
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1927 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands ATTENTION!
arbinot getting the Ser.
House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH was Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly bave Farm to the supplies back JAMAICA felt that some effort should be montbs for the reason that there made to retain in toe island. the is no confidence in the departlarge amount of money wbich ment of Agriculture as at pro Deputation Of Dairy un imported dairy products. It was sent the sent constitute, this is an agr! cultural community but agricul was Jamaica was turists are not men Wait on The an agricultural country and we vice to which they are entitled, For Governor.
should not depend on foreign criticising your agricultural plaees for our dairy producte.
policy in the Press Your Excel lency in your AddressThe Governor: Keep to the GOVT. ASKED TO PREVENT SALE point. You are moving a rejecOF IMPORTED Butter As pro Big Co Operative tion of the Bili.
DUCT OF THE HOPE FARM Movement Here Mr. Marryshow. warmis. know that quite well. am ir INCREASE OF DUTY.
troducing my point. am deal.
FOR DIRECT LINE AND MARKET ior with Agriculture wbich you also mentioned in Opinion Being Sought Cn ING OF CARGOES BY THE The Governer: If you don your Address Best Way To Keep Cocoanut PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION.
keep to the poiot ball use my Oil: To Establish Industry authority and have you sit down.
FOR BETTER JAMAICA, Mr. Marryshow: Just as thought you are so.
Bis Excellency the Governor received a deputation of dairs. The Mall of the 10th jost.
TERRIBLY AFRAID OF CRImen and local buttermakers at publishes the following tsken TICISM.
bis office in the Public Build from the Journal of Cow merce The kind of man who is desplings yesterday morning to dis of Liverpool, of the 17th alto: caple enough to cuss the butter making indus please you, The possibilities of a direct through good and ill. with backtry.
shipping connection between scratching and has The deputation was composed England and Jamaica have been always at bətd a plentiful supply of oil for of the Hon. George Seymour brought into considerable promscur divine anioting, seems to Symour, Mr. Manton, inecce recently by the efforts be the Mr. Llonel Kerr and 12 other of the Jamaica Producers A9Cin the life of Grenada.
one you desire to have buttermakers. Mr. ciation, who would, of course, For better or for worse am Cousins, the Director of Agri feel the benefit of the adoption not that kind of man.
cul ure, was also present.
of such a projct.
Well sir, you have disorgaized For some time past there bad our Agricultura! Department, Meanwhile a British syndicate been complaint that fresh has been putting forth suggest and may say that the whole butter was being manufactured Ione, which, if they come to Government Service is at sixes at the Hope Farm and being retailed at per lb. as cessful venture whose and sevens under your adminis.
fruition, may well lead to a suctration, and against 3 which butter makers effects will be far reacbing. At any The Gevernor: If youreceived rate, the project has arrived Mr. Marryshow. interruption The Director of Agriculture at a stag: wbere an admixture with energy: In legislative bodpolnted out that this was a of the various ecbemes may soon les of this kind have alwaye fallacy. That an experiment was b: engaging the attention of the looked upon the Chair as the made at the Hope Farm in Legislature.
salting butur. large quantity barometer of gentlemanliness, with its indications soaring bigb of salted butter from Canada above the zero of vulgarity, but and elsewhere was belog sold the length to wbich locally and the batter which was Big Schemes For Irriin to topicimate Balved at Hope was sold as salt gation Here, Societies criticias causes me seriously to butter at 6 per lb. and this was think of revising my opinion.
in October last. None bad been (At this stage the Governor sold since and at no time was 1resb butter old from the Hope irrigation schemes for the Island The problem of drawing up laurbed ending with a sickly to the publie That retail. Tot Jamaica keeps Mr.
ers wbo were selling fresh Baker, the irrigation adviser, Mr Marrysbow (continuing, with raised volce. You may butter and representing that it came from the Hope Farm were to various parishes of the island basy. He bas paid several visits laugh sir; our officials may help doing so under misrepresenta and has made a thorough IospecCAN BE HAD AT you to laugh, but they know, as all the people throughout the tion. The coly places where to of the lands and water lengh and breadtb of Grenada butter was supplied and is koow, that yours bas been the Hope Farm were the Goverain rottenest administration ever in ment institutions and side of the problem een dicted on Grenada Jamaica College.
golog into the sperk in this way to let you It was decided that the Gov country again for a week or two know that even under the shelter erament should take steps but he intends to pay second of your temporary power and au to prevent the sale of imported visits to some of the places thority you are not quite at butter or salted butter as being where he has already been, berty to be insulting to me bere.
the product of the Hope Farm. The scheme which he is drawI will not sit silently under any iog up are all big ones for the insulting DAIRY FEEDS irrigation of substantial tracts AND INTEMPERATE REMARKS The question of experimenting of land but it will be some time so as to obtain the most econo yet before bis report is ready, you chose to make concerning mical dairy feeds was discussed. It is understood that special me in my profession as His Excellency:asked wby a feed attention is being paid to the journalist and could not be made here ont of the very dry area of mid and lower The Governor; made no in relase of the coconut alter the oil Clarendon and a very compresulting or intemperate remarks: een extracated. This feed hensive scheme is likely to be you making was us on a large scale in Ces suggested.
