
FAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 19 1927 OSOS SO000 SONS 450X300MBRO Adred Baby of The sessss 16:11 Speed of Re.
Duke And Duchess nown Making Royal THE BEER Voyage.
SUPPLIED BY The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is brewed from the best materials obtainable It is specially suited for this climate is superior to all imported beers sold here and it sells to the public at HALF the price.
TRY OUR BEST BEER BREWED Britiese staly FULLER London make delight Balboa tactical 99 Electric Injection Stanley at Foulbrit. That was matter of Speed.
THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders economic MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS long sustaiu: We un PRINCESS ELIZABETH IS TRYING TO TALK FIRST UTTERANCCS WILL BE SENT TO PARENT3 GIANT BATTLE CRUISER, PROBABLY FASTEST IN WORLD, CAN HER HOROSCOPE IS READ TRAVEL AS PAST AS RAILWAY TRAIN She is considered to Take After Her Father in Appearance The following appeared in But Has Mother Disposition recent issue of The Naval and Military Record of England: The London Daily Express In describing the features of Tick of Jan. 18 pabilsbed the follow he Renown shortly before she iog left for Australia with the Daka The nurseries specially fitted and Duchess of York on board, Talk up by the seen at Sandringham for the Reception of Prinreterred to ber speed, and stated If we could eliminate the final evenlcg paper cess Elzabeth, the baby that tnis would enable the battle triumph of Old Father Time daughter of the Dake cruiser and to her momentous Duchese of York, are now awaitvoyage at the rate of a raliway and relegate to the dump inz the arrival of their tenant, train. This weiter had clearly heap the necessity of countwho is expected to make the been to the text book for his ing the hours as they pass, journey there, authority, and given the fact then we might exist without Everything is in readiness he found it, withoat pausing to the aid of a clock, but folks, for the little Princess to take considero or to inquire, a whether up ber residerce there even utere might be qualifying it just naturally can be done the COWS that are to supply the factors in connection with it.
BIG BEN and others at Princess with her daily rations The now, and her sister, have been selected by the Repulse, are the fastest Queen, who, witb the King, is looking forward with intense probably to the world. Each to the arrival of their has well exceeded 32 krots on trials and test sprints. But no Time Shop baby guest Both the King and Queen are very fast ship is intended to be Klox for Every Room child lovers to a degree, The driven to ber utmost capacity baby Princess Elizabeth cooed SUPERIOR TO ALL for days on end, Very high her way to their hearts at a her speed is a valuable very early stage of her career.
quality to be developed only The eleventh hour postpone.
wbep necessary.
Iste ment necessitated by a cold in XOS So SSWOOXES 30: the little Princess eye came as SESSES took his two battle cruisers from a great disappointment to the Plymouth to Port household at Sandringham, Marvelous Success in where the coming of baby or windows urgency. The merit of the tur the treatment of Elzabeth was awaited with பயயயயயயயய üm bine is that its top speed is its great excitement.
economic Therefore, in Gonorrhoea and Gleet ADORING RELATIVE the cost of fuel expenditure, a full power voyage is a very Relieves the most obstinate An army of special corresponditerer. matter from what it dents in the form of adoring re.
case in three days would prove in a ves: fitted Jatives, nurses, and retalners, is with reciprocating machinery.
FOR SALE AT THE hovering over Princ ss izabeth. OF waitlog for an poch making In point of fact, if the Renown follows the precedent of the PHARMACY moment in the young life of the fourth lady of the land.
former Royal tours in which 149 Central Avenue, Panama The bicy Prin esy, wbis fat she bas been engaged, she will and rosy and articularly intelliPhone 825 IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF pake the voyage to Australia at gent for her age she wll not be a man average speed of about AND AT bitteea kpots, a year old til Aprilis, it term the seeme, already makin: frantic THE NEW DRUG STORE ho larg ly been el! orts to talk ana dropp d, and cruislug speed substituted for 5th and Street, Colon So far the royal babbli gs bare it. The stress of a Phone 403 been incoherent, but the instruced effort of very bigh speed is tions are that bulletin severe tax to any ship, 1ull details of Princess eviabeth first u trance is to derstand it is believed that the be dispatched to the absent Duke leaks in the Emerald were caused and Duchess, must per orce Suitable for Lodge Business by ber full puwer trials. Fur DAVID LEON, LL.
this reason the imiss this nteresting event in dis.
couraged the davelopment of ABGADO their daughter career.
a vessel full capacities sive Napa, like the vast mawill the little Elizabeth on such cccasious as it may be Attorney at Law AT THEdesirable to test whether sbe jority of babes, or Dad Dad, or possibly some entirely or unremains able to acquit her: Office: 175 Central Avenue expected word? That is what sell. both the e gineering and the pursery co respondents will Telephone 1015 Panama Navigation staffe of rusbug through the Box 1002 Ancon, Canal Zone make known.
