms Orchestra the Canal Zine passed into Ing Statior, Balboa, tha LBe 14 Closing remarks by the ago.
American bands.
for them, Ather aeum, assisted by the PaMiss Davy course is a com announcer Symphony Orchestra, Gar.
awa mercial on comprising stenoCopies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN feld Murray Director, put on the 15. March Sons of Australia graphy accountancy and transair a variety program on Tours. Litgaw Orchestra.
lation. Spanish English) while Panama day evening last.
Miss Sablo has chosen an artistic At the Station the program Music Dramatic Club Bewiog and general millinery was arranged by the Balbos Rscareer.
dio Club od thrown on the air to his experler ce The Orpheus Musical and with the News Notes from 45 until 30 with only Papamacian children ard bio the cssary time for apponne Pramailo Club met at the ClubCRICKET knowledge of the Spanish laning to radio fans and listeners in house on Monday night last ava guage be was appointed as a At thelr meeting at Tuesday located all over North and South among other business distributed teacher in the official schools of night last, the 15th instan the Indiana Iolands could pick up Road to the City to the ten china America, including the West copies of tbelr new plas The Competition to Start Soon September 1910 by Dr. Eusebio Society elected officers for the Literary and Debating considered good five wales and an equay Morales, then Secretary oleasing term as follows: program.
number of fem s who are to Education and assigned to the Whitting present the play The Surprise cup competition Whittingbam, president; Mr Aros mens of the Statlon) months. Pending the completion in the next few Calidodia Boys School, whers (re elected) Quarless Vice wbo is a platist of note and a good of the Club will open early in the coming he ble successful Peeldent.
be continued month, it is understood. revised Coastito This McAllister mustclan as a whole, as well as career until 1912 when information bas been recelved to direct bi Sec Treasurer. re alected) Miss other members of tbe Radio Clab ta. Kipp has been clectè. The Road to re er ter the Canal Zone Gordon, assistant Secretary. congratulated the Athenaeum and Daniels as his assistant City with great enthusiasm amor service and was assigned to ihe Scciety is makirg prepar: Mr Arosemena expressed a par. Considering the possibility of lovers of the game and the clubs Cristobal.
are all preparing to take part.
ations to celebrate their first ticular liking for Miss Lydia running another play with the During the school year 1916 anniversary on the prox. Holder playing aud thinks ber Road to the City three others At the same time, it is stated 1917 be was made principal of Hogers are wade for runplog bave been taken onder advisefrom some quarters that tbere Gatup, School but in the over the keys. One radio fan le a spirit of dissatisfaction with following year was returned to Cristobal Coion Cris obal as teacher at bis owo Reserves are preparing to cele: Samp piano duet as well regard to the executives of th: Gin credits Mrs King with a beanti hent, one of which wili probably council. Not that there is anyRequest and in 1922 he was pro: brate their anniversary with: thing questionable about them moted to principal by Association Employees the picnic to be beld at the 9:execoted. while the Orchestra personally, bot the general opinion seems to to be present adminstration, which street bathing beach on Satur was requesteted give an addtion.
that the A, B, KINNIMOUTH position he holds up to officers of the council abould be the day, the 5th of the coming al number. rivival of the old CommeHe arrived or tbe isthmus in present.
dieinterested parties, and not the year 1902 after a successful The Jnnior members did nlcr pix Night programs 18 promHly transfer to Red Tank ls men who are members of any of scholastic and teaching career effective today, and in going be ly their two Choruses O! Carli sed by the local Distric of the DA the claos to the competition, 19 in bis native land, Jamaica, and will be exchanging place, with Panama Canal West Indian The baseball game betweer Holder playing of Les Sylpheb Empioyees and Old Black Joe. Miss Association for that two of Loverlåge at that. who has already and libet present the officers happed up to 1904 o taught for the Best beschoof banetona prired the Printing Plant and commis was particularis good. while Nra Ibuerada de cashmere de the to be members of one of the clubs concerned, while the other service of was one elecution a temporary commitee at the last In entered the teaching worked as teacher on this side, they will meet on the Mt, Hope Travatore did justice to In absence of Chairman Dalby, Vice Doro. on the che the Chairman Evans appointed belongs to another of the comPanamanians the Atlanticside res dents. Large crowd expected.
veting clubs feel themselves at taught ary Item of Wm. general eneral meeting of the District. disadvaat go and fear partial under the American system at Pitt. on the American war of ic to prepare a good program agd dependence. and this was pre forth in this direction have been It is understood that efforts par ity will always be exercised by the bistorical old town of Cruces on the Chagres and lo 1909 hel British Consulate Notice each officer was made principal of the GorThe British Consul at Colon Everything is being done to sented by Mr. Reynolds The entire program was as to other items addesses successful, and that in addition gona school, which position he would be glad of intormation as make the dance at the Episcrp: will be filled with credit for two years to the present wbereabouts of Al. Young People Association ball follows: dellvered by PROGRAM, members of the Rent Receipt Books In SpanThe work of Mr. Kinnimoutbfred Watt, a native of Ashton on Monday night a success. The Uolversal Negro Inprevement ish and English for sale at the as a teacher has not been con. District, Jamaica, who come to Society is rathering funds to March Kaiser Friederick. Association who have been spent Friedm Orchestra.
procure athletle cgulpments.
Workmen Printery.
fined to his native tongue. Due the Isthmus in 1907 ially requeted to be present.
libe Tbe and another Misses be approved.
Dative Speech


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