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mu EVIDENCES OF THRIFTINESS THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY WEEK ANC LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL. 15 No. 28 PANAMA, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 26, 1927 PRICE CENTS Second Anniversary of Garvey Imprisonment Stirs Followers at Meeting in dated in Liberty Hall, New York Estimated Four to Five Thousand Labourers ought soboo 000 bas been degands. Worlbhe be immediately restored to them. colores player than one or interesent in the bar LABOUR IMPORTANT MEMBEAS SESSION Protest Expenses of Held by American EpisDuko Tour copal Convocation Cabls des puteh from London Túe Saventh Annual Convoca: Needed For Work on New Censcenes where witnessed in the Church in the Missionary District House of Commons to night of the Panama Canal Zone met at tral Highway of Cuba when the vote for the Dake and Christ Church, By the sea 00 New York, Liberty Hall, Sunday Night Feb, The Pachunder discussion, moetelo Tuesday, Febrory 22nd (Washthousands who assembled here tonight on the occasion of ally it was approved without go Beton and clients wichtohè tay ning to wonder when the contracts for the Central HighBirthday)
ington when Havana, Feb. 14. At last after every one was beginthe of were in a division; delegates from the various parisbes way would be signed and which were the causes. delaying contemplative mood, for their minds harked back to a The vote was challenged by and ni sions met for the trans the ultimation of the sam. announcement was made last morning, two years agy, when the Hon. Marcus Garvey, several Labour founder and president general of the Universal Negro Im waste of public money. David become of the business affaits of week simultaneously with the official statement that Ples the Church.
Scottish member dent Machado was sailing for the States on a ten day trip, provement Association, was hustled on board a train and Kirkwood, thought that if Australia had is.
The Convocation was opened that the contracts would be closed on the 19th.
hurried to Atlanta Penitentiary to pay the penalty for hav: vird the Duke and Da hess on with a Calebration of the Holy The contracts for the construction of the road are to be ing stirred the ambition of the oppressed Negro and aroused this joy rie, Australia to Communion, tbe Bishop officiating in him the desire for nationhood.
have defrayed com as Celebrant. The Rev A, E, signed with Warren Brothers and Co. of Boston and the Hon. Fred A, Toote, acting president general, occupied clusion of his speech provoked the Nightengle Secretary of the Cuban Contractors Company, and for the financial part of the chair and recalled the epochal event to the minds of his anger of the Goverment members ce weeation read the Episcis, kad the work with the Chase National Bank of the coast of Yorks the Very Rev of the Distr. ct, read and it was time Negroes began asking themselves if they going to the uttermost ends of the the Gospel. The Rey, Edward world and it does not matter sp Actual work on the highway is to be started a few were going to sit down complacently and allow two more iota if they never returned.
Cooper, rector of the parish, weeks after the contracts are signed simultaneously in all assisted is Administration years to roll by and find the greatest Negro in the worla de bis broughest level cries of the airThe other members or the clergy six provinces, and according to Waren Brothers the road. he and from the Choirden on the corns of those who desired the exploitation of man rehuking Mr. Kirkwood for present were, the Rev. James will be entirely terminated in six years, the rapidity with language discorteous to the Muleare, the Rev. Louis which the work is to be pressed forw ird depending on the Africa.
Royal Femily, Continued on page instructions received from the Cuban Government Strife was brewing iu the world today, Mr. Toote An initial contingent of four to five thousand labourers observer, and any morning they might awake to find that at daily wages of each are to b: employed and their Negroes are called upon to shoulder arms to wage battle SPARKLETS number gradually increased as the work advances.
against other oppressed, but even as Premature was the (BY WCK)
It is stated that chief engineer of Havana, Beato, is laconic reply made to the application for Marcus Garvey going to resign his post to take over an important position, release a year ago, so the Negroes of the world will send It is hardly news, it is just but did not take long to come a with the Warren Brothers.
