p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1327 OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races alternoon backers This noney.
caanot parti Cuburs, tive vod of mnak DRK logs.
loosia Contra Crespo has purposes throw the from from a Flashes of Sport Snapshots Tomorrow Races, Huge World Combine (FROM THE COLORED PRESS. By Do not worry to ask any more (Continued from page Fat pari nutuel drawings as bizh as 25 30 on two dollar notiord an article to a colume card for Royal Commission on Customs in Let us turn our faces to the East in 1927. Let us efect sections on the race tomorrow at Juan Ottawa by Mr W Cowan, chief inatebimace between Capitan Ai journals th Joe Cooke of New glorious ideals, and let them be practical, Let us dream Franco Park, just look em over of the Narcotic Division of the a a day with Jockey Hidalgo up winning agtin returned to our village to effort this year. Let us stand together solidly as a race. Let yourself to Juan Franco Park to the British Teles sod Parnce and vardo and Bomba with the former Orlenus cauliflower industry, bus dreams and have beautiful visions of victory in our every look over the line up on the ap Dorninion Departu eat of Health, pended program and transpor There are men in tigh places in easily, sod Jockey Perkins having search some extra coin by us persevere and we will succeed. CHICAGO ENTERPRISE morrow attenoon and bave a good Germany, as well as in the United the di sunetion of ridiag Fair Play engieing in a few fistic en:ertain time; as up to now there is noth. States an Canada, who are finan of the Stud Quien sabe bo paid mnts.
tog on the card indicative of of cially interested in the Dope Kings the above mentioned The the nerve with which this felanything lumpsum, were the features at low Cooke is possessed is certainly but good Just people, that all. Culture, wealth, position, influ Poor starts and the likes are mere horse racing. doing. says Mr Cowka. Juan Franco Paris 00 Sanday astonishirg. Not very lonx. master dope smuggler althougb we do has made an enormous amout of afternoon last.
Afr. Irving Solovey of promoting ence may be added, but after ali we are all, black and white, it e dentals. them, induced this ney. Mr Cowan testifies, but. som times As stated above, Cap. Alvarado Panama by means beatleman to high or low, rich or poor, just people, feeling the same joys bit care to countenance they end up lo pretty definite evidence sufficient for a won the main event of the after Panam of a rather lu and sorrows, the same hopes and fears. Just people with there are no indications of is simply a higher up riminal charge be bad. He noon. It was over a distance of crative offer, to engage in a twelve tremendous possibilities for good or evil, e. ch one account; ovehom bo Gordo round duel of fisticuffs with the able for the use he may make of s opportunities. OMAHA anything but eight races lp the third in ihe preliminary Hipe then Junior Lightweight champion MONITOR.
There is nothing incriminating in selectwhich oo less than thirty dative is home or his office or his corresup, was scratched. dalgo lost Jo e Lombard. The place and imported houses will take pondence, Do ume in taking bis nount to the Jed for the settlement oi the debate and besldes the Classic We have evidence that this man front immediately atter leav being the Bull Ring The bout. Volocidad of six furlongs purse has gone abroad and negotiated in ing the barrior, and al bough was staged. Cooke was defeated The habit of regarding a colored man as an inferior has 81, 500 for which are booked foreign countries for as much dope Perla Bombs loe leader bad already cissitisfied, be challenged Lom become so fixed in most white mens minds that either con ki. Pierrot Reina Mora and coas 100, 000 ounces at a time, says some good riding on by a narrow margin. Somewhat Erave de sided to. Mr Cowan; but the headtake tbicas which he or they any his own bardo to a return go, in and won strong was, again lost, a colored man on his own behalf, untes apresenpanica by Alvarado, there will be two three quarters of the internet dans le do To the class and da After his second defeat, Cooke servile and apologetic reservations, and containing. by will be between Candlewood traffic organisation are he cannot division Dir da with Moure up decided to return to his home in implication, some acknowledgment of the white man ay th Linda and th Cococha and won Fap and Cucocha in the sec New Orleans.
second for three three yearsles sal other countries who are People in Canada, the British Now he is back asserted superiority. WASHINGTON TRIBUNE.
race ot live furlongs atter a again and his issued a defy to newcomers, Lady Eva, Popo an league with him never actually start; poor while up of the Sud Santiago Zoilla, Jose Lombardo Billy Dennis. But Billy Dennis andle the drugs, all their work Valparaiso led Don Simon, Ruso and the present boss of the 130 will not stop at that, as later on eing done through agencies and ana Rialto to the post in the first pounders, Kid Chato. The latter in the last race, he will neella commission basis.
race ut angual. istale. preferable.
