
Seventh Day Adventht Church WANTED Labourers For CHIRIQUI RAILROAD STREET CALIDONIA ROAD (near Istbmisa Park. PANAMA Babbath (Saturday) 45 Am. 8b att Sotool: 11. 15. Geboral Worship 30 Spanish Clans 20 to. Society, meeting 330 to. Junior and Senior Standard of attainment Class p. in, Vespert.
Sunday ever ing 30 StereOpticas Lecure. The general public in sordially invited to turn out in largo aguler.
story was Seventh Day Adventist Church Day Task Contract Work Ird STREET BROADWAY, COLON Babbath (Saturday) 45. Babbath scbocI; 11. 15 am. General Worship 30 Young people meeting 30 pm Veaper Sunday evening 30 Pro obisk Service. You are cordially invited to sttend there services and bring your friende, The Church of God The Panama, Arosene. Broot, Hour 25, San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayel mooting and Gospel weeting at 11 am und 80 op. Sunday School at p.
Monday at 30 Tootim vay Meeting Tuesday st 15 pm. Young People Meetinu. Wodnceday at 30 Cuspel meeting. Thursday at 30 o.
Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting BRO. C, Pessoa. ia charge. Red Task, Canal Zoue, Sunday Soboz Gorpel meeting on Thursda, st 30 Sis. GRAY.
New Providence. Goepel Mooing 11. 30 am and 7, 30 u. Bungay Snbool p. Wednesday at 30 pm. Gorpel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 o. Prayer Meeting Bro. McDONALD tatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetings 11. 30a. and 30 Sunday School ar p Wednesday 30 pm.
Joepel Meeting. Priday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEORGE GRIPPATH Polos and Street. Goepel mee ingent 11. 30 am and 30 o. Bunday at Eohool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 pm. Goepel Meeting. Priday at 30 Prayer Meetings Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON and JUAN FRANCO TRACK tuat was Kid Chato New King of Bad Business Mauagement Junior Lightweights On Isthmus.
Harcld Jacoby, alias Alfred Jones, is serving 25 days in jail in lieu of 25. 00 fine which was 500 FIGUT FANS TURN OUT EN banded to him by Judge BlackMASSE TO WITNESS JOSE LOM. burn in the Balbos magistrate BARDO FLYING COLORS LOW: Some weeks lagres Jacoby a ofred ERED BY KID IN 12 ROUNDS CROWDED WITH FURI. relating most impressive story over to Corozal and succeeded in OUS AND ETAT FIGHTING to a Major as to cause the army officer to undo bis purse strings and (By grant 15 But when In the Ir sence of 500 the borrower got hetoa. The that spetators who thronged the Bull appareatly decided Ring on Sunday night last 10 worth 15. 00 and so he just forgot the drafting his baru luck take a he splendid arranged Bletic card, he was seen strolling around Kid Chato of Colon completely Quarry Heights from where be was and deciseively andibilated or Lombardo, Junior Ligbtweight bailed before the magistrate.
Champion, thereby accompitsbing bitbei tofore apparent imposPRICE PAID 12 TO 14c. PER HOUR FOR sible feat, and annexing tbe Junior Lightweight diadem of the Why pay double price Isthmus.
for interior imported DAY WORK.
From the very first round it Boer when you can was Cbato 6gbt all tbe way. He outfought, outgeneraled. outslag.
buy a superior Boer ged and outclassed the Champion APPLY TO such as BALBOA for throughout tbe 12 rounde, Lom tando never bada lookni. Cbato half the prico.
swiftoess and the peculiar crouch AROSEMENA with which be fougbt, completely puzzled and baffled him.
Champlon found the Challenger a Rent Receipt Boos in SpanNorth Avonue and 4tn Street, Panama City.
very elusive target. While on Ish and English sale at the De olber band Chato educated left which was his best punch, Workman Printery.
seldom missed Lombardo face.
Chato not only carried the bigbt the entire route, but be also carried too many gups for the Champ. He began the first ats pace wbich caused the fans no little amazement. Only thoso who know of his To sexo xxx stutdy constitution and watched bim during his training, were possitive that be RACES RACES would go the entire distance at. RACES such fast clip. In the round, still right 6S the surprised erstwhile Champion to the resin for a short count. But once during the twelve sessions did be let up on bis opponent and in the fifth frame which was the only round Lom.
bardo won. The sixth was even.