back the answer Premature. It was premature for the reminder, that Fred Clunes is the decisioa and voted solidly that bret tennis player in the entire Coanor is covering much ground the man in whom they had the greatest confidence, the have said colored tennis player touched upon the class of stuff to Great Evangelistic Revival For man who had given them the greatest incentive to life and as Clunes is a West Indian and that Jingles Bell, Associate Eli Island of Jamaica living, was forced to continue to waste his precious days in han not yet been matched with the tor of the Section of the a prison cell. Negroes should on this, the second anniver off with the Governor Cup; but away with. In the first place EXODUS FROM COUNTRY PARTS INTO CITY OF HUN. sary of Marcus Garvey imprisonment, again voice their it is generally conceded, among Bell musical education has (NEGRO WORLD)
would do have hard time, of the quartet DREDS OF PERSONS AFFLICTED was 00if given a chance, in establishing tirely lacking in the latter case claim on Emigration of Laborers The only. One clergvman has stated From nemal to state bore thaer Motret Polyupole recognize laurie critics are afflicted in mind boty and make his addresse houve been very Dalrymple Lracock and Ithe The West Indies William Jump, who periaps tilta on the Isthmus, had already given soul the limp and the ide the earnest and soul stirring indeed.
up as deaf and nis in the of grest interne und benefit best in reported on. the maimed Tady divisior in the Republic of the singing ability of a Coloa mez crippled, are awaiting with bated church in to CONDITIONS THAT ARE FORCING ABLE BODIED MEN Paanod And It all with be true xa soprano, but had let. general, oot only TO LEAVE FOR FOREIGN LANDS is not very much interesting drop as it was not exite matter breath the commenement of what is matter of holily healing but in greatest spiritual awakening Intense in the players had no trouble on Tuesdaylalety man could qualify in alliatie revival to be rerordndterest in of human endeavor in An exodus from bished tedzampaign In a recent issue, the VOICE OF St. Lucia publishes morning har bir o defeating the But with his long association with the country parts into the centy of can clergymun at begynde at he behalf of Li Bocs we at believed on be of from the following editorially :Bois Club, Teacher I, Myers be should know better than to either of the affliction detailochurch for centuries Mr Hickof body healing, which is a consider ition neglected by the Romanita sailed for San conditions impossible for them and 8. Small on the latter own ter to possible monotones or off. above, has been going ou ever since la Domioro at 30 pm 00 urday Mr Henry Ford of motor car fame court at Red Tank in the first tones sung by a musical neigh. it was made known that Mr. Jones son states that Christ excercieroci 15th instant with 306 of our lo has squired his large for use by match of the Inter clubtouse. bor, as musical noise. As Pre. Moore Hicksos, one of the most re the gif of body healing, which was hind the facte! Thrce bunired and the highest wages, thus ot. wonis doubles tournament for sidert Lindo of the UN LA potweed spiritual healmente come the banded down to the apostles who and carving. present. their homes, forced to leave their tually pay aar cotate eix able bodied young men leaving best results would it not even of elimination contests sur Clunes are two seperate entities, incapa Kingston with the avowed inten it was only when the curch be hories by economic pressure. It is give higer wages and employ ouby and am of the opinion that they the Associstioa har ets of healing.
and Mrs.
Jump benched all of ble of being mixet.
tion of performing is the strength gan to retrograde wpiritually that bome tram combinations of the Christian belief of the people she lost this power, raid Bernard Ellis, Secretary of warrants it miracles and other by some that these He has been used by God most onle, for living is cheaper hereibe most efficient? Fould it no all con so treat any other thao conerned, can in any other of the West the marvelously, be st. tes; in all the Mr. Hirkson has made hold its annual meetiog.
and Republic of.
a tour various countries he has been in Ending Malanday by others that the the beholdere only one that steuer. the repetising or to play tennis in the story out that his Association will should bave been me of the world, visiting most of the the matter of healing the sick, and Goveroment should preveat them the efficient to euable them to Jump cellar at La Boca boca, this Saturday from going as the were employed and supply of our Sunday afternoon last under time ist month, somewhere at La countries of Europe. Her zaleche takes no credit for himself, He sight. By By Indis, Austrailia New Zealand, simply states that he is an agent.