Dxe, Meddler, Capsul and Le Nearly 90 per cent, of all drug la with Gutzlez up took a:WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR It is expected that Chato will nine for a contest. qyer six for licitly reaching Canada and the od time in vantage running over x fur, accept the chalenge and let Voited States are camouflaged, or the packed in a false matiner, and imthe third event and THE PROGRAM: wben Isthmian fistic fans see him on Perkios had ported through the regular chan.
brought up do drht himself into the heart action soon again, for he certainly FIRST RACE ra! dano Cuburk in a second of the crowd last Sunday night.
els as if they were legal sbipments, Class Natives 150 Tort 10 snatch victory at the Go to it a o.
In co operation with the Cus: No hot irons or special combs required Furlongs list minute, she had en ugb lett oms the Royal Canadian MountCar dlewood 90 Police have done much prevento hold her contender safe to the William Bascomh, iiot of BudCococba ost. 1bose who sup dy Lloyd, latest flyweight sensa 16 ive work, SOLD IN DRUG STORES wted to Linda One seizure of 15, 000 ounces is 107 to win got the tidy Lion as for as curtain raiser go mentioned, its value for legitimate SU of 316 80 on each iu vest formed me that his protegeislun SECOND RACE being about 30, 000 bent in the pari natuel.
sing to leave soon for the States, In the class Cla: Natives. 150 while for illiet use it might have event for He also assured me that he was Furlongs Imported horses wbish Fairplay not sure that he would premit he.
letched 200, 00 to 400, 000 Methods of the Dopo Ring to won, Tigre came in second with charge to engage in any mor CHURCH SERVICES ALL ARE INVI, ED May 92 the authorities off the Mimosa, Dboe, Blandina and bouts biere prior to his departure.
Don Simon scent 128 include the shipping of goods from Rsvoltosa ticishing in the order Barba Roja named.
Evangelistic Services will be Zapa 126 Europe to New York by fruit boat 107 Sexagesima Sunday to The Lucky Strike Nine of La Jamaica, Jamaica to held at the Calidonia Church from Ruso.
Popo won Kitty Gui, Dolly ana New90 foundland, 90 New York Ni wfoundland to Lady Eva in the tive furlong Boca will met the Paris Gants AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCB February 20th to 27th and at the Revulse.
from New York to race for three year olds; in the tomorrow on their hom grounds. Anglican Catholic)
Red Tank Church from the 27th to March 6th by Rev W, THIRD RACE Nova Scotia and Montreal.
seventh, over tive turlongs, Per. The game should be well contested St. Paul Church, Panama Olhstead General Secretary of the Shippers and handlers in these king again mounted Coburg and as Captain (Curlev) Belgrave of Years Old. 8200 cases are, of course, part of an inwoo over a field of seven. This the Lucky Strike aggregation has Rev. Nightengale, Raetor Free Methodist Church assisted a. Holy Communion Rector Fulongs was in cia38 where he took succeeded in securing the services by Rev. Johnson Missionary trustion orgavisation with much 10. 15 a. Matin Me. Atwell, from the Dominican Republic, up 117 Iba, in the third race of a few additional players which Lady Eva.
111 noney at we back of it, Pop 126 where he ran in clasa he be is sure will add a tower of Lay Reader Germany and Switzerland have strength to his tram and give carried 116 lbs.
120 been 10 30 a. Holy Eucbariet sermon, Colon Wesleyan Church Billy Denols among countries responsible at be prsent time for illicit shipments The Rector Chiqui with anda ap won them the missing puocb.
FOURTH RACE of drugs from Europe into Canada.
the last race of four urlongs for 12 on Holy Baptiem.