Fiom tbe seventh to tbe twelefth and last rouud tbe Idol and Champion was again on ibe rcceiving end.
Lombardo and the followers he has lift (for it was apparent at from the third round, Chato bad captivated the majority pre tent with his style and ability, and was isstalled favourite ever the Champion) most ucdoobteely admit that in the person of Kid Chato, Jose bas det more than bis match Kid proved that be is the master of the former Champ. It was only Races for Imported horses and for Native bred Ponies Lombardo courage, rogredness, kameness and abil.
ity to assimilate punishment that First Race Starts at 15 Sharp stood bim in good stead agalost the newly crowned cbamplop.
The only occurence that came near turning the tide of battle, took place in the eleventh. Ig tbis round, Lombado, with blood FEATURES: in his eyes rusbed from his corwith resolve to win by the only possible way a knockout. Speed Classic Purse 1, 500 This resolation went for daught Class Imp ted Purse 275 bowever Furlongs found Chato right there, in perfect readiness for his savage and vicious attacks, Furlongs fighting toe to toe and not taking Coburg 130 80 much as a backward step Mid way betyeen the roand, Lom 126 Brave Lassie Chombo Gordo 129 bardo dropped, claiming that be bad been fouled. Doc Vasqu 2, the refere, disregarded the claim Bolsheviki Bomba 123 and counted bim out. Pandamonium broke loose on all sides Pierrot metely followed by a bested Ocurrencia 90 by tbe members of the Boxing Commission, lasting for Rheina Mora 127 upwards of ten minutes. At the Arlequin 95 request of the Comm omlasion, Doc Capt. Alvarado 130 tor Zubieto examined Lombardo, and also disregarded the claim.
The Commision then ordered the tight contiubed, the foul being disallowed.
To the closing session Lom bardo was all but io. Cbato bat.
tered bim all about, and ADMISSION the final gong sounded be was in prosty bad shape. However, much credit is due bim for Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
the game manner in which he fougbt. Although he never had cbance, up to the last minute of battle, be was on his feet trying bs best.
COLON JOCKEY CLUB The semi final between Jim Briggs and Pantera, was a disappointment to many. Briggs, PARI MUTUEL BETTING ON THE RACES RUN a bere shadow of bis former great se f, did not show any tight for the two roonds which the AT JUAN FRANCO POOL TICKETS 00 bout lasted. Just before the gong sounded for tbe third round, bis seconds tossed a towel into the ring in token of defeat. Some years ago wben be was middleweight champ! on of Central and South America, Briggs was a (Continued op page 8)
TOMORROW SUNDAY FEBRUARY 20th, 1927 Races Exciting Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness. No, MARIANO AROSEMENA 86 SAN MIGUEL Sunday 530 Prayer Meeting 10 Children Service; 11am.
Divine Service. Preacher, Supplied. p. Bunday Bebool, Superintetdent 6p. 30 pm. Goeal Service, Preacher Supplied.
The usual weekly services will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday night. 745 o.
All other notion for the week will be given from the Pulpit, BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 Divine Bervice. PreacherSupplied. 80p. Sunday School, Superintent dest. p. Gorpel service. Preacher supplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Prayer, Bro, WELLEY, Acting Pastor in charge.
Der for be 132 130 PEACE BRIDGE JOINS An Afternoon of Good Sport aboree. Continued from page of the river fury over the falia is now barnessed to turn the wheels of factories and to con vey ligbt, heat and power to cities and to wos mils from its Millions of people will soon look down from Peace Bridge to the river and across the beautiful panorama of New York State and the Canadian Boulevard; millions of motot cars will cross the border with greater ease and Lacility, The two great cont les are still more strongly Maked.
when Colon Women Wounded Overpowered by too many dóses of alcoholic beverages. Joseph Hape of Avenida Arosemena Colea, rushed his beloved Venicis Waterman with a dagger at hal.
past ten o clock on Wedgesday oddesday night last and seriously wounded her. He had intended to kill it is said but ber cries brough: her, down neighbours. Venieia is now in the Samaritan Hospital and the Police aro looking for Hans wbo bas made his escape.


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