In the opinion of those who water at between anything MN MNAN CAN IN AN NINH. NAM.
know the Duke of York well, ama agad an an hour is by no means in coo. With Licenses to Practice before thirty and forty statate Princess Elz. beth is considered siderable to take aller ber fatber in aphounds of the mercantile mar the Courts of Panama and the pearance, but she has ber moide rose to 25 knots, but never Canal Zcne. ther disposition, and is a happy, smiling, and Bood tempered went beyond it, and the tendency cbild.
or some years past has been to redude speed. Lord Jellicoe, at BLUE EYES.
Jutland, believed the German She has the large blu: eyes of Drednoughts to possess speed med M. WILKINSON tbe Dake of York, who is devoted capacity la excess of wbat they to his daughter. So great indeed Of every description were officially credited with Contractor is biz interest in bar proges Tois is quite possible, for the that, whenever the multiplicity Germans were very fond of the and Builder of bis public engagements perprach practice known mitted, be was in the babit, up up their sleeve.
to the uime he sailed in the ReThey probably engined their House No. 20 nown, of going into the nursery ships with a reserve of to see the little Princess bathed DO which they never intended to 28th NOV. STREET, DESPATCH In course of time he came DO reveal under normal circum. SAN MIGUEL know the routine so well that be stances, and it certainly stood would hand the various artithem in good stead in the bour Box 411, Panama, eles of the toilet, powder, brusbof battle.
AT THE atid son to the nurse in ee, e arr.
Priucess Eizabeth. by the Plans and Specifications Free way, has bad her boroscopa read.
New West Indies Anost eventful life is pred cred for this most inportant baby.
Steamer Service. First class Workmanship The ycungest Princess is also Satisfaction Guaranteed.
ready a much photographed cele.
brity, but the portraits Lost The Daily Despatch of Man popular circle is one chester England, published the in following on Jaauary 10 boredom expressed ber utter and one hundred steerage passformation obtained at the CALL IN AT e London with the whole ordeal by camera offices of the shipping companies engers. There will be 10, 000 by giving rent to an uncomprom. HOUSE 912, LA BOCA engaged in trade with North and cubic feet of coal storage, ising yawa.
South America shows they are The second line will be fortCANAL ZONE.
This unconventional portrait, taking an active interest in the nightly freight service of vessels one of many intere ting studies (Opposite the Restaurant)
decision of the Canadian Guvero of 4, 300 tons. The Canadian Gopto call for new tenders for me for ernment will control the rail serand snaps included in the lat Office Hours: a. to 1p. est album of the royal baby steamship service between the vices and the other parties to the picture. waa takan down by the to p. Dumition and the West Indies as aggreement will contribute an Duke and Daches of York on DAILY the result of obligations incurred annual subsidy of 20, 000. The the occasion of their last visit to By the trade treaty. There will tenders must be received by Sandringham to stow the King PHONE 1941 BALBOA No. 93, Central Avenue a fortnightly freight passen gar day, January 20.
olinea in operation. Ole, the Department of Trade and and Queen, who were cbarued Commerce at Ottawa by Thursand amused by the photograph Specializes all the branche: and service, will leave Cana In addition to of Dantstriv the above ser dian perts all the year round callA GOOD SELECTION OF Rat Bermuda, St. Kitts, Nevis, vices there will be a fortnightly Notice to Correspondents.
and freight Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, mail, passenger, NEW BIBLES Barbados, Trinidad, and De service between Canadian ports Contributors and correspondents nerara. The vessels are to be and Bermuda the Bahamas and are asked to send in their contribufrom 000 o 6, 000 toas, with a Jamaica. There will be Rent Receipt Bools in Span.
cold tions not later than Thursdays to Hymn Prayer Books speed of at least twelye koots, storage space for 70, 000 stems iosure publication. This is impera. ish and English for sale at the and accommodation for one bun of bananas and for Canadian tive and must be adhered to. Workman Printery dred first clase, thirty second meat.
who Workman Stationery Store The ocean grey.
JOB. PRINTING AS keeping DONE WITH NEATNESS AND something WORKMAN PRINTERY which bar isyal Highn Dentist Howell loThe Workman BOOK STORE ment be two mail


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