Friends and well wishers of Class Imported. 275 Both (the witbees add) are now class native ponies, pm Church School.
Captain Cianes of the Pacific the above mentioned Chu chi Furlongs making honest efforts to enforce Fenomeno, Redown, Candlewood Five, Coloured Isthmian Basket The Rector. 30 Choral Evensong Sermon are asked to make a note of he Ch mbo Gordo.
and Harold tioishing in order ball Champioes and holders of the Chapel Anniversary services to be Bumba 123 tamed.
Thurs pay February 24th Feast of St, held on Sunday the 27th February, Ocurrencia.
Lucky Strike Basketball Trophy, Mat Apostle Mort Holy Com. and the Monday evening has nnou aced KID CHATO NEW KING that from the following.
95 Arlequía Special Sermons will be FIFTH RACE Mother weeps when Son commencement of next week, the munion Gam.
at 11 am and Recelves Sentence of Six Champions will begin light train (Conticued from page 7)
Speed Ciassic. 1, 507 ing preparation 730 by the Rev.
for thel St. Alban Church, Paraiso Months Farlongs very good performer. Since then approaching season which will CANAL ZONE.
bagin sometime in April. He also (Rov. A, NIGHTENGALE, sacred concert by the Atlantle. Brave Lisste At there will be a grand! Coburg.
130 time has cbanged and 80 bave 129 y ate. Biggs is too old and Young David Brown of Silver states that it is his inteation to Priest in Charge have seveaal of last vear reserves City Cristobal who recently took Orchestra, the Choir, and others Bolsheviki 182 sbould bave decided to quit the Matins and Address 11 am, Admission to the Concert will be Pierrot 130 game and hang up his gloves long part in a family quarrel which appearing in regular act on the Mr. Osborne. Catechist by ticket at 50 cent Reina Mora apparently was aggravated by coming season. p. Church School himself, and stabbed his brother.
In At the Concert Rev. Duncao. Capt. Alvarado 30 Choral Evensong Addrees son will also give a short address bad a very easy time with his opJu law William Hinds in the back SIXTH RACE when he is suid to have struck Activities at The Colon Catechist Programmes will be provided ponent, Lagos. In the first round Class Imported 175 as usual.
be koocked down the Chilean for Mrs, Hinds, Brown sister, was St, Matthias Mission Furlongs Boys Institute The public meeting will be held the couut of eight. Later he consentenced to serve six in LAS BABANAS 100 nected with a right puttig bin the Gamloa penitentiary, which on the Monday evening following Marcela (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, at 7:30, when several minsters will Popo 117 out for keeps.
decision of Judge Martin in the Commander Watson of Priest in Charge.
The four round exhibition be Cristobal District Court drew the give addresses Blagdina.
The Rt. Rev. James Craik Morrir, Brieset and Kid Mddler copious weeping from Bro wa old Colon Boys Institute has bought Yellow deserves more than pase mother and simultaneous sbed another bus for the services of that will visit this Mission on Suaday Personal JOurrencia Clo Clo.
ding of tears from some of the institution. This but will be used tom rrow) at 30 101 will con Brisset exhibiteu 114 ing doubt the fans lots o for the purpose of spectators in court.
firan tho class to be presented in the transporting would boys the place are.
SEVENTH RACE to see more of bim Colon Golf Club. The bus was beato Borseline for the blue aliotica foar Among the passengers who arrived Class Natives 150 io main event against som worthy opponent.
bought in the name of Maud Watson, daughter of the Church in this ci Miss Inez prerented with the class at St. Paul on the Carillo on Thursday is Rey Sandiford, Mr. Sandiford Fulorgs Dr. Wendehake Joe Gaos outpointed Coello ot is on his way to Bocas del Toro Commander and turned over to and will preach in Colon Wesleyan Fenomeno Candlewood 115 Ecuador in the second rounder.
MEDICAL CLINIC the Institute until further orders, Peter by the Sea, La Boca Church tomorrow the 20th 123 The Ecuadorean boxer put up at 11 Braba RA 110 god fight, but was outclassed 7025 Front Street Colon said Commander Watsoo.