labour writional to the demande de what is to sugar and cocoa no for the condition of the present supply of pure prowbile discussing Sydney Fuller doubt, prepared a summary of civilized sections of the torrid zone. gift which has been vogchsafed to to South Amerof the labouring ducts have the important transactions He proposes go him. During the course of bis classes to seek their Torcing the youth fortunes in ally a prstence wben we hear the bis Central Avenue Store, Geo. he expects to read. According to the in the island some six weeks ago. world tour, as much as strange country? There are many employer say he will not pay more reasons and many causes. The because he does not want to spoil popped in minus bis, monicle but no obstacle will be put in the way of Bist lexicographer og to the but had to a wait the arrival of the peopls, he states were cured of to get permission writer ooke to a few of the men tbe labour market, or prices otherwise faullessly attired and its financial intes perto inhibeoars to preach and heat fo the Angiliona blindness. He declares that belief is absolutely necessary while they waited to go on board obtained in the foreign markets do sporti miolature ladies be present at tonigbt meeting churches of the island. Bishop de healing through faith its be The concensus of not warrant paying mora wages? handbag contains and prayer which thay pin their faith for without hesitation and Mr. Hick cited a passage in the scriptores opinion was that the a paid by Hom die the prices compare to hear what the organization terteret permission was rivea effected. As an exampe he has not a living wage. They said thej We do not think that the Govern home from Christian worship. Many things, bus done during the son campain has been completely the 13th chapter of Matthew, in che e states to able bodied men was with price: of say 25 years ago? books He said te was returning period which will be reviewed, out.
which it is stated tha, when Cbrist cost of living bad increased, bac ment ought to holl aloof untila Lilliputian friend George was by Only honest Christians who will went into his own couatrv he dia co, rim, matches, sugar, lour, in labour problem the my side, we both being fresh from fame every thing hod increased in Colony. Neither do we think that a committee meeting 20 lator Singing Contest be prepared to act as intercessors aot many mighty works there beprica but the wage had remained any obstacle should be placed in After GRy had seated himsell Pannounced during this week, while the healing meetings are in Division No. 17 of the will be allowed in the churches cause of their unbeliel.
Mr Hickson emphasises that this the same. One said he preffrered to under at home, that it bureemigrate. The Government should compromise on poiats as to why contest but be conducted in their as the space will be limited, aadimission; but that it is united chris go ander in a strange place than the way of labourers who wish to and the quadruple had come to that in the near future sioging progress, This is of importance, is in no sense a church of England his appoint a Cot Din tles or Commis. Pulter succeeds in business and Hall at Street.
Lickets can only be obtained from tisa mission. He requests and urgos heart to page by the stores and sion to inquire into the matter and why the people consume so much It will an allIsthmian the Rectors of be esse rieces or cloth, a cheap sargest a fair wiga which in itself orth Jumpasop honeysu me e bricity in tamil betries. Het berian content which the services are to be held. erat et for the time heelsuld joio is of the in hat or a pretty tie and not able to will remove the desire to emigr ite treated upan one of GRNO singers all over the listhmus, face Provided the applicant for a tick. ſprayer for the sick, Pried as he had to eat all be worked something of the sort is done or woull likely read on the no sterotyped which cording to the Association finanet of admittanca to these meetings is a sincere member of church for. These and many other remarks the estate owner and the employer urslay at the Sugcial Secretary.
Public Hoalth Exams.
in the island he were passed, all tending to show oluntarily increase the wages of associ elion community et, but these tickets are pot transLabor Eloots Woman as total of 1, 200 examinations that they were resenting the con the labourer the time will be. and Among other much discussed local have been made in the City of ditions that forced them away.
that at not too distant a date lea jers we gave a few of our Secretary.
Colon under the public health detiens the very well for these men when the outnber of labourers will valu alle minutes to Brother Sam BELIER OF MINISTER.
Federai Employees Union No, cree issued recently by the munito be condemned an called fools for reduced that they will be in Whyte of the E, and of Balboa bus elected Miss Elsi At intervals during the present cipal Alcalde, Señor Abel del Rio trying to improve po ition to dictate their term: Hector Connor of the IA of Grieser as secretary for the Pre: session of the Ang icro Synod, Nr. It is estimated that about 300 failed tep foreign land but what have which may be severe or employers Colon. We were not able to call a sent term to take the place of J, Hickson has given several private to present themselves for examina we got to say to those who make will be forced to import labour.
vote on Sam merits cr demeri s, M:Torgall, resigaed.
adresses to the Angli. a clergy tion, the in хо expected that io De to Blate that heen ovincedxpected onwers to their pair patate among ai lo of affairs that is a lonz Video price of matere it berts the Association Bishop in be sporting a stramer two substilaid arites any may obtain a tiek ferabie.


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