Local Press and also in view of dress is before yo. My adand very effectively, too. Mr, Biker is also going to pay the fact that wbep any matters Mr. Marryshow: can mateb His Excellency went on to state another visit to the Black River WHITENS THE SKIN of public interest are alluded to, wy knowledge of the meaning of that he was now getting oplolon district of St. Elizabeth with a (in this particular am speaking ordinary English words against as to the best way of deodor zing view to gathering further infor Creme Blanc Mirette with reference to one of the you You bave been positively and Improving the keeping mation for a big scheme there.
local papers only have no insulting to me, and resent it.
qualities of coconut oil with the Marvelous Cream objection to giving that Journal beg to move the rejection of possibility of its being taken as this advestisement) every pro tbe Biil.
an industry in the celody, and posal and action of Government Put to the vote the motion was wblch he thought would be of GRENADA Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, is treated editorially in a way lost Mr. Marı ysbow saying financial benefit to the island.
sun tan, and other skin blemishes that can only be described as that he expected it, as he moved The Director ofte de ricotton Sharp Passage of Arms ignorant, and illformed, the the motion only to get his opporthat use of as it is, being tanity. SOLD IN DRUG STORES invariably det tructive and At this stage the Hon. F, O of the cheapest US never constructive, in the word Renwick (St. David and South feeds for dairy stock and be of Pope Willing to wound in St. George s) rose and said thai stressed the fact that it containone capacity and yet afraid to be seconded the motion of the ed a large amount of prote: Hon. Albert Marryshow strike in another. think it idea that the Hon. Member of of St.
Comes to Grip With The It was, bowever, pointed out by 900000000 be to George the dairy farmers that no onwer Governor, Sir. Seton bat has been achieved during Cearce proposed to enlighten subject of the will touch it. That the duty of James the last two years and a ball Department of Agriculture which in the Colony of Grenada. 6 per 100 lbs. plus package tax be (tbe speaker)
thought needed of 1! made the feed in question HOW THE TROUBLE STARTED great deal of attention. The too costly, especially where dairy Hon. Member bad. Instead, usea men had to make butter, and sell Hon. T, ALBERT MARRYSHOW the opportunity to reply to certaln it at the present price. That Executive Romarks About RETORT.
His Exremarks made in those who kept dairy cattle only Quality of Information Served cellency Address, in a Why throw away your old, but no very for the sale of milk might be to(the duced to use it.
Up by Press of That Colony doubt interesting, books when you The paper goes on to state that speaker) was both sorry and glad There was some de sullory disthe Hon. Member feeling that for this, Sorry, because the Hon.
Bember for St. George spoke in the Government would suppress uch a spirit of bɔstility, allow: ci sion afterwards in which the According to the can have them neatly bound at Director of Agriculture took Indian of Grenada, during a any attempt at reply waited. Ing bis temper to rise uoc ulgart; and it was suggested that recent, sitting of the Legislative unul tbe Bill dealing with Agriculture was bei because the Goverument should be asked Council of the colony a someconsidered and glad he (the speakto increase the duty on impo, ted what serious clash occurret!
and in Committee stage attempted er) bad opportunity that mobetween butte: as opposed to locally His Excellency e to find an opening for reply to ment to make reference to that His manufactured fresh butter with Governor Sir Frederick Seton Exellency attack. He waportioa of his Exellency adthe hope that this would belp in James, and the Hɔn, Alb 93 CENTRAL AVENUE shut down. No speech was to be dress, which bad been the cause some way to reduce the present Marryebow. Member for et.
made in Committee stage, When of the explosion While regretcost of manufacturing batter George and Managing Editor or Opposite Cecilia Theatre the Bill was read a third time. uing that the Hon Member for bere; and it was hoped that some the above named newspaper, matter the Member for St. George St. George handled the thing in this direction would be In the course of bis annual moved that the Bill be read that in sach way, be (the speaker)
must day six months. The Hon. Mem be dove at the coming session of address to the Council Sir We amezid to Legislative Council Seton James observed: ber for St. David and Soutt find te expressions u der review It was also pointed out that In St. George seconded for the incorporated in such a dignified bringing my address to a Bake of argument.
And Mr. document as His Excellency the dairy importations into this conclusion, in view of the great ADVERTISE Marryshow began.
Annual address. His Excellency country amounted to more than lack of chat or double the cocora ad coffee atorded to the reading public IN THE WORKMAN. IT PAYS this be head bi oday this annual address may be likened to Your Excellency: move that the Speech from the Throce, crop which was exported. It was by what is known here as the (Continued on page 3)
the chokingston, working on the He will not be The Workman Stationery Store had been lon, criticism such beed meal which came from a pes In Legislative Council the Council on Book Binding!
regruttable West THE WORKMAN ap that


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