126 by Gans who landed the cleaner OPPOSITE RR STATION It is indeed gratifying to see the American Episcopal (Anglican Comand heavier punches. PHONE 11 great changes that havh been munioa)
EIGHTH RACE Mendoza was awarded a quesnoticed among the boys of the Holy Communion 6, 30 am. The St. Simon Mission, Gamboa Class Imported 250 tionable decision ever Quintano Institute for the past two months, Rec or.
Billy Dennis 113 in the first ronador. Quintana since they have been receiving Holy Baptism 30 a. m, WRIT FOR LIBEL.
Matins and address 11 Mr seph xle 118 bad the better of the argumens religious instruction. They can be heard singing or repeating words The Litany, Holy Eucharist and ser Brathwaite Meddler 109 in the early stages, bnt Mendeza Church School 30 pm.
from the bible as they 60 about son 10. 45 RevJ T, Mulcare.
Capoul 126 rallied in the closing and finished Continued from page 1)
Church School pm. MULCARE, Priest in charge Lenine 115 stronger. The verdict Mendotheir daily duties. This has been za hebaf was not receivod with Choral Evensong, sermon 30 be glad if you would give us the long needed and it is sincerely fayour Preacher anon Melcher.
Many Free Methodist Church thinking that names of your solicitors who will hoped that the spiriturl side of LARGE SUM Qaintapo at least was entitled to accept service on your bebali, the institute will be maintained, MULCARE, Recor.
a draw.
The information required by for where there is no vision the CALIDONIA ROAD PANAMA Promoter Sol is to be comº Messrs. Russell and Arnholz has people perish.
St. Barnabas Church, Empire Sunday 11 Mərting Wership. Disappears From Steam. mended for the excellent and been forwarded to them. Commander Watson says he is 11 am, Matins and address ship p. Sunday Scbool: 30 Gosto the time of going to press looking forward to a supply of bib well prepared card he presented pel Meeting; Monday 7, 30 Class the fans last Suoday night.
hoe been beard from Mr. les wash the managers of the Bible Mr. E, Johnson.
nothing has who, according to Mr Society of Cristobal is Meeting; Wednesday 30 Prayer p. Church School and Confirma Meeting; Thureday 30 Bible Direct West India cable expected Mitebell Hedges statement to the to donate to the institute. These tion Class.
despatch from Long Beach, ESCAPED PRISONER. Class.
Press Associatio. is also issuing a gentiemen visited the institute Choral Evensong Addrem 30 pm California dated Feb. 11, states RED TANK CANAL ZONE writ. Mr. Edge 10 passenger in surprised at the grod work being Syks. very corpial invitati a to all.
it will be remem a few days ago and were greatly. Preacher, The Ven. Archdeacon that disappearance of fifty Sunday Prayer Meeting thousand dollar currency shipment Coatinued from page 1)
the car with Mr. Mitchell.
St. Bartholomw Church 11 Morning Worship; p. to. was reported, when the Panam. ing when he was bagded over to wheo it was 80 rudely stopped carried on and have promised all on the support they can give.
Sunday School; 30 Gospel Mail Steamship Colombia reached the Colon Police.
LAS CASCADAS the Ripley road. It was presumed Meeting; Monday 30 Clors port. The money consigned by a Edwards is aceuseri of being the that Mesers Russell and Arnholz, BOYS FOR CONFIRMATION Matins and Address 11am. Mr Meeting: Tuesday 30 pm. Bib o Central American bank to a Los men who allowed one Neblet who or perhaps some other firm of It is expected that a number Skeen, Luy Reader Class; Wednesday 730 Prayer Auge les financial house has been it is atleged. Stubbed a man and solicitors, will in due course ask of the boys from the Institute will Chu ch School and Confirmation Clase Mee ing; 30 Thursday removed from the strong box of cause his death, to hide away in the names of the Daily Express be presented for confirmation on 30 m.
Y, the line dung her voya e north his house until caught a few solicitors, the 28th of the present month.
JT MULCARE Price in Charge. SEALE. Pastor from the Panama Canal, with 126 the law.
30 preached on the Sunday in Duncanso beon 127 rentaba preliminars. Caballero months 90 118 lwen 126 like ever a. bernd, was days